201 research outputs found

    Gigabit point to multipoint backhaul using Q-band

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    © 2014 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.This paper defines a Q-band point to multipoint backhaul architecture including Q-band disruptive technology that provides multi-gigabit capacity in a cost-effective manner as proposed in the EU FP7 SARABAND project. The small-scale field-trial of the network platform providing Gigabit Ethernet communication is also described.The European Commission is gratefully acknowledged for partial funding of the ICT-2011-288267 SARABAND project in the 7th Framework Programme.Vilar Mateo, R.; Martí Sendra, J.; Magne, F. (2014). Gigabit point to multipoint backhaul using Q-band. En European Conference on Networks and Communications Bologna, Italy, June 23/26, 2014. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). 1-2. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/62767S1

    Benthic assemblages in two Mediterranean caves: species diversity and coverage as a function of abiotic parameters and geographic distance

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    16 páginas, 5 figuras, 4 tablasBenthic assemblages of two Mediterranean submarine caves were compared. Species coverage and number of species were lower in internal (dark) communities than external. This feature was specially marked in the less illuminated cave. Ordination analyses performed on species coverage per community for each cave separately, distinguished several benthic communities from the outermost to the innermost zone of each cave. Cluster analyses on species coverage, taking into account all communities in both the caves, established similarities among communities: algal-dominated communities clustered according to the level of light received independently of the cave they inhabited, while animal-dominated communities were more similar within each cave than between the caves. Moreover, among the abiotic parameters measured irradiance was the only factor that clearly diminished from the entrance to the innermost zone in both the caves. In contrast, water movement and particulate organic matter varied di¡erently in each cave. Results indicate that the di¡erent topography, depth and geographic location of the two caves determine water movement, light penetration and nutrient availability along the caves. These factors are responsible for determining species abundance and diversity, as well as species growth habit in each community.This research was partially supported by INTERREG-IIIA K115C n 0123 (EU) and CICYT (Comision Interdepartmental de Ciencia yTechnología) REN2001-2312-CO3/MAR grants. It also benefited from Governments of Catalonia and Spain fellowships to R. MartíPeer reviewe

    Point to Multipoint Backhaul Architecture for 3G/4G Networks and Small Cell Deployment

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    Demand for mobile broadband services is continually increasing, requiring operators to provide more and more capacity from their radio access networks. LTE and small cells can offer a promising solution to provide almost unlimited coverage and capacity. However, backhaul technologies can be expensive in terms of both CAPEX and OPEX, and none of the traditional solutions provides the necessary combination of capacity and cost-efficiency. This paper defines a Q-band point to multipoint backhaul architecture that provides multi-gigabit capacity in a costeffective manner. Apart from the network architecture, the key nodes comprising the network will be described.The European Commission is gratefully acknowledged for partial funding of the ICT-2011-288267 SARABAND project in the 7th Framework Programme.Vilar Mateo, R.; Martí Sendra, J.; Bosshard, O.; Magne, F.; Lefevre, A. (2013). Point to Multipoint Backhaul Architecture for 3G/4G Networks and Small Cell Deployment. En Antennas and Propagation in Wireless Communications (APWC), 2013 IEEE-APS Topical Conference on. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). 1-4. https://doi.org/10.1109/APWC.2013.6624942S1

    Q-band Point to Multipoint Backhaul Deployment: the SARABAND Case Study

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    This paper describes the small scale field trial deployed within the SARABAND project to provide final network performances comparable to fibre optics in a costeffective manner for the 4G small cell backhaul. The performances of the system have been measured, obtaining over 100 Mbps peak capacity and frame error rates compliant with operators’ requirements.The European Commission is gratefully acknowledged for funding the ICT-2011-288267 SARABAND project in the 7th Framework Programme and the H2020-644678 TWEETHER project.Vilar Mateo, R.; Martí Sendra, J.; Ramírez, A.; Bou, J.; Magne, F. (2015). Q-band Point to Multipoint Backhaul Deployment: the SARABAND Case Study. En 2015 European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). 788-789. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/62273S78878

