398 research outputs found

    Ecosystem Dynamics in an Extreme Environment: Lake Fryxell, Taylor Valley, Antarctica.

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    The McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica constitute a large and significantly ice free area of Antarctica at 78 degrees south latitude. Over the past 19 years data have been gathered on the lakes located in Taylor Valley, Antarctica as part of the McMurdo Valley Long-Term Ecological Research program (MCM-LTER). This study is part of a larger study that seeks to understand the impact of climate on the biological processes in all the ecosystems within Taylor Valley, including the lakes. These lakes are stratified, closed-basin systems and are permanently covered with ice. The work presented here focuses on one of the three main lakes in Taylor Valley, Lake Fryxell, which is fed by 13 streams. We use a statistical approach to link the physical, chemical, and biological processes within the lake and the streams that feed it. In our statistical approach we use light, phosphorus, nitrogen, and other lake parameters as explanatory variables for biological production and biomass profiles, and attempt to link the physiochemical properties of the lake to biological changes within the lake.ShellNo embarg

    Partie polityczne i funkcja rządzenia

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    The basic and the most important functions of political parties, not only in Poland but also in all democratic countries, include their active participation in elections and then governing the country by exercising the state power. In that context it seems clear that the governing function shall be perceived as a natural consequence of successfully realized electoral function and in practice it could not be performed at all if parties were not provided with legal opportunities to influence the electoral process. At the same time, this is undoubtedly one of the most important functions fulfilled by political parties in a democratic country.As the term “governance” is differently understood in the legal doctrine there are also differences concerning the notion of “governing function” of political parties. However, for the purpose of this paper, it can be assumed that the governing function of political parties involves proposing, shaping, making and enforcing decisions concerning the state. Therefore, its realization is expressed through different decision-making processes (primarily legislative processes) as well as the management of the state apparatus to ensure the implementation of their outcomes.La funzione governativa, una delle principali funzioni dei partiti politici, consiste nell'esercizio del potere nello Stato. Il concetto di governabilità è stato a sua volta interpretato in vari modi dalla dottrina. Il legislatore costituzionale e ordinario ha garantito ai partiti in Polonia la partecipazione alla funzione governativa, rispettivamente, nell’art. 11 della Costituzione polacca e nella legge sui partiti politici del 1997. La funzione governativa dei partiti è stata riconosciuta anche dal Tribunale Costituzionale. Il contributo si propone di esaminare la relativa disciplina giuridica e giurisprudenza del Tribunale. L'autore riflette sul ruolo dei partiti giocato nel Parlamento e nel potere esecutivo. Nella parte conclusiva si sottolinea che anche partiti di opposizione sono coinvolti nell’esercizio della funzione governativa.Do podstawowych funkcji partii politycznych, obok funkcji wyborczej, należy funkcja rządzenia polegająca na sprawowaniu władzy w państwie. Pojęcie „rządzenia” różnie rozumiane jest przez doktrynę, można jednak przyjąć, iż funkcja rządzenia polega na bezpośrednim kształtowaniu, podejmowaniu oraz egzekwowaniu decyzji. Sprawowanie funkcji rządzenia jako główny cel partii politycznych zaakcentowane zostało również przez polskiego ustrojodawcę w art. 11 Konstytucji i w ustawie o partiach politycznych z 1997 r. Rola partii politycznej jako podmiotu przede wszystkim biorącego udział w wykonywaniu władzy dostrzeżona została również w orzecznictwie Trybunału Konstytucyjnego. W artykule przedstawiono powyższe regulacje prawne oraz adekwatne orzeczenia Trybunału Konstytucyjnego, jak również omówiono rolę, jaką partie polityczne pełnią w ramach funkcjonowania parlamentu oraz organów władzy wykonawczej. Na koniec podkreślono również, iż w realizacji szeroko rozumianej funkcji rządzenia biorą udział również partie opozycyjne

    Noncircularity of Demodulated Radar Signal

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    The output of the quadrature demodulator is generally regarded as a complex signal that is circular if only the demodulator is well balanced. In the paper we analyze properties of quadrature demodulators, particularly digital one, and show that the output is noncircular also if the input signal is nonstationary. Then we find sources of this noncircularity and show that they stem from transients of the low-pass demodulator filter. This is quite important because nonstationary inputs are quite typical in radar where power of echoes depends strongly on range. In the first sections we also review complex random signals and properties of circularity and properness

    Reformy konstytucyjne w Polsce po 7 kwietnia 1989 r.

