47 research outputs found
This study aims to determine the effect of Total Assets and FDR on the ROA of Islamic Commercial Banks for the 2018-2022 period. This study uses a quantitative research method with the population in this study being all 15 Islamic Commercial Banks in Indonesia. The total sample is 54 which consists of the financial statements of Islamic Commercial Banks for 2018- 2022. The sample selection technique uses purposive sampling method. The data analysis technique used in this study is multiple linear regression. The classic assumption test technique consists of descriptive statistics, normality test, multicollinearity test, and heteroscedasticity test. Then the hypothesis test consists of the coefficient of determination, the T test to test partially, and the F test to test between variables together. The results of this study are that the Total Asset variable has a significant effect on Return On Assets (ROA) in Islamic Commercial Banks. Then the FDR variable states that the Financing To Deposit Ratio (FDR) has a positive and significant effect on the ROA of Islamic Commercial Banks. And the results of the simultaneous test state that the independent variables (Total Assets and FDR) simultaneously (together) affect the dependent variable where the dependent variable in this study is (Return On Assets)
Analisis Titik Impas USAhatani Jamur Tiram (Pleurotus Ostreatus) (Studi Kasus di Desa Margaluyu Kecamatan Cikoneng Kabupaten Ciamis)
Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui : 1) Besarnya biaya dan pendapatan pada USAhatani jamur tiram persatu kali proses produksi di Desa Margaluyu Kecamatan Cikoneng Kabupaten Ciamis. 2) Besarnya titik impas nilai penerimaan, titik impas volume produksi, dan titik impas harga pada USAhatani jamur tiram per satu kali proses produksi di Desa Margaluyu KecamatanCikoneng Kabupaten Ciamis. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode survey dengan mengambil kasus di Desa Margaluyu Kecamatan Cikoneng Kabupaten Ciamis, Dalam penelitian ini yang menjadi responden adalah para petani jamur tiram, pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara sensus, dimana jumlah petani jamur tiram di Desa Margaluyu Kecamatan Cikoneng sebanyak 3 orang.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa : 1) Biaya USAhatani jamur tiram dalam satu kali proses produksi Rp.37.846.091,13 atau Rp.37.846,09 per meter persegi, diperoleh produksi 11.000 kilogram sehingga diperoleh penerimaan sebesar Rp.110.000.000 atau Rp.110.000 per meter persegi, dan memperoleh pendapatan sebesar Rp.72.153.908,87 atau 72.153,91 per meter persegi.2) Titik impas penerimaan sebesarRp.9.483.459,90, titik impas volume produksi sebanyak 948,35kg, dan titik impas harga Rp.3.440,55 per kilogram
Tantangan Pengembangan Padi Dikabupaten Kepulauan Mentawai
This study aims to identify the problems and develop rice agribusiness in Mentawai Islands from upstream to downstream and formulate appropriate policy recommendations to be implemented. The research location determined by purposive namely in the village Makalo and Malakopa District of South Pagai, Sikakap subdistrict Taikako Village, Village Saumanganya District of North Pagai, Bosua Village and Village Beriulou District of South Sipora, Village Rogdog and Madobag District of South Siberut. Respondents in this study were 30 farmers. Respondents farmers selected by simple random sampling method. The results showed that the majority of rice paddies new openings in six districts consist of peatlands with a depth varying from 0.4- > 2.0 meter, fields new openings that have been implemented in the Mentawai Islands in general can not be expected to result in maximum productivity due to problems of land suitability diverse. Farmers also do not take action appropriate technical culture starting from land preparation, seed selection, weeding, fertilizing and water management. Behaviorally agriculture, farmers in Mentawai Islands is not a society that blends with the culture of rice fields, it is because basically their agricultural base is dry land agriculture with farming patterns. This will certainly give a great challenge and not easy for the cultivation of rice in the Mentawai Islands
Within-individual phenotypic plasticity in flowers fosters pollination niche shift
Authors thank Raquel Sánchez, Angel Caravante, Isabel Sánchez Almazo, Tatiana López
Pérez, Samuel Cantarero, María José Jorquera and Germán Fernández for helping us during
several phases of the study and Iván Rodríguez Arós for drawing the insect silhouettes. This
