351 research outputs found

    Asymptotic behavior of Cardassian cosmologies with exponential potentials

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    In this paper we analyze the asymptotic behavior of Cardassian cosmological models filled with a perfect fluid and a scalar field with an exponential potential. Cardassian cosmologies arise from modifications of the Friedmann equation, and among the different proposals within that framework we will choose those of the form 3H2ρρn3H^2-\rho\propto \rho^n with n<1n<1. We construct two three dimensional dynamical systems arising from the evolution equations, respectively adapted for studying the high and low energy limits. Using standard dynamical systems techniques we find the fixed points and characterize the solutions they represent. We pay especial attention to the properties inherent to the modifications and compare with the (standard) unmodified scenario. Among other interesting results, we find there are no late-time tracking attractors.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, revtex

    Twitter and Food Well-Being: Analysis of #SlowFood Postings Reflecting the Food Well-Being of Consumers

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    This study examines how hashtag #SlowFood postings on social media site Twitter reflect the food well-being of consumers. 4102 tweets containing the hashtag #SlowFood were identified. Using interpretive content analysis, only 210 food-content messages in English language, from consumers were selected coded and interpreted. Displays of positive emotions and activities related with the slow food consumption on social media were found. By studying how consumers share their food well-being on social media, this research contributes to the understanding of food well-being and how it is practiced online

    Interpreting in refugee contexts. A descriptive and qualitative study

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    Interpreting in refugee contexts (IRC) has long been invisible to Western societies andInterpreting Studies. This paper aims at desc ribing the background and features of IRC, andpresents a small-scale qualitative study, whose main objectives are: exploring interpreters’perception regarding competences and role, and exploring refugees’ perception regardingthe quality of the interpreting service. For this purpose, a focus group and unstructuredinterviews were conducted in Spain. Data were analysed through comparative analysis andcoding procedures. Results show interpreters’ dissatisfaction with their working condi-tions and refugees’ experience with interpretation seems to be negative and frustrating.Further research in this area is needed in order to raise awareness of commun ication andintegration difficulties of refugees

    Internal perspectives of MOOCs in universities

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    Since 2012, the vision of MOOCs in universities has been evolving rapidly. Universities that have decided to place a serious bet for including this kind of courses in their portfolio have involved a diverse set of staff roles within the institution. In most cases, with the exception of fully dedicated staff members hired for the sole purpose of MOOC development, MOOC related tasks are assigned to staff that already performs other roles in the institution. This is the case, among others, for lecturers, learning designers, multimedia producers, and PhD students who have dedicated part of their professional time to this new form of online education delivery. This study aims to capture the reflection of such professionals in two European universities, around their involvement in MOOC production and implementation. A series of interviews, both individual and in group, have been conducted to determine how MOOCs have influenced their practice, and what their vision is with regards of the role of MOOCs within their institutions. A preliminary analysis of the results suggests that those engaged in the production of MOOCs see these courses as beneficial to the institution, and more support and incentives to this end would be desirableWork partially funded by the Madrid Regional Government with grant No. S2013/ICE- 2715, the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness project Flexor (TIN2014- 52129-R). Special thanks are due to the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and the University of Southampton for their support in this cross-institutional collaboration, and to their staff for their participation in this stud

    Towards a reference framework and characterization of Advanced Design, a design culture for strategic designers

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    The discipline of design is continually facing challenges related to the complexity and variability of the contexts which give rise to it. Assuming more strategic roles, the designer becomes involved in innovation processes, which act as facilitators for the creation of added value for businesses. The designer develops, therefore, as an anticipator and explorer of new opportunities for progress. In this way, assisted by the tools of Advanced Design, the designer is a key participant in the pre-project stages where the approach to the project is planned and where the meta-concepts that empower specific innovation projects are created. It is, for that reason, vital to understanding the distinctive features of this area of design and the ways in which it can facilitate the professional activity. This article showcases a part of the research carried out by Iñiguez and León (2016) and examines the principal attributes, which characterize Advanced Design, with the aim of serving as a reference framework for the project culture of contemporary strategic designers. Keywords: Advanced Design, design processes, design cultures

    Apalancamiento financiero y su relación con la productividad de Corporación Tommy SAC de la ciudad de Tacna, periodo 2016 - 2019

