51 research outputs found

    El manejo de las cuerdas en la escuela : medidas preventivas

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    Cuando hablamos de escalada en el entorno del profesorado de Educación Física, siempre aparecen las mismas dudas: seguro de accidentes para el alumnado en los centros educativos, seguro de responsabilidad civil del profesorado, contenido difícil para llevar a cabo en los centros... Es verdad que la administración educativa no acaba definir de forma clara los ámbitos de la responsabilidad y seguridad del alumnado, profesorado, entornos, salidas (un buen análisis de los últimos documentos publicados al respecto nos ayudaría a entender y mejorar la situación actual), etc. Pero también es cierto que cuando hablamos de trepa, escalada, manejo de cuerdas, rápel y demás actividades, como veremos en el currículo, aparecen de forma clara para que podamos trabajarla. Otra cuestión bien distinta es la formación inicial que haya podido tener el profesorado de Educación Física, que en la mayoría de los casos es escasa (una vez analizado los diferentes planes de estudios de las universidades españolas). Ante situación nos parece acertado abordar un contenido de estas características permitiendo ofrecer actividades a realizar en el centro así como un elevado control de las contingencias que hagan más segura y atractiva las actividades con cuerdas. No debemos olvidar que son actividades con bastante aceptación por parte del alumnado, siendo éste un punto a nuestro favor para poder afrontar el reto de ponerlas en práctica en las clases de Educación Física. En el siguiente texto estructuraremos la información de la siguiente manera: pequeña introducción, análisis de currículos en Andalucía, materiales básicos y actividades básicas así como las medidas preventivas

    Educación física y educación ambiental. Posibilidades educativas de las actividades en el medio natural. Perspectivas de futuro: la educación al aire libre y el aula naturaleza

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    Hoy en día existe una mayor concienciación social hacia la defensa y conservación del medio ambiente. Las próximas décadas parecen ser vitales para lograr entre todos, desacelerar el deterio que está experimentando el planeta que habitamos. Creemos necesario la presencia de este compromiso en el ámbito educativo. En este artículo se muestran las finalidades, objetivos y valores que debemos plantearnos los maestros especialistas de Educación Física con respecto a los contenidos que se relacionan con la conservación y defensa del medio ambiente. A pesar de las dificultades que presentan llevar a cabo las Actividades Físicas en el Medio Natural, debemos buscar nuevas propuestas educativas para trabajar estas actividades en el ámbito escolar.Nowadays there is a major social awareness of the defence and conservation of the environment. The coming decades seem to be vital to achieve among all to slow down the deterioration that the planet that we inhabit is experiencing. We think that is necessary the presence of this commitment in the educational field. In this article, we present the purposes, goals and values that we, teachers specialized in Physical Education, must consider regarding the content related to the conservation and defence of the environment. In spite of the difficulties involved to carry out the Physical Activities in the Natural Environment, we must seek new educational proposals to work these activities at school

    La formación del profesorado de educación física de ESO en Andalucía en relación con las actividades en el medio natural

