345 research outputs found

    Pseudorigidity method (PRM) for solving the problem of limit equilibrium of rigid-plastic constructions

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    One of the basic types of strength calculations is the calculation of limit equilibrium of constructions. This report describes new method for solving the problem of limit equilibrium. The rigid-plastic system in this method is substituted with an «equivalent» elastic system with specially constructed rigidities. This is why it is called the method of pseudorigidities. An iteration algorithm was developed for finding pseudorigidities. This algorithm is realized in a special software procedure. Conjunction of this procedure with any elastic calculation program (base program) creates a program solving rigid-plastic problems. It is proved, that iterations will be converge to the solution for the problem of limit equilibrium. The solution of tests show, that pseudorigidity method is universal. It allows the following: - to solve problems of limit equilibrium for various models (arch, beam, frame, plate, beam-wall, shell, solid); - to take into account both linearized and square-law fluidity conditions; - to solve problems for various kinds of loads (concentrated, distributed, given by a generalized vector); - to take into account the existing various of fluidity criteria in different sections etc. The iterative PRM process quickly converges. The accuracy of PRM is very high even in case of rough finite-element structuring. The author has used this method for design protection systems from extreme loads due to equipment of nuclear power stations, pipelines, cargo in any transportation


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    This paper aims to review the spatial policy country border area in Maluku Province, by conducting normative studies. We study various literature and regulations issued by the government. The main source of the Republic of Indonesia Presidential Regulation Number 33 of 2015 concerning Spatial Planning for State Border Areas in Maluku Province. National Strategic Activities Center (PKSN) and Priority Location (Lokpri) planning and development is expected to provide direction for the development of border areas in a comprehensive manner and become an input for the process of formulating border area development policies at the national, provincial and district levels so that is independent and competitive. Keywords: spatial policy country border, National Strategic Activities Center (PKSN), Priority Location (Lokpri), independent and competitive


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    The purpose of this paper is to look at various issues in development of Indonesianborder area. This research uses qualitative research method with the main source is the National Border Management Agency Regulation No. 1 of 2015 on the Master Plan ofState Border Management 2015-2019. The land and sea border area has considerablenatural resource potential, and is a very strategic area for the defense and security ofthe country. However, development in some areas lags behind development inneighboring countries. The strategic issues that exist in the border area are in theaspects of defense, security, and law enforcement, infrastructure, arrangement,economics and social services. This paper can be used as a basis for further research tomake development policy of Indonesian border area

    Is the Bankruption Threat Affecting the Company Stock Returns?

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    This study aims to examine the projection of the bankruptcy of textile and garment companies andinvestigate whether there is an effect of the potential bankruptcy of the company on stock returns. The sample inthis study were textile and garment companies that went public on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) in theperiod 2010 to 2014, where 16 companies met the criteria. The data used is taken from the general descriptionof the company or company profile, the company's financial statements including the balance sheet and incomestatement. The dependent variable in this study is stock returns, while the independent variable is the AltmanScore. Data analysis methods are Altman Z-Score ratio analysis and regression analysis. From the calculationof the financial ratio of Altman Z-Score from 2010 to 2014, most textile and garment companies on the IDXhave the potential for bankruptcy. From the regression results, it was concluded that stock returns were notaffected by the potential value of bankruptcy. However, management needs to be careful in managing andrunning the company's operations by continuing to improve the company's performance so as not to disrupt thecontinuity of its business. Investors must always be careful when buying company shares by always looking atthe condition of the company's fundamentals

    Peningkatan Pemahaman Mengenai Program Ketahanan Pangan di Kabupaten Malaka pada Perbatasan Negara antara Indonesia dan Timor Leste

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    Ketahanan pangan erat kaitannya dengan kesehatan, salah satu aspek kesejahteraan dan fokus utama pembangunan manusia. Upaya menghindari kerawanan pangan dialami di daerah dengan kondisi alam dan curah hujan yang relatif sedikit, seperti Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur, khususnya di Kabupaten Malaka, wilayah perbatasan Indonesia-Timor Leste. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memperdalam pemahaman bahwa Kabupaten Malaka memiliki ketahanan pangan dengan melihat Program Revolusi Pertanian (RPM) Malaka, yaitu kebijakan untuk meningkatkan produktivitas ekonomi masyarakat. Laporan kegiatan ditulis dengan metode deskriptif melalui pendekatan kualitatif sederhana. Sumber data berasal dari berbagai literatur dan diskusi dengan pemerintah (Bupati) dan masyarakat Kabupaten Malaka. Program RPM berdampak positif terhadap kinerja agronomi (padi, jagung, dan bawang merah) sehingga dapat meningkatkan produktivitas, produksi pertanian, pendapatan dan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Namun demikian, masih terdapat faktor-faktor yang menghambat pelaksanaan Program RPM, antara lain faktor internal (pengetahuan, keterampilan dan sikap petani dalam menghadapi perubahan yang ditimbulkan oleh program RPM) dan faktor eksternal (iklim, ketersediaan pupuk, teknologi, dll)

