68 research outputs found

    The scale insects (Hemiptera: Coccoidea) of the Maltese Archipelago

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    Past works on scale insects (Hemiptera: Coccoidea) from the Maltese Archipelago are reviewed. Based on the literature and contemporary collections, a total of 93 species of scale insects belonging to 12 scale insect families are here reported (Aclerdidae 1 species; Asterolecaniidae 4; Coccidae 17; Diaspididae 46; Eriococcidae 5; Kermesidae 1; Margarodidae 1; Micrococcidae 1; Monophlebidae 2; Pseudoccocidae 11; Putoidae 2 and Rhizoecidae 2). Of these, 17 species represent new distribution records. Ten species are excluded from the scale insect fauna of the Maltese Islands. Of the 93 species present, only 29 (31.18%) are probably indigenous and the rest (68.82%) represent established introductions from elsewhere. More than 65% of the indigenous species are typical Mediterranean in distribution, with a few species having a mainly European chorotype. A quarter of the established aliens originate from Eurasia, followed by an East Asian/ Oriental component (20.31%); European (14.06%); Neotropical (14.06%); cryptogenic (14.06%); African (7.81%) and Australasian (4.70%). Movement of live fruit trees and ornamental plants into the Maltese Archipelago from nearby countries is probably the main route for entry of alien scale insects into the country. Some possible future introductions are discussed.peer-reviewe

    Hereditary ovarian cancer

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    Apoptosis is a form of cell death that permits the removal of damaged, senescent or unwanted cells in multicellular organisms, without damage to the cellular microenvironment. Defective apoptosis represents a major causative factor in the development and progression of cancer. The majority of chemotherapeutic agents, as well as radiation, utilize the apoptotic pathway to induce cancer cell death. Resistance to standard chemotherapeutic strategies also seems to be due to alterations in the apoptotic pathway of cancer cells. Recent knowledge on apoptosis has provided the basis for novel targeted therapies that exploit apoptosis to treat cancer. These new target include those acting in the extrinsic/intrinsic pathway, proteins that control the apoptosis machinery such as the p53 and proteosome pathway. Most of these forms of therapy are still in preclinical development because of their low specifity and susceptibility to drug resistance, but several of them have shown promising results. In particular, this review specifically aims at providing an update of certain molecular players that are already in use in order to target apoptosis (such as bortezomib) or which are still being clinically evaluated (such ONYX-015, survivin and exisulind/aptosyn) or which, following preclinical studies, might have the necessary requirements for becoming part of the anticancer drug programs (such as TRAIL/ Apo2L, apoptin/VP3). Key words: apoptosis, TRAIL/Apo2L, apoptin/VP3, ONYX015, Bortezomib, exisulind, survivi

    Fathers and Murders: a retrospective study of paternal filicide in Italy

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    Background. An amount of literature has heavy focused on homicidal mothers. Nevertheless, due to the lower frequency of these events, yet little is known about the paternal filicides. Aim. The purpose of this study was to identify the spatio-temporal coordinates, authors and victims characteristics, and the context in which these murders take place, in order to identify specific patterns. Methods. We analyzed 76 events occurred in Italy, between 1996 and 2012 involving 134 victims. The data were collected through a careful and thorough review of the daily press and encoded on a Excel ® sheet specially designed for data collection. Results. Findings show a significant incidence of psychiatric disorders, history of violent behavior, employment problems and low-skilled professional roles. In particular, violence seems to be determined by the fear of loss which is more common among the common law partner and among youngest male, especially when son is far. Conclusion. The in-depth analysis of the phenomenon may contribute to its best knowledge and to identify the areas on which psycho-social intervention, based on prevention best practices, are required

    A new Paracoccus species from Palaearctic region (Hemiptera, Sternorrhyncha, Coccoidea, Pseudococcidae)

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    A new mealybug species, Paracoccus leucadendri sp. nov., is described from Portugal. This is the first record of a Paracoccus species from Europe. It is suggested that its presence in Portugal is the result of a fortuitous introduction with its host plant, Leucadendron sp. (Proteaceae). An identification key is presented to distinguish this new Paracoccus species from other mealybug species reported on Proteaceae in the world

