12 research outputs found

    Tolerance of native Magellan fungi in peat to anthracene and n-dodecane for potential use in bioremediation

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    Tolerance of Magellan fungi in peat to anthracene and n-dodecane for potential use in bioremediation. Cien. Inv. Agr. 43(1):85-93. The tolerances of filamentous Magellan fungi in peat were analyzed in the presence of structurally different petroleum hydrocarbons to assess their abilities for bioremediation in contaminated soils. Fungi on PDA (potato dextrose agar) and fresh peat plates were cultured and purified. The morphologically identified species were grown in a hydrocarbon adapted-fungi (HAF) medium. Increasing concentrations of anthracene, n-dodecane and furfural were applied to observe tolerances based on the radial growth kinetics of hyphae. The results showed that the radial growths of hyphae in anthracene reached average speeds of 10.95 卤 1.21, 11.03 卤 3.14 and 10.96 卤 4.61 mm h-1 in 0.1, 1 and 2 g L"鹿 solutions, respectively. The average growth rates in n-dodecane were 10.52 卤 3.33, 14.67 卤 1.88 and 10.86 卤 3.50 mm h-1 in 10, 20 and 40 g L-1 solutions, respectively. The growth rate in furfural reached 3.95 卤 1.07 mm/h in a 5 g L-1 concentration. The results suggest that the identified filamentous fungi are tolerant to anthracene and n-dodecane, which are the primary components of petroleum fractions. Furfural, a recognized antifungal, limited the growth. The results also indicate hydrocarbon degradation, suggesting that Magellanic peat can be used as a potential inoculum in bioremediation treatment processes associated with petroleum-contaminated soils. The observed filamentous fungi belong to the Penicillium genus based on visual identification and 18S rRNA.Tolerancia a antraceno y n-dodecano de hongos nativos de turba Magall谩nica para su potencial uso en biorremediaci贸n. Cien. Inv. Agr. 43(1):85-93. Se estudia la tolerancia de hongos filamentosos de turba magall谩nica en presencia de hidrocarburos derivados del petr贸leo estructuralmente diferentes, con miras a ser empleados como agentes de biorremediaci贸n de suelos contaminados. Se cultivaron y purificaron hongos en placas con PDA (Agar de Papa y Dextrosa) y turba fresca. Las especies morfol贸gicamente identificadas se cultivaron en medio HAF (Hidrocarbon Adapted-Fungi) con concentraciones crecientes de antraceno, n-dodecano y furfural para observar su tolerancia a trav茅s de las cin茅ticas de crecimiento radial de hifas. Los resultados muestran que el crecimiento radial de las hifas en antraceno alcanz贸 una velocidad media de 10.95 卤 1.21, 11.03 卤 3.14, y 10.96 卤 4.61 mm h4 para concentraciones de 0.1, 1 y 2 g L4; para n-dodecano las velocidades medias alcanzaron los 10.52 卤 3.33, 14.67 卤 1.88 y 10.86 卤 3.50 mm h4 para 10, 20 y 40 g L4. Ensayos con furfural alcanzaron 3.95 卤 1.07 mm h4 a 5 g L4. Los resultados muestran que el hongo filamentoso identificado es tolerante a antraceno y n-dodecano, constituyentes caracter铆sticos de fracciones del petr贸leo. Por su parte furfural, reconocido antif煤ngico, limita el crecimiento. Los resultados tambi茅n muestran degradaci贸n de los compuestos se帽alados posicionando a la turba Magall谩nica como potencial contribuyente de in贸culos para procesos de biorremediaci贸n de suelos contaminados con hidrocarburos del petr贸leo. Se identific贸 el g茅nero Penicillium como el hongo filamentoso desarrollado mediante identificaci贸n visual y 18S RNA