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    The political events of the late 1980s, as well as the results of the Round Table negotiations, needed their formal confirmation in the Constitution in order to secure their durability. During the political transformation in the years 1989–1991, there were seven amendments of the Constitution of 1952 adopted, out of which the first two were particularly important. The first amendment of April 1989 restored, among others, the office of the President as a head of state and the Senate, as well as established the National Council of the Judiciary as the body protecting independent courts and judges. The second amendment of December 1989 introduced the fundamental principles such as a democratic state ruled by law, social justice, political pluralism, freedom of economic activity and property protection. The current Constitution of 1997 has been amended only twice – in 2006 in regard to the extradition of a Polish citizen (art. 55 par. 3) and in 2009 in regard to passive electoral rights (art. 99 par. 3). As shown by the political experience after 2015, the procedure for adopting the amendment to the Constitution set out in art. 235 is extremely difficult, which has led to a situation in which it is bypassed and the content of constitutional provisions is changed by ordinary provisions.The political events of the late 1980s, as well as the results of the Round Table negotiations, needed their formal confirmation in the Constitution in order to secure their durability. During the political transformation in the years 1989–1991, there were seven amendments of the Constitution of 1952 adopted, out of which the first two were particularly important. The first amendment of April 1989 restored, among others, the office of the President as a head of state and the Senate, as well as established the National Council of the Judiciary as the body protecting independent courts and judges. The second amendment of December 1989 introduced the fundamental principles such as a democratic state ruled by law, social justice, political pluralism, freedom of economic activity and property protection. The current Constitution of 1997 has been amended only twice – in 2006 in regard to the extradition of a Polish citizen (art. 55 par. 3) and in 2009 in regard to passive electoral rights (art. 99 par. 3). As shown by the political experience after 2015, the procedure for adopting the amendment to the Constitution set out in art. 235 is extremely difficult, which has led to a situation in which it is bypassed and the content of constitutional provisions is changed by ordinary provisions.Wydarzenia polityczne końca lat 80. oraz wyniki negocjacji Okrągłego Stołu wymagały formalnego potwierdzenia w Konstytucji, co zdecydowano się uczynić poprzez fragmentaryczne nowelizacje obowiązującej wówczas Konstytucji z 1952 r. W pierwszych latach transformacji ustrojowej 1989–1991 uchwalonych zostało siedem ustaw nowelizujących Konstytucję, z czego dwie pierwsze miały szczególne znaczenie. Na mocy noweli kwietniowej z 1989 r. przywrócony został m.in. urząd Prezydenta jako głowy państwa oraz Senat, jak również powołano Krajową Radę Sądownictwa jako organ chroniący niezawisłość sędziów i niezależność sądów. Natomiast nowela grudniowa z 1989 r. wpisała do Konstytucji podstawowe zasady ustrojowe, takie jak zasada demokratycznego państwa prawnego, sprawiedliwości społecznej, pluralizmu politycznego, wolności działalności gospodarczej i ochrony własności. Obecna Konstytucja z 1997 r. została znowelizowana jedynie dwukrotnie – w 2006 r. w odniesieniu do ekstradycji obywatela polskiego (art. 55 ust. 3) oraz w 2009 r. w odniesieniu do biernego prawa wyborczego (art. 99 ust. 3). Jak pokazują doświadczenia ustrojowe po 2015 r., procedura zmiany Konstytucji RP określona w art. 235 jest niezwykle trudna, co doprowadziło do sytuacji, w której jest ona omijana, a treść przepisów konstytucyjnych zmieniana jest przez przepisy ustawowe

    Mk 1:1-3. A Later Addition to Mark’s Gospel?

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    In contrast to J.K. Elliot, N.C. Croy and other scholars who claim that “whatever was before Mk 1:4, it was not Mark 1:1–3,” it is argued in this research that such an opinion is not supported by the textual and linguistic evidence. Close analysis of the expressions and syntagms such as ἀρχή, εὐαγγέλιον Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ, καθὼς γέγραπται, κατασκευάσει, comparison between Mark 1:1–3 and Mark’s Gospel as well as comparison with Mt 11:10//Lk 7:27 show linguistic affinity between Mk 1:1–3 and that Gospel, other Synoptic Gospels and NT in general. Moreover, Papyrus Oxyrhynchus 5073, most probably the earliest textual witness to the beginning of Mark’s Gospel preserves Mk 1:1–2. Therefore, it seems that Mk 1:1–3 belongs to the same time and space as Mk 1:4ff.Mk 1,1-13. Późniejszy dodatek do Ewangelii wg św. MarkaW przeciwieństwie do J.K. Elliota, N.C. Croya i innych naukowcow, ktorzy utrzymują, że „cokolwiek było przed Mk 1,4, nie był to tekst Mk 1,1–3” niniejszy artykuł ukazuje argumenty w świetle ktorych taka opinia nie jest do utrzymania z punktu widzenia tekstualnego i lingwistycznego. Pogłębiona analiza takich wyrażeń i zwrotow jak ἀρχή, εὐαγγέλιον Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ, καθὼς γέγραπται, κατασκευάσει, jak rownież porownanie Mk 1,1–3 z całą ewangelią Marka oraz relacja między Mt 11,10//Łk 7,27, ukazują podobieństwo lingwistyczne Mk 1,1–3 z ewangelią Marka, innymi ewangeliami synoptycznymi i ogolnie NT. Ponadto Papirus Oxyrhynchus 5073, najprawdopodobniej najstarszy tekst początku Ewangelii Marka zawiera Mk 1:1–2. Dlatego wydaje się, że Mk 1:1–3 należy do tego samego czasu i przestrzeni co Mk 1,4nn

