97 research outputs found

    La organización de cooperación de Shangai (OCS) : claves para la creación de un futuro líder mundial

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    La Organización de Cooperación de Shangai (OCS) constituye la organización internacional intergubernamental más importante de Asia y llevará a los dos principales motores de la misma, Rusia y la R.P. China, hacia unos elevados niveles de crecimiento y desarrollo económico y social. Nacida para aumentar los niveles de seguridad regional, rápidamente ha derivado hacia la creación de un área de libre comercio, al igual que existe en otras regiones del mundo. Sin embargo, en el caso de la OCS, esta nueva área de integración llevará previsiblemente hacia una creación de flujos comerciales hacia Asia, al integrar la OCS más de una cuarta parte de la población mundial, siendo la R.P. China la gran beneficiada de este proceso de integración._____________________________The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) is the largest intergovernmental organization in Asia and leads to the two main engines, Russia and China, to higher levels of growth and economic and social development. Born to raise the levels of regional security, it has led to the rapid creation of a free trade area, as has happened in other regions of the world. However, in the case of SCO, this new area of integration is expected to lead to the creation of trade flows within Asia, integrating more than one quarter of the world population, being China the great beneficial of this integration process

    Apprentissage par le service et les communautés d’apprentissage: deux projets d’école innovante qui s’enrichissent mutuellement

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    This article reflects on the interrelationships that exist between two educational projects of today: service-learning (ApS) and learning communities (CdA). The ApS is an educational methodology applied worldwide where a single project combines a learning based on experience with the implementation of a service to the community. CdA is a school transformation project to achieve that the information society does not exclude any person, constituting a reality in more than one hundred and ninety schools in Spain and Latin America. Between the two, it is possible to show differences, especially in what refers to its theoretical substrates, but in actual teaching practice in schools there is some harmony, particularly in the so closely that they cultivate both projects with the school community. Therefore, we conclude that service-learning and learning communities can occur as two innovative and relevant today projects which can be mutually enriching: because for both the approach school-community-environment and volunteering is essential.En este artículo se reflexiona sobre las interrelaciones que existen entre dos proyectos educativos de actualidad: el aprendizaje-servicio (ApS) y las comunidades de aprendizaje (CdA). El ApS es una metodología educativa aplicada mundialmente donde en un solo proyecto se conjuga un aprendizaje basado en la experiencia con la realización de un servicio solidario a la comunidad. CdA es un proyecto de transformación de la escuela para conseguir que la sociedad de la información no excluya a ninguna persona, constituyendo una realidad en más de ciento noventa escuelas repartidas entre España e Iberoamérica. Entre ambos es posible mostrar diferencias, sobre todo en lo que se refiere a sus sustratos teóricos e intencionalidades pedagógicas y sociales, pero en las prácticas reales en la enseñanza que se desarrollan en centros educativos hay más que cierta sintonía, particularmente en la relación tan estrecha que cultivan ambos proyectos con la comunidad escolar. Por todo ello, concluimos que el aprendizaje-servicio y las comunidades de aprendizaje pueden presentarse como dos proyectos innovadores y relevantes que pueden enriquecerse mutuamente: pues para ambos es fundamental la aproximación escuela-comunidad-entorno y el voluntariado.Cet article reflète sur les interrelations qui existent entre les deux projets éducatifs d’aujourd’hui: apprentissage par le service (ApS) et les communautés d’apprentissage (CdA). L’ApS est une méthodologie pédagogique appliquée partout dans le monde où un projet unique combine un apprentissage basé sur l’expérience de la mise en œuvre d’un service à la communauté. CdA est un projet de transformation de l’école pour obtenir que la société de l’information n’exclut pas une personne, qui constitue une réalité dans les écoles de plus de cent quatre-vingt-dix en Espagne et en Amérique latine. Entre les deux, il est possible de montrer les différences, en particulier en ce qui se réfère à ses substrats théoriques et les intentions sociales et pédagogiques, mais dans les pratiques réelles dans l’enseignement dans les écoles il y a une harmonie, particulièrement dans le si étroitement qu’ils cultivent les deux projets avec la communauté scolaire. Par conséquent, nous concluons que l’apprentissage par le service et les communautés d’apprentissage, peuvent se produire comme deux projets innovants et pertinents aujourd’hui qui peuvent s’enrichir mutuellement: parce que la démarche de l’école-est essentielle pour l’environnement et le bénévolat

