4,016 research outputs found

    Isocausal spacetimes may have different causal boundaries

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    We construct an example which shows that two isocausal spacetimes, in the sense introduced by Garc\'ia-Parrado and Senovilla, may have c-boundaries which are not equal (more precisely, not equivalent, as no bijection between the completions can preserve all the binary relations induced by causality). This example also suggests that isocausality can be useful for the understanding and computation of the c-boundary.Comment: Minor modifications, including the title, which matches now with the published version. 12 pages, 3 figure

    La polémica sobre la ubicación del altar mayor de la catedral de México y la adopción del tabernáculo-ciprés exento

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    La construcción de la catedral de México, en su mayor parte finalizada en 1667, dio lugar a una interesante polémica sobre el espacio idóneo para ubicar su altar mayor: en el crucero o en la cabecera, en línea esta segunda opción con las catedrales españolas. Finalmente, las autoridades eclesiásticas se inclinaron por el procedimiento tradicional, si bien, en lugar de retablo adosado al muro, se optó por un original tabernáculo eucarístico, que siguió la costumbre de algunas catedrales peninsulares construidas a partir del XVI, como la de Granada y la de Málaga. La opinión de dos importantes arquitectos cortesanos, activos en Madrid, como fueron el hermano Francisco Bautista y Sebastián de Herrera Barnuevo, resultaría determinante. El maestro Antonio Maldonado se encargaría de la construcción del tabernáculo, que resultó transformado en el siglo XVIII y desapareció finalmente a mediados del siglo XIX.A Mexico’s cathedral construction, mostly completed in bstract r1667, led to an interesting debate about the main altar ideal location: in the transept or near the apse, in accordance with the spanish cathedrals. Finally, the ecclesiastical authorities preferred the traditional method, but instead of the attached altar to the wall, they opted for an original eucharistic exempt tabernacle, which followed the tradition of some spanish cathedrals built from the sixteenth century on, like those located in Granada and Malaga. The opinion of two courtiers and important architects, active in Madrid, as brother Francisco Bautista and Sebastián de Herrera Barnuevo, was decisive.The designer and tabernacle builder was the wood carver and assembler Antonio Maldonado. During the eighteenth century the tabernacle was transformed and finally, in the mid-nineteenth century it disappeared

    Indirect genetic effects on the relationships between production and feeding behaviour traits in growing Duroc pigs

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    Performance and feeding behaviour traits in growing pigs could be affected by social interaction effects when animals are raised in group. So, properly knowing the genetic correlations between direct and social interaction effects among performance and feeding behaviour traits could improve the accuracy of the genetic evaluations. Our aim was to explore the role of feeding behaviour traits (FBT) and indirect genetic effects (IGEs) in the genetic evaluations of growing pigs. Thus, genetic parameters were estimated for production traits (PT): average daily gain, average daily feed consumption, feed conversion ratio and backfat thickness; as well as for FBT: average daily feeding rate, average daily feeding frequency, average daily occupation time and average daily time between consecutive visits. Traits were recorded in 1144 Duroc pigs during the fattening period. Two bivariate models were fitted: classic animal model and an animal model fitting IGE. Estimations were done following Bayesian procedures. Heritability estimates obtained with classic animal model for all studied traits were medium-high. The additional heritable variation captured by IGE supposed that the ratios of total genetic variance to phenotypic variance (T2) were higher than the heritability estimates obtained with the classic model, except for occupation time trait, when a lower value (0.20 ± 0.19) was estimated. This is due to a high and negative correlation between IGE and direct genetic effects (DGEs) of this particular trait (−0.78 ± 0.27). Results from classic animal model do not evidence a clear role of FBT to improve the accuracy of breeding value predictions for PT; only average daily feeding rate seems to show a positive correlation (around 0.50 to 0.60) with average daily gain, average daily feed consumption and backfat thickness. However, when IGE model was fitted, the number of estimates of genetic correlations between FBT and PT showing a relevant magnitude increased, generally for the correlations between IGE of FBT and DGE of PT; or particularly for the correlations between IGE of average daily feeding frequency, and the IGE of all the PT, except average daily gain. Thus, in evaluations using the animal model with IGE fitted, the inclusion of FBT could aid the improvement of the accuracy of breeding value predictions for PT. This is a consequence of the improved genetic relationships between traits that can be fitted when considering such models.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Medici effect against the mosaic effect: hybridizations of the research curriculum in music education

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    La presente contribución se concibe como un espacio de reflexión sobre la propia investigación, concretamente sobre la configuración del currículum investigador de profesionales de la Educación Musical que proceden de la carrera musicológica pero que aterrizan en la didáctica teniéndose que adaptar a la investigación educativa por exigencias del sistema con mayor o menor suerte, resistencias o complejos. Tras el estudio y análisis de casos concretos, abogaremos por una línea integrada, interdisciplinar –e innovadora– (efecto Médici) más que por un currículum estratificado y pendular (efecto mosaico), el más frecuente en los investigadores descritos, así como de la necesidad del trabajo en red en lugar del individualismo imperante tradicionalmente en el área.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    On the physics of transient ejection from bubble bursting

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    Using a dynamical scaling analysis of the flow variables and their evolution due to bubble bursting, here we predict the size and speed of ejected droplets for the whole range of experimental Ohnesorge and Bond numbers where ejection occurs. The transient ejection, which requires the backfire of a vortex ring inside the liquid to preserve physical symmetry, shows a delicate balance between inertia, surface tension and viscous forces around a critical Ohnesorge number, akin to an apparent singularity. Like in other natural phenomena, this balance makes the process extremely sensitive to initial conditions. Our model generalizes or displaces other recently proposed ones, impacting on, for instance, the statistical description of sea spray.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad DPI2016-78887Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad PID2019-108278RBJunta de Andalucía P18-FR-362