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    En el capítulo primero realizamos una valoración del tema, así como las principales inquietudes e intereses que nos han inclinado por la elección del mismo. En el capítulo segundo hacemos un repaso de la bibliografía para conocer aspectos teóricos de las actividades en el medio natural. En la primera parte, cómo ha sido la evolución a lo largo de la historia hasta nuestros días. En la segunda parte nos planteamos definir, clasificar y comprender qué son las actividades en el medio natural. Diremos cuáles son las características comunes así como los objetivos que se persiguen. En la tercera parte, analizamos los distintos documentos oficiales relacionados con la Enseñanza Secundaria Obligatoria en los que encontramos continuas reseñas de las actividades en el medio natural. Hacemos referencia a los documentos marco que guían y orientan la práctica educativa. Concluimos este apartado con una aproximación a la situación actual de las AMN en los centros educativos. En la última parte analizamos la oferta formativa existente relacionada con las actividades en el medio natural así como las necesidades formativas del profesorado en estos contenidos. En el capítulo tercero desarrollamos toda la metodología de la investigación, describiendo los modelos de investigación más importantes, así como los instrumentos de investigación utilizados para nuestro estudio. En el capítulo cuarto analizamos y discutimos los datos obtenidos en los cuestionarios, centrándonos en los aspectos más relevantes de cada dimensión. En el capítulo quinto presentamos los resultados de las entrevistas realizadas a nueve profesores/as que imparten docencia en los distintos niveles educativos, concretamente en la Universidad y en Educación Secundaria Obligatoria. En el capítulo sexto vamos a contrastar los datos obtenidos a partir de los instrumentos utilizados en la recogida de información de las fases anteriores de la investigación, el cuestionario y la entrevista. Con los resultados alcanzados llevamos a cabo la triangulación, entendida como técnica de confrontación y herramienta de comparación de diferentes tipos de análisis de datos y que con un mismo objetivo puede contribuir a validar un estudio y potenciar las conclusiones que de él se derivan (Rodríguez, Pozo y Gutiérrez, 2006). El capítulo séptimo se divide en tres apartados: limitaciones del estudio, las conclusiones del mismo y las perspectivas futuras e implicaciones de la investigación. En el capítulo octavo enumeramos todas las referencias bibliográficas utilizadas para llevar a cabo nuestro estudio.----------------------------------------------------------In the first chapter we make an assessment of the topic, and major concerns and interests that we have favored the election of the same. In the second chapter we review the literature to learn the theoretical aspects of activities in the natural environment. In the first half, as has been the trend throughout history until our days. In the second part we post to define, classify and understand that activities are in the wild. We will say what are the common characteristics and the objectives pursued. In the third part, we analyze the various official documents relating to the Compulsory Secondary Education in which we find continuing reviews of activities in the natural environment. We refer to the framework documents that guide and direct educational practice. We conclude this section with an approximation of the current status of outdoor education in schools. In the last part, we analyze the existing training supply related activities in the natural environment as well as teacher training needs in this contents. Developed in chapter three the entire methodology of the investigation, describing the most important research models and research tools used in our study. In chapter four we analyze and discuss data from the questionnaires, focusing on the most relevant aspects of each dimension. In chapter five we present the results of interviews conducted nine teachers who teach in the different educational levels, particularly in the university and compulsory secondary education. In the sixth chapter we will compare the data obtained from instruments used in the collection of information from previous stages of research, questionnaire and interview. With the results obtained we carried out the triangulation, understood as the technique of confrontation and comparison tool for different types of data analysis and with the same objective can help to validate a study and enhance the conclusions derived from it (Rodriguez, Pozo and Gutierrez, 2006). The seventh chapter is divided into three sections: limitations of the study, the conclusion and future prospects and implications of research. In the eighth chapter we list all references used to carry out our study

    Psychometric Characteristics of the Physical Activity Enjoyment Scale in the Context of Physical Activity in Nature

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the psychometric properties of the Physical Activity Enjoyment Scale applied to different contexts for initial or original use, such as in the context of physical activity in nature. In order to do this, we carried out a study at some primary and secondary schools located in western Andalucía (Spain), with students aged 9–12 years old (M = 11.22; SD = 1.07). Therefore, a sample of 206 students in Study 1 (98 boys = 47.8%; 107 girls = 52.2%) and 455 students in Study 2 (228 boys = 50.1% 227 girls = 49.9%) was used. The students of the two groups that belong to the study created a program related to Physical Activity in Nature. Descriptive, exploratory, and confirmatory analyses were conducted. We also analyzed several other factors, such as internal consistency, composite reliability, average extracted variance, and convergent validity. Afterward, di erences according to gender and school year were also studied. The data showed the need to eliminate many of the items from the original scale, giving, as a result, a model of six items that satisfactorily fit into the confirmatory analysis for the use of physical activity in nature. The ANOVA statistical test, used to analyze sex and school year, did not show any tangible differences between the target groups. Thanks to its application, we note that the PACES instrument cannot be applied as-is; some items must be removed or modified. Therefore, we must obtain a new, more specific instrument for these types of incipient practices undertaken in natural environments