    Mujeres mexicanas en Videojuegos

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    L'informe "Mujeres mexicanas en videojuegos" és el primer informe d'aquest tipus que pretén mostrar una part del sector dels videojocs a Mèxic. Es tracta d'un document que il·lustra les experiències de 103 treballadores que laboren en estats com Guadalajara, Puebla, Monterrey, Aguascalientes, Oaxaca, Querétaro, Colima, Morelia, León, Quintana Roo, Chihuahua i Ciutat de Mèxic. S'inclouen, a més, respostes de dones mexicanes que actualment treballen per a empreses en països com Espanya, el Canadà, els Estats Units, Suècia i el Brasil, però que anteriorment van treballar al país mexicà. L'informe s'ha realitzat mitjançant una enquesta disponible entre els mesos de novembre de 2021 a gener de 2022

    Association of depression phenotypes and antidepressant treatment with mortality due to cancer and other causes: a community-based cohort study

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    Fàrmac antidepressiu; Càncer; Síndrome depressiuFármaco antidepresivo; Cáncer; Síndrome depresivoAntidepressant drug; Cancer; Depressive syndromeObjective: This study aimed to assess the association of somatic depressive symptoms (SDS), cognitive/emotional depressive symptoms (C-EDS), and antidepressant treatment on mortality due to cancer and other causes in a community cohort.Methods: A community-based sample recruited in 1995, 2000, and 2005 aged between 35 and 75 years was examined in two waves and followed for a median of 6.7 years. SDS and C-EDS phenotypes were assessed using the Patient Health Questionnaire-9. Medication used by participants was collected. Deaths and their causes were registered during follow-up. Cox proportional hazard models stratified by sex were performed to determine the association between depressive phenotypes and mortality.Results: The cohort consisted of 5,646 individuals (53.9% women) with a mean age of 64 years (SD = 11.89). During the follow-up, 392 deaths were recorded, of which 27.8% were due to cancer. C-EDS phenotype was associated with an increased risk of cancer mortality in both men (HR = 2.23; 95% CI = 1.11–4.44) and women (HR = 3.69; 95% CI = 1.69–8.09), and SDS was significantly associated with non-cancer mortality in men (HR = 2.16; 95 CI % = 1.46–3.18). Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) were significantly associated with both cancer (HR = 2.78; 95% CI = 1.10–6.98) and non-cancer mortality (HR = 2.94; 95% CI = 1.76–4.90) only in the male population.Conclusion: C-EDS phenotype was related to an increased risk of cancer mortality at 6 years. In addition, the use of SSRIs in the male population was associated with cancer and all-cause mortality.Objectiu: aquest estudi pretenia avaluar l'associació de símptomes depressius somàtics (SDS), símptomes depressius cognitius/emocionals (C-EDS) i tractament antidepressiu sobre la mortalitat per càncer i altres causes en una cohort comunitària. Mètodes: una mostra basada en la comunitat reclutada el 1995, 2000 i 2005 d'entre 35 i 75 anys es va examinar en dues onades i es va seguir durant una mitjana de 6,7 anys. Els fenotips SDS i C-EDS es van avaluar mitjançant el Patient Health Questionnaire-9. Es van recollir els medicaments utilitzats pels participants. Durant el seguiment es van registrar les morts i les seves causes. Es van realitzar models de risc proporcional de Cox estratificats per sexe per determinar l'associació entre fenotips depressius i mortalitat. Resultats: La cohort estava formada per 5.646 individus (53,9% dones) amb una edat mitjana de 64 anys (DE = 11,89). Durant el seguiment es van registrar 392 defuncions, de les quals el 27,8% van ser per càncer. El fenotip C-EDS es va associar amb un augment del risc de mortalitat per càncer tant en homes (HR = 2,23; IC 95% = 1,11-4,44) com en dones (HR = 3,69; IC 95% = 1,69-8,09), i el SDS es va associar significativament. amb mortalitat no per càncer en homes (HR = 2,16; IC 95 % = 1,46–3,18). Els inhibidors selectius de la recaptació de serotonina (ISRS) es van associar significativament tant amb el càncer (HR = 2,78; IC 95% = 1,10-6,98) com amb la mortalitat no per càncer (HR = 2,94; IC 95% = 1,76-4,90) només a la població masculina. Conclusió: el fenotip C-EDS es va relacionar amb un augment del risc de mortalitat per càncer als 6 anys. A més, l'ús d'ISRS a la població masculina es va associar amb càncer i mortalitat per totes les causes.This study was supported by the research grant STL006/17/00234 from the Strategic Plan for Health Research and Innovation (PERIS) 2016–2020 of the Department of Health, Government of Catalonia. The funding sources played no role in the design and conduct of the study, collection, management, analysis, and interpretation of the data, nor in the preparation, review, or approval of the manuscript

