115 research outputs found

    Kreftpasienters barrierer mot smertebehandling

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    Bakgrunn: Ulike faktorer hos helsepersonell, pasienten selv eller i rammefaktorene kan forklare mangelfull smertelindring hos kreftpasienter. Hos pasientene kan barrierer for optimal smertebehandling være tilbakeholdenhet med å rapportere smerte og å følge anbefalte smerteregimer. Dette kan forklares med feiloppfatninger, misforståelser eller manglende kunnskap om smerte og smertebehandling. For eksempel redsel for avhengighet, toleranse og bivirkninger eller at smerte er en uunngåelig del av sykdommen. Hensikt: Å beskrive pasientrelaterte barrierer i forhold til smerte og smertebehandling i et utvalg av norske kreftpasienter. Og undersøke om barrierer for smertebehandling påvirker pasientenes smerteintensitet og smertens påvirkning på funksjon. Metode: Studien er en beskrivende tverrsnittsundersøkelse med 217 polikliniske kreftpasienter som har smerter og/eller bruker smertestillende medikamenter hvor barriere mot smerte og smertebehandling undersøkes ved hjelp av barriereskjema (NBQ–II). Hovedresultat: De spørsmål som reflekterer de høyeste barrierene for smertebehandling er spørsmål om avhengighet, toleranse, monitorere symptomer i forhold til egen helsetilstand, nye smerter og redsel for enkelte bivirkninger som døsighet. Konklusjon: Polikliniske kreftpasienter rapporterer en del barrierer for smertebehandling og må kanskje få en mer individualisert informasjon om smerte og smertebehandling for å bedre smertebehandlingen.Background: Numerous professional, patient, and system barriers contribute to the under-treatment of pain in cancer patients. Patients may, for example, be reluctant to report pain and to use available analgesics. This reluctance is often based on erroneous beliefs or misconceptions about pain and pain medication and includes factors such as fears of addiction and tolerance, fear of side-effects, and a belief that pain is an inevitable component of the disease. Objectives: To investigate patient-related barriers to pain management in a sample of outpatients with cancer and investigate whether barriers influence patients pain intensity and pain interference with function. Method: The study is a cross-sectional descriptive study with a convenient sample of 217 cancer patients self-reporting pain and/or using analgesics assessing barriers to pain and pain management using the Norwegian version of the Barriers Questionnaire (NBQ–II). Results: Questions reflecting the highest barriers were concerns about addiction, tolerance and about the pain-medications’ ability to prevent knowledge about new pain and changes in their health. With regard to side-effects of pain medication, the highest reported level on NBQ–II was on the items concerning drowsiness. Conclusion: Out-patients with cancer still have barriers to pain management and may need more individualized information and follow-up by health personnel in order to enhance pain management. Keyword: cancer pain, patients’ barriers, pain management, outpatient

    Interference of Postoperative Pain on Women's daily Life after Early Discharge from Cardiac Surgery

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    Women report more postoperative pain and problems performing domestic activities than men in the first month of recovery after cardiac surgery. The purpose of this article is to describe how women rate and describe pain interference with daily life after early discharge from cardiac surgery. A qualitative study was conducted in 2004-2005 with ten women recruited from a large Norwegian university hospital before discharge from their first elective cardiac surgery. Various aspects of the women's postoperative experiences were collected with qualitative interviews in the women's homes 8-14 days after discharge: a self-developed pain diary measuring pain intensity, types and amount of pain medication taken every day after returning home from hospital; and the Brief Pain Inventory–Short Form immediately before the interview. Qualitative content analysis was used to identify recurring themes from the interviews. Data from the questionnaires provided more nuances to the experiences of pain, pain management, and interference of postoperative pain. Postoperative pain interfered most with sleep, general activity, and the ability to perform housework during the first 2 weeks after discharge. Despite being advised at the hospital to take pain medication regularly, few women consumed the maximum amount of analgesics. Early hospital discharge after open cardiac surgery implies increased patient participation in pain management. Women undergoing this surgery need more information in hospital on why postoperative pain management beyond simple pain relief is important