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    Indexaci贸n: Web of Science; ScieloRESUMEN: La flotaci贸n espumosa usa diversos reactivos, org谩nicos e inorg谩nicos, para aumentar el rendimiento y selectividad del proceso. La flotaci贸n utiliza sustancias tensoactivas que se adsorben en la interfase aire/agua. Como potenciales sustitutos de los espumantes usados actualmente, se consideran los residuos org谩nicos de origen animal, como los bios贸lidos. Este estudio, eval煤a el uso de bios贸lidos y 谩cidos h煤micos como agentes espumantes para flotaci贸n espumosa, cuantific谩ndose su capacidad tensoactiva y para formar y estabilizar espumas. Bios贸lidos son capaces de cambiar la tensi贸n superficial de una soluci贸n, crear y estabilizar espumas. Dosis menores a 4 g L-1 muestran un afecto tensoactivo mayor comparado con reactivos espumantes, tipo MIBC. Para un uso efectivo de bios贸lidos, se requiere realizar una etapa de preacondicionamiento, que permita separar la fracci贸n soluble y coloidal que tiene la capacidad tensoactiva. El uso de bios贸lidos a gran escala necesita investigaci贸n adicional para escalar los resultados obtenidos en laboratorio.ABSTRACT: Froth flotation uses various organic and inorganic reagents to increase performance and selectivity of the flotation process. Froth flotation takes place mediated by tensioactive substances that are adsorbed on the air/water interface. Potential substitutes for the currently used frothers, organic wastes of animal origin, like biosolids are found. This study was to evaluate biosolids and humic acids as foaming agents in froth flotation by quantification of their tensioactive capabilities, foam-forming potential and foam stability. Biosolids was able to change the surface tension of a solution, creating and stabilizing foams. Dosages under 4 g L-1 of flotation reagents showed a better tensioactive effect using biosolids instead of conventional flotation reagents, type MIBC. For an effective use of these substances as frothers, it is recommended to consider a preconditioning stage. That stage will permit separating soluble and colloidal fractions that show a tensioactive effect. Further research will be needed in order to scale-up current laboratory assays to operational mining scales.http://ref.scielo.org/y9j24

    Hydrogen kinetics limitation of an autotrophic sulphate reduction reactor

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    Sulphate-reducing bacteria (SRB) are microorganisms that can be used as removal agents in polluted water sources. The use of inorganic substrates in SRB systems could reduce the cost and simplify operation. However, the use of H2 as an energetic substrate and the production of H2S as a metabolic product could produce kinetic limitations. The aim of this study was to assess the extent to which the kinetics of a sulphate reduction bioreactor was limited by its gas transfer capacity. Reactor kinetics were monitored by total pressure kinetics without sulphate limitation. It was concluded that the bioreactor design should be based on transfer properties. The uptake rate of H2 reached a maximum of 10-4 M/min, equivalent to a sulphate reduction rate of 3.4 g路L-1路d-1. The hydrogen mass transfer rate required a kLa of 1.48 min-1 at 1.2路109 cells/L in order to avoid limitation by H2 bio-availability (1.23路10-9 L路min-1路cell-1), which is a relevant value for scaling-up purposes

    CO2 adsorption on agricultural biomass combustion ashes

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    Carbon capture and storage has become an alternative means of confronting global warming. Further research and development into adequate and low-cost materials is required for CO2 adsorption technologies.Samples of fly ash, bottom ash and their respective pellets, produced from wheat bran combustion, were characterized and tested to assess their capacity for CO2 adsorption at different temperatures. Neither the ashes nor their pellets were subject to prior thermochemical activation.The bottom ash sample and its pellets showed a higher adsorption capacity for the majority of the temperatures studied. The pelletized bottom ash reached the maximum adsorption capacity (0,07 mmol CO2/g), followed by the non-pelletized bottom ash (0,06 mmol CO2/g); both at an adsorption temperature of 25掳C.CO2 adsorption of bottom ash, from the combustion of wheat bran (agricultural biomass), by a physical adsorption mechanism was demonstrated whereas with the fly ash sample, CO2 adsorption by both physical and chemical adsorption mechanisms was identified

    Assessment of the flotability of chalcopyrite, molybdenite and pyrite using biosolids and their main components as collectors for greening the froth flotation of copper sulphide ores.

