481 research outputs found

    Perspectives in Corporate Social Actions and Social and Financial Performance

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    The conceptual framework of CSAs in Hungary is evolving in line with the international standards; however, there is a certain delay in conceptualising these actions into a strategic framework in private sector organisations. There seems to be a distinction between for-profit and non-profit stakeholders; the former are characterised by corporate social responsibility initiatives, whilst the latter rely on the sustainability of these initiatives. The author is aware of the fact that these phenomena are likely due to the country being an emerging economy in Europe, and argues that, in a broader context, social actions, if remaining segregated, are insufficient to solve civil society problems. With consideration to social needs (poverty and social inclusion), the arguments for the appropriate targeting and sustainability of CSAs are emphatic, and a shift towards a more strategic concept of social investment is essential. In this perspective, the author argues for the significance of knowledge transfer (i.e. from consultancy partners to civil organisations, or between for-profit organisations) in encouraging networking and increasing the forms of employee community engagement. At the end of the paper, the placing of a project (sign-language distant service to help disabled/ deaf persons) into a sustainable and financially sound framework is described

    Designing Decidable Logics of Epistemology

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    We investigate the following “epistemic” extensions of (fragments of) first order logics: if phi is a formula, then box_i phi (i in I) is also a formula, where I is a fixed finite set. The intended meaning of box_i phi is “the i-th agent (ith participant of the model) knows phi”. The main result of the paper is Theorem 1: if L is such a fragment of first order logic whose consequence relation is weakly decidable, then the consequence relation of the epistemic extension of L remains weakly decidable, as well

    Találkozásom a fórumszínházzal

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    2008 nyarán részt vettem a Magyar Drámapedagógiai Társaság Spárta-dráma programján, ott hallottam először Augusto Boal fórumszínházáról. Az előadó Londonban vett részt egy workshopon, az ott szerzett tapasztalatait osztotta meg velünk. Előadását egy rövid jelenettel illusztrálta, melyet társai játszottak: egy fiatal nőt inzultált egy férfi az utolsó metrón; egyetlen utastársuk tökéletesen közönyösen viselkedett. A probléma elmélyülésekor megállították a jelenetet, és a nézők – ez esetben drámatanárok – léptek be a fiatal nő szerepébe, és próbálták megoldani a helyzetet

    Euró – megoldás helyett maga a probléma?

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    Polyadic Algebras

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    This chapter surveys the development in the theory of polyadic algebras in the last decades

    A New Method of Remote Healing Through Information Based Treatment

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    Healing, in the form of remote healing, is one of the most exciting proofs of the working of the primordial field described by Ervin Laszlo. Although phenomena of presentiment and faith healing have been with us since earliest times, in each subsequent age, in every culture, and throughout the development of the world\u27s belief systems, systematic attempts to understand these phenomena have been growing ever stronger. The paradigm of western science in the modern age tended to relegate remote healing to the realm of superstition or delusion, but this certainly does not characterize the complete history of science. Even in the present age, compelling evidence has been amassed by experimental parapsychology, albeit some it fails to satisfy the stringent requirements of the scientific method. Thus, the rigorous basis of the Akashic field theory as developed by Laszlo, having been derived as a synthesis of several, hitherto un-reconciled phenomena across various scientific fields, represents a unique, and I my view uniquely valid, development in modern science. On the basis of many years of practice I have come to know from my own observation and experience, the real meaning of this theory. Indeed, I have been instrumental in the very birth of this theory in Laszlo’s thinking: the first evident, and nearly indisputable evidence for the existence of this field came to his attention in the aftermath of the phenomena I encountered following the death of my father (these phenomena have been recounted by Laszlo in his book The Creative Cosmos2). These furnished the impetus for Laszlo to look into the possibility of memory and information in nature as a real factor in the world, and thus impelled him to look for an explanation that can link it with the avant-garde theories of physics. This is how the concept of a beyond-spacetime Akashic field—also known as the Psi field—was born. Therefore with good conscience I can assume at this time the responsible task of supplementing Laszlo’s theory with my own understanding of the Akashic field, as the deep-dimensional medium that underlies the phenomena of remote healing
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