197 research outputs found

    Drosophila olfactory local interneurons and projection neurons derive from a common neuroblast lineage specified by the empty spiracles gene

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Encoding of olfactory information in insects occurs in the antennal lobe where the olfactory receptor neurons interact with projection neurons and local interneurons in a complex sensory processing circuitry. While several studies have addressed the developmental mechanisms involved in specification and connectivity of olfactory receptor neurons and projection neurons in <it>Drosophila</it>, the local interneurons are far less well understood.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this study, we use genetic marking techniques combined with antibody labelling and neuroblast ablation to analyse lineage specific aspects of local interneuron development. We find that a large set of local interneurons labelled by the GAL4-<it>LN1 </it>(NP1227) and GAL4-<it>LN2 </it>(NP2426) lines arise from the lateral neuroblast, which has also been shown to generate uniglomerular projection neurons. Moreover, we find that a remarkable diversity of local interneuron cell types with different glomerular innervation patterns and neurotransmitter expression derives from this lineage. We analyse the birth order of these two distinct neuronal types by generating MARCM (mosaic analysis with a repressible cell marker) clones at different times during larval life. This analysis shows that local interneurons arise throughout the proliferative cycle of the lateral neuroblast beginning in the embryo, while uniglomerular projection neurons arise later during the second larval instar. The lateral neuroblast requires the function of the cephalic gap gene <it>empty spiracles </it>for the development of olfactory interneurons. In <it>empty spiracles </it>null mutant clones, most of the local interneurons and lateral projection neurons are lacking. These findings reveal similarities in the development of local interneurons and projection neurons in the olfactory system of <it>Drosophila</it>.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We find that the lateral neuroblast of the deutocerebrum gives rise to a large and remarkably diverse set of local interneurons as well as to projection neurons in the antennal lobe. Moreover, we show that specific combinations of these two neuron types are produced in specific time windows in this neuroblast lineage. The development of both these cell types in this lineage requires the function of the <it>empty spiracles </it>gene.</p

    Neuroethology of the Waggle Dance: How Followers Interact with the Waggle Dancer and Detect Spatial Information

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    Since the honeybee possesses eusociality, advanced learning, memory ability, and information sharing through the use of various pheromones and sophisticated symbol communication (i.e., the "waggle dance"), this remarkable social animal has been one of the model symbolic animals for biological studies, animal ecology, ethology, and neuroethology. Karl von Frisch discovered the meanings of the waggle dance and called the communication a "dance language." Subsequent to this discovery, it has been extensively studied how effectively recruits translate the code in the dance to reach the advertised destination and how the waggle dance information conflicts with the information based on their own foraging experience. The dance followers, mostly foragers, detect and interact with the waggle dancer, and are finally recruited to the food source. In this review, we summarize the current state of knowledge on the neural processing underlying this fascinating behavior

    Maggot debridement therapy for a patient with critical limb ischaemia and severe cardiac dysfunction: possibility of limb salvage

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    Ischaemic skin ulcer occurred on the foot of a 73-year-old man who had a history of fulminant myocarditis with severe cardiac dysfunction. We attempted wound bed preparation by maggot debridement therapy and salvaged his limb. It can be one of the adjuvant treatment strategies for critical limb ischaemia

    The relationship between the PD-L1 expression of surgically resected and fine-needle aspiration specimens for patients with pancreatic cancer

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    BACKGROUND: Recently, therapeutic antibodies against programmed death-1/programmed death-ligand 1 (PD-1/PD-L1) have shown promising clinical results for several solid tumors, including pancreatic cancer. In this study, we evaluated the relationship between the PD-L1 expression of surgical resected and fine-needle aspiration (FNA) specimens for patients with pancreatic cancer. METHODS: Of 121 patients who underwent endoscopic ultrasound-guided (EUS)-FNA before surgery for pancreatic cancer in an academic center, the 94 (78%) with adequate FNA specimens for a histological evaluation were retrospectively analyzed. All the patients had undergone upfront surgery without any chemotherapy or radiotherapy. We performed immunohistochemistry (IHC) staining to investigate the PD-L1 expression in both resected and FNA specimens. The positive-stained cells were counted, and their percentage was used for the investigation. RESULTS: Of the 94 patients, 16 (17%) and 11 (10%) were defined as positive on resected cancer specimens using cutoff points of 5% and 10% positively stained cancer cell counts, respectively. The concordance rates for the positive frequency of PD-L1 expression between resected and FNA specimens were 44% (7/16) and 55% (6/11) when the positivity was set to ≥ 5% and ≥ 10%, respectively. The concordance rates for the negative frequency of PD-L1 expression between two specimens were 97% (76/78) and 99% (82/83) when the positivity was set to ≥ 5% and ≥ 10%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Approximately, half of the patients with PD-L1 expression positive and almost all the patients with PD-L1 expression negative could be diagnosed on FNA specimens