    Ferrocenyl gold complexes as efficient catalysts

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    More than half a century after the discovery of the ferrocene structure in 1951, it remains as a suitable building block in many research areas, including catalysis with the development of key chiral catalysts. On the other hand, gold-mediated catalysis has been raised in recent years, allowing the creation of a great variety of C-C bonds and C-heteroatom bonds. In this context, this review covers the recent advances made with the combination of these two iconic figures in the organometallic chemistry field, since the first gold catalyzed reaction using a ferrocene ligand reported in 1986. The combination of the excellent properties and versatility of this metallocene, has allowed the obtainment of a plethora of ligands for metal catalysis, although their use joined to gold catalysis is still scarcely explored

    Effect of Acipimox on Plasma Lipids and Glucose/Insulin in Pregnant Rats

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    To determine how a reduction in maternal hypertriglyceridemia during late pregnancy may affect glucose/insulin relationships, pregnant and virgin rats were orally treated with acipimox, a potent antilipolytic agent. In 20-day pregnant rats receiving 80 mg of acipimox, plasma triglycerides (TG), free fatty acids (FFA), and glycerol decreased more than in virgin rats shortly after the drug (up to 7 hours), when compared with animals treated with distilled water, whereas plasma glucose level was unaffected by the treatment in either group of rats. When acipimox was given every 12 hours from day 17 to day 20 of pregnancy, plasma TG, FFA, and glycerol levels progressively increased, whereas they either decreased or did not change in virgin rats receiving the same treatment, with no effect in plasma glucose levels in either group. Fetal body weight was lower than in controls in 20-day pregnant rats that received acipimox for 3 days. On day 20 of pregnancy, 3 hours after receiving acipimox or distilled water, rats received a 2 g glucose/kg oral load and it was found that the change in plasma glucose was similar in both groups, whereas the increase in plasma insulin was greater in pregnant rats treated with acipimox. However, no difference was found in either variable after the oral glucose load in virgin rats receiving acipimox or distilled water. No differences in plasma glucose levels were found after intravenous (IV) administration of insulin in pregnant rats treated or not treated with acipimox. In conclusion, present results show that administration of acipimox during the last days of gestation inhibited lipolysis and decreased fetal weight. Over a short period of time, in pregnant rats, reductions of plasma FFA and TG after acipimox treatment improved the glucose-induced insulin release, but did not seem to have any effect in peripheral insulin resistance

    La formación de enfermería centra la enseñanza en los valores del cuidado de la vida y la salud

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    Reflection paper on research, assuming the documentary research and hermeneutics for its comprehensibility in “the process of training nurses to enhance the mission of being a caregiver for life and health of himself and others”, his thesis “The health care training and this relationship should be derived through the empowerment of knowledge promoted and gestated from pedagogical ethics “focused education emphasizing human condition and its effects on quality of life.Artículo de reflexión sobre investigaciones, asumiendo la investigación documental y la hermenéutica por su comprensibilidad en “el proceso de formación de enfermeros para mejorar la misión de ser cuidadora de la vida y la salud de sí mismo y de los demás”; su tesis, “la formación y atención en salud debería derivar esa relación a través del empoderamiento del conocimiento promovido y gestado desde la ética pedagógica”; destacando la enseñanza centrada en la condición humana y sus incidencias sobre la calidad de vida

    Unravelling the role of triisopropylphosphane telluride in Ag(I) complexes

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    The coordination chemistry of chalcogenide ligands has always attracted significant interest in the field of inorganic chemistry, especially for soft metals such as those of group 11. Despite the scarcity of research on phosphane tellurides, we report on the synthesis and characterisation of five novel silver complexes containing the phosphane telluride ligand, TeP(iPr)3, along with other ancillary ligands such as mono or diphosphanes. Spectroscopic studies were performed to investigate the behaviour of these complexes, including their redox properties, as demonstrated by the 1,1′-diphenylphosphaneferrocene (dppf) silver derivatives. Additionally, these complexes showcase remarkable rapid interchange equilibrium, revealing silver species with distinctive Ag2Te2 cores and a combination of bridging and terminal TeP(iPr)3 ligands. A promising avenue for further investigation and potential applications emerges

    Complete and versatile remote controller for PV systems

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    The promotion of the distributed generation and the photovoltaic (PV) energy great potential put this technology in the spotlight of investors. Thus, the optimization of its efficiency is made a priority. In this paper, a complete and versatile remote controller (C&VRC) for PV systems is presented, scalable to any kind and size of installations (with or without partial shading, with or without connection to the grid, housing, small plants or even large-scale solar plants) and valid for any weather conditions. The C&VRC involves the controller itself, which is constituted by a set of sensors and actuators connected to the converters Direct Current (DC)/DC and DC/Alternating Current (AC), if necessary, and a control unit communicated with them through the third-generation mobile telecommunications technology (3G) network. The control strategies can be changed according to the different weather conditions and installations characteristics, which guaranties the optimum performance of the system. The use of the 3G network as communication platform makes the C&VRC useful in remote and low accessibility places, because it is the most extended worldwide. The C&VRC is also based on free software, open hardware and low-cost electronic devices. Experimental results are presented in this paper to show the C&VRC optimum usability.This paper is framed in the project “Integral control system to optimize the microgrids energy demand” funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, call for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation 2020-2023. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Huelva / CBUA.This paper is framed in the project “Integral control system to optimize the microgrids energy demand” funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, call for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation 2020-2023. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Huelva / CBUA