    Exercise, quality of life and depression in elderly of Huelva

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    Presentado en EDUHEM 2018 - VIII International conference on intercultural education and International conference on transcultural health: The Value Of Education And Health For A Global,Transcultural World, Cognitive-Crcs.The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between physical condition level, quality of life related to health and the degree of depression of a sample of people over 60 years old that engage physical activity in social centers of Huelva. A total of 66 elderly people aged between 60 and 87 years with an average age of 69.71 (SD=6.1) was evaluated. Of these, 80.3% were women (n=53) and 19.7% male (n=13). The results indicate that strength has a very significant correlation with Physical Role, Physical Component, Social Function, General Health, Emotional Role and Vitality (p<.005) and a significant correlation with Body Pain and Mental Component (p<.05). Statistically significant differences are observed between strength and normal and severe depression categories (F(2)=4.286; p=.018). Relevant conclusions of the investigation found that strength is the only physical quality that correlates with the two major components of health related quality of life, Physical Component (PCS) and Mental Component (MCS); and elderly people with severe depression levels have lower strength values than older people without depression

    Current situation of the teacher training in outdoors activities by physical education teachers. A qualitative study with experts in Andalusia

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la situación actual de la formación en actividades en el medio natural según el profesorado de Educación Física. Los datos de la investigación procedieron de entrevistas semiestructuradas realizadas a nueve docentes expertos en la formación del profesorado. Los resultados del estudio indicaron que la formación es escasa e insuficiente, tanto en la formación inicial como en la permanente. Sin embargo, se apostó por incrementar su desarrollo y mejora con fórmulas y formatos como la educación al aire libre, con sus salidas y estancias en plena naturaleza. Éstas nos permitieron abordar los diferentes contenidos curriculares de manera más activa. El pilar de esta mejora se basó en el aprendizaje experiencial que hace que el alumnado y profesorado estén mucho más implicados en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. La información ofrecida en este artículo puede ser de interés para establecer estrategias que favorezcan la mejora de la formación e investigación en el bloque de contenido actividades en el medio natural.The aim of this study was to analyze the current situation of training outdoor activities as Physical Education teachers. The research data came from semi-structured interviews with nine experts training teachers. The results of this study indicated that training is limited and insufficient. However, it was decided to increase its development with formats such as outdoor education, with their stays in nature. These allow us to address the different curricula more actively. The cornerstone of this improvement is based on experiential learning that makes the students and teachers are more involved in the teaching-learning process. The information provided in this article may be of interest to develop strategies that promote improved training and research the outdoor activities

    Preconception Care for Men and Women during the Pandemic, an Intervention Proposal

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    The COVID-19 pandemic and its measures resulted in limited outdoor activities, reduced group meetings, etc., leading to unhealthy habits. Several studies showed how certain unhealthy habits can lead to serious consequences for both men and women, as well as affect future offspring. (1) Background: Therefore, we present a community intervention at the preconception stage to avoid future risks. The purpose of this intervention is to change lifestyles and beliefs about the health of men and women in the preconception period; (2) Methods: For the design of the intervention, a bibliographic search was performed both in English and Spanish in the main databases of health sciences and nursing (Cochrane, PubMed, Web of Science, CINAHL, LILACS, Dialnet), using descrip tors in MeSH health for sciences; (3) Results: We proposed that a variety of lifestyles be analyzed, including aspects such as physical activity, nutrition, etc. In addition, stress management should be emphasized through a relaxation workshop, where three different techniques be proposed to reduce anxiety levels in stressful situations; (4) Conclusions: Due to the limited scientific results of interventions carried out in the preconception period simultaneously with men and women, more community interventions that address this topic are needed to assess the impact of these actions on the health of the population