    Tumorigenicity, Motility and Liver Metastasis of Human Gastric Carcinoma Lines with High Metastatic Potential in the Liver of Nude Mice

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    To analyze the human gastric carcinoma metastasis to the liver, a human gastric carcinoma line, AZ521 was injected into the spleens of nude mice. Cells from the few liver metastatic foci of injected AZ521 were expanded in vitro and subsequently injected into the spleens of nude mice. By repeating these proce-dures five times, we were able to obtain a cell line, designated AZ-H5c, with high metastatic potential in nude mice. It was observed that animals had liver metastasis in 10 of 12 (83%) cases injected with AZ-H5c, whereas only 14% with parental AZ521. The growth activity in vivo of AZ-H5c cells is much more rapid than that of AZ521 cells, but its growth activity in vitro is slower. The mortile activity in vitro of AZ-H5c is stronger than that of AZ521. These results suggest that our model can provide a new approach to basic and clinical studies of cancer metastasis

    The efficacy of pancreatic juice cytology with liquid-based cytology for evaluating malignancy in patients with intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm

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    Background Pancreatic juice cytology (PJC) is a tool for diagnosing malignant intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm (IPMN); however, the accuracy is insufficient using the conventional method. Liquid-based cytology (LBC) improves the cell recovery rate, and almost all cells can be evaluated. We evaluated the efficacy of PJC with LBC for malignant IPMN. Methods We retrospectively analyzed 90 patients with suspected malignant IPMN who underwent PJC before pancreatectomy. PJC with smear and LBC methods was conducted in 52 patients (between June 2003 to December 2011) and 38 patients (between January 2012 to December 2018). Based on the imaging studies, all of the patients were classified according to the international consensus guidelines for IPMN revised in 2017. Results Of the 90 patients, 43 (48%) had malignant IPMN (high-grade dysplasia or invasive carcinoma), and the remaining patients had non-malignant IPMN (intermediate- or low-grade dysplasia). LBC increased the accuracy of PJC for the diagnosis of malignant IPMN (smear method: 56% [29/52] vs. LBC method: 76% [29/38]; P = 0.044). In a multivariate analysis, LBC was a significant factor influencing the accurate diagnosis of PJC (odds ratio: 3.52; P = 0.021). Furthermore, LBC increased the accuracy of PJC for malignant IPMN in patients with worrisome features (smear method: 66% [19/29] vs. LBC method: 93% [14/15]; P = 0.043). Conclusions LBC increases the accuracy of PJC for diagnosing malignant IPMN compared with the conventional smear method

    Predictive Factors for Successful Vaccination Against Hepatitis B Surface Antigen in Patients Who Have Undergone Orthotopic Liver Transplantation

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    Post-orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT) hepatitis B recurrence is well-controlled with a nucleos(t)ide analogue and hepatitis B immunoglobulin (HBIG) combination, but the high cost and the potential risk of unknown infection associated with HBIG remain unresolved issues. Low-cost recombinant hepatitis B virus (HBV) vaccine administration is a potential solution to these problems. We retrospectively analyzed the rate and predictive factors of HBV vaccine success in 49 post-OLT patients: liver cirrhosis-type B (LC-B), n=28 patients; acute liver failure-type B (ALF-B), n=8; and non-HBV-related end-stage liver disease (non-B ESLD) who received a liver from anti-hepatitis B core antibody-positive donors, n=13. A positive anti-hepatitis B surface antibody response was achieved in 29% (8/28) of the LC-B group, 88% (7/8) of the ALF-B group, and 44% (4/9) of the adult non-B ESLD group. All four non-B ESLD infants showed vaccine success. The predictive factors for a good response in LC-B were young age, marital donor, and high donor age. ALF-B and non-B ESLD infants are thus good vaccination candidates. LC-B patients with marital donors are also good candidates, perhaps because the donated liver maintains an efficient immune memory to HBV, as the donors had already been infected in adulthood and showed adequate anti-HBV immune responses

