14,218 research outputs found

    Body image perception and body composition: assessment of perception inconsistency by a new index

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    BACKGROUND: A correct perception of the body image, as defined by comparison with actual anthropometric analyses, is crucial to ensure the best possible nutritional status of each individual. Bioimpedance analysis (BIA) represents a leading technique to assess body composition parameters and, in particular, the fat mass. This study examined the self-perception of body image at various levels of adiposity proposing a new index. METHODS: We investigated 487 young Italian adults (mean age of males: 21.9 ± 2.4 years; mean age of females: 21.0 ± 2.2 years). Each subject could choose, on the Contour Drawing Rating Scale, the silhouette that he/she considered most resembling his/her perceived body image as well as his/her ideal body image. On each subject, we performed anthropometric measurements and determined the values of Fat mass and  Ãºt with BIA. A new index, FAIFAT (Feel fat status minus Actual fat status Inconsistency), was developed to evaluate possible fat status perception inconsistencies by BIA. RESULTS: Based on ideal and feel body image comparison, women showed higher dissatisfaction than men and preferred slimmer silhouettes. FAIFAT values indicated that the fat status perception was correct in the majority of the examined individuals and only three subjects showed a serious misperception. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that FAIFAT is an appropriate index for assessing the perceived fat status from the body image when compared with data obtained by BIA. In a population, the use of this index will allow the correct identification of groups at risk for eating disorders

    On the normalization of Killing vectors and energy conservation in two-dimensional gravity

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    We explicitly show that, in the context of a recently proposed 2D dilaton gravity theory, energy conservation requires the ``natural'' Killing vector to have, asymptotically, an unusual normalization. The Hawking temperature THT_H is then calculated according to this prescription.Comment: 7 pages, Latex, no figure

    A note on the Schur multiplier of a nilpotent Lie algebra

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    For a nilpotent Lie algebra LL of dimension nn and dim(L2)=m(L^2)=m, we find the upper bound dim(M(L))≤1/2(n+m−2)(n−m−1)+1(M(L))\leq {1/2}(n+m-2)(n-m-1)+1, where M(L)M(L) denotes the Schur multiplier of LL. In case m=1m=1 the equality holds if and only if L≅H(1)⊕AL\cong H(1)\oplus A, where AA is an abelian Lie algebra of dimension n−3n-3 and H(1) is the Heisenberg algebra of dimension 3.Comment: Paper in press in Comm. Algebra with small revision

    Connection between slow and fast dynamics of molecular liquids around the glass transition

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    The mean-square displacement (MSD) was measured by neutron scattering at various temperatures and pressures for a number of molecular glass-forming liquids. The MSD is invariant along the glass-transition line at the pressure studied, thus establishing an ``intrinsic'' Lindemann criterion for any given liquid. A one-to-one connection between the MSD's temperature dependence and the liquid's fragility is found when the MSD is evaluated on a time scale of approximately 4 nanoseconds, but does not hold when the MSD is evaluated at shorter times. The findings are discussed in terms of the elastic model and the role of relaxations, and the correlations between slow and fast dynamics are addressed.Comment: accepted by Phys Rev E (2010

    Mass corrections in string theory and lattice field theory

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    Kaluza-Klein compactifications of higher dimensional Yang-Mills theories contain a number of four dimensional scalars corresponding to the internal components of the gauge field. While at tree-level the scalar zero modes are massless, it is well known that quantum corrections make them massive. We compute these radiative corrections at 1-loop in an effective field theory framework, using the background field method and proper Schwinger-time regularization. In order to clarify the proper treatment of the sum over KK--modes in the effective field theory approach, we consider the same problem in two different UV completions of Yang-Mills: string theory and lattice field theory. In both cases, when the compactification radius RR is much bigger than the scale of the UV completion (R≫α′,aR \gg \sqrt{\alpha'},a), we recover a mass renormalization that is independent of the UV scale and agrees with the one derived in the effective field theory approach. These results support the idea that the value of the mass corrections is, in this regime, universal for any UV completion that respects locality and gauge invariance. The string analysis suggests that this property holds also at higher loops. The lattice analysis suggests that the mass of the adjoint scalars appearing in N=2,4\mathcal N=2,4 Super Yang-Mills is highly suppressed due to an interplay between the higher-dimensional gauge invariance and the degeneracy of bosonic and fermionic degrees of freedom.Comment: 27 page

