498 research outputs found

    Quantum States, Thermodynamic Limits and Entropy in M-Theory

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    We discuss the matching of the BPS part of the spectrum for (super)membrane, which gives the possibility of getting membrane's results via string calculations. In the small coupling limit of M--theory the entropy of the system coincides with the standard entropy of type IIB string theory (including the logarithmic correction term). The thermodynamic behavior at large coupling constant is computed by considering M--theory on a manifold with topology T2×R9{\mathbb T}^2\times{\mathbb R}^9. We argue that the finite temperature partition functions (brane Laurent series for p≠1p \neq 1) associated with BPS p−p-brane spectrum can be analytically continued to well--defined functionals. It means that a finite temperature can be introduced in brane theory, which behaves like finite temperature field theory. In the limit p→0p \to 0 (point particle limit) it gives rise to the standard behavior of thermodynamic quantities.Comment: 7 pages, no figures, Revtex style. To be published in the Physical Review

    On solvable models of type IIB superstring in NS-NS and R-R plane wave backgrounds

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    We consider type IIB string in the two plane-wave backgrounds which may be interpreted as special limits of the AdS_3 x S^3 metric supported by either the NS-NS or R-R 3-form field. The NS-NS plane-wave string model is equivalent to a direct generalization of the Nappi-Witten model, with its spectrum being similar to that of strings in constant magnetic field. The R-R model can be solved in the light-cone gauge, where the Green-Schwarz action describes 4 massive and 4 massless copies of free bosons and fermions. We find the spectra of the two string models and study the asymptotic density of states. We also discuss a more general class of exactly solvable plane-wave models with reduced supersymmetry which is obtained by adding twists in two spatial 2-planes.Comment: 36 pages, harvmac. v2: discussion of equivalence of the supergravity parts of the spectra of the NS-NS and R-R models added in sect.5.3; v3: added remark on periodicity of the NS-NS spectrum; v4: minor correction in sect.6.

    A modified Vogel\u27s medium for crossings, mating-type tests and the isolation of female-sterile mutants of Neurospora crassa.

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    A modified Vogel\u27s medium for crossing, mating-type tests and the isolation of female-sterile mutants of Neurospora crassa

    A New Cosmological Scenario in String Theory

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    We consider new cosmological solutions with a collapsing, an intermediate and an expanding phase. The boundary between the expanding (collapsing) phase and the intermediate phase is seen by comoving observers as a cosmological past (future) horizon. The solutions are naturally embedded in string and M-theory. In the particular case of a two-dimensional cosmology, space-time is flat with an identification under boost and translation transformations. We consider the corresponding string theory orbifold and calculate the modular invariant one-loop partition function. In this case there is a strong parallel with the BTZ black hole. The higher dimensional cosmologies have a time-like curvature singularity in the intermediate region. In some cases the string coupling can be made small throughout all of space-time but string corrections become important at the singularity. This happens where string winding modes become light which could resolve the singularity. The new proposed space-time casual structure could have implications for cosmology, independently of string theory.Comment: 28 pages, 3 figures; v2: Added new subsection relating two-dimensional model to BTZ black hole, typos corrected and references added; v3: minor corrections, PRD versio

    Generalised chiral null models and rotating string backgrounds

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    We consider an extension of a special class of conformal sigma models (`chiral null models') which describe extreme supersymmetric string solutions. The new models contain both `left' and `right' vector couplings and should correspond to non-BPS backgrounds. In particular, we discuss a conformal six-dimensional model which is a combination of fundamental string and 5-brane models with two extra couplings representing rotations in orthogonal planes. If the two rotational parameters are independent the resulting background is found to be either singular or not asymptotically flat. The non asymptotically flat solution has a regular short distance limit described by a `twisted' product of SL(2,R) and SU(2) WZW theories with two twist parameters mixing the isometric Euler angles of SU(2) with a null direction of SL(2,R).Comment: 12 pages, late