research is supported by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and
Universities (CGL2015-71634-P, CGL2015-63827-P, CGL2017-86626-C2-1-P, CGL2017-
86626-C2-2-P, UNGR15-CE-3315, including EU FEDER funds), Junta de Andalucía (P18-
FR-3641), Xunta de Galicia (CITACA), BBVA Foundation (PR17_ECO_0021), and a
contract grant to C.A. from the former Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness
(RYC-2012-12277). This is a contribution to the Research Unit Modeling Nature, funded by
the Consejería de Economía, Conocimiento, Empresas y Universidad, and European
Regional Development Fund (ERDF), reference SOMM17/6109/UGR.Phenotypic plasticity, the ability of a genotype of producing different phenotypes when exposed to different environments, may impact ecological interactions. We study here how within-individual plasticity in Moricandia arvensis flowers modifies its pollination niche. During spring, this plant produces large, cross-shaped, UV-reflecting lilac flowers attracting mostly long-tongued large bees. However, unlike most co-occurring species, M. arvensis keeps flowering during the hot, dry summer due to its plasticity in key vegetative traits. Changes in temperature and photoperiod in summer trigger changes in gene expression and the production of small, rounded, UV-absorbing white flowers that attract a different assemblage of generalist pollinators. This shift in pollination niche potentially allows successful reproduction in harsh conditions, facilitating M. arvensis to face anthropogenic perturbations and climate change. Floral phenotypes impact interactions between plants and pollinators. Here, the authors show that Moricandia arvensis displays discrete seasonal plasticity in floral phenotype, with large, lilac flowers attracting long-tongued bees in spring and small, rounded, white flowers attracting generalist pollinators in summer.Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (EU FEDER funds)
UNGR15-CE-3315Junta de Andalucia
P18-FR-3641Xunta de GaliciaBBVA Foundation
PR17_ECO_0021Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness
RYC-2012-12277Consejeria de Economia, Conocimiento, Empresas y Universidad
SOMM17/6109/UGREuropean Union (EU)
Buku ini membahas keragaman hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan dan juga merupakan hasil pemikiran yang mendalam tentang pertanian di Sumatera Barat khususnya dan Indonesia umumnya bagi kemajuan bangsa Indonesia yang dilakukan oleh Dosen Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Andalas dari berbagai aspek terkait pertanian berkelanjutan khususnya pada aspek
pertanian tropika basah, teknologi dasar untuk pertanian tropika basah, potensi diversifikasi pangan, dan aplikasi terapan dalam budi daya tanaman, serta aspek sosial ekonomi dan modal sosial.
Masalah utama yang harus dihadapi di dalam pemanfaatan lahan pada daerah tropika basah adalah keadaan sosial ekonomi petani atau masyarakat yang menggunakan lahan sebagai tempat usahanya. Pendapatan keluarga yang rendah serta kemiskinan di banyak tempat berkorelasi positif dengan usaha tani. Rendahnya produktivitas lahan, selain disebabkan oleh tingkat kesuburan tanah yang rendah, juga disebabkan oleh rendahnya intensitas indeks pertanaman karena kebutuhan air tidak tersedia sepanjang tahun. Untuk meningkatkan produktivitas lahan, selain pengapuran dan pemupukan dapat dilakukan dengan optimalisasi pola tanam, penggunaan varietas unggul dan unggul lokal, pemanfaatan mikroorganisme indigenus, meningkatkan intensitas indeks pertanaman, mengurangi aliran permukaan/erosi, dan evaporasi tanah oleh adanya penutupan tanaman dan sisa hasil panen yang dapat berfungsi sebagai mulsa dan menambah bahan organik tanah. Pengelolaan sumber daya lahan harus dipandang sangat penting berdasarkan pertimbangan bahwa proses pembangunan yang sedang dan akan dilakukan di Indonesia masih tergantung pada cara memanfaatkan potensi sumber daya lahannya
Recent advances in ankylosing spondylitis: understanding the disease and management
The term spondyloarthritis refers to a group of immune-mediated diseases characterised by inflammation of the axial skeleton, peripheral joints, and entheses. Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is the most common and characteristic of these entities and even though it was first described over two centuries ago, the understanding of the underlying disease mechanism remains incomplete. It is known that around 40% of patients with AS have subclinical bowel inflammation, suggesting that the origin of the disease could be in the gut. Also, more genes and new molecules have demonstrated a role in the pathogenesis of AS. In this review, we analyse the latest therapies for spondyloarthritis and the most relevant discoveries over the last three years, together with their implications for different aspects of the disease