    Dilaton Quantum Cosmology in Two Dimensions

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    We consider a renormalizable two-dimensional model of dilaton gravity coupled to a set of conformal fields as a toy model for quantum cosmology. We discuss the cosmological solutions of the model and study the effect of including the backreaction due to quantum corrections. As a result, when the matter density is below some threshold new singularities form in a weak coupling region, which suggests that they will not be removed in the full quantum theory. We also solve the Wheeler-DeWitt equation. Depending on the quantum state of the Universe, the singularities may appear in a quantum region where the wave function is not oscillatory, i.e., when there is not a well defined notion of classical spacetime.Comment: 17 pages, UTTG-28-9

    Soluble models in 2d dilaton gravity

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    A one-parameter class of simple models of two-dimensional dilaton gravity, which can be exactly solved including back-reaction effects, is investigated at both classical and quantum levels. This family contains the RST model as a special case, and it continuously interpolates between models having a flat (Rindler) geometry and a constant curvature metric with a non-trivial dilaton field. The processes of formation of black hole singularities from collapsing matter and Hawking evaporation are considered in detail. Various physical aspects of these geometries are discussed, including the cosmological interpretation.Comment: 15 pages, harvmac, 3 figure

    The low energy expansion of the one-loop type II superstring amplitude

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    The one-loop four-graviton amplitude in either of the type II superstring theories is expanded in powers of the external momenta up to and including terms of order s^4 log s R^4, where R^4 denotes a specific contraction of four linearized Weyl tensors and s is a Mandelstam invariant. Terms in this series are obtained by integrating powers of the two-dimensional scalar field theory propagator over the toroidal world-sheet as well as the moduli of the torus. The values of these coefficients match expectations based on duality relations between string theory and eleven-dimensional supergravity.Comment: harvmac (b), 25 pages, 3 eps figures. v2: Factors of 2 corrected. Conclusion unchange

    Restructuring requirements specifications for managing inconsistency and change: a case study

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    This paper describes our experiences in restructuring multi-perspective requirements specifications in order to identify and analyse inconsistencies and manage change. A partial, heterogeneous and reasonably large requirements specification from a NASA project was analysed and decomposed into a structure of "viewpoints", where each viewpoint encapsulates partial requirements of some system components described in the specification. Relationships between viewpoints were identified which included not only the interactions explicitly stated in the requirements but also some implicit and potentially problematic inter-dependencies. The restructuring process and a first informal analysis of the resulting relationships enabled the detection of inconsistencies and the definition of some interesting domain-dependent consistency rules. We believe that this restructuring into viewpoints also facilitated requirements understanding through partitioning, and requirements maintenance and evolution through explicit identification of the inter-viewpoint relationships

    Análisis comparativo entre un tutor circular y uno monolateral en elongaciones óseas

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    El presente trabajo compara la funcionalidad de dos tutores externos utilizados para elongación: el del Dr. Ilizarov y el tutor HG, desarrollado en nuestra institución. De 131 pacientes tratados con elongación ósea en 147 huesos largos se seleccionaron al azar 25 huesos por cada aparato anteriormente mencionado. Para objetivar los resultados se registraron estadísticamente variables independientes y dependientes en sus características subjetivas y objetivas, tales como: edad, sexo, tipo de hueso elongado, tolerancia psíquica, sensación de confort, facilidad de higiene y control, las infecciones, las rigideces articulares por retracción músculo tendinosa, y la deformación ósea residual. El objetivo fue comparar y establecer si el cambio en la elección del sistema fue ventajoso para nuestros pacientes. En el intento comparativo se enfrentaron dos variables, que a nuestro criterio eran las más importantes para establecer diferencias: la calidad del callo del hueso sometido a elongación y la presencia de complicaciones tanto transitorias como definitivas.In this work we compare the results obtained with two different external fixation devices in patients undergoing bone lengthening. The devices studied were the Ilizarov type and the HG, an apparatons developed in our institution. Out of 131 patientes treated by bone lengthening in 147 long bones, 25 bones lengthened with each device were selected at random. Different subjective and objective variables were assessed: age, sex, type of bone, psichological tolerance, patients, confort, nursing, infections, joint stiffness due to musculotendinous retractions, and residual bone deformity. The aim of the study was to analyze if the monolateral frame entailed advantages for our patients. Two main factors were more deeply analysed, namely the quality of the bone callus subjected to lengthening and the presence of both transitory and definitive complications
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