    Magnetic flux tube models in superstring theory

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    Superstring models describing curved 4-dimensional magnetic flux tube backgrounds are exactly solvable in terms of free fields. We first consider the simplest model of this type (corresponding to `Kaluza-Klein' Melvin background). Its 2d action has a flat but topologically non-trivial 10-dimensional target space (there is a mixing of angular coordinate of the 2-plane with an internal compact coordinate). We demonstrate that this theory has broken supersymmetry but is perturbatively stable if the radius R of the internal coordinate is larger than R_0=\sqrt{2\a'}. In the Green-Schwarz formulation the supersymmetry breaking is a consequence of the presence of a flat but non-trivial connection in the fermionic terms in the action. For R < R_0 and the magnetic field strength parameter q > R/2\a' there appear instabilities corresponding to tachyonic winding states. The torus partition function Z(q,R) is finite for R > R_0 (and vanishes for qR=2n, n=integer). At the special points qR=2n (2n+1) the model is equivalent to the free superstring theory compactified on a circle with periodic (antiperiodic) boundary condition for space-time fermions. Analogous results are obtained for a more general class of static magnetic flux tube geometries including the a=1 Melvin model.Comment: 28 pages, harvmac. Minor changes, final version to appear in NP

    (Twisted) Toroidal Compactification of pp-Waves

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    The maximally supersymmetric type IIB pp-wave is compactified on spatial circles, with and without an auxiliary rotational twist. All spatial circles of constant radius are identified. Without the twist, an S1^1 compactification can preserve 24, 20 or 16 supercharges. T2T^2 compactifications can preserve 20, 18 or 16 supercharges; T3T^3 compactifications can preserve 18 or 16 supercharges and higher compactifications preserve 16 supercharges. The worldsheet theory of this background is discussed. The T-dual and decompactified type IIA and M-theoretic solutions which preserve 24 supercharges are given. Some comments are made regarding the AdS parent and the CFT description.Comment: 22 pages REVTeX 4 and AMSLaTeX. v3: References and a paragraph on nine dimensional Killing spinors were added. v4: A few typos corrected and a footnote was modifie

    Decay Modes of Intersecting Fluxbranes

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    Just as the single fluxbrane is quantum mechanically unstable to the nucleation of a locally charged spherical brane, so intersecting fluxbranes are unstable to various decay modes. Each individual element of the intersection can decay via the nucleation of a spherical brane, but uncharged spheres can also be nucleated in the region of intersection. For special values of the fluxes, however, intersecting fluxbranes are supersymmetric, and so are expected to be stable. We explicitly consider the instanton describing the decay modes of the two--element intersection (an F5-brane in the string theory context), and show that in dimensions greater than four the action for the decay mode of the supersymmetric intersection diverges. This observation allows us to show that stable intersecting fluxbranes should also exist in type 0A string theory.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figures. References adde

    On the structure of composite black p-brane configurations and related black holes

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    We comment on the structure of intersecting black p-brane solutions in string theory explaining how known solutions can be obtained from Schwarzschild solution simply by sequences of boosts and dualities. This implies, in particular, that dimensional reduction in all internal world-volume directions including time leads to a metric (related by analytic continuation to a cosmological metric) which does not depend on p-brane charges, i.e. is the same as the metric following by reduction from a higher-dimensional `neutral' Schwarzschild black hole.Comment: 6 pages, harvmac. Misprints corrected, version to appear in Physics Letter

    N=2 Sigma Models for Ramond-Ramond Backgrounds

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    Using the U(4) hybrid formalism, manifestly N=(2,2) worldsheet supersymmetric sigma models are constructed for the Type IIB superstring in Ramond-Ramond backgrounds. The Kahler potential in these N=2 sigma models depends on four chiral and antichiral bosonic superfields and two chiral and antichiral fermionic superfields. When the Kahler potential is quadratic, the model is a free conformal field theory which describes a flat ten-dimensional target space with Ramond-Ramond flux and non-constant dilaton. For more general Kahler potentials, the model describes curved target spaces with Ramond-Ramond flux that are not plane-wave backgrounds. Ricci-flatness of the Kahler metric implies the on-shell conditions for the background up to the usual four-loop conformal anomaly.Comment: 19 pages harvma
