1,260 research outputs found

    Cultura organizacional y la responsabilidad social de los trabajadores en la empresa Hortifrut - Perú S.A.C., Chao, 2020

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    El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo principal determinar la relación que existe entre la cultura organizacional y la responsabilidad social de los trabajadores en la empresa Hortifrut – Perú S.A.C., en el distrito de Chao. Se realizó una investigación de nivel descriptiva con dos variables. Asimismo, se utilizó la encuesta como técnica y el cuestionario como instrumento de recolección de datos, el cual fue aplicado a los trabajadores de la empresa, cada uno de los ítems y alternativas fueron planteados en relación a los objetivos de la investigación. Para el análisis de la información se ha utilizado la estadística descriptiva. Los resultados han sido presentados mediante tablas y figuras, las cuales aportan a la investigación distintas conclusiones sobre la presente investigación. Se concluyó mediante los resultados obtenidos que existe correlación entre la cultura organizacional y la responsabilidad social de los trabajadores en la empresa Hortifrut – Perù S.A.C., Chao, 2020. Se utilizó el método de Chi cuadrado para la contrastación de hipótesis, a un nivel de significancia de 0,05, los resultados obtenidos fueron p = 0,034 < 0,05, por lo tanto, rechazamos la hipótesis nula y aceptamos la hipótesis alternativa. Determinamos que existe una relación significativa entre la Cultura Organizacional y la valoración de la Responsabilidad Social de los trabajadores en la empresa Hortifrut - PERÚ S.A.C., Chao, 2020.The main objective of this research work is to determine the relationship between the organizational culture and the social responsibility of the workers in the company Hortifrut - Perú S.A.C., in the Chao district. A descriptive level investigation was carried out with two variables. Likewise, the survey was used as a technique and the questionnaire as a data collection instrument, which was applied to the workers of the company, each of the items and alternatives were raised in relation to the objectives of the research. Descriptive statistics have been used to examine the data. The results have been presented using tables and forms, which conduce to the investigation with different conclusions about the present investigation. It was concluded through the results obtained that there is a correlation between the organizational culture and the social responsibility of the workers in the company Hortifrut - Perù SAC, Chao, 2020. The Chi square method was used to test hypothesis, at a level of significance of 0.05, the results obtained were p = 0.034 <0.05, therefore, we reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis. We determine that there is a significant relationship between Organizational Culture and the assessment of the Social Responsibility of workers in the company Hortifrut - PERÚ S.A.C., Chao, 2020.Tesi


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    Associations between physical activity and comorbidities in people with COPD residing in Spain: A cross-sectional analysis

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    There is a high prevalence of comorbidities among patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Comorbidities are likely common in patients with any COPD degree and are associated with increased mortality. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of thirty-one different COPD comorbidities and to evaluate the association between physical activity (PA) levels in people with COPD residing in Spain. Cross-sectional data from the Spanish National Health Survey 2017 were analysed. A total of 601 adults (52.2% females) with COPD aged 15 to 69 participated in this study. PA (exposure) was measured with the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) short form and comorbidities (outcomes) were self-reported in response to the question “Have you ever been diagnosed with…?” Multivariable logistic regression, in three different models, was used to assess this association. Results showed a high prevalence of comorbidities (94%), these being chronic lumbar back pain (38.9%), chronic allergy (34.8%), arthrosis (34.1%), chronic cervical back pain (33.3%), asthma (32.9%) and hypertension (32.8%) the most prevalent. Low PA level was significantly associated with urinary incontinence (2.115[1.213–3.689]), chronic constipation (1.970[1.119–3.459]), cataracts (1.840[1.074–3.153]), chronic anxiety (1.508[1.002–2.269]) and chronic lumbar back pain (1.489[1.044–2.125]). Therefore, people with COPD should increase their PA levels in order to reduce their risk of comorbidities and increase their quality of life


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    Este artículo se centra en estudiar los efectos de un programa de actividad física sobre la frecuencia cardiaca, tensión arterial y saturación de oxígeno de un grupo de escolares con TDAH. MÉTODO: Han participado 12 escolares (12 niños), entre los 7 y los 12 años de edad. La frecuencia cardiaca y tensión arterial se midieron con tensiómetro de brazo Visomat Comfort 20/40 y la saturación de oxígeno con pulsioxímetro de dedo OXYM2001. El procedimiento ha sido: pre-test, intervención y pos-test. La intervención ha consistido en 2 días a la semana de actividad física, 60 minutos al día, durante 12 semanas. RESULTADOS Y DISCUSIÓN: Se han encontrado mejoras significativas en la frecuencia cardiaca tras ejercicio (p=0,029). CONCLUSIONES: El programa utilizado es eficaz para mejorar la frecuencia cardiaca tras ejercicio de niños con TDAH

    Performance of bidimensional location quotients for constructing input–output tables

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    This article seeks to verify the extent to which the formulation of two-dimensional location quotients (2D-LQ) entails a methodological advance in building or generating economic accounts related to sub-territories drawing from basic information. The input–output tables of the Euro Area 19 for 2010 and 2015 are references for analysis. We have used five statistics to measure similarity between true domestic coefficient matrices for ten countries (Austria, Belgium, Estonia, France, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Spain) and the matrices they generate using nonsurvey techniques (CILQ, FLQ, AFLQ, and 2D-LQ). The focus substantially centers on ranking methodological efficiency by comparing the results of the four techniques mentioned above. The scope of the work employs standard parameters (associated with 2D-LQ) as guidance to ascertain the optimum parametersS