    Planning, collaboration, innovation: three keys to get a good university teaching practice

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    [ES] En este artículo se plantean tres aspectos fundamentales para conseguir una buena práctica docente universitaria: la planificación, la colaboración y la innovación. A propósito del proceso de diseño, desarrollo e innovación curricular desarrollado por tres profesores de la asignatura “Organización del Centro Escolar” perteneciente al plan de estudios de Magisterio en la Universidad de Cantabria se exploran estas tres cuestiones. El proceso de planificación didáctica en torno a la definición de unos principios de procedimiento compartidos y el permanente trabajo colaborativo de los docentes en torno a ellos ha permitido el desarrollo de una materia adaptada a los requisitos del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior mostrando una actitud flexible, abierta y predispuesta a la mejora en todo momento: en el aula, tratando de favorecer espacios de diálogo (“ágoras”) entre el profesorado y el alumnado, en un ciclo de conferencias sobre Organización Escolar desarrollado en nuestra facultad para ampliar las referencias sobre la materia y en el empleo de las nuevas tecnologías, indiscutibles aliadas en el proceso. Los resultados de la evaluación de nuestra docencia y de la asignatura ponen en evidencia que el proceso seguido en esta materia ha sido bien acogido por los estudiantes. Por todo ello, concluimos que resulta muy relevante establecer mecanismos de diseño, desarrollo e innovación que traten de favorecer la comunicación entre los implicados desde la planificación, procurando el trabajo cooperativo y la innovación didáctica.[EN] This article proposes three fundamental aspects to get a good university teaching practice: planning, collaboration and innovation. A purpose of the design process, curriculum development and innovation developed by three teachers of the subject " School Organisation" pertaining to the curriculum of Teacher Training at the University of Cantabria, the text explores these three issues. Educational planning process around the definition of a shared procedural principles and the ongoing collaborative work of teachers around them, has enabled the development of a material adapted to the requirements of the European Space of Higher Education where a flexible, open and predisposed attitude to the improvement has been present at all everytimes: in the classroom, trying to promote spaces for dialogue ("agora") between teachers and students in a lecture series on School Organization developed in our ability to expand on the subject references and employing new technologies, unquestionable allies in the process. The results of our teaching and assessment of the subject make it clear that the process followed in this matter has been well received by students. Therefore, we conclude that it is very important to establish mechanisms for design, development and innovation to try to facilitate communication between those involved from the planning, seeking cooperative work and educational innovation.Álvarez Álvarez, C.; Silió Sáiz, G.; Fernández Díaz, E. (2012). Planificación, colaboración, innovación: tres claves para conseguir una buena práctica docente universitaria. REDU. Revista de Docencia Universitaria. 10(1):415-430. https://doi.org/10.4995/redu.2012.6138OJS415430101Adell, J. (2002). World Wide Web: Un Sistema Hipermedia distribuido para la docencia universitaria. En Blázquez, F., Cabero, J, & Loscertales, F. (Coord.). (1994). Nuevas tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación para la educación. Sevilla: Ediciones Alfar, 114‐121.