163 research outputs found

    Impact of the leading-order short-range nuclear matrix element on the neutrinoless double-beta decay of medium-mass and heavy nuclei

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    We evaluate the leading-order short-range nuclear matrix element for the neutrinoless double-beta () decay of the nuclei most relevant for experiments, including 76Ge, 100Mo, 130Te and 136Xe. In our calculations, performed with the nuclear shell model and proton-neutron quasiparticle random-phase approximation (pnQRPA) methods, we estimate the coupling of this term by the contact charge-independence-breaking coupling of various nuclear Hamiltonians. Our results suggest a significant impact of the short-range matrix element, which is about and of the standard -decay long-range matrix element for the shell model and pnQRPA, respectively. Combining the full matrix elements with the results from current -decay experiments we find that, if both matrix elements carry the same sign, these searches move notably toward probing the inverted mass ordering of neutrino masses

    Colorectal cancer carcinogenesis

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    El cáncer colorrectal representó en el año 2008 el tercer tumor más diagnosticado en España, siendo la segunda neoplasia que causó más fallecimientos. El conocimiento del proceso carcinogenético de este tipo de enfermedad permitirá el descubrimiento de nuevas terapéuticas que conlleven menores tasas de incidencia y mortalidad. El continuo avance en la enfermedad tumoral hace que esta revisión sea una puesta al día en el conocimiento de la carcinogénesis del cáncer colorrectalIn 2008, colorectal cancer represented the third most commonly diagnosed tumor in Spain, and the second tumor that caused more deaths. Knowledge of the carcinogenetic process of this disease will allow the discovery of new therapies involving lower rates of incidence and mortality. The continuous progress in tumor disease makes this review an update on the knowledge of colorectal cancer carcinogenesi

    Neutrinoless double-β decay: Combining quantum Monte Carlo and the nuclear shell model with the generalized contact formalism

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    Neutrinoless double beta decay searches can determine the Majorana nature of neutrinos, the absolute neutrino mass, and provide invaluable insights on the matter dominance of the universe. However, the uncertainty in the nuclear matrix elements that govern the decay limits the physics reach of these experiments. We devise a novel framework based on the generalized contact formalism that combines the nuclear shell model and quantum Monte Carlo methods and compute the neutrinoless double-beta decay of nuclei used in the most advanced experiments, including 76Ge, 130Te, and 136Xe. Our results cover all relevant terms, including the leading-order short-range operator recognized recently. We validate our method in light nuclei by comparing against accurate variational Monte Carlo results. On heavy systems we obtain reduced nuclear matrix elements compared with previous calculations due to additional correlations captured by quantum Monte Carlo and introduced within the generalized contact formalism, suggesting longer decay half-lives than previously considered. On the other hand, we find an enhancement of the nuclear matrix elements due to the new short-range operator

    Microrna-21 and colorectal cancer

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    Introducción. Los microRNAs son estructuras moleculares con actividad post-transcripcional que están implicados en la regulación de la expresión genética. Diversos estudios ponen de manifiesto la participación de los microRNAs con distintas funciones fisiológicas, así como con el proceso de la oncogénesis. La expresión de los microRNAs puede verse alterada en las neoplasias por su interacción bien con los genes supresores de tumores, bien con los oncogenes. Discusión. Llevamos a cabo una revisión de la literatura sobre el microRNA-21, poniendo de manifiesto la evidencia existente entre el microRNA-21 y la enfermedad neoplásica, de forma especial con el cáncer colorrectal. Conclusiones. El estado actual de los microRNAs hace necesario continuar con la investigación existente entre la etiopatogenia de las neoplasias y los microRNAs. El conocimiento de la verdadera implicación de los microRNAs en la fisiopatología de la enfermedad neoplásica, permitirá ampliar las supuestas aplicaciones clínicas del miR-21 no sólo a la determinación del pronóstico del cáncer colorrectal, sino también desde el punto de vista diagnóstico al poder diferenciar las lesiones de la mucosa colónicaIntroduction. MicroRNAs are molecular structures with post-transcriptional activity, involved in the gene expression regulation. Several studies have demonstrated the involvement of microRNAs in different physiological functions, as well as in the oncogenesis process. The expression of microRNAs may be altered in the tumors by either interaction with tumor suppressor genes or oncogenes. Discussion. A review of the medical literature on microRNA-21 has been conducted, showing the evidence between microRNA-21 and neoplastic disease, specially with colorectal cancer. Conclusion. The current status of microRNAs makes necessary to continue the investigation of the pathogenesis of cancer and microRNAs. The knowledge of the involvement of microRNAs in the pathophysiology of neoplastic disease, will allow to extend the supposed clinical applications of miR-21 not only to the determination of the prognosis of colorectal cancer, but also for the differential diagnosis of processes of colonic mucosa

    Origen y distribución de tierras raras (RREs) en el agua y sedimentos de la Laguna de El Hito (Cuenca, España Central).