Implementasi Strategi Pembelajaran Discovery Learningdalam Meningkatkan Keterampilanberfikir Kritis Peserta Didik pada Mata Pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam di SMA Muhamamdiyah 2 Sangkapura
The application of discovery learning strategies in improving critical thinking skills at SMA Muhammadiyah 2 Singapura is the title as well as the goal of this research. This study uses research methods with a qualitative approach or type of descriptive research. The results of the research implementation of discovery learning strategies in improving students' critical thinking skills in Islamic religious education subjects went very well, this was seen from the results of observations and learning activities where students experienced an increase in critical thinking when using discovery learning strategies to get a percentage 85% with good category. Critical thinking skills in students are also good. The supporting factors of this research start from the curiosity of students, self-confidence, opportunity and time, and learning selection strategies. While the inhibiting factor is the opposite of the supporting factor, namely the lack of curiosity of students, fear, and inferiority
The Use of Transmission Line Modelling to Test the Effectiveness of I-kaz as Autonomous Selection of Intrinsic Mode Function
Pressure transient signal occurred due to sudden changes in fluid propagation filled in pipelines system, which is caused by rapid pressure and flow fluctuation in a system, such as closing and opening valve rapidly. The application of Hilbert-Huang Transform (HHT) as the method to analyse the pressure transient signal utilised in this research. However, this method has the difficulty in selecting the suitable IMF for the further post-processing, which is Hilbert Transform (HT). This paper proposed the implementation of Integrated Kurtosis-based Algorithm for z-filter Technique (I-kaz) to kurtosis ratio (I-kaz-Kurtosis) for that allows automatic selection of intrinsic mode function (IMF) that's should be used. This work demonstrated the synthetic pressure transient signal generates using transmission line modelling (TLM) in order to test the effectiveness of I-kaz as the autonomous selection of intrinsic mode function (IMF). A straight fluid network was designed using TLM fixing with higher resistance at some point act as a leak and connecting to the pipe feature (junction, pipefitting or blockage). The analysis results using I-kaz-kurtosis ratio revealed that the method can be utilised as an automatic selection of intrinsic mode function (IMF) although the noise level ratio of the signal is lower. I-kaz-kurtosis ratio is recommended and advised to be implemented as automatic selection of intrinsic mode function (IMF) through HHT analysis
The Role of Ficus Crassiramea (Miq.) Miq. for Hornbill Conservation in Borneo Fragmented Tropical Rainforest
Fig plants (Ficus spp.) are considered as a key candidate to wildlife conservation in tropical rainforest for its potency on their microhabitat and food supply throughout the years. In this research, we focused only on the Ficus crassiramea (Miq.) Miq. To shows its role for hornbill conservation, we observed the different species of hornbill which visiting the trees and also we observed time, duration, frequency and activity of visits of the hornbill. For the purpose, four trees of F. crassiramea had been observed continuously for 6 d from 06.00 am to 05.00 pm in two fragmented tropical rainforest located in Penajam Paser Utara Regency, Borneo, Indonesia. The result showed, there were three species of hornbill which are visiting the plants in fruiting phase, namely Anthrococeros malayanus (Raffles, 1822), Anthrococeros albirostris (Shaw & Nodder, 1807), and Buceros rhinoceros (Linnaeus 1758) while fig tree in non-fruiting phase is only visiting by A. malayanus and A. albirostris. There is difference between A. malayanus, A. albirostris and B. rhinoceros in time, duration and frequency of visits on F. crassiramea. The most dominant activity of the third hornbill on F. crassiramea in fruiting phase are foraging rather than perched like on non-fruting phase tree. The result convinced the important of F. crassiramea as food source for hornbill conservation