    Obesity needs to be addressed to tackle the increased prevalence of diabetes in China – Temporal changes from 2003 to 2009

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    This study aimed to analyse the temporal change of diabetes and any associated risk and protective factors for diabetes in Chinese adults between Wave 0 (2003) and Wave 1 (2009) of the World Health Organization (WHO) Study on global AGEing and adult health (SAGE). Data from China of the SAGE were analysed. Diabetes (outcome variable) was assessed by the yes/no question: “Have you ever been diagnosed with diabetes (high blood sugar)?”. Exposure variables examined in bivariate and multivariate multiple regression included sex, age, marital status, education, smoking, alcohol, fruit and vegetables consumption, physical activity and body mass index (BMI). Significant exposure variables in bivariate analyses were included in multivariate analyses (2003: age and tobacco; 2009: age, BMI, education and alcohol). In Wave 0 (2003), there were 3993 Chinese adults, of which 67 (1.7%) self-reported to have diabetes. In Wave 1 (2009), there were a total of 9524 Chinese adults, of which 770 (8.1%) had diabetes. The overall prevalence of diabetes in Chinese adults increased by 4.76 times between the two timeframes (1.7%, age range 27–84 years, average age 58.51 ± 12.70 years, 59.70% females in 2003 to 8.1%, age range 20–95 years, average age 65.31 ± 10.19 years, 53.64% females in 2009). Multivariate regression retained older age ≥ 60 years (OR 4.34, 95% CI 2.67–7.07) as the main risk factor in 2003 data, while in 2009 the odds ratio for older age ≥ 60 years decreased (OR 2.45, 95% CI 2.06–2.92), but included a significant association of obesity (OR 2.11, 95% CI 1.60–2.78) and excess weight (OR 1.42, 95% CI 1.19–1.69). The significant association with excess weight and obesity associated with the increased prevalence of diabetes in 2009 is a cause of concern and should be addressed by public health strategies in China

    Una modificación del cociente de localización interindustrial para la proyección de las tablas input-output subterritoriales

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    Economic accounts at sub-territorial level are projected primarily through Location Quotients (LQ). The degrees of sectoral specialisation at this level will therefore be key in spatial projections. This article advocates rectified use of the Cross-Industry Location Quotient (CILQ). Indirectly, the aim is to check to what extent CILQs are well exploited, given that they are the fundamental reference in other techniques. The input-output (IO) tables for the Euro 19 Area for 2010 and 2015 are taken as a reference for analysis purposes. A statistic is used to measure the degree of similarity between the accounting frameworks of ten countries in the Euro Area and their projections using CILQ, Flegg's formula, its augmented version, and the CILQ variant.La proyección de cuentas económicas a nivel sub-territorial se establece primordialmente a través de cocientes de localización (LQ). Así, los grados de especialización sectoriales a dicho nivel actuarán como piezas clave en las proyecciones espaciales. En este artículo se reivindica un uso rectificado del Cross-Industry Location Quotient (CILQ). Indirectamente, se trata de comprobar hasta qué punto los CILQ están bien explotados, dado que son la referencia fundamental en otras técnicas. A efectos de análisis, se toman como referencia las tablas input-output (IO) del Área Euro 19 para los años 2010 y 2015. Se recurre a un estadístico para medir el grado de similitud entre los marcos contables de diez países de dicha área y sus proyecciones mediante el CILQ, la fórmula de Flegg, su versión aumentada y la variante del CILQ

    Efectos de un programa de actividad física en la condición física de escolares con TDAH

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    INTRODUCTION: This paper focuses on studying the effects of a physical activity program on physical fitness of a group of schoolchildren with ADHD.METHOD: This investigation involved 12 students (12 boys), aged between 7 and 12 years. The physical fitness was measured by hand dynamometry, horizontal jump and Course-Navette. The procedure was as follows: pre-test, intervention and post-test. The intervention consisted of 2 days per week of physical activity, 60 minutes per day, during 12 weeks. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION:  There have been significant improvements in physical fitness [musculoskeletal capacity of the lower limbs (p = 0.037) and aerobic capacity (p =0.011)].CONCLUSIONS: The program used is effective to improve the physical fitness of children with ADHD.Este artículo se centra en estudiar los efectos de un programa de actividad física sobre la condición física de un grupo de escolares con TDAH.MÉTODO: Han participado 12 escolares (12 niños), entre los 7 y los 12 años de edad. La condición física se ha medido mediante dinamometría manual, salto horizontal y Course-Navette. El procedimiento ha sido: pre-test, intervención y pos-test. La intervención ha consistido en 2 días a la semana de actividad física, 60 minutos al día, durante 12 semanas. RESULTADOS Y DISCUSIÓN: Se han producido mejoras significativas en condición física [capacidad músculo-esquelética del tren inferior (p=0.037) y capacidad aeróbica (p=0,011)]. CONCLUSIONES: El programa utilizado es eficaz para mejorar la condición física de niños con TDAH