1,101 research outputs found

    The Mass-Metallicity Relation for Giant Planets

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    Exoplanet discoveries of recent years have provided a great deal of new data for studying the bulk compositions of giant planets. Here we identify 47 transiting giant planets (20M<M<20MJ20 M_\oplus < M < 20 M_{\mathrm{J}}) whose stellar insolation is low enough (F<2×108  erg  s1  cm2F_* < 2\times10^8\; \text{erg}\; \text{s}^{-1}\; \text{cm}^{-2}, or roughly Teff<1000T_\text{eff} < 1000) that they are not affected by the hot Jupiter radius inflation mechanism(s). We compute a set of new thermal and structural evolution models and use these models in comparison with properties of the 47 transiting planets (mass, radius, age) to determine their heavy element masses. A clear correlation emerges between the planetary heavy element mass MzM_z and the total planet mass, approximately of the form MzMM_z \propto \sqrt{M}. This finding is consistent with the core accretion model of planet formation. We also study how stellar metallicity [Fe/H] affects planetary metal-enrichment and find a weaker correlation than has been previously reported from studies with smaller sample sizes. We confirm a strong relationship between the planetary metal-enrichment relative to the parent star Zplanet/ZstarZ_{\rm planet}/Z_{\rm star} and the planetary mass, but see no relation in Zplanet/ZstarZ_{\rm planet}/Z_{\rm star} with planet orbital properties or stellar mass. The large heavy element masses of many planets (>50>50 MM_{\oplus}) suggest significant amounts of heavy elements in H/He envelopes, rather than cores, such that metal-enriched giant planet atmospheres should be the rule. We also discuss a model of core-accretion planet formation in a one-dimensional disk and show that it agrees well with our derived relation between mass and Zplanet/ZstarZ_{\rm planet}/Z_{\rm star}.Comment: Accepted to The Astrophysical Journal. This revision adds a substantial amount of discussion; the results are the sam

    The Origin of the Young Stars in the Nucleus of M31

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    The triple nucleus of M31 consists of a population of old red stars in an eccentric disk (P1 and P2) and another population of younger A stars in a circular disk (P3) around M31's central supermassive black hole (SMBH). We argue that P1 and P2 determine the maximal radial extent of the younger A star population and provide the gas that fueled the starburst that generated P3. The eccentric stellar disk creates an m=1m=1 non-axisymmetric perturbation to the potential. This perturbed potential drives gas into the inner parsec around the SMBH, if the pattern speed of the eccentric stellar disk is Ωp310kms1pc1\Omega_p \lesssim 3-10 {\rm km s^{-1} pc^{-1}}. We show that stellar mass loss from P1 and P2 is sufficient to create a gravitationally unstable gaseous disk of \sim 10^5\Msun every 0.110.1-1 Gyrs, consistent with the 200 Myr age of P3. Similar processes may act in other systems to produce very compact nuclear starbursts.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, accepted by ApJ, changes made from referee suggestion

    A modified Oster-Murray-Harris mechanical model of morphogenesis

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    There are two main modeling paradigms for biological pattern formation in developmental biology: chemical prepattern models and cell aggregation models. This paper focuses on an example of a cell aggregation model, the mechanical model developed by Oster, Murray, and Harris [Development, 78 (1983), pp. 83--125]. We revisit the Oster--Murray--Harris model and find that, due to the infinitesimal displacement assumption made in the original version of this model, there is a restriction on the types of boundary conditions that can be prescribed. We derive a modified form of the model which relaxes the infinitesimal displacement assumption. We analyze the dynamics of this model using linear and multiscale nonlinear analysis and show that it has the same linear behavior as the original Oster--Murray--Harris model. Nonlinear analysis, however, predicts that the modified model will allow for a wider range of parameters where the solution evolves to a bounded steady state. The results from both analyses are verified through numerical simulations of the full nonlinear model in one and two dimensions. The increased range of boundary conditions that are well-posed, as well as a wider range of parameters that yield bounded steady states, renders the modified model more applicable to, and more robust for, comparisons with experiments