    The scale insects (Hemiptera: Coccoidea) of the Maltese Archipelago

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    Abstract Past works on scale insects (Hemiptera: Coccoidea) from the Maltese Archipelago are reviewed. Based on the literature and contemporary collections, a total of 93 species of scale insects belonging to 12 scale insect families are here reported (Aclerdidae 1 species; Asterolecaniidae 4; Coccidae 17; Diaspididae 46; Eriococcidae 5; Kermesidae 1; Margarodidae 1; Micrococcidae 1; Monophlebidae 2; Pseudoccocidae 11; Putoidae 2 and Rhizoecidae 2). Of these, 17 species represent new distribution records. Ten species are excluded from the scale insect fauna of the Maltese Islands. Of the 93 species present, only 29 (31.18%) are probably indigenous and the rest (68.82%) represent established introductions from elsewhere. More than 65% of the indigenous species are typical Mediterranean in distribution, with a few species having a mainly European chorotype. A quarter of the established aliens originate from Eurasia, followed by an East Asian/ Oriental component (20.31%); European (14.06%); Neotropical (14.06%); cryptogenic (14.06%); African (7.81%) and Australasian (4.70%). Movement of live fruit trees and ornamental plants into the Maltese Archipelago from nearby countries is probably the main route for entry of alien scale insects into the country. Some possible future introductions are discussed


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    In this study Authors report scale insects (Hemiptera: Coccomorpha) species for the first time recorded on some endemic plants of Sicilian flora, namely, Abies nebrodensis Mattei (Pinaceae), Astragalus siculus Biv. (Leguminosae), Betula aetnensis Rafinesque (Betulaceae) and Zelkova sicula Di Pasquale Garfi & Quezel (Ulmaceae).Abies nebrodensis is present in a single small population on Madonie Mountains. On this conifer the fir scale Parlatoria parlatoriae (Šulc) (Diaspididae) was collected. On B. aetnensis, that colonizes the lava substrates of Etna Volcano mainly at 1300–1900 m.a.s.l., a consistent population of an undescribed Diaspidiotus species (currently being described) was collected. Moreover Lepidosaphes ulmi (Linnaeus) (Diaspididae) was detected and collected on A. siculus which is characteristic plant of the upper part of the volcano. Zelkova sicula is a very rare relict of  the Tertiary, belonging to a genus of plants already extinct in Continental Europe; with only two small populations living in restricted woodland areas in south oriental Sicily where two scale insects were collected: Aspidiotus nerii (Costa) (Diaspididae) and Parthenolecanium sp. (Coccidae)

    Monoclonal antibodies and antibody fragments: state of the art and future perspectives in the treatment of non-haematological tumors

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    Introduction: The use of monoclonal antibodies is one of the strategies for targeting the specific key points of the main pathways of cancer growth and survival, but only a few antibodies have offered a clear clinical benefit in the treatment of non-haematological malignancies. Areas covered: This review summarizes the general properties of monoclonal antibodies, including structure, nomenclature and production techniques. The antibodies approved for use in clinical practice for the treatment of non-haematological tumors and those antibodies still being developed in this setting are briefly described. The types of antibody fragments are also reported. Expert opinion: Monoclonal antibodies were initially developed in order to avoid the cytotoxic effects of chemotherapy on healthy tissues. However antibodies have not yet replaced chemotherapy agents, since the combination of both kinds of drugs have usually appeared to achieve higher benefit compared with chemotherapy alone. The research for the development of new monoclonal antibodies aims to identify further targets and to provide innovative antibody constructs

    Caratteristiche e atteggiamenti di 201 operatori penitenziari a trent’anni dalla riforma