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    El presente trabajo de investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar cómo el apalancamiento financiero se relaciona con la productividad de Corporación Tommy SAC de la ciudad de Tacna, periodo 2016 - 2019. En cuanto a la metodología, el tipo de investigación es pura o básica, el diseño de la investigación es no experimental, longitudinal. La población estuvo compuesta por el análisis de datos de la información económica financiera de la Corporación Tommy SAC de 03 periodos consecutivos (2016, 2017,2018 y 2019) (48 meses). De la información económica financiera. Los resultados determinaron que según la correlación estidistica de Pearson que la relación entre el apalancamiento financiero y la productividad es moderada. Finalmente se llegó a la conclusión de que el apalancamiento financiero se relaciona con la productividad de Corporación Tommy SAC de la ciudad de Tacna, periodo 2016 - 2019.Tesi

    Nivel de cumplimiento del Soapie por licenciados en enfermería de un hospital público del Callao - 2019

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    La investigación titulada “Nivel de cumplimiento del Soapie por Licenciados en Enfermería de un Hospital Público del Callao – 2019”, tuvo como objetivo determinar el nivel de cumplimiento del Soapie por Licenciados en Enfermería de un Hospital Público del Callao - 2019. Material y método. Fue de enfoque cuantitativo, método inductivo, nivel descriptivo y de diseño no experimental (corte transversal). Con una población de 50 Licenciadas en Enfermería de las áreas de hospitalización (medicina, cirugía, ginecología y pediatría), servicio de emergencia y centro quirúrgico en el periodo de enero – febrero 2019. La técnica fue análisis documental y el instrumento una lista de chequeo validada a través de juicio de expertos (5 expertos) y determinado su confiablidad a través del estadístico de fiabilidad Kr- 20 con un resultado de ,756. Resultados. Existe un 57% del cumplimiento del Soapie de manera global, el 30% de manera parcial y 13% no cumple. Conclusión. El nivel de cumplimiento del Soapie por Licenciados en Enfermería de un Hospital Público del Callao es de 57%

    Mexi-futurism. The transitorial path between tradition and innovation.

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    This paper presents a dissertation about the development of design in Mexico from the point of view of the approaches that its actors have had over time in the search and definition of a regional and authentic identity. The narrative examines the influence of different contextual variables and focuses its attention on the historical dichotomy still in force, between the vernacular cultural heritage and the valuation and appropriation of foreign elements; between the approach to the value of tradition and the promise of innovation as a goal, platform on which the foundations of advanced design emerge

    Estrategias de Inclusión educativa para el desarrollo de las competencias sociales de estudiantes con N.E.E de bachillerato samborondón, Ecuador 2022

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    Este trabajo de investigación tiene como propósito establecer una propuesta de estrategias de inclusión educativa para el desarrollo de las competencias sociales de estudiantes con Necesidades educativas especiales de Bachillerato, para el efecto el diseño de investigación es no experimental transversal ya que no al no existir una manipulación intencional de las variables, el enfoque es cuantitativo y el alcance es correlacional. Para la muestra participaron 80 estudiantes con Necesidades Educativas Especiales que cursan el bachillerato a quiénes se les aplicó como instrumento dos cuestionarios que previo a la aplicación se demostró la confiabilidad de los mismo a través del Alfa de Cronbach y luego fueron validados por juicios de expertos. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran un desarrollo medio y bajo en la muestra de estudio con respecto al desarrollo a las competencias sociales, así como del manejo de una educación inclusiva, concluyendo a partir del análisis correlacional el diseño de estrategias de inclusión educativa a través de una propuesta para mejorar el desarrollo de las competencias sociales de los estudiantes con Necesidades educativas especiales

    Factores maternos e institucionales relacionados con la macrosomía neonatal en el Hospital Marino Molina Scippa entre mayo y octubre del 2018

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    Determina los factores maternos e institucionales relacionados a la macrosomía neonatal en el Hospital Marino Molina Scippa entre mayo y octubre de 2018. El estudio es cuantitativo, analítico, de casos y controles. Se incluyeron 246 puérperas, 123 presentaron neonatos macrosómicos y 123 no macrosómicos. Se realizó la prueba de Chi-cuadrado y se calculó el odds ratio con la ayuda del paquete estadístico SPSS v.25. La multiparidad (p=0.012, OR=2.027), edad gestacional >40 semanas al momento del parto (p=0.002, OR=4.583), el antecedente de macrosomía (p40 semanas al momento del parto, anemia en el embarazo, antecedente de diabetes, sobrepeso/obesidad y ganancia excesiva de peso durante el embarazo; asimismo resultaron factores protectores institucionales; la atención prenatal precoz y periódica, derivación a nutrición y psicoprofilaxis, consejería sobre ganancia de peso y la evaluación de la glicemia antes de las 14 semanas.Tesi