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    Se llevó a cabo el estudio de Tierras Raras (REEs) del agua y los sedimentos de la Laguna de El Hito así como de su cuenca de recepción. Los mapas de distribución de las concentraciones de REE en los sedimentos de la laguna mostraron valores crecientes desde el centro hacia el margen este alcanzando 166,5 mg/kg. En la cuenca se midieron valores más elevados llegando hasta 350,9 mg/kg en la mitad sur. Los valores en el agua fueron notablemente inferiores, con un máximo de 1,3 µg/L. El elemento más abundante fue el Ce seguido del Nd. Se normalizaron las concentraciones de REEs frente a las del NASC (North American Shale Composite), observándose una anomalía positiva de Eu en el agua, así como de Nd en los sedimentos (laguna y cuenca). Mediante los índices (La/Gd)NASC y (La/Yb)NASC se determinó el predominio de las REEs ligeras (LREEs) frente a las medias (MREE) y pesadas (HREE). ---------- ABSTRACT---------- Determination of Rare Earth Elements (REEs) in the waters and sediments of El Hito Lake and its drainage basin was carried out. Distribution maps for REEs concentrations show increasing values in the lake sediments from the center to the eastern edge reaching 166.5 mg/kg. In the drainage basin, higher values were observed with a maximum of 350.9 mg/kg in the southern part. Concentrations in the water were considerably lower with a maximum value of 1.3 µg/L. Ce, La and Nd were the most abundant elements. When normalized REE concentrations against NASC (North American Shale Composite), a positive anomaly of Eu in the water and of Nd in the sediments (lake and basin) was observed. The (La/Gd)NASC and (La/Yb)NASC ratios determined the predominance of light REE (LREE) over medium (MREE) and heavy REE (HREE)

    Generation and proof-of-concept for allogeneic CD123 CAR-Delta One T (DOT) cells in acute myeloid leukemia

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    Background Chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-T cells have emerged as a breakthrough treatment for relapse/refractory hematological tumors, showing impressive complete remission rates. However, around 50% of the patients relapse before 1-year post-treatment. T-cell 'fitness' is critical to prolong CAR-T persistence and activity. Allogeneic T cells from healthy donors are less dysfunctional or exhausted than autologous patientderived T cells; in this context, Delta One T cells (DOTs), a recently described cellular product based on MHC/ HLA-independent Vδ1+ γδ T cells, represent a promising allogeneic platform. Methods Here we generated and preclinically validated, for the first time, 4-1BB-based CAR-DOTs directed against the interleukin-3α chain receptor (CD123), a target antigen widely expressed on acute myeloid leukemia (AML) blasts. Results CD123CAR-DOTs showed vigorous, superior to control DOTs, cytotoxicity against AML cell lines and primary samples both in vitro and in vivo, even on tumor rechallenge. Conclusions Our results provide the proof-of-concept for a DOT-based next-generation allogeneic CAR-T therapy for AML

    Backtracking NOM1::ETV6 fusion to neonatal pathogenesis of t(7;12) (q36;p13) infant AML

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    This research was partially supported by a donation from the patient\u2019s family and Heroga Fertilizantes. Research in PM\u2019s laboratory is supported by CERCA/Generalitat de Catalunya and Fundaci\u00F3 Josep Carreras-Obra Social la Caixa for core support, the European Research Council grants (ERC-PoC-957466, ERC-PoC-101100665), the H2020 EU program (101057250-CANCERNA), the MINECO (PID2022-142966OB-I00/ MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and Feder Funds), the MINECO/European Union NextGenerationEU (CPP2021-008508, CPP2022-009759); the Deutsche Jos\u00E9 Carreras Leuk\u00E4mie-Stiftung (DJCLS15R/2021 and DJCLS 02R/2023), the Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC, PRYGN234975MENE) and the ISCIII-RICORS within the Next Generation EU program (plan de Recuperaci\u00F3n, Transformaci\u00F3n y Resilencia). Research in XSP\u2019s laboratory is supported by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovaci\u00F3n (PID2020-117185RB-I00); the Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC); Centro de Investigaci\u00F3n Biom\u00E9dica en Red C\u00E1ncer (CIBERONC); \u201CLa Caixa\u201D Foundation CLLSYSTEMS (HR22-00172), European Union NextGenerationEU/Mecanismo para la Recuperaci\u00F3n y la Resilencia (MRR)/PRTR and the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) (PMP21/00015). OM and TV-H were supported by an investigator award from AECC (INVES211226MOLI and INVES223069VELA, respectively)

    Density estimation of the main structuring sessile species in underwater marine caves with a deep learning approach

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    Monitoring marine biodiversity is a challenge in some vulnerable and difficult-to-access habitats, such as underwater caves. Underwater caves are a great focus of biodiversity, concentrating a large number of species in their environment. However, most of the sessile species that live on the rocky walls are very vulnerable, and they are often threatened by different pressures. The use of these spaces as a destination for recreational divers can cause different impacts on the benthic habitat. In this work, we propose a methodology based on video recordings of cave walls and image analysis with deep learning algorithms to estimate the spatial density of structuring species in a study area. We propose a combination of automatic frame overlap detection, estimation of the actual extent of surface cover, and semantic segmentation of the main 10 species of corals and sponges to obtain species density maps. These maps can be the data source for monitoring biodiversity over time. In this paper, we analyzed the performance of three different semantic segmentation algorithms and backbones for this task and found that the Mask R-CNN model with the Xception101 backbone achieves the best accuracy, with an average segmentation accuracy of 82%.This work was supported by the Organismo Autónomo de Parques Nacionales, Ministerio para Figure 7. Relative abundance of species. 10 la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico, Gobierno de España, Project VirtualMAR (codes 2470-S/2017 and 2493-S/2017); by IP INTEMARES project (LIFE15 IPE/ES/000012); by the R+D project PID2019-107270RB-C21 (funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033); by Plan Nacional de I+D+I; and by Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), Subdirección General de Redes y Centros de Investigación Cooperativa, Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades

    Sub-millimiter wave receivers

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    In this article a review is carried out of how technological aspects are affecting the system configuration of a sub-millimeterwave receiver for imaging applications. Throughout the discussion we will emphasize the role that the Schottky diode plays in this type of applications