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    Biosolids and representative compounds of their main components ? humic acids, sugars, and proteins ? have been tested as possible environment-friendly collectors and frothers for the flotation of copper sulphide ores. The floatability of chalcopyrite and molybdenite ? both valuable sulphide minerals present in these ores ? as well as non-valuable pyrite was assessed through Hallimond tube flotation tests. Humic acids exhibit similar collector ability for chalcopyrite and molybdenite as that of a commercial collector (Aero 6697 promoter). Biosolids show more affinity for pyrite. The copper recovery (85.9%) and copper grade (6.7%) of a rougher concentrate obtained using humic acids as main collector for the flotation of a copper sulphide ore from Chile, were very similar to those of a copper concentrate produced by froth flotation under the same conditions with a xanthate type commercial collector. This new and feasible end-use of biosolids and humic acids should be new environment-friendly organic froth flotation agents for greening the concentration of copper sulphide ore. Now, further research is needed in order to scale current laboratory assays to operational mining scales to determine efficiencies to industrial scale

    Photocatalyzed Production of Urea as a Hydrogen–Storage Material by TiO2–Based Materials

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    This review analyzes the photocatalyzed urea syntheses by TiO2–based materials. The most outstanding works in synthesizing urea from the simultaneous photocatalyzed reduction of carbon dioxide and nitrogen compounds are reviewed and discussed. Urea has been widely used in the agricultural industry as a fertilizer. It represents more than 50% of the nitrogen fertilizer market, and its global demand has increased more than 100 times in the last decades. In energy terms, urea has been considered a hydrogen–storage (6.71 wt.%) and ammonia–storage (56.7 wt.%) compound, giving it fuel potential. Urea properties meet the requirements of the US Department of Energy for hydrogen–storage substances, meanly because urea crystalizes, allowing storage and safe transportation. Conventional industrial urea synthesis is energy–intensive (3.2–5.5 GJ ton−1) since it requires high pressures and temperatures, so developing a photocatalyzed synthesis at ambient temperature and pressure is an attractive alternative to conventional synthesis. Due to the lack of reports for directly catalyzed urea synthesis, this review is based on the most prominent works. We provide details of developed experimental set–ups, amounts of products reported, the advantages and difficulties of the synthesis, and the scope of the technological and energetic challenges faced by TiO2–based photocatalyst materials used for urea synthesis. The possibility of scaling photocatalysis technology was evaluated as well. We hope this review invites exploring and developing a technology based on clean and renewable energies for industrial urea production

    Multi-scenario energy-economic evaluation for a biorefinery based on microalgae biomass with application of anaerobic digestion

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    Microalgae are a source of biomass that has aroused the interest of the bioenergy industry due to its sustainability potential and maximum use of different abundant natural resources. This research proposes an energy-economic evaluation model for 11 scenarios for a biorefinery based on microalgae biomass, including a final stage of anaerobic digestion. Furthermore, it allows for comparisons between different scales of production, farming technologies and microalgae species, in line with latest industry information. Results are displayed by means of economic (NPV) and energy (EROI) indicators. Almost all the scenarios evaluated returned negative economic profitability, except for the extraction and commercialization of concentrated proteins (the PE scenario with protein sales of US3/kg).Inordertoguidefutureresearchandinvestmentinmicroalgaeprojects,asensitivityanalysiswasconductedintothecriticalvariablesoftheoverallprocess.Anoptimisticcontext,ledbytheincreaseofthepercentageofbiomasslipids,allowsaminimumbiodieselsellingpricetobereachedwhichisclosetotheinternationalvalueoffossildiesel(US3/kg). In order to guide future research and investment in microalgae projects, a sensitivity analysis was conducted into the critical variables of the overall process. An optimistic context, led by the increase of the percentage of biomass lipids, allows a minimum biodiesel selling price to be reached which is close to the international value of fossil diesel (US1/L) for scenarios in which this biofuel is commercialized.National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research (Comision Nacional de Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnologica, CONICYT) of the Chilean Government 22130431 Algae Fuels S.A. business consortium Chilean Economic Development Agency (Corporacion de Fomento de la Produccion, CORFO) Chilean Ministry of Energy via Renewable Energies Research Group of the Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering Department, of the Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile INNOVACORFO 09CTEI-686