    Co-localisation of cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript peptide and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide in the myenteric plexus of the porcine transverse colon

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    Cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript peptide (CART) is a substance,which can play the role of neuromediator and/or neuromodulator in nerve structures within the gastrointestinal tract. However knowledge concerning its functions and co-localisation with other neuronal factors is rather scarce. During the present investigation the co-localisation of CART and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) in the neurons of meyenteric plexus within the porcine transverse colon was studied using double immunofluorescence technique and semiquantitative arbitrary scale of the frequency of presence CART+/VIP+, CART+/VIP– and CART–/VIP+ neuronal cells. The most often (+++) CART–/VIP+ neurons were encountered, neurons simultaneously immunoreactive to CART and VIP were observed somewhat rarer (++) and only single (+) CART+/VIP– perikarya were visible. The present study reports for the first time on the co-localisation of CART and VIP in myenteric neurons of the porcine transverse colon

    The Gospel According to Isaiah. A Textual Analysis of Mk 1:1

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    Detailed linguistic study shows that it is not improbable that Mk 1:1-2a should not be divided by a full stop, but rather by a comma. This is of crucial significance for the whole Gospel of Mark, because this opening phrase could be translated as: “The beginning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, as it is written in Isaiah the prophet...”. Moreover, there are good reasons to suggest that the idea of euvagge,lion as a good news concerning Jesus Christ “as it is written in Isaiah the prophet” present in Mk 1:2a can be understood in the light of Rm 1:1-4 and vice versa.Ewangelia według Izajasza. Analiza tekstualna Mk 1,1Szczegółowe stadium lingwistyczne pokazuje, że nie jest wykluczone, iż wersety Mk 1,1-2a powinny być rozdzielone nie kropką, ale raczej przecinkiem. To ma kluczowe znaczenie dla całej ewangelii Marka, ponieważ pierwsze zdanie może być przetłumaczone: “Początek Ewangelii Jezusa Chrystusa, Syna Bożego, jak jest napisane u proroka Izajasza…”. Ponadto są ważne powody, aby sugerować, że idea euvagge,lion jako dobrej nowiny o Jezusie Chrystusie “jak jest napisane u proroka Izajasza…”, obecna w Mk 1,2a może być rozumiana w świetle Rz 1,1-4 i vice versa

    Lower and Middle Paleozoic Geology of Southern Ohio

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    On cover: "Field Excursion 10. Guidebook, Sixth Gondwana Symposium 19-23 August, 1985."This guidebook was produced for a field trip for the participants of the Sixth Gondwana Symposium held at the Ohio State University on August 19-23, 1985. The purpose of the field trip is to provide an overview of Upper Ordovician through Lower Mississippian geology of southern Ohio and northernmost Kentucky on the eastern flank of the Cincinnati Arch. Included in the field trip is archeologically and geologically interesting Serpent Mount "cryptoexplosion" structure. The guide gives basic information about the geology at each stop

    Zarządzanie ryzykiem działalności gospodarczej

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    This paper describes problems of economic activity's risk. It defines uncertainty and risk. It shows difference among pure risk and speculation risk. It performs of economic activity's risk to operative risk and financial risk. It shows essence and stages of management riskNiniejsze opracowanie poświęcone zostało tematyce ryzyka działalności gospodarczej. W pracy zdefiniowano pojęcia niepewności i ryzyka. Ukazano różnicę pomiędzy ryzykiem czystym a ryzykiem spekulacyjnym. Dokonano podziału ryzyka działalności gospodarczej na ryzyko operacyjne i ryzyko finansowe. Omówiono istotę oraz etapy zarządzania ryzykie