17 research outputs found

    Pendeteksi Gerakan Menggunakan Sensor PIR untuk Sistem Keamanan di Ruang Kamar Berbasis SMS

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    Room safety is very important considering that the crime scene is very disturbing to the public, one of which is the usual theft case. This might be caused partly because of economic factors that cause people to sometimes take shortcuts to make ends meet by stealing. So the PIR sensor sensor tool was made to detect human movements making it easier for us to control security when leaving a room empty, the media used is Mobile, by utilizing SMS facilities. The purpose of this research is the implementation of the PIR sensor as a detector of human motion in a room based on sms. This tool consists of a sensor that is a pir sensor as a detector of human motion around, and the bazzer will sound every time there is a movement that is captured by a pir sensor, a GPRS Shield which has a sim card inside that works to send SMS. This type of research used is qualitative research with experimental methods, namely by conducting a cona test (trial and error) for mechanical and electronic design components of the hadware and trying to explain. From this research produced information provider using two KC7738 PIR-based SMS sensors can be applied by the public so that they can provide information when leaving a room empty

    Evaluasi UI/UX Pada Sistem Informasi Pendaftaran TNI-AD Menggunakan System Usability Scale (SUS) dan Design Thinking

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    User Interface (UI) dan User Experience (UX) merupakan salah satu dari perkembangan dari sebuah teknologi yang dapat digunakan sebagai sarana digital untuk menarik perhatian pengguna serta meningkatkan kenyamanan dan kemudahan pengguna saat menggunakan produk atau jasa tersebut. SUS memudahkan penelitian ini untuk mengukur UX pada sebuah desain aplikasi, Dengan cara ini dapat memudahkan bagaimana peneliti untuk mendapatkan hasil yang memuaskan, Sedangkan Design Thinking adalah metode yang digunakan untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang ada pada pengguna (user) dan memberikan solusi berdasarkan pemahaman yang matang akan masalah pengguna. penelitian menggunakan metode design thinking dan system usability scale, hasil penelitian ini berupa peningkatan dari segi pengalaman para pengguna sebelum melakukan penelitian dan sesudah melakukan penelitian, serta mendapatkan pandangan yang lebih baik dari para pengguna serta mendapatkan saran saran yang bisa dilakukan pada peningkatan sistem selanjutnya

    Implementasi Dan Pelatihan Google Apps For Education (GAFE) Untuk Pesantren Muhammadiyah Kabupaten Tasikmalaya Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19

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    Changes in business processes, lifestyles and ways of working that are more effective and efficient are caused by the rapid development of technology in various fields of human life, especially education. The current service partner is the Muhammadiyah Islamic Boarding School in Tasikmalaya Regency which has problems in optimizing educational activities in the pesantren environment. The use of features in Google Apps For Education (GAFE) is not optimal in educational activities, both in the teaching process between teachers and students, subject assignments, or other educational administration activities, so it is necessary to use these features more optimally. In addition, it is a new thing for teachers and students in optimizing the use of Google Apps for Education (GAFE), which makes it difficult and requires assistance to be used. This service provides alternative solutions for partners, namely the implementation and training of Google Apps for Education (GAFE) technology for teachers and students in an effort to improve skills and culture of responsiveness to the maximum use of technological developments so that it has an impact on the ease and smoothness of the online learning process

    Implementation of Data Mining at Laboratory Vocational High School Using The C4.5 Algorithm to Predict Students Major Preferences

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    Education or the learning process is the primary thing for human life. Therefore, a place for acquiring knowledge is established, which is called a school. Schools have their own levels, ranging from early childhood education to higher education institutions. When students enter high school, they are required to make decisions in choosing their majors. Accompanied by technological advancements, the issues in high school major selection can be effectively and efficiently addressed using data mining. Common issues that usually arise include lack of accuracy, precision, and requiring a significant amount of time. Hence, the issues within major selection necessitate the use of data mining, employing the C4.5 algorithm method, to determine the accuracy and precision of large datasets. This research achieved with RapidMiner the result is accuracy score of 94.44%, precision of 81.37%, and sensitivity of 74.00%. Additionally, it also generated a decision tree and with Python has an accuracy of 93% because it automatically rounds the values, so there is no significant difference between the two tools. This proves that the C4.5 algorithm produces fairly accurate performance

    Evaluation of Integrated Digital Forensics Investigation Framework for the Investigation of Smartphones Using Soft System Methodology

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    The handling of digital evidence can become an evidence of a determination that crimes have been committed or may give links between crime and its victims or crime and the culprit. Soft System Methodology (SSM) is a method of evaluation to compare a conceptual model with a process in the real world, so deficiencies of the conceptual model can be revealed thus it can perform corrective action against the conceptual model, thus there is no difference between the conceptual model and the real activity. Evaluation on the IDFIF stage is only done on a reactive and proactive process stages in the process so that the IDFIF model can be more flexible and can be applied on the investigation process of a smartphone

    Penerapan Integrated Digital Forensic Investigation Framework v2 (IDFIF) pada Proses Investigasi Smartphone