    Tolerance of native Magellan fungi in peat to anthracene and n-dodecane for potential use in bioremediation

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    The tolerances of filamentous Magellan fungi in peat were analyzed in the presence of structurally different petroleum hydrocarbons to assess their abilities for bioremediation in contaminated soils. Fungi on PDA (potato dextrose agar) and fresh peat plates were cultured and purified. The morphologically identified species were grown in a hydrocarbon adapted-fungi (HAF) medium. Increasing concentrations of anthracene, n-dodecane and furfural were applied to observe tolerances based on the radial growth kinetics of hyphae. The results showed that the radial growths of hyphae in anthracene reached average speeds of 10.95 +/- 1.21, 11.03 +/- 3.14 and 10.96 +/- 4.61 mm h(-1) in 0.1, 1 and 2 g L-1 solutions, respectively. The average growth rates in n-dodecane were 10.52 +/- 3.33, 14.67 +/- 1.88 and 10.86 +/- 3.50 mm h(-1) in 10, 20 and 40 g L-1 solutions, respectively. The growth rate in furfural reached 3.95 +/- 1.07 mm/h in a 5 g L-1 concentration. The results suggest that the identified filamentous fungi are tolerant to anthracene and n-dodecane, which are the primary components of petroleum fractions. Furfural, a recognized antifungal, limited the growth. The results also indicate hydrocarbon degradation, suggesting that Magellanic peat can be used as a potential inoculum in bioremediation treatment processes associated with petroleum-contaminated soils. The observed filamentous fungi belong to the Penicillium genus based on visual identification and 18S rRNANational Commission for Scientific and Technological Research (CONICYT) of the Chilean Government 21,090,47

    Hydrogen kinetics limitation of an autotrophic sulphate reduction reactor

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    Sulphate-reducing bacteria (SRB) are microorganisms that can be used as removal agents in polluted water sources. The use of inorganic substrates in SRB systems could reduce the cost and simplify operation. However, the use of H2 as an energetic substrate and the production of H2S as a metabolic product could produce kinetic limitations. The aim of this study was to assess the extent to which the kinetics of a sulphate reduction bioreactor was limited by its gas transfer capacity. Reactor kinetics were monitored by total pressure kinetics without sulphate limitation. It was concluded that the bioreactor design should be based on transfer properties. The uptake rate of H2 reached a maximum of 10-4 M/min, equivalent to a sulphate reduction rate of 3.4 g路L-1路d-1. The hydrogen mass transfer rate required a kLa of 1.48 min-1 at 1.2路109 cells/L in order to avoid limitation by H2 bio-availability (1.23路10-9 L路min-1路cell-1), which is a relevant value for scaling-up purposesEl uso de sustratos inorg谩nicos podr铆a reducir los costos y simplificar la operaci贸n de sistemas de tratamiento de aguas que utilizan bacterias reductoras de sulfato. Sin embargo, el uso de H2 como sustrato energ茅tico y la bioproducci贸n de H2S podr铆an provocar limitaciones cin茅ticas. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar las condiciones en las que la capacidad de transferencia de masa de un bioreactor de reducci贸n de sulfato, limita su cin茅tica de reducci贸n. La cin茅tica del reactor fue obtenida monitoreando la presi贸n del sistema en condiciones de no limitaci贸n por sulfato. Se concluy贸 que el dise帽o del bioreactor deber铆a basarse en sus propiedades de transferencia. La tasa de consumo de H2 alcanz贸 un m谩ximo de 10-4 M/min, para una tasa de reducci贸n de sulfato de 3.4 g路L-1路d-1. Para evitar limitaci贸n por H2 se requiri贸 un kLa de 1.48 min-1 a 1.2路109 cells/L (1.23路10-9 L路min-1路cell-1), valor relevante para prop贸sitos de escalamient