    Silicon-based Photonic Ring Resonators for Optical OFDM Demultiplexing

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    We propose a compact integrated OOFDM demultiplexer based on silicon-based photonic ring resonators, providing cost-effective solution and low energy consumption. 160-Gb/s OOFDM demultiplexing operation is validated, showing excellent BER performance with error-free operation.Vilar Mateo, R.; Ramos Pascual, F.; Martí Sendra, J. (2012). Silicon-based Photonic Ring Resonators for Optical OFDM Demultiplexing. En Group IV Photonics (GFP), 2012 IEEE 9th International Conference on. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). 108-110. doi:10.1109/GROUP4.2012.6324102S10811

    160-Gb/s Optical OFDM Demultiplexer based on Photonic Ring Resonators

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    A novel all-optical OFDM demultiplexer based on integrated photonic ring resonators (RR) is proposed and its performance validated. The proposed optical OFDM demultiplexer overcome the processing speed limits introduced by electronics and is suitable for very large scale integration, providing a compact and cost-effective solution. The performance of this device considering a Silicon-on-Insulator (SOI) platform has been demonstrated by demultiplexing a 160-Gb/s (4- subcarrier x 40-Gb/s) OFDM signal. Simulations results show excellent BER performance with error-free operation for each demultiplexed subchannel.This work was partially supported by FP7-ICT–2011–7–288267 SARABAND project.Vilar Mateo, R.; Ramos Pascual, F.; Martí Sendra, J. (2012). 160-Gb/s Optical OFDM Demultiplexer based on Photonic Ring Resonators. En Networks and Optical Communications (NOC), 2012 17th European Conference on. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). 83-87. https://doi.org/10.1109/NOC.2012.6249919S838

    Una comunidad de práctica virtual para la transferencia del conocimiento entre la universidad y las organizaciones

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    The article shows the experience of the implementation of a virtual community of practice in the External Practices of the degree of Pedagogy of the University of Barcelona during the academic year 2016-2017. This community pursues the transfer of knowledge among the different agents involved in the practices: university, organizations and students. Its realization consisted of three phases: a) design of the virtual environment for the community of practice; b) activation and functioning of the community; and c) evaluation of the impact of the virtual community of practice on the transfer and evaluation by its members. Among the results, the following stand out: an environment has been created with the Google Sites and Google Plus platforms, based on the needs of its members and a co-design process with them. After a period of operation of half academic course the assessment that its members make of the community is positive although they recognize that there is still way to go to achieve the objective pursued. The scores obtained in the evaluation questionnaire in the dimensions of Wenger show that the interest for all must be better aligned, colla-boration and participation and the strategies and methodologies used must also be improved. The community is in the gestation phase and needs more time to consolidate it, to combine individual differences in a common culture and for participants to overcome their difficulties in reflecting on their practice. The instruments and qualitative comments help us understand the results and propose improvement actions for the next course.El artículo muestra la experiencia de la puesta en marcha de una comunidad de práctica virtual en la asignatura de Prácticas Externas del grado de Pedagogía de la Universitat de Barcelona durante el curso 2016-2017. Dicha comunidad persigue la transferencia de conocimiento entre los diferentes agentes implicados en las prácticas: universidad, organizaciones y alumnado. Su realización constó de tres fases: a) diseño del entorno virtual para la comunidad de práctica; b) activación y funcionamiento de la comunidad; y c) evaluación del impacto de la comunidad de práctica virtual en la transferencia y valoración de la misma por parte de sus miembros. Entre los resultados destacan los siguientes: se ha creado un entorno con las plataformas Google Sites y Google Plus, partiendo de las necesidades de sus miembros y de un proceso de codiseño con los mismos. Tras un periodo de funcionamiento de medio curso académico, la valoración que sus miembros han hecho de la comunidad es positiva, aunque reconocen que todavía queda camino por recorrer para conseguir el objetivo perseguido. Las puntuaciones obtenidas en el cuestionario de evaluación en las dimensiones de Wenger demuestran que debe alinearse mejor el interés para todos. Igualmente, debe mejorarse la colaboración y participación y las estrategias y metodologías que se emplean. La comunidad se encuentra en la fase de «gestación» y necesita más tiempo para consolidarse, para aunar las diferencias individuales en una cultura común y para que los participantes consigan superar las dificultades de reflexión sobre su práctica. Los instrumentos y comentarios cualitativos nos ayudan a entender los resultados y a proponer acciones de mejora para el próximo curso
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