    Influence of Dynamic Balance on Jumping-Based Asymmetries in Team Sport: A between-Sports Comparison in Basketball and Handball Athletes

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    The aims of the present study were to analyze mobility, dynamic balance and lower-limb strength and the prevalence of asymmetry according to the type of sport and assess the association between inter-limb asymmetry and sports performance. A total of 23 basketball and 25 handball players performed a test battery consisting of functional movements and a jump test. Inter-limb asymmetry was calculated using a standard percentage difference equation. A between-groups comparison analysis was carried out, and Pearson’s correlation coefficients (r) were calculated to establish a relationship between asymmetries and physical performance. The results found athletes in different sports to exhibit different performance in functional movements and the jump test, but no bilateral asymmetries. The reactive strength index (RSI) and stiffness asymmetries were significantly associated with the anterior reach Y-balance test (YBT) (r = -0.412; p < 0.01 and r = -0.359; p < 0.05, respectively), and the unilateral triple hop test (THTU) was negatively correlated to anterior reach, posterior lateral reach YBT and YBT composite YBT (r = -0.341 to -0.377; p < 0.05). These findings suggest that the asymmetries exhibited important dispersion not dependent upon the type of sport but on each individual and the applied test. In addition, asymmetry in anterior direction YBT showed the strongest association to the rest of the sports performance variables

    An App about healthy habits as an educational resource during the pandemic

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    Educational institutions and their agents play a fundamental role in improving people’s health literacy and quality of life. We intend here to describe and justify an educational resource embodied in an application for mobile devices developed through a subsidized project by the Ministry of Health (Government of Andalusia); the purpose of this app is to educate young people in healthy habits. The application was designed to be easily used in both smartphones and tablets with the aim of achieving good physical, psychological and social health. The project comprises several phases and the results we have so far show that, from an early age, health institutions and educational settings must work in partnership, increasing health literacy levels. This cooperative work combined with the use of this innovative approach presents an important potential for change in the lifestyles of younger generations. This type of intervention took on a special role in the pandemic context, allowing for the maintenance of the educational stimulus in a safe context.Project of the three-year period 2017–2019. This study was funded by the Health Council of the Government of Andalusia, in compliance with Resolution of 20 December 2016, of the General Secretariat of Healthcare Research, Development and Innovation, in the call of grants for the funding of Research in Biomedicine, Life Sciences, Development and Innovation in Andalusia for the year 2016, with file number PIN-0445-2016 and a total duration of 36 months. This study was funded by EPIT 2021 (University of Huelva, Spain). Currently it is also supported by the Andalusian ERDF Operational Program 2014–2020 (reference UHU-202062).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Psychological Discomfort in Nursing Degree Students as a Consequence of the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Students are a population at risk of developing psychological complications, such as psychological discomfort, stress, and anxiety, among other problems, especially during the current health crisis due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The present study’s objective was to analyze the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the psychological discomfort of final-year nursing students. A crosssectional descriptive observational study was carried out. To analyze the psychological discomfort of the participants, the Kessler test (previously validated) was used. The results of this test were divided into two levels (High ≥ 21/Low < 21), showing high sensitivity as a screening method for anxiety and depression. Questionnaires were sent via email to final-year nursing students of Spanish and South American universities, inviting them to participate voluntarily. The sample consisted of 400 students, with an average age of 23.29 years and a sex proportion of 82.75% women and 17.28% men. Almost all participants (n = 396) belonged to Spanish universities, and the greatest participation corresponded to Andalusian universities (64.5%). The average psychological discomfort was high (M = 27.94). Statistically significant relationships were detected between age, sex, and feeling ready for the world of work, observing no relationships with the rest of the studied variables. The sample of 4th-year students of the Degree of Nursing presented a high level of psychological discomfort. This pathology does not seem to be related to having suffered from COVID-19 or being in contact with infected people during the practicum and is more strongly related to personal sociodemographic variables and students’ preparation for the world of workUniversity of Huelv