Álvarez Álvarez, C. (2011): Tesis doctoral: La relación teoría‐práctica en la enseñanza y el desarrollo profesional docente. Un estudio de caso en Educación Primaria. Oviedo: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Oviedo. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/32139 [Consultado 15‐9‐2011].Álvarez Álvarez, C.; Fernández Díaz, E.; y Silió Sáiz, G. (2011a). Innovación docente en la universidad en base a principios de procedimiento. Actas del VIII Foro sobre la evaluación de la calidad de la investigación y de la educación superior. FECIES: Santander.Álvarez Álvarez, C.; Fernández Díaz, E.; y Silió Sáiz, G. (2011b). Una experiencia de innovación docente mediante el trabajo colaborativo. Actas del VIII Foro sobre la evaluación de la calidad de la investigación y de la educación superior. FECIES: Santander.Álvarez Álvarez, C.; Fernández Díaz, E.; y Silió Sáiz, G. (2011c). Repensar el aula universitaria generando ágoras. Actas del VIII Foro sobre la evaluación de la calidad de la investigación y de la educación superior. FECIES: Santander.Bárcena, F. (1991). Teoría de la educación y conocimiento práctico. Sobre la racionalidad práctica de la acción educativa. Revista Complutense de Educación, 2, 221‐243.Bartolomé, A. (2004). Blended Learning. Conceptos básicos. Píxel‐Bit. Revista de Medios y de Educación, 23, pp.7‐20.Carr, W. (1993). Calidad de la enseñanza e investigación‐acción. Colección investigación y enseñanza. Serie fundamentos, 3.Carr, W. (1996). Una teoría para la educación: Hacia una investigación educativa crítica. Madrid: Morata.Carr, W. (1988). Teoría crítica de la enseñanza. La investigación‐acción en la formación permanente del profesorado. Barcelona: Martínez Roca.Carr, W. (2007). El docente investigador en educación. México: Universidad de Ciencias y Artes de Chiapas.Elliot, J. (1990). La investigación‐acción en educación. Madrid: Morata.Elliot, J. (1991). Estudio del currículo escolar a través de la investigación interna. Actas del congreso internacional sobre investigación‐acción. Revista interuniversitaria de formación del profesorado, 10.Elliot, J. (1993a). El cambio educativo desde la investigación‐acción. Madrid: Morata.Elliot, J. (1993b). Reconstructing teacher education. Teacher development. Londres: The falmer press.Elliot, J., Sutton, C. & Harding, J. (1978). What is action research in schools? Journal of curriculum studies, 10, 4, 355‐357.Fernández, E. (2010). Tesis doctoral: Hacia una utilización innovadora de las TIC en Infantil. Una propuesta para reconstruir el currículum investigando sobre la propia práctica. UPV‐EHU.Fullan, M. & Hargreaves, A. (1997). ¿Hay algo por lo que merezca la pena luchar en la escuela? Sevilla: MCEP.Hernández, F. (2011). Entrevista realizada en la UAM. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NsTlPwTW__s&feature=related [Consultado 14‐05‐2011].Martínez Bonafé, J. (1993). Proyectos curriculares y práctica docente. Sevilla: Diada.Paredes, J. (2010). Museo pedagógico virtual vivo. Un proyecto de formación inicial de una universidad expandida hoy para una escuela expandida mañana. Tendencias pedagógicas, nº 16, 45‐64. http://www.tendenciaspedagogicas.com/revista_numero.asp?_numero=16 [Consultado 20‐12‐2010].Schön, D. (1988). El profesional reflexivo. Como piensan los profesores cuando actúan. Barcelona: Paidós.Stenhouse, L. (1987). La investigación como base de la enseñanza. Madrid: Morata.Stenhouse, L. (1984). Investigación y desarrollo del currículum. Madrid: Morata.Zemos98 (2009). Educación expandida. http://www.zemos98org/simposio/spip.php?article133 Consultado 20‐12‐ 2011]