    Pelatihan Beriventasi Sejak Dini di Pasar Modal

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    Pasar Modal di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) memudahkan para masyarakat untuk mengelola dananya dipasar modal. Aktivitas di BEI merupakan tempat bertemunya antara Perusahaan yang membutuhkan danadan para investor yang mempunyai dana untuk di investasikan dengan menabung saham. Pelatihan yangdilakukan di Perguruan Advent Bogor merupakan bentuk untuk mengajak Siswa-Siswi, Guru, dan WargaPerguruan Advent Bogor untuk berinvestasi sejak dini yang diprogramkan pemerintah yaitu Yuk NabungSaham. Tujuan khusus dari Pelatihan Kepada Masayarakat adalah Penyampain materi, diskusi dan simulasi.Perguruan Advent Bogor, yang terus berkelanjutan untuk ikut berperan aktif menjadi investor di BursaEfek Jakart

    Pengaruh Disiplin Kerja, Motivasi Kerja dan Pelatihan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan pada PT Dua Delapan Ayoda Group = The Effect of Work Discipline, Work Motivation and Training on Employee Performance at PT Dua Delapan Ayoda Group

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    This study aims to determine the effect of work discipline, work motivation and job training on employee performance at PT Dua Eight Ayoda. The type of research used is quantitative. The object of this research is Work Discipline, Work Motivation, Job Training, and Employee Performance. The population is 50 people, then the entire population will be sampled as many as 50 employees at PT Dua Eight Ayoda. The analytical method used is validity test, reliability test, simple linear regression test, multiple linear regression, coefficient of determination hypothesis test, T test and F test. Data collection techniques used are questionnaires, interviews and literature study. The data analysis technique in this study uses regression testing and model testing (Coefficient of determination R square) and SPSS 25. The results of this study are high work discipline can improve employee performance at PT Dua Eight Ayoda, it can be concluded that there is a significant influence between work discipline high can improve employee performance indicated by a significant value <0.05; df = n-3 = 50-2 = 48, then Ha is accepted. High motivation can improve employee performance at PT Dua Eight Ayoda, so there is a significant effect between work motivation on employee performance at PT Dua Eight Ayoda, indicated by a significant value <0.05; df = n-3 = 50-2 = 48, then Ha is accepted. Optimal Job Training can improve Employee Performance at PT Dua Eight Ayoda, then there is a significant effect between Job Training on Employee Performance at PT Dua Eight Ayoda indicated by a significant value <0.05; df = n-2 = 50-2 = 48, then Ha is accepted and there is a significant overall effect between Work Discipline, Work Motivation and Job Training on Employee Performance at PT Dua Eight Ayoda. This is indicated by a significant value <5% (0.05), and df: (n-k-1) = 50-3-1 = 46, then H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. Keywords: Work Stress, Work Motivation, Employee Performanc

    Peningkatan Pemahaman Mengenai Pengembangan Ekowisata Tano Ponggol Kabupaten Samosir dengan Warga Samosir Melalui Media Zoom

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    Ekowisata adalah kegiatan wisata alam yang memperhatikan unsur pendidikan, pemahaman, dan dukungan terhadap upaya pelestarian sumber daya alam serta meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat setempat. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman terhadap program pemerintah dalam pengembangan kawasan Tano Ponggol yang akan menjadi salah satu Ekowisata di Kawasan Danau Toba. Pengembangan tersebut harus memenuhi persyaratan kawasan ekowisata yang mengedepankan pemberdayaan masyarakat, kearifan lokal, dan lingkungan. Penulisan paper ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Obyek kegiatan ini adalah kawasan Tano Ponggol di Kecamatan Pangururan, Kabupaten Samosir. Sumber data berasal dari kegiatan diskusi dengan nara sumber yang berasal dari Kabupaten Samosir atau tinggal di sekitar lokasi obyek kegiatan, yang dilakukan mealalui media online zoom. Kawasan Tano Ponggol dibelah oleh sebuah kanal yang akan asri sehingga bisa menjadi kawasan wisata tepi laut yang memungkinkan kapal-kapal kecil dan menengah mengitari Pulau Samosir dan Danau Toba tanpa terputus. Dalam perencanaannya akan tetap dipertahankan kearifan lokal, seperti sosial budaya, mata pencaharian tradisional, rumah tinggal, kerajinan, dan adat istiadat


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    Seismic insulation is one of the most progressive types of seismic protection. Seismic insulation is understood as applying special devices for reducing of inertial seismic loads acting on a building. The constructions, shown in article, significantly more effectively solve problems of seismic protection, comparing to the existing seismic insulation systems (SIS). The Special Mechanical Engineering Design Office has developed, manufactured and tested a shock-absorber unit (SAU) of large load capacity. The SAU represents a block of number of pneumatic shock-absorbers (PSA), concentrically mounted round the guiding cylinder. The protected object rests upon the upper movable part of the guiding cylinder of the SAU. In its turn, the lower part of the SAU is rested on the foundation plate, mounted on the ground. A set of the SAU is a constructive realization of the SIS. Efficiency of such SIS has been proved as theoretically, so experimentally An effective SIS can also be created on the base of the elasto-plastic shock-absorbers developed by the KBSM. New designing and constructional solutions are based on the use of the original SIS elements, performed on the base of long time existing (in the other field of technical equipment)units, safety and durability of which have been proved by long term service (more than 20 years)
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