2,717 research outputs found

    Superfrustration of charge degrees of freedom

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    We review recent results, obtained with P. Fendley, on frustration of quantum charges in lattice models for itinerant fermions with strong repulsive interactions. A judicious tuning of kinetic and interaction terms leads to models possessing supersymmetry. In such models frustration takes the form of what we call superfrustration: an extensive degeneracy of supersymmetric ground states. We present a gallery of examples of superfrustration on a variety of 2D lattices.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, contribution to the proceedings of the XXIII IUPAP International Conference on Statistical Physics (2007) in Genova, Ital

    Initial Hubble Diagram Results from the Nearby Supernova Factory

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    The use of Type Ia supernovae as distance indicators led to the discovery of the accelerating expansion of the universe a decade ago. Now that large second generation surveys have significantly increased the size and quality of the high-redshift sample, the cosmological constraints are limited by the currently available sample of ~50 cosmologically useful nearby supernovae. The Nearby Supernova Factory addresses this problem by discovering nearby supernovae and observing their spectrophotometric time development. Our data sample includes over 2400 spectra from spectral timeseries of 185 supernovae. This talk presents results from a portion of this sample including a Hubble diagram (relative distance vs. redshift) and a description of some analyses using this rich dataset.Comment: Short version of proceedings for ICHEP08, Philadelphia PA, July 2008; see v1 for full-length versio

    Initial-state dependence in time-dependent density functional theory

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    Time-dependent density functionals in principle depend on the initial state of the system, but this is ignored in functional approximations presently in use. For one electron it is shown there is no initial-state dependence: for any density, only one initial state produces a well-behaved potential. For two non-interacting electrons with the same spin in one-dimension, an initial potential that makes an alternative initial wavefunction evolve with the same density and current as a ground state is calculated. This potential is well-behaved and can be made arbitrarily different from the original potential

    Many-body diagrammatic expansion in a Kohn-Sham basis: implications for Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory of excited states

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    We formulate diagrammatic rules for many-body perturbation theory which uses Kohn-Sham (KS) Green's functions as basic propagators. The diagram technique allows to study the properties of the dynamic nonlocal exchange-correlation (xc) kernel fxcf_{xc}. We show that the spatial non-locality of fxcf_{xc} is strongly frequency-dependent. In particular, in extended systems the non-locality range diverges at the excitation energies. This divergency is related to the discontinuity of the xc potential.Comment: 4 RevTeX pages including 3 eps figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett; revised version with new reference

    Exact exchange-correlation potential for a time-dependent two electron system

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    We obtain an exact solution of the time-dependent Schroedinger equation for a two-electron system confined to a plane by an isotropic parabolic potential whose curvature is periodically modulated in time. From this solution we compute the exact time-dependent exchange correlation potential v_xc which enters the Kohn-Sham equation of time-dependent density functional theory. Our exact result provides a benchmark against which various approximate forms for v_xc can be compared. Finally v_xc is separated in an adiabatic and a pure dynamical part and it is shown that, for the particular system studied, the dynamical part is negligible.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figure

    Atmospheric extinction properties above Mauna Kea from the Nearby Supernova Factory spectro-photometric data set

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    We present a new atmospheric extinction curve for Mauna Kea spanning 3200--9700 \AA. It is the most comprehensive to date, being based on some 4285 standard star spectra obtained on 478 nights spread over a period of 7 years obtained by the Nearby SuperNova Factory using the SuperNova Integral Field Spectrograph. This mean curve and its dispersion can be used as an aid in calibrating spectroscopic or imaging data from Mauna Kea, and in estimating the calibration uncertainty associated with the use of a mean extinction curve. Our method for decomposing the extinction curve into physical components, and the ability to determine the chromatic portion of the extinction even on cloudy nights, is described and verified over the wide range of conditions sampled by our large dataset. We demonstrate good agreement with atmospheric science data obtain at nearby Mauna Loa Observatory, and with previously published measurements of the extinction above Mauna Kea.Comment: 22 pages, 24 figures, 6 table

    Total energies from variational functionals of the Green function and the renormalized four-point vertex

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    We derive variational expressions for the grand potential or action in terms of the many-body Green function GG which describes the propagation of particles and the renormalized four-point vertex Γ\Gamma which describes the scattering of two particles in many-body systems. The main ingredient of the variational functionals is a term we denote as the Ξ\Xi-functional which plays a role analogously to the usual Ω\Phi-functional studied by Baym (G.Baym, Phys.Rev. 127, 1391 (1962)) in connection with the conservation laws in many-body systems. We show that any Ξ\Xi-derivable theory is also Ω\Phi-derivable and therefore respects the conservation laws. We further set up a computational scheme to obtain accurate total energies from our variational functionals without having to solve computationally expensive sets of self-consistent equations. The input of the functional is an approximate Green function G~\tilde{G} and an approximate four-point vertex Γ~\tilde{\Gamma} obtained at a relatively low computational cost. The variational property of the functional guarantees that the error in the total energy is only of second order in deviations of the input Green function and vertex from the self-consistent ones that make the functional stationary. The functionals that we will consider for practical applications correspond to infinite order summations of ladder and exchange diagrams and are therefore particularly suited for applications to highly correlated systems. Their practical evaluation is discussed in detail.Comment: 21 pages, 10 figures. Physical Review B (accepted

    Host Galaxy Properties and Hubble Residuals of Type Ia Supernovae from the Nearby Supernova Factory

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    We examine the relationship between Type Ia Supernova (SN Ia) Hubble residuals and the properties of their host galaxies using a sample of 115 SNe Ia from the Nearby Supernova Factory (SNfactory). We use host galaxy stellar masses and specific star-formation rates fitted from photometry for all hosts, as well as gas-phase metallicities for a subset of 69 star-forming (non-AGN) hosts, to show that the SN Ia Hubble residuals correlate with each of these host properties. With these data we find new evidence for a correlation between SN Ia intrinsic color and host metallicity. When we combine our data with those of other published SN Ia surveys, we find the difference between mean SN Ia brightnesses in low and high mass hosts is 