    Genetic structure in the paternal lineages of South East Spain revealed by the analysis of 17 Y-STRs

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    Supplementary information accompanies this paper at https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-41580-9.The content of this article is part of the Ph.D. thesis of María Saiz which was conducted at the University of Granada under the doctoral programme “Biomedicine”. The authors thank all of the participants who donated buccal swabs and all those who helped in the sample collection—namely, María Luisa Aceituno Villalva, Leticia Olga Rubio Lamia, and Verónica Delgado López. In addition, the authors want to thank Xiomara Gálvez for the technical assistance in the laboratory.The genetic data of 17 Y chromosome short tandem repeats in 146 unrelated donor residents in the provinces of Granada, Málaga, and Almería (GMA) were analyzed to determine the genetic legacy of the male inhabitants of the former Kingdom of Granada. A total of 139 unique haplotypes were identified. Observed allele frequencies and haplogroup frequencies were also analyzed. By AMOVA and STRUCTURE analysis, the populations of the 3 provinces could be treated genetically as a single population. The most frequent haplogroup was R1b1b2 (58.22%). By network analysis of all individuals, we observed a distribution according to haplogroup assignment. To improve the characterization of GMA population, it was compared with those of North Africa, the Iberian Peninsula, and southern Europe. In our analysis of allele frequencies and genetic distances, the GMA population lay within the Spanish population group. Further, in the STRUCTURE analysis, there was no African component in the GMA population, confirming that, based on our genetic markers, the GMA population does not reflect any male genetic influence of the North African people. The presence of African haplogroups in the GMA population is irrelevant when their frequency is compared with those in other European populations

    Emprendimiento inmigrante : una comparación internacional

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    The actual triple-C, as a combination of economic and financial crises, in addition to the crisis in credibility of economic policy, has fostered North-North and South-North immigration. The objective of this work is to determine the dimension of immigrant´s entrepreneurship, according to their recipient countries being factor driven, efficiency driven, and innovation driven economies. We demonstrate that efficiency driven nations are characterized by moderate demographic growth and immigrant´s entrepreneurial activity along with a very discrete immigration, while the innovation driven nations are defined by a negative demographic growth and discrete immigrant´s entrepreneurial activity along with an important reception of immigrants.La actual triple-C, como combinación de crisis económica, fiscal y de credibilidad en política económica, ha impulsado la emigración Norte-Norte y Sur-Norte. El objetivo de este trabajo es determinar la dimensión del emprendimiento de los emigrantes, según los países estén impulsados por factores de producción tradicionales, por su eficiencia y por la innovación. Se demuestra que las naciones impulsadas por factores se caracterizan por un alto crecimiento demográfico y una fuerte actividad emprendedora inmigrante, los países impulsados por la eficiencia muestran un crecimiento demográfico moderado y una actividad emprendedora inmigrante muy discreta, mientras que los países guiados por la innovación se definen por una tasa de crecimiento demográfico negativo y una discreta actividad emprendedora inmigrante acompañada por una importante llegada de este tipo de colectivo

    Usefulness of Microbiome for Forensic Geolocation: A Review

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    Forensic microbiomics is a promising tool for crime investigation. Geolocation, which connects an individual to a certain place or location by microbiota, has been fairly well studied in the literature, and several applications have been found. The aim of this review is to highlight the main findings in this field, including the current sample storage, DNA extraction, sequencing and data analysis techniques that are being used, and its potential applications in human trafficking and ancient DNA studies. Second, the challenges and limitations of forensic microbiomics and geolocation are emphasised, providing recommendations for the establishment of this tool in the forensic science community

    A comparison between petrous bone and tooth, femur and tibia DNA analysis from degraded skeletal remains

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    Skeletal remains are the only biological material that remains after long periods; however, environmental conditions such as temperature, humidity, andpHaffect DNA preservation, turning skeletal remains into a challenging sample for DNA laboratories. Sample selection is a key factor, and femur and tooth have been traditionally recommended as the best substrate of genetic material. Recently, petrous bone (cochlear area) has been suggested as a better option due to its DNA yield. This research aims to evaluate the efficiency of petrous bone compared to other cranium samples (tooth) and postcranial long bones (femur and tibia). A total amount of 88 samples were selected from 38 different individuals. The samples were extracted by using an organic extraction protocol, DNA quantification by Quantifiler Trio kit and amplified with GlobalFiler kit. Results show that petrous bone outperforms other bone remains in quantification data, yielding 15–30 times more DNA than the others. DNA profile data presented likeness between petrous bone and tooth regarding detected alleles; however, the amount of DNA extracted in petrous bones allowed us to obtain more informative DNA profiles with superior quality. In conclusion, petrous bone or teeth sampling is recommended if DNA typing is going to be performed with environmentally degraded skeletal remains