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    Thirty years on, following the approval of the prison reform bill has seen a profound change in the socio-demographic profile of correction officers. Nowadays, they are people with a higher cultural level, who are more motivated as regards the career they have chosen, whose socio-economic backgrounds are less disadvantaged and who have a higher number of years of service. However, this improved profile of correction officers has not been matched by a greater ability of prisons to carry out their rehabilitatory role; there have been no corresponding gradual changes to overcome the problems that beset the prison system: the chronic lack of facilities, the appalling state of the prison buildings, the overcrowding, lack of opportunities, staff shortages, etc. These persisting shortfalls have hindered the implementation of prison reform,and have become manifest in the deep mistrust expressed by correction officers, who, especially the youngest and most highly educated, do not believe that prison can be effective, despite the fact that the majority retain rehabilitation to be a worthy ideal. The responses given by workers also reveal a lack of faith in alternatives to prison as well as in their attitude towards the inmates. Both the prison guards and early half the correction officers consider them to be individuals destined to a life of crime due to their character traits and lifestyle. The study also highlighted that the older the correction officer and the higher the level of education, then the more favourable was their attitude towards inmates and prison reform. Overall, the findings of this research study bear witness to the essential feeling that the ideals which animated prison reform have not been met, and that the results obtained are the expression of a society which shuns diversity and those people who make its members feel ill at ease. Consequently, prison is viewed as a means for segregation, a place in which to offload the 'problem' cases who are perceived as being a threat to the survival of society and its members.Ad oltre trent’anni dall’approvazione della riforma penitenziaria si assiste ad un mutamento profondo delle caratteristiche socio-demografiche degli operatori penitenziari, che oggi risultano più attrezzati sotto il profilo culturale, più motivati nella scelta del proprio lavoro, provenienti da contesti socio-economici meno svantaggiati e con una maggiore anzianità di servizio. Tuttavia, a questa maggiore idoneità del personale penitenziario non ha fatto riscontro una maggiore capacità del carcere a svolgere la sua funzione rieducativa, attraverso un graduale superamento delle sue croniche carenze strutturali, quali istituti fatiscenti, sovraffollamento, mancanza di opportunità, carenza di personale, ecc. Questa persistente inadeguatezza ha minato l’applicazione della riforma penitenziaria, traducendosi in un sentimento di profonda sfiducia da parte degli operatori, i quali, soprattutto quelli più giovani e più istruiti, non ritengono che il carcere possa essere efficace, anche se per la maggior parte di essi la riabilitazione resta un ideale valido. Dalle risposte degli operatori si rileva un atteggiamento di sfiducia anche nei confronti delle misure alternative e degli stessi detenuti, i quali vengono percepiti dalla maggior parte dei poliziotti e da circa metà degli operatori del trattamento come soggetti fatalmente destinati a delinquere per le caratteristiche di personalità e le abitudini di vita. La ricerca ha messo altresì in evidenza che quanto più l’operatore penitenziario ha un’ età avanzata ed un più alto livello di istruzione, tanto più l’atteggiamento nei confronti del detenuto e della riforma penitenziaria tende a divenire più favorevole. In definitiva, i dati emersi dalla ricerca testimoniano sostanzialmente il venir meno degli ideali che hanno animato la riforma penitenziaria e sono l’espressione di un modello di società che in una logica di esclusione del disagio e della diversità, tende a considerare il carcere come luogo di segregazione in cui scaricare quelle situazioni problematiche che avverte come minacciose per la propria sopravvivenza

    A morphological and molecular characterization of vine mealybug populations (Hemiptera, Pseudococcidae) from Tunisia

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    Some vine mealybug, Planococcus ficus (Signoret) populations in Tunisian vineyards have been morphologically and genetically characterized. The morphological examination was based on the main distinctive characteristics of species of Planococcus, namely the number and distribution of the multilocular disc pores and tubular ducts on the adult female. This showed the existence of two different vine mealybug populations in Tunisia. Likewise, in the molecular analyses, two separate clades were revealed in the neighbour-joining phylogenetic tree, supporting the morphological studies and suggesting that there are two distinct populations of P. ficus on grapevine in Tunisia

    Efficacy and safety of the third-generation chloroethylnitrosourea fotemustine for the treatment of chemorefractory T-cell lymphomas.

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    Patients with recurring T-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma (T-NHL) are incurable and candidate for investigational agents. Here, we report on five patients with T-NHL refractory to multiple chemotherapy lines, including in all cases alkylators and gemcitabine, who received the third-generation chloroethylnitrosourea fotemustine at a dose of 120 mg/m(2) every 21 d, up to eight courses. Median actual dose intensity was 79%; toxicity was manageable and mainly hematological. One complete remission, one partial remission, two protracted disease stabilization, and one transient, minor response were achieved. Time to progression ranged from 48 to 240+ d. This is the first evidence ever reporting the activity of fotemustine in end-stage T-NHL. Formal studies with this agent are warranted in T-cell malignancies