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    Perkembangan teknologi yang semakin pesat, dapat menimbulkan permasalahan bagi pengguna teknologi itu sendiri, semakin maju kehidupan masyarakat, maka kejahatan juga ikut semakin maju. Smartphone merupakan salah satu bentuk teknologi yang digunakan untuk melakukan penipuan melalui fasilitas Short Message Service (SMS). Pada saat smartphone yang digunakan untuk melakukan kejahatan maka smartphone tersebut dapat disita oleh aparat penegak hukum sebagai salah satu barang bukti. Cara pembuktian untuk mendapatkan bukti yang valid adalah dengan melakukan investigasi menggunakan pendekatan penanganan bukti digital yang dikenal dengan istilah Framework. Integrated Digital Forensics Investigation Framework versi 2 (IDFIF v2) merupakan framework terbaru yang telah dikembangkan sehingga dapat digunakan untuk proses investigasi smartphone.Kata kunci— Barang Bukti, Framework, IDFIF v2, Smartphon

    Analisis Kelayakan Integrated Digital Forensics Investigation Framework Untuk Investigasi Smartphone

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    Abstract. The handling of digital evidence each and every digital data that can proof a determination that a crime has been committed; it may also give the links between a crime and its victims or crime and the culprit. How to verify a valid evidence is to investigate using the approach known as the Digital Forensic Examination Procedures. Integrated Digital Forensic Investigation Framework (IDFIF) is the latest developed method, so that it is interesting to further scrutinize IDFIF, particularly in the process of investigation of a smartphone. The current smartphone devices have similar functions with computers. Although its functions are almost the same as the computer, but there are some differences in the process of digital forensics handling between computer devices and smartphones. The digital evidence handling process stages need to overcome the circumstances that may be encountered by an investigator involving digital evidence particularly on electronic media and smartphone devices in the field. IDFIF needs to develop in such a way so it has the flexibility in handling different types of digital evidence.Keywords: digital evidence, IDFIF, investigation, smartphone Abstrak. Penanganan bukti digital mencakup setiap dan semua data digital yang dapat menjadi bukti penetapan bahwa kejahatan telah dilakukan atau dapat memberikan link antara kejahatan dan korbannya atau kejahatan dan pelakunya. Cara pembuktian untuk mendapatkan bukti valid adalah dengan melakukan investigasi dengan pendekatan Prosedur Pemeriksaan Digital Forensic. Integrated Digital Forensics Investigation Framework (IDFIF) merupakan metode terbaru sehingga IDFIF ini menarik untuk diteliti lebih lanjut terutama dalam proses investigasi smartphone. Saat ini perangkat smartphone memiliki fungsi yang sama dengan komputer. Meskipun demikian, ada beberapa perbedaan dalam proses penanganan digital forensics diantara perangkat komputer dan smartphone. Tahapan proses penanganan barang bukti digital seharusnya dibuat untuk mengatasi keadaan umum yang mungkin dihadapi oleh investigator yang melibatkan barang bukti digital terutama pada perangkat smartphone dan media elektronik terkait di lapangan. IDFIF perlu dikembangkan sehingga memiliki fleksibilitas dalam menangani berbagai jenis barang bukti digital. Kata Kunci: bukti digital, IDFIF, investigasi, smartphon


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    Technological developments are developing very quickly, so in this digital era, the use of technology as an effort to improve the delivery of information and promotional media at Perjuangan University uses Virtual Reality technology. Because not all students know or even have never visited the library. This study aims to produce a library layout information application based on Virtual Reality. An Android-based application that can provide information about the layout and usability of the library in a virtual form as if it were in a location using the VR Box tool as the media. The tests were carried out using ISO 25010 quality standards, namely the parameters of functional suitability, portability, and usability using a Likert scale measurement. The results of this study obtained a score of 84% in the "Good" category based on user satisfaction when using the application


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    The information technology field continues to progress rapidly. Technological progress is kept in check with such factors as touch, sight, and sound. Each man with another man has a characteristic difference, one that can be seen is by his voice. The processing of sound is an essential concept to all kinds of systems that require human interaction in its daily activities. One of the techniques used in processing speech is classification, which has a direct effect on speech recognition systems. SimpleRNN and LSTM are models of deep learning that can be used to classify sentiment. It can process data in such a sequence as sound, video, and text. These results provide accuracy 90% of the test data and 95% accuracy to the training data.Bidang teknologi informasi terus menerus terjadi perkembangan yang pesat. Perkembangan teknologi tidak lepas dari beberapa faktor seperti sentuhan, penglihatan maupun suara. Setiap manusia dengan manusia yang lain memiliki perbedaan karakteristik, salah satunya yang dapat dilihat yaitu dari suaranya. Pemrosesan suara adalah konsep yang sangat penting untuk semua jenis sistem yang membutuhkan interaksi manusia dalam aktivitas sehari-hari. Adapun  Salah satu teknik yang digunakan dalam pemrosesan ucapan yaitu klasifikasi, yang berdampak langsung pada sistem pengenalan ucapan. SimpleRNN dan LSTM adalah model deep learning yang bisa dipakai untuk mengklasifikasikan sentimen. Metode ini bisa mengolah data dengan berurutan seperti suara, video, dan teks. Hasil penelitian ini mampu memberikan akurasi 90% pada data uji dan akurasi 95% pada data latih