    Nurse's Evaluation of a Pain Management Algorithm in Intensive Care Units

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    Background: Many patients have memories of pain during intensive care unit stay. To improve pain management, practice guidelines recommend that pain management should be guided by routine pain assessment and suggest an assessment-driven, protocol-based, stepwise approach. This recommendation prompted the development of a pain-management algorithm. Aim: Evaluate the feasibility and clinical utility of this algorithm. Design: A descriptive survey. Settings: One medical/surgical intensive care unit, one surgical intensive care unit, and one postanesthesia care unit at two hospitals in Norway. Participants/Subjects: Nurses working at the three units. Methods: A pain-management algorithm, including three pain assessment tools and a guide to pain assessment and pain management, was developed and implemented in three intensive care units. Nurses working at the three units (n = 129) responded to a questionnaire regarding the feasibility and clinical utility of the algorithm used. Results: Our results suggested that nurses considered the new pain-management algorithm to have relatively high feasibility, but somewhat lower clinical utility. Less than half of respondents thought that pain treatment in clinical practice had become more targeted using the tree pain-assessment tools (45%) and the algorithm for pain assessment and pain management (24%). Conclusions: Pain-management algorithms may be appropriate and useful in clinical practice. However, to increase clinical utility and to achieve more targeted pain treatment, more focus on pain-treatment actions and reassessment of patients’ pain is needed. Further focus in clinical practice on how to implement an algorithm and more focus on pain-treatment action and reassessment of patients’ pain is needed.acceptedVersio

    The Relationships between Mood Disturbances and Pain, Hope, and Quality of Life in Hospitalized Cancer Patients with Pain on Regularly Scheduled Opioid Analgesic

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    Objective: The study purposes were to describe the percentage of patients in one of four mood groups (i.e., neither anxiety nor depression [NEITHER], only anxiety [ANX], only depression [DEP], both anxiety and depression [BOTH]) and to evaluate how differences in mood states are related to pain, hope, and quality of life (QOL). Methods: Oncology inpatients (n=225) completed Brief Pain Inventory, Herth Hope Index (HHI), and the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Core QOL Questionnaire-C30. Research nurses completed Symptom Severity Checklist, Karnofsky Performance Status score, and medical record reviews. Data were analyzed using x^2, Kruskal-Wallis, one-way analyses of variance (ANOVAs), and analyses of covariance (ANCOVA). Results: Thirty-two percent of patients were categorized in the NEITHER group, 12% in the ANX group, 12% in the DEP group, and 44% in the BOTH group. Younger patients and women were more likely to be in the BOTH group. While only minimal differences were found among the mood groups on pain intensity scores, patients in the NEITHER group in general, reported lower pain interference scores than those in the other three groups. Significant differences were found in HHI scores between the patients in the NEITHER group and the BOTH group. In addition, patients with both mood disorders reported significantly poorer QOL scores. Conclusions: Because 44% of the patients had both anxiety and depression, clinicians need to evaluate patients for the co-occurrence of these two symptoms, evaluate its impact on pain management, hope, and QOL, and develop appropriate interventions to manage these symptoms

    The relationship between chronic pain and health-related quality of life in long-term social assistance recipients in Norway

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    PurposeThe purposes of this study were to compare the health-related quality of life (HRQOL) of long-term social assistance recipients (LTRs) with and without chronic pain and determine the effect of select demographic, social, pain, alcohol, and illicit drug use characteristics on the physical and mental components of their HRQOL.MethodsIn this cross-sectional study, which is part of a larger study that evaluated the health and functional abilities of LTRs in Norway, 405 LTRs of which 178 had chronic pain were recruited from 14 of 433 municipalities.ResultsLTRs with chronic pain were older (P < .001), more often married (P = .002), feeling more lonely, (P = .048), and had more problems with alcohol (P = .035). The final regression model explained 41.2% (P < .001) of the variance in PCS scores and 32.2% (P < .001) of the variance in MCS scores. Being in chronic pain (29.7%), being older (4.7%), and never married (2%) predicted worse PCS scores. Feeling lonely (11.9%), having problems with illicit drug use (5.9%), and being in chronic pain (2.9%) predicted worse MCS scores.ConclusionLTRs with chronic pain rated both the physical and mental components of HRQOL lower than LTRs without chronic pain. The MCS score in both groups was negatively effected

    Exploring postoperative handover quality in relation to patient condition: A mixed methods study