    Relatório de estágio: gestão e desenvolvimento de pessoas

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    Versão Final Inclui correções ou alterações sugeridas pelo Júri.O presente relatório tem como objetivo central descrever de forma pormenorizada todas as atividades desenvolvidas ao longo do estágio curricular realizado no âmbito do segundo ano do mestrado de Gestão das Organizações – ramo Gestão de Empresas, na empresa Grupo Ramos Ferreira Engenharia, no período correspondente entre 21 de Outubro de 2019 a 24 de Fevereiro de 2020. Integrado no departamento de Marketing, Qualidade e Pessoas, mais precisamente no subdepartamento de Gestão e Desenvolvimento de Pessoas, a realização do estágio teve como missão central, operacionalizar em todas as linhas de atuação inerentes a este subdepartamento e demais áreas afins. As organizações são continuamente influenciadas por fortes pressões de competitividade, inerentes das constantes mudanças a vários níveis que ocorrem no mercado em que se inserem. Neste sentido, as pessoas que as integram constituem-se como o seu principal recurso na manutenção do sucesso estratégico, privilegiando-se cada vez mais a existência de profissionais talentosos e conhecedores. Assim sendo, a Gestão de Recursos Humanos possui um papel preponderante na definição e implementação de estratégias que visam um conjunto de práticas essenciais a uma adequada gestão e desenvolvimento dos colaboradores de uma organização, de forma alinhada com a estratégia organizacional, para o cumprimento dos objetivos, assim como para a garantia e manutenção de relações interpessoais positivas em contextos laborais, sendo as mesmas reguladas por um conjunto de normas jurídicas. A realização do presente relatório permitiu fundamentar a aprendizagem adquirida ao longo do mestrado com a adquirida e aprofundada em contexto laboral, possibilitando a concretização do estágio curricular realizado, um primeiro contacto com a realidade laboral de áreas integrantes do mestrado e uma aplicação e aquisição prática de conhecimentos, experiência e ferramentas essenciais ao mercado de trabalho.El objetivo central del presente informe es describir en detalle todas las actividades desarrolladas durante la pasantía curricular realizada en el marco del segundo año del Máster en Gestión de las Organizaciones – Gestión de Empresas, en la empresa Grupo Ramos Ferreira Engenharia, en el período correspondiente entre 21 de octubre de 2019 hasta al 24 de febrero de 2020. Integrado en el departamento de Marketing, Calidad y Personas, más precisamente en el subdepartamento de Gestión y Desarrollo de Personas, la pasantía curricular tuvo como misión central, operar en todas las líneas de acción inherentes a este subdepartamento y otras áreas afines. Las organizaciones se ven continuamente influidas por fuertes presiones competitivas, inherentes a los constantes cambios a diversos niveles que se producen en el mercado en el que operan. En este sentido, las personas que las integran son su principal recurso para mantener su éxito estratégico, privilegiando cada vez más la existencia de profesionales talentosos y conocedores. Por consiguiente, la Gestión de Recursos Humanos tiene un papel preponderante en la definición e aplicación de estrategias que apuntan a un conjunto de práticas esenciales para una adecuada gestión y desarrollo de los empleados que integran la organización, en línea con la estrategia de la misma, para el cumplimiento de los objetivos, así como para garantizar y mantener relaciones interpersonales positivas en contextos de trabajo, que se rigen por un conjunto de normas jurídicas. La realización de este informe ha permitido fundamentar los aprendizajes adquiridos durante el máster con los adquiridos y profundizados en el contexto de trabajo, posibilitando la realización de las prácticas curriculares realizadas, un primer contacto con la realidad laboral de las áreas que forman parte del máster y la aplicación y adquisición práctica de conocimientos, experiencia y herramientas esenciales para el mercado laboral.The main purpose of the present report is to describe in thorough detail of all the activities carried throughout the curricular internship in the scope of the second year of the master’s degree in Organizations Management - branch of Business Management, at the company Grupo Ramos Ferreira Engenharia, during the corresponding period between October 21st, 2019 and February 24th, 2020. This internship was integrated in the department of Marketing, Quality and People, more precisely in the subdepartment of Management and People Development. The main purpose of this internship was to act in the lines of operation within the subdepartment and all of its underlying areas. Organizations are continuously influenced by strong competitive pressures, inherent to the constant changes at various levels that occur in the market in which they operate. So, following this line of thought, the people that integrate said organizations are the key to its success as they become the company's main resource in maintaining strategic success, favouring the presence of increasingly talented and knowledgeable individuals. Therefore, Human Resource Management has a crucial role in the implementation of strategies that aim at a set of practices essential to promote an adequate level of management and development of the organization’s employees, in line with the organization’s strategy, to fulfill its objectives as well as ensure and maintain positive interpersonal relationships in work contexts, which are regulated by a set of legal norms. The execution of this report allowed for the consolidation of the knowledge acquired throughout the course, deepening the understanding of said knowledge in a work environment. This internship made it possible to have a first contact with the reality of this market and the areas related to the course, also allowing the acquisition of experience, knowledge, and tools essential to integrate the working market