    The clockfront and wavefront model revisited

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    The currently accepted interpretation of the clock and wavefront model of somitogenesis is that a posteriorly moving molecular gradient sequentially slows the rate of clock oscillations, resulting in a spatial readout of temporal oscillations. However, while molecular components of the clocks and wavefronts have now been identified in the pre-somitic mesoderm (PSM), there is not yet conclusive evidence demonstrating that the observed molecular wavefronts act to slow clock oscillations. Here we present an alternative formulation of the clock and wavefront model in which oscillator coupling, already known to play a key role in oscillator synchronisation, plays a fundamentally important role in the slowing of oscillations along the anterior–posterior (AP) axis. Our model has three parameters which can be determined, in any given species, by the measurement of three quantities: the clock period in the posterior PSM, somite length and the length of the PSM. A travelling wavefront, which slows oscillations along the AP axis, is an emergent feature of the model. Using the model we predict: (a) the distance between moving stripes of gene expression; (b) the number of moving stripes of gene expression and (c) the oscillator period profile along the AP axis. Predictions regarding the stripe data are verified using existing zebrafish data. We simulate a range of experimental perturbations and demonstrate how the model can be used to unambiguously define a reference frame along the AP axis. Comparing data from zebrafish, chick, mouse and snake, we demonstrate that: (a) variation in patterning profiles is accounted for by a single nondimensional parameter; the ratio of coupling strengths; and (b) the period profile along the AP axis is conserved across species. Thus the model is consistent with the idea that, although the genes involved in pattern propagation in the PSM vary, there is a conserved patterning mechanism across species

    Academic drug discovery:Challenges and opportunities

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    There are many different approaches to drug discovery in academia, some of which are based broadly on the industrial model of discovering novel targets and then conducting screening within academic drug discovery centres to identify hit molecules. Here we describe our approach to drug discovery, which makes more efficient use of the capabilities and resources of the different stakeholders. Specifically, we have created a large portfolio of drug projects and conducted small amounts of derisking work to ensure projects are investment ready. In this feature we will describe this model, including its limitations and advantages, since we believe the ideas and concepts will be of interest to other academic institutions and consortia.</p

    Truncation in the tcdC region of the Clostridium difficile PathLoc of clinical isolates does not predict increased biological activity of Toxin B or Toxin A

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The increased severity of disease associated with the NAP1 strain of <it>Clostridium difficile </it>has been attributed to mutations to the <it>tcdC </it>gene which codes for a negative regulator of toxin production. To assess the role of hyper-production of Toxins A and B in clinical isolates of <it>Clostridium difficile</it>, two NAP1-related and five NAP1 non-related strains were compared.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Sequencing was performed on <it>tcdC</it>, <it>tcdR</it>, and <it>tcdE</it> to determine if there were differences that might account for hyper-production of Toxin A and Toxin B in NAP1-related strains. Biological activity of Toxin B was evaluated using the HFF cell CPE assay and Toxin A biological activity was assessed using the Caco-2 Trans-membrane resistance assay.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Our results confirm that Toxin A and Toxin B production in NAP1-related strains and ATCC 43255 occurs earlier in the exponential growth phase compared to most NAP1-nonrelated clinical isolates. Despite the hyper-production observed in ATCC 43255 it had no mutations in <it>tcdC</it>, <it>tcdR </it>or <it>tcdE</it>. Analysis of the other clinical isolates indicated that the kinetics and ultimate final concentration of Toxin A and B did not correlate with the presence or lack of alterations in <it>tcdC</it>, <it>tcdR </it>or <it>tcdE</it>.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our data do not support a direct role for alterations in the <it>tcdC </it>gene as a predictor of hyperproduction of Toxin A and B in NAP1-related strains.</p

    IL-10-conditioned dendritic cells, decommissioned for recruitment of adaptive immunity, elicit innate inflammatory gene products in response to danger signals