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    Aims and Objectives To describe postoperative handover reporting and tasks in relation to patient condition and situational circumstances, in order to identify facilitators for best practices. Background High-quality handovers in postoperative settings are important for patient safety and continuity of care. There is a need to explore handover quality in relation to patient condition and other affecting factors. Design Observational mixed methods convergent design. Methods Postoperative patient handovers were observed collecting quantitative (n = 109) and qualitative data (n = 48). Quantitative data were collected using the postoperative handover assessment tool (PoHAT), and a scoring system assessing patient condition. Qualitative data were collected using free-text field notes and an observational guide. The study adheres to the GRAMMS guideline for reporting mixed methods research. Results Information omissions in the handovers observed ranged from 1–13 (median 7). Handovers of vitally stable and comfortable patients were associated with more information omissions in the report. A total of 50 handovers (46%) were subjected to interruptions, and checklist compliance was low (13%, n = 14). Thematic analysis of the qualitative data identified three themes: “adaptation of handover,” “strategies for information transfer” and “contextual and individual factors.” Factors facilitating best practices were related to adaptation of the handover to patient condition and situational circumstances, structured verbal reporting, providing patient assessments and dialogue within the handover team. Conclusions The variations in items reported and tasks performed during the handovers observed were related to patient conditions, situational circumstances and low checklist compliance. Adaptation of the handover to patient condition and situation, structured reporting, dialogue within the team and patient assessments contributed to quality. Relevance to clinical practice It is important to acknowledge that handover quality is related to more than transfer of information. The present study has described how factors related to the patient and situation affect handover quality.publishedVersio

    Pain in intensive care unit patients—A longitudinal study

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    Aim: To assess occurrence of pain during the first 6 days of intensive care unit (ICU) stay and evaluate associations between occurrence of pain and selected patient‐related variables. Design: A longitudinal study. Methods: Adult ICU patients from three units were included. Patients' pain was assessed with valid pain assessment tools every 8 hr during their first 6 days in ICU. Possible associations between occurrence of pain and selected patient‐related variables were modelled using multiple logistic regression. Results: When pain was assessed regularly with pain assessment tools, 10% of patients were in pain at rest and 27% were in pain during turning. The proportions of patients who were in pain were significantly higher for patients able to self‐report pain, compared with patients not able to self‐report (p < .001). Several predictors were associated with being in pain. It is important to be aware of these predictors in order to improve pain management.publishedVersio

    The complexity of the relationship between chronic pain and quality of life: a study of the general Norwegian population

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    The aims of this paper were to evaluate the relationship between chronic pain and global quality of life (GQOL) and to explore the effect of possible confounders, mediators, and moderators such as selected demographic variables, chronic illnesses, stress-related symptoms, fatigue, and subjective health of the relationship between chronic pain and GQOL. We used a cross-sectional design, including 1,893 respondents from a population of 4,000 of Norwegian citizens, aged 19–81 years, who were randomly drawn from the National Register by Statistics Norway in November 2000 (48.5%). Pain duration of more than 3 months was categorized as having chronic pain. The Quality of Life Scale, the Fatigue Severity Scale, and the Posttraumatic Stress Scale were used as our main dependent and independent variables, respectively. A series of multiple regression analyses (GLM in SPSS) were applied using GQOL as the dependent variable, entering subsets of independent variables in a theoretically predefined sequence. In the total model, there was no significant relationship between chronic pain and GQOL. The model explained 39% of the variance in GQOL. For direct effect sizes, stress-related symptoms were related most strongly to GQOL, followed by subjective health, fatigue, chronic illnesses, and selected demographic variables. These findings support the assumption of a complex and indirect relationship between chronic pain and GQOL

    Distinct pain profiles in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    Background: Few studies have examined changes in the pain experience of patients with COPD and predictors of pain in these patients. Objectives: The objectives of the study were to examine whether distinct groups of COPD patients could be identified based on changes in the occurrence and severity of pain over 12 months and to evaluate whether these groups differed on demographic, clinical, and pain characteristics, and health-related quality of life (HRQoL). Patients and methods: A longitudinal study of 267 COPD patients with very severe COPD was conducted. Their mean age was 63 years, and 53% were females. The patients completed questionnaires including demographic and clinical variables, the Brief Pain Inventory, and the St Georges Respiratory Questionnaire at enrollment, and 3, 6, 9, and 12 months follow-up. In addition, spirometry and the 6 Minute Walk Test were performed. Latent class analysis was used to identify subgroups of patients with distinct pain profiles based on pain occurrence and worst pain severity. Results: Most of the patients (77%) reported pain occurrence over 12 months. Of these, 48% were in the “high probability of pain” group, while 29% were in the “moderate probability of pain” group. For the worst pain severity, 37% were in the “moderate pain” and 39% were in the “mild pain” groups. Females and those with higher body mass index, higher number of comorbidities, and less education were in the pain groups. Patients in the higher pain groups reported higher pain interference scores, higher number of pain locations, and more respiratory symptoms. Few differences in HRQoL were found between the groups except for the symptom subscale. Conclusion: Patients with COPD warrant comprehensive pain management. Clinicians may use this information to identify those who are at higher risk for persistent pain.publishedVersio
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