24 research outputs found

    Prepuberal stimulation of 5-HT7-R by LP-211 in a rat model of hyper-activity and attention-deficit: permanent effects on attention, brain amino acids and synaptic markers in the fronto-striatal interface

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    The cross-talk at the prefronto-striatal interface involves excitatory amino acids, different receptors, transducers and modulators. We investigated long-term effects of a prepuberal, subchronic 5-HT7-R agonist (LP-211) on adult behaviour, amino acids and synaptic markers in a model for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Naples High Excitability rats (NHE) and their Random Bred controls (NRB) were daily treated with LP-211 in the 5th and 6th postnatal week. One month after treatment, these rats were tested for indices of activity, non selective (NSA), selective spatial attention (SSA) and emotionality. The quantity of L-Glutamate (L-Glu), L-Aspartate (L-Asp) and L-Leucine (L-Leu), dopamine transporter (DAT), NMDAR1 subunit and CAMKIIα, were assessed in prefrontal cortex (PFC), dorsal (DS) and ventral striatum (VS), for their role in synaptic transmission, neural plasticity and information processing. Prepuberal LP-211 (at lower dose) reduced horizontal activity and (at higher dose) increased SSA, only for NHE but not in NRB rats. Prepuberal LP-211 increased, in NHE rats, L-Glu in the PFC and L-Asp in the VS (at 0.250 mg/kg dose), whereas (at 0.125 mg/kg dose) it decreased L-Glu and L-Asp in the DS. The L-Glu was decreased, at 0.125 mg/kg, only in the VS of NRB rats. The DAT levels were decreased with the 0.125 mg/kg dose (in the PFC), and increased with the 0.250 mg/kg dose (in the VS), significantly for NHE rats. The basal NMDAR1 level was higher in the PFC of NHE than NRB rats; LP-211 treatment (at 0.125 mg/kg dose) decreased NMDAR1 in the VS of NRB rats. This study represents a starting point about the impact of developmental 5-HT7-R activation on neuro-physiology of attentive processes, executive functions and their neural substrates

    A vivência da amamentação em “mães de primeira viagem”

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    L'allaitement dépasse la limite du biologique, en nous insérant aussi de contextes social et psychologique. Cette étude, réalisée à la Clinique Obstétrique de ICHC-FMUSP, a utilisé la méthodologie qualitative pour interviewer en profondeur dix « mères de premier voyage », afin de comprendre des aspects psychologiques impliqués dans l'allaitement, dans la première semaine de vie du bébé, et comme ces mères traitent avec les orientations des arrivées de l'équipe de santé. Des entrevues individuelles et de l'analyse qualitative des données ont été réalisées. L'allaitement est apparu comme une expérience ambivalente, avec des sentiments de pouvoir et complétude, de féminité, mais aussi une expérience pénible. La moitié des interviewées a reçu des orientations de l'équipe de santé, senties comme une aide et une sécurité émotionnelle. Ainsi, l'allaitement, quand il n'est pas imposé, peut favoriser la rencontre de la mère avec son bébé et le contact avec elle-même. L'équipe de santé peut agir comme une facilitation, en utilisant des connaissances techniques mais en se maintenant ouverte à l'écoute de ces femmes.A amamentação ultrapassa o limite do biológico, inserindo-se também nos âmbitos social e psicológico. Esse estudo, realizado na Clínica Obstétrica do ICHC-FMUSP, utilizou a metodologia qualitativa para entrevistar em profundidade dez "mães de primeira viagem", a fim de compreender aspectos psicológicos envolvidos na amamentação, na primeira semana de vida do bebê, e como essas mães lidam com as orientações vindas da equipe de saúde. Foram realizadas entrevistas individuais e análise qualitativa dos dados. A amamentação apareceu como uma vivência ambivalente, com sentimentos de poder e completude, feminilidade, mas também uma experiência dolorosa. Metade das entrevistadas recebeu orientações da equipe de saúde, sentidas como um apoio e segurança emocional. Assim, a amamentação, quando não é imposta, pode favorecer o encontro da mãe com seu bebê e o contato com ela mesma. A equipe de saúde pode atuar como facilitadora, utilizando conhecimentos técnicos, mas mantendo-se aberta à escuta dessas mulheres.El amamantamiento sobrepasa el límite biológico, haciendo parte también de los ámbitos social y psicológico. Este estudio, realizado en la Clínica Obstétrica del ICHC-FMUSP, utilizó la metodología cualitativa para entrevistar con detenimiento a diez "madres de primer viaje", con la finalidad de comprender aspectos psicológicos vinculados al amamantamiento en la primera semana de vida del bebé, y cómo esas madres manejan las orientaciones recibidas del equipo de salud. Fueron realizadas entrevistas individuales y análisis cualitativo de los datos. El amamantamiento apareció como una experiencia ambivalente, con sentimientos de poder y sensación de plenitud, femineidad, pero también una experiencia dolorosa. La mitad de las entrevistadas recibió orientaciones del equipo de salud, las cuales fueron evaluadas como un apoyo y seguridad emocional. Así, el amamantamiento, cuando no es impuesto, puede favorecer el encuentro de la madre con su bebé y el contacto con ella misma. El equipo de salud puede actuar como facilitador, utilizando conocimientos técnicos pero manteniéndose de oídos abiertos hacia esas mujeres.Breast-feeding exceeds the boundaries of biology, inserting itself also in the social and psychological scopes. This study, taken place in the Obstetric Clinic of the ICHC-FMUSP, used the qualitative methodology to interview in depth ten "first-time mothers", in order to understand the psychological aspects involved in breast-feeding, during the baby’s first week of life, and how these mothers dealt with the guidance given by the health team. Individual interviews and qualitative analysis of the data has been carried through. Breast-feeding appeared as an ambivalent experience, with feelings of power and completeness, femininity, but also appeared as a painful experience. Half of the interviewed mothers received guidance from the health team, and felt it as an emotional support and security. Thus, breast-feeding, when it is not imposed, may favor the meeting of mother and child, as well as the contact of the mother with herself. The health team can act as a facilitator, using technical knowledge, but always keeping themselves opened to listening to these women

    Measurement of Warfarin in the Oral Fluid of Patients Undergoing Anticoagulant Oral Therapy

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    BACKGROUND: Patients on warfarin therapy undergo invasive and expensive checks for the coagulability of their blood. No information on coagulation levels is currently available between two controls. METHODOLOGY: A method was developed to determine warfarin in oral fluid by HPLC and fluorimetric detection. The chromatographic separation was performed at room temperature on a C-18 reversed-phase column, 65% PBS and 35% methanol mobile phase, flow rate 0.7 mL/min, injection volume 25 µL, excitation wavelength 310 nm, emission wavelength 400 nm. FINDINGS: The method was free from interference and matrix effect, linear in the range 0.2-100 ng/mL, with a detection limit of 0.2 ng/mL. Its coefficient of variation was <3% for intra-day measurements and <5% for inter-day measurements. The average concentration of warfarin in the oral fluid of 50 patients was 2.5±1.6 ng/mL (range 0.8-7.6 ng/mL). Dosage was not correlated to INR (r = -0.03, p = 0.85) but positively correlated to warfarin concentration in the oral fluid (r = 0.39, p = 0.006). The correlation between warfarin concentration and pH in the oral fluid (r = 0.37, p = 0.009) confirmed the importance of pH in regulating the drug transfer from blood. A correlation between warfarin concentration in the oral fluid and INR was only found in samples with pH values ≥7.2 (r = 0.84, p = 0.004). CONCLUSIONS: Warfarin diffuses from blood to oral fluid. The method allows to measure its concentration in this matrix and to analyze correlations with INR and other parameters

    Enxaqueca em 746 pacientes com esclerose múltipla

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    Enxaqueca piora o sofrimento do paciente que tem esclerose múltipla (EM). ID-migraine é uma ferramenta útil para seleção de pacientes com enxaqueca e Migraine Disability Assessment (MIDAS) é um questionário que avalia o impacto da doença. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a presença e impacto de enxaqueca em pacientes com EM. Métodos: Pacientes diagnosticados com EM e tratados em clínicas especializadas foram convidados a responder um questionário online se também apresentassem cefaleia. Resultados: O estudo incluiu 746 participantes com cefaleia e EM que preencheram completamente as respostas. Foram 625 mulheres e 121 homens, sendo 69% dos pacientes com idade entre 20 e 40 anos. Enxaqueca foi identificada em 404 pacientes (54,1%) e moderado a grave impacto da doença foi observado em 68,3% dos casos. Conclusão: Enxaqueca é uma cefaleia primária frequente e incapacitante relatada por pacientes com EM.Migraine adds to the burden of patients suffering from multiple sclerosis (MS). The ID-migraine is a useful tool for screening migraine, and the Migraine Disability Assessment questionnaire can evaluate disease burden. The aim of the present study was to assess the presence and burden of migraine in patients with MS. Methods: Patients diagnosed with MS attending specialized MS units were invited to answer an online survey if they also experienced headache. Results: The study included 746 complete responses from patients with MS and headache. There were 625 women and 121 men, and 69% of all the patients were aged between 20 and 40 years. Migraine was identified in 404 patients (54.1%) and a moderate-to-high burden of disease was observed in 68.3% of the patients. Conclusion: Migraine is a frequent and disabling type of primary headache reported by patients with MS

    Dopamine knockouts and behavior

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    Galactosilated dopamine increases attention without reducing activity in C57BL/6 mice

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    11. Behav Brain Res. 2008 Mar 5;187(2):449-54. Epub 2007 Oct 13. Galactosilated dopamine increases attention without reducing activity in C57BL/6 mice. Ruocco LA, Viggiano D, Pignatelli M, Iannaccone T, Rimoli MG, Melisi D, Curcio A, De Lucia S, Carboni E, Gironi Carnevale UA, de Caprariis P, Sadile AG. Department of Experimental Medicine, II University of Naples, Italy. Different strategies can be used to carry dopamine into the brain such as L-Dopa precursors or galactosilated form of DA (GAL-DA). The aim of this study was to investigate whether GAL-DA would reduce hyperactivity and increase non-selective attention (NSA) in a mouse model of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), as, i.e. C57BL/6 as did in NHE rats. Here we report that GAL-DA increases NSA in a spatial novelty in C57BL/6 mice. They received a single i.p. injection of GAL-DA (10 mg/kg or 100 mg/kg) or equimolar galactose vehicle. Another mouse strain the Swiss albino was introduced as inbred control group. Three hours after last injection mice were tested in a Làt-maze for 30-min. Behaviour was analyzed for horizontal (traveled distance) and vertical activity (orienting frequency and scanning durations) which shares cognitive and non-cognitive nature, respectively. Ten milligram per kilograms of GAL-DA, increases scanning duration in C57BL/6 mice. Thus a low dose of GAL-DA increases NSA without reducing hyperactivity in this mouse model of ADHD. PMID: 18063140 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE