27 research outputs found

    Työturvallisuusopas : Kerrostalon runkovaiheeseen

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    Tämän opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli laatia Rakennusliike Laptin henkilöstön käyttöön tiivis, eri työvaiheet käsittelevä kerrostalon runkovaiheen työturvallisuusopas. Opas on tarkoitus ottaa käyttöön Laptin käynnissä olevalle kerrostalotyömaalle, sen valmistuttua. Työ aloitettiin selvittämällä sillä hetkellä kyseisellä työmaalla käytettävien turvallisuussuunnitelmien sisältö. Yrityksen suunnitelmat olivat ajan tasalla, joten seuraavaksi alettiin kehittää keinoa asioiden esiintuomiseksi työntekijöille. Kerrostalon runkotyöhön päätettiin tehdä yleispätevä turvallisuusopas. Itse oppaan tekeminen alkoi työvaihekohtaisella riskien arvioinnilla. Apuna oppaan kokoamiseen käytettiin rakennustyön turvallisuutta koskevia määräyksiä ja asetuksia, sekä henkilökohtaisia kokemuksia. Tuloksena saatiin toimeksiantajalle 18-sivuinen runkovaiheen työturvallisuusopas, jossa on esitelty työvaiheiden tärkeimmät turvallisuushuomiot sekä yleiset turvallisuusohjeet. Opas toimii apuna niin uusille kuin kokeneillekin työntekijöille. Tuloksena saatu työturvallisuusopas sopii pienillä muutoksilla käytettäväksi myös muilla toimeksiantajan kerrostalotyömailla.The aim of this thesis was to create a compact work safety guide for a concrete frame of an apartment building. The work was commissioned by the personnel of Rakennusliike Lapti, a construction company building the apartment house. The purpose of the guide was process all phases of framework of the building. The work began by examining the work safety plans which were used at the construction site. The plans of Rakennusliike Lapti were up-to-date so a decision was made to develope an idea of introducing instructions for the personnel. Another decision was made to create a universal work safety guide for a concrete frame of an apartment building. The making of the guide began by estimating the risks of the work. The guide was based on warrants and specifications of construction work and also the personal knowledge of the author. As a result of the thesis, an 18-page long work safety guide for a concrete frame of an apartment building was created processing all the important notifications and safety instructions. The guide will provide help for new and experienced workers. With a few changes and additions the guide will be useful in other worksites as well

    Research and Development Efforts on the Digitized Historical Newspaper and Journal Collection of The National Library of Finland

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    The National Library of Finland (NLF) has digitized historical newspapers, journals and ephemera published in Finland since the late 1990s. The present collection consists of about 12.8 million pages mainly in Finnish and Swedish. Out of these about 7.36 million pages are freely available on the web site digi.kansalliskirjasto.fi (Digi). The copyright restricted part of the collection can be used at six legal deposit libraries in different parts of Finland. The time period of the open collection is from 1771 to 1929. This paper presents work that has been carried out in the NLF related to the historical newspaper and journal collection. We offer an overall account of research and development related to the data.Peer reviewe

    Information Protection in Dark Web Drug Markets Research

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    In recent years, there have increasingly been conflicting calls for more government surveillance online and, paradoxically, increased protection of the privacy and anonymity of individuals. Many corporations and groups globally have come under fire for sharing data with law enforcement agencies as well as for refusing to cooperate with said agencies, in order to protect their customers. In this study, we focus on Dark Web drug trading sites as an exemplary case of problematic areas of information protection, and ask what practices should be followed when gathering data from the Dark Web. Using lessons from an ongoing research project, we outline best practices for protecting the safety of the people under study on these sites without compromising the quality of research data gathering

    Detecting Articles in a Digitized Finnish Historical Newspaper Collection 1771–1929: Early Results Using the PIVAJ Software

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    This paper describes first large scale article detection and extraction efforts on the Finnish Digi newspaper material of the National Library of Finland (NLF) using data of one newspaper, Uusi Suometar 1869-1898 . The historical digital newspaper archive environment of the NLF is based on commercial docWorks software. The software is capable of article detection and extraction, but our material does not seem to behave well in the system in t his respect. Therefore, we have been in search of an alternative article segmentation system and have now focused our efforts on the PIVAJ machine learning based platform developed at the LITIS laborator y of University of Rouen Normandy. As training and evaluation data for PIVAJ we chose one newspaper, Uusi Suometar. We established a data set that contains 56 issues of the newspaper from years 1869 1898 with 4 pages each, i.e. 224 pages in total. Given the selected set of 56 issues, our first data annotation and experiment phase consisted of annotating a subset of 28 issues (112 pages) and conducting preliminary experiments. After the preliminary annotation and annotation of the first 28 issues accordingly. Subsequently, we annotated the remaining 28 issues . We then divided the annotated set in to training and evaluation set s of 168 and 56 pages. We trained PIVAJ successfully and evaluate d the results using the layout evaluation software developed by PRImA research laboratory of University of Salford. The results of our experiments show that PIVAJ achieves success rates of 67.9, 76.1, and 92.2 for the whole data set of 56 pages with three different evaluation scenarios introduced in [6]. On the whole, the results seem reasonable considering the varying layouts of the different issues of Uusi Suometar along the time scale of the data.Peer reviewe

    Modern Tools for Old Content - in Search of Named Entities in a Finnish OCRed Historical Newspaper Collection 1771-1910

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    Named entity recognition (NER), search, classification and tagging of names and name like frequent informational elements in texts, has become a standard information extraction procedure for textual data. NER has been applied to many types of texts and different types of entities: newspapers, fiction, historical records, persons, locations, chemical compounds, protein families, animals etc. In general a NER system’s performance is genre and domain dependent and also used entity categories vary [1]. The most general set of named entities is usually some version of three partite categorization of locations, persons and organizations. In this paper we report first trials and evaluation of NER with data out of a digitized Finnish historical newspaper collection Digi. Digi collection contains 1,960,921 pages of newspaper material from years 1771– 1910 both in Finnish and Swedish. We use only material of Finnish documents in our evaluation. The OCRed newspaper collection has lots of OCR errors; its estimated word level correctness is about 74–75 % [2]. Our principal NER tagger is a rule-based tagger of Finnish, FiNER, provided by the FIN-CLARIN consortium. We show also results of limited category semantic tagging with tools of the Semantic Computing Research Group (SeCo) of the Aalto University. FiNER is able to achieve up to 60.0 F-score with named entities in the evaluation data. Seco’s tools achieve 30.0–60.0 F-score with locations and persons. Performance of FiNER and SeCo’s tools with the data shows that at best about half of named entities can be recognized even in a quite erroneous OCRed textNamed entity recognition (NER), search, classification and tagging of names and name like frequent informational elements in texts, has become a standard information extraction procedure for textual data. NER has been applied to many types of texts and different types of entities: newspapers, fiction, historical records, persons, locations, chemical compounds, protein families, animals etc. In general a NER system’s performance is genre and domain dependent and also used entity categories vary [1]. The most general set of named entities is usually some version of three partite categorization of locations, persons and organizations. In this paper we report first trials and evaluation of NER with data out of a digitized Finnish historical newspaper collection Digi. Digi collection contains 1,960,921 pages of newspaper material from years 1771– 1910 both in Finnish and Swedish. We use only material of Finnish documents in our evaluation. The OCRed newspaper collection has lots of OCR errors; its estimated word level correctness is about 74–75 % [2]. Our principal NER tagger is a rule-based tagger of Finnish, FiNER, provided by the FIN-CLARIN consortium. We show also results of limited category semantic tagging with tools of the Semantic Computing Research Group (SeCo) of the Aalto University. FiNER is able to achieve up to 60.0 F-score with named entities in the evaluation data. Seco’s tools achieve 30.0–60.0 F-score with locations and persons. Performance of FiNER and SeCo’s tools with the data shows that at best about half of named entities can be recognized even in a quite erroneous OCRed text.Peer reviewe

    Large scale interaction analysis predicts that the Gerbera hybrida floral E function is provided both by general and specialized proteins

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    BACKGROUND:The ornamental plant Gerbera hybrida bears complex inflorescences with morphologically distinct floral morphs that are specific to the sunflower family Asteraceae. We have previously characterized several MADS box genes that regulate floral development in Gerbera. To study further their behavior in higher order complex formation according to the quartet model, we performed yeast two- and three-hybrid analysis with fourteen Gerbera MADS domain proteins to analyze their protein-protein interaction potential.RESULTS:The exhaustive pairwise interaction analysis showed significant differences in the interaction capacity of different Gerbera MADS domain proteins compared to other model plants. Of particular interest in these assays was the behavior of SEP-like proteins, known as GRCDs in Gerbera. The previously described GRCD1 and GRCD2 proteins, which are specific regulators involved in stamen and carpel development, respectively, showed very limited pairwise interactions, whereas the related GRCD4 and GRCD5 factors displayed hub-like positions in the interaction map. We propose GRCD4 and GRCD5 to provide a redundant and general E function in Gerbera, comparable to the SEP proteins in Arabidopsis. Based on the pairwise interaction data, combinations of MADS domain proteins were further subjected to yeast three-hybrid assays. Gerbera B function proteins showed active behavior in ternary complexes. All Gerbera SEP-like proteins with the exception of GRCD1 were excellent partners for B function proteins, further implicating the unique role of GRCD1 as a whorl- and flower-type specific C function partner.CONCLUSIONS:Gerbera MADS domain proteins exhibit both conserved and derived behavior in higher order protein complex formation. This protein-protein interaction data can be used to classify and compare Gerbera MADS domain proteins to those of Arabidopsis and Petunia. Combined with our reverse genetic studies of Gerbera, these results reinforce the roles of different genes in the floral development of Gerbera. Building up the elaborate capitulum of Gerbera calls for modifications and added complexity in MADS domain protein behavior compared to the more simple flowers of, e.g., Arabidopsis.Peer reviewe