    GITAD 2020: quality assurance test through 20 years of experience

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    Supplementary Information The online version contains supplementary material available at https://doi. org/10.1007/s00414-022-02802-4.GITAD (Grupo Iberoamericano de Trabajo en Análisis de DNA) was founded in 1998 as the first operational group of AICEF (Academia Iberoamericana de Criminalística y Estudios Forenses), formally created in 1999. The mission and the vision of GITAD are to promote the development of forensic genetics in Ibero-American countries and to achieve the maximum level of innovation and quality in each country, and with that aim, a proficiency test was developed. Since 1999, the member laboratories receive four reference samples with the objective of obtaining the genetic profile with their routine protocols, a theoretical exercise since 2003, and since 2007, it was incorporated a forensic sample, which changes every year. The consensus results and the different discrepancies are discussed in an annual meeting. This article illustrates the evolution of the proficiency test through 20 years from different points of view: the increase of participant laboratories, the evolution of the different DNA typing techniques reported by the Ibero-American participant laboratories, the challenges that the proficiency test have met, and future perspectives for a continuous improvement of the proficiency test, especially regarding its accreditation under ISO 17043Universidad de Granada/CBU

    Calcineurin inhibitors' impact on cardiovascular and renal function, a descriptive study in lung transplant recipients from the North of Spain

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    Patients undergoing lung transplantation (LTx) need administration of immunosuppressive therapy following the procedure to prevent graft rejection. However, these drugs are not exempt from potential risks. The development of cardiovascular risk factors and impaired renal function in the post-transplantation period are conditions that may be favoured by the use of calcineurin inhibitor (CNI) drugs which could have repercussions on the quality of life and the post-transplantation evolution. To evaluate the cardiovascular and renal toxicity following the administration of CNI as maintenance immunosuppression in lung transplant recipients (LTRs) we reviewed a total number of 165 patients undergoing LTx between 01/01/2015 and 08/12/2018. They were divided into two groups according to the CNI drug administrated: cyclosporine (CsA-group) with 11 patients or tacrolimus (Tac-group), with 154 patients. We evaluated the de novo occurrence of arterial hypertension (HTN), diabetes mellitus (DM), hyperlipidemia and impaired renal function after initiation of CNI administration. In addition to that, the time until each of these events was assessed. A higher rate for developing HTN (p < 0.001) and impaired renal function (p = 0.047) was observed within the CsA-group. The new onset of hyperlipidemia was similar between both CNI groups and de novo appearance of DM was only documented in those LTRs receiving tacrolimus. In this LTRs retrospective study, it was observed that having ? 4 tacrolimus trough levels above the upper limit of the proposed interval for each specific post-LTx period was associated with an increased risk for developing renal impairment. No other statistically significant association was found between supratherapeutic CNIs blood levels and the evaluated toxicities

    A comparison of five DNA extraction methods from degraded human skeletal remains

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    Extracting DNA from degraded human remains poses a challenge for any forensic genetics laboratory, as it requires efficient high-throughput methods. While little research has compared different techniques, silica in suspension has been identified in the literature as the best method for recovering small fragments, which are often present in these types of samples. In this study, we tested five DNA extraction protocols on 25 different degraded skeletal remains. Including the humerus, ulna, tibia, femur, and petrous bone. The five protocols were organic extraction by phenol/chloroform/isoamyl alcohol, silica in suspension, High Pure Nucleic Acid Large Volume silica columns (Roche), InnoXtract™ Bone (InnoGenomics), and PrepFiler™ BTA with AutoMate™ Express robot (ThermoFisher). We analysed five DNA quantification parameters (small human target quantity, large human target quantity, human male target quantity, degradation index, and internal PCR control threshold), and five DNA profile parameters (number of alleles with peak height higher than analytic and stochastic threshold, average relative fluorescence units (RFU), heterozygous balance, and number of reportable loci) were analysed. Our results suggest that organic extraction by phenol/chloroform/ isoamyl alcohol was the best performing method in terms of both quantification and DNA profile results. However, Roche silica columns were found to be the most efficient method