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    Dendritic cells (DCs) are the professional APCs of the immune system, enabling T cells to perceive and respond appropriately to potentially dangerous microbes, while also being able to maintain T cell tolerance toward self. In part, such tolerance can be determined by IL-10 released from certain types of regulatory T cells. IL-10 has previously been shown to render DCs unable to activate T cells and it has been assumed that this process represents a general block in maturation. Using serial analysis of gene expression, we show that IL-10 pretreatment of murine bone marrow-derived DCs alone causes significant changes in gene expression. Furthermore, these cells retain the ability to respond to Toll-like receptor agonists, but in a manner skewed toward the selective induction of mediators known to enhance local inflammation and innate immunity, among which we highlight a novel CXCR2 ligand, DC inflammatory protein-1. These data suggest that, while the presence of a protolerogenic and purportedly anti-inflammatory agent such as IL-10 precludes DCs from acquiring their potential as initiators of adaptive immunity, their ability to act as initiators of innate immunity in response to Toll-like receptor signaling is enhanced

    OSSOS III - Resonant Trans-Neptunian Populations: Constraints from the first quarter of the Outer Solar System Origins Survey

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    The first two observational sky "blocks" of the Outer Solar System Origins Survey (OSSOS) have significantly increased the number of well-characterized observed trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs) in Neptune's mean motion resonances. We describe the 31 securely resonant TNOs detected by OSSOS so far, and we use them to independently verify the resonant population models from the Canada-France Ecliptic Plane Survey (CFEPS; Gladman et al. 2012), with which we find broad agreement. We confirm that the 5:2 resonance is more populated than models of the outer Solar System's dynamical history predict; our minimum population estimate shows that the high eccentricity (e>0.35) portion of the resonance is at least as populous as the 2:1 and possibly as populated as the 3:2 resonance. One OSSOS block was well-suited to detecting objects trapped at low libration amplitudes in Neptune's 3:2 resonance, a population of interest in testing the origins of resonant TNOs. We detected three 3:2 objects with libration amplitudes below the cutoff modeled by CFEPS; OSSOS thus offers new constraints on this distribution. The OSSOS detections confirm that the 2:1 resonance has a dynamically colder inclination distribution than either the 3:2 or 5:2 resonances. Using the combined OSSOS and CFEPS 2:1 detections, we constrain the fraction of 2:1 objects in the symmetric mode of libration to be 0.2-0.85; we also constrain the fraction of leading vs. trailing asymmetric librators, which has been theoretically predicted to vary depending on Neptune's migration history, to be 0.05-0.8. Future OSSOS blocks will improve these constraints.Comment: Accepted for publication in A

    Brownian Motion in Planetary Migration

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    A residual planetesimal disk of mass 10-100 Earth masses remained in the outer solar system following the birth of the giant planets, as implied by the existence of the Oort cloud, coagulation requirements for Pluto, and inefficiencies in planet formation. Upon gravitationally scattering planetesimal debris, planets migrate. Orbital migration can lead to resonance capture, as evidenced here in the Kuiper and asteroid belts, and abroad in extra-solar systems. Finite sizes of planetesimals render migration stochastic ("noisy"). At fixed disk mass, larger (fewer) planetesimals generate more noise. Extreme noise defeats resonance capture. We employ order-of-magnitude physics to construct an analytic theory for how a planet's orbital semi-major axis fluctuates in response to random planetesimal scatterings. To retain a body in resonance, the planet's semi-major axis must not random walk a distance greater than the resonant libration width. We translate this criterion into an analytic formula for the retention efficiency of the resonance as a function of system parameters, including planetesimal size. We verify our results with tailored numerical simulations. Application of our theory reveals that capture of Resonant Kuiper belt objects by a migrating Neptune remains effective if the bulk of the primordial disk was locked in bodies having sizes 1000 km was less than a few percent. Coagulation simulations produce a size distribution of primordial planetesimals that easily satisfies these constraints. We conclude that stochasticity did not interfere with, nor modify in any substantive way, Neptune's ability to capture and retain Resonant Kuiper belt objects during its migration