2,395 research outputs found


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    [EN] This research analyses how urban form, land use and urban density, may influence the incidence of traffic-related crashes injuries and deaths. It begins with a theoretical overview of studies which deal with the study of the relationship between urban patterns and road safety. Next, it details the development of a database of crash incidence and urban form at the district level for the city of Benidorm (Alicante, Spain) in 2010. Subsequently, it is developed a negative binomial approach for intra-city motor vehicle crash analysis. One-year crash data for Benidorm (the fourth largest tourism destination of Spain, after Barcelona, Madrid and San Bartolomé de Tirajana, and exclusively tourist-oriented city) are analyzed using a geographic information system (GIS) to generate relevant inputs for the analysis. In general, the study finds that a strong land use mix results on fewer road accidents, whereas accidents are more common but less severe in areas of high urban density. Finally, pedestrian accidents research showed that rural and low density environment is related to an important road accident numbers unlike tourism-oriented zones, much more safe for them. Based on these findings, the paper discusses the implications for urban design practice.Authors wish to acknowledge City Council of Benidorm for sharing databases and the Office of the Vice President for Research, Development and Innovation of University of Alicante within Programa Propio to encourage R&D&I, which beneficiary is the co-author Patricia Fernández Aracil.Casares Blanco, J.; Sánchez Galiano, J.; Fernández Aracil, P.; Ortuño Padilla, A. (2016). A CASE STUDY OF IDENTIFY IMPORTANCE OF LAND USE PLANNING IN ROAD SAFETY, BENIDORM. En XII Congreso de ingeniería del transporte. 7, 8 y 9 de Junio, Valencia (España). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1701-1708. https://doi.org/10.4995/CIT2016.2016.3429OCS1701170

    The Effective Interfacial Tensions between Pure Liquids and Rough Solids: A Coarse-Grained Simulation Study

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    The effective solid liquid interfacial tension (SL IFT) between pure liquids and rough solid surfaces is studied through coarse grained simulations. Using the dissipative particle dynamics method, we design solid liquid interfaces, confining a pure liquid between two explicit solid surfaces with different roughness degrees. The roughness of the solid phase was characterized by Wenzel roughness factor and the effective SL IFT ({\gamma}_sl^') is reported as a function of it also. Two solid liquid systems differentiated from each other by their solid liquid repulsion strength are studied to measure the effects caused by the surface roughness on the calculation of {\gamma}_sl^'. We found that the roughness produces changes in the structure of the liquid, which is observed in the first layer of liquid near the solid. These changes are responsible for the effective SL IFT increase as surface roughness increases. Although there is a predominance of surface roughness in the calculation of {\gamma}_sl^', it is found that the effective SL IFT is directly proportional to the magnitude of the solid liquid repulsion strength. The insights provided by these simulations suggest that the increase of Wenzel roughness factor is a direct consequence of the increase in surface area due to the vertical deviations measured in the topography. This, in turn, produces an increase in the number of effective solid liquid interactions between particles, eventually yielding significant changes in the local values of the normal and tangential components of the pressure tensor.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figure

    Evaluación ergonómica de puesto de trabajo de los docentes del Departamento de Enfermería Polisal, UNAN –Managua, II Semestre 2014

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    La presente investigación se realizó con el principal objetivo de Evaluar Ergonómicamente el puesto de trabajo de los docentes del Departamento de Enfermería, dado que es un tema de gran importancia y no se habían realizado estudios relacionados con esta temática en el Departamento de Enfermería, nos permitió analizar las condiciones del puesto de trabajo de los docentes según la Ley de Seguridad Ocupacional (618) y a su vez identificar los factores de riesgo a los que están expuesto. La recolección de la información se realizó a través de la hoja de encuesta y guías de observación, por medio de lo observado al momento de recolectar la información se logró obtener datos objetivos, sobre algunos comportamientos y aspectos que la población no expresaba verbalmente. El estudio es de tipo cuantitativo, descriptivo, retro prospectivo y de corte transversal. Se estudió el total del universo el cual estaba constituido por veinte y dos docentes. Los datos obtenidos muestran que el 48% de los docentes consideran estar expuesto al factor de riesgo físico (posturas forzadas) y un 90% refirió que la altura del asiento y del respaldo no es ajustable, ni le permite inclinarse hacia delante o hacia tras con facilidad. Como aporte al conocimiento de los docentes se diseñó tríptico de ergonomía, permitiendo aportar al aprendizaje y a la prevención de problemas de salud, como estudiantes nos permitió desarrollar las habilidades y destrezas en el campo de la investigación y adquirir mayor conocimiento acerca de la temática abordada

    Gestión preventiva de riesgos ergonómicos aplicando NIOSH y GINSHT en el subproceso de desechos sólidos de la Dirección de Gestión Ambiental, Salubridad e Higiene del GADM Riobamba

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue el elaborar la gestión de riesgos ergonómicos en los puestos de trabajo del Subproceso de Desechos Sólidos de la Dirección de Gestión Ambiental, Salubridad e Higiene del GADM Riobamba para lo cual se realizó un análisis a partir de la aplicación de las metodologías de NIOSH y GINSHT que permitieron determinar el nivel de riesgo del levantamiento de cargas que se produce en las actividades desarrolladas por los 25 recolectores de basura y de 21 recolectores de residuos sólidos de la organización, identificando que esta actividad provoca un riesgo moderado. Por otro lado, se aplicó la metodología REBA para evaluar los riesgos ergonómicos en personal de trabajo como los 33 barrenderos y 35 choferes de esta institución. Se concluye una vez aplicado dichas metodologías, que se deben efectuar correcciones y mejoras en la ejecución de las actividades, razón por la cual se plantearon alternativas diversas, tales como, un manual de procedimientos para efectuar el correcto levantamiento de cargas, correcto barrido manual, adoptar buenas posturas y el efectuar pausas activas en los puestos de trabajo y una capacitación sobre el uso del manual de procedimientos. Se recomienda a las organizaciones implementar diferentes procedimientos basados en el cumplimiento de los planes de capacitación del personal para reducir y mitigar las lesiones musculoesqueléticas y los inconvenientes que puedan alterar la salud de sus trabajadores.The objective of this study was to elaborate the ergonomic risk management in the workplaces of the Solid Waste Subprocess of the Environmental Management, Health and Hygiene Directorate of GADM Riobamba, for which an analysis was made from the application of NIOSH and GINSHT methodologies that allowed determining the level of risk of lifting loads that occurs in the activities carried out by the 25 garbage collectors, identifying that this activity causes a moderate risk. On the other hand, the REBA methodology was applied to evaluate the ergonomic risks in work personnel, classified in: ergonomic risks in 33 street sweepers and 35 drivers of this institution. Once these methodologies have been applied, it is concluded that corrections and improvements must be made in the execution of the activities, which is why various alternatives were proposed, such as a manual alternative, a procedures manual for the correct lifting of loads, correct sweeping with good posture and taking active breaks at the workstations and training on the use of the procedure´s manual. It is recommended that organizations implement different procedures based on compliance with personnel training plans to reduce and mitigate musculoskeletal injuries and inconvenience that may cause changes in the health of their workers

    Emulador para desarrollo de proyectos IoT y analíticas de datos

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    One of the difficulties for the development and testing of data analysis applications used by IoT devices is the economic and temporary cost of building the IoT network, to mitigate these costs and expedite the development of IoT and analytical applications, it is proposed NIOTE, an IoT network emulator that generates sensor and actuator data from different devices that are easy to configure and deploy over TCP/IP and MQTT protocols, this tool serves as support in academic environments and conceptual validation in the design of IoT networks. The emulator facilitates the development of this type of application, optimizing the development time and improving the final quality of the product. Object-oriented programming concepts, architecture, and software design patterns are used to develop this emulator, which allows us to emulate the behavior of IoT devices that are inside a specific network, where you can add the number of necessary devices, model and design any network. Each network sends data that is stored locally to emulate the process of transporting the data to a platform, through a specific format and will be sent to perform Data Analysis.Una de las dificultades para la realización de pruebas de aplicaciones de análisis de datos obtenidos por dispositivos IoT, es el costo económico y temporal de la construcción de la red IoT, para mitigar estos costos y agilizar el desarrollo de aplicaciones IoT y analíticas, se propone NIOTE, un emulador de redes IoT que genera datos de sensores y actuadores diferentes tipos de dispositivos, fáciles de configurar y desplegar sobre protocolos TCP/IP y MQTT, esta herramienta sirve como apoyo en ambientes académicos y validación conceptual en el diseño de redes IoT. El uso del emulador facilitara el desarrollo de este tipo de aplicaciones, optimizando el tiempo de desarrollo y mejorando la calidad final del producto. Para desarrollar este emulador se utilizaron conceptos de programación orientada a objetos, arquitectura y patrones de diseño de software, que permitieron emular el comportamiento de los dispositivos IoT que se encuentran dentro de una red específica, donde se puede agregar la cantidad de dispositivos que sean necesarios, modelar y diseñar cualquier red deseada. Cada red creada envía datos que son almacenados de forma local para simular el proceso de transportación de los datos a una plataforma, si se desease aplicar, a través de un formato especifico en el que la información será enviada para hacer Análisis de Datos

    Smith-Waterman algorithm on heterogeneous systems: A case study

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    The well-known Smith-Waterman (SW) algorithm is a high-sensitivity method for local alignments. However, SW is expensive in terms of both execution time and memory usage, which makes it impractical in many applications. Some heuristics are possible but at the expense of losing sensitivity. Fortunately, previous research have shown that new computing platforms such as GPUs and FPGAs are able to accelerate SW and achieve impressive speedups. In this paper we have explored SW acceleration on a heterogeneous platform equipped with an Intel Xeon Phi coprocessor. Our evaluation, using the well-known Swiss-Prot database as a benchmark, has shown that a hybrid CPU-Phi heterogeneous system is able to achieve competitive performance (62.6 GCUPS), even with moderate low-level optimisations.Facultad de Informátic

    Branching and Self‐Organization in Marine Modular Colonial Organisms: A Model

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    Despite the universality of branching patterns in marine modular colonial organisms, there is neither a clear explanation about the growth of their branching forms nor an understanding of how these organisms conserve their shape during development. This study develops a model of branching and colony growth using parameters and variables related to actual modular structures (e.g., branches) in Caribbean gorgonian corals (Cnidaria). Gorgonians exhibiting treelike networks branch subapically, creating hierarchical mother‐daughter relationships among branches. We modeled both the intrinsic subapical branching along with an ecological‐physiological limit to growth or maximum number of mother branches (k). Shape is preserved by maintaining a constant ratio (c) between the total number of branches and the mother branches. The size frequency distribution of mother branches follows a scaling power law suggesting self‐organized criticality. Differences in branching among species with the same k values are determined by r (branching rate) and c. Species with r≪c had a sigmoid logistic‐like growth with a long asymptotic period before reaching k. Gorgonians exhibit c and r values in the range of the conditions for a stable equilibrium ( c>r/2 or c>r>0 ). Ecological/physiological constraints limit growth without altering colony form or the interaction between r and c. The model described the branching dynamics giving the form to colonies and how colony growth declines over time without altering the branching pattern. This model provides a theoretical basis to study branching as a simple function of the number of branches independently of ordering‐ and bifurcation‐based schemes

    Suppression of Coulomb-nuclear interference in the near-barrier elastic scattering of 17 Ne from 208 Pb

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    The proton drip-line nucleus 17Ne is considered a good candidate for a Borromean two-proton halo with a 15O + p+ pstructure. Angular distributions of the elastic scattering and inclusive 15O production for a 136 MeV 17Ne beam incident on a 208Pb target were measured for the first time at the SPIRAL1 facility, GANIL. Use of the GLORIA detector array allowed high-resolution data over a wide angular range from 20◦up to 95◦in the laboratory frame to be obtained. The elastic scattering angular distribution shows similarities with those for both 6He and 20Ne at equivalent collision energies with respect to the corresponding Coulomb barriers, exhibiting the suppression of the Coulomb rainbow peak characteristic of strong coupling. Optical model and coupled channel fits suggest that this is due to a combination of coupling to low-lying quadrupole resonances and Coulomb dipole coupling to the low-lying continuum, although their relative importance depends on the relevant B(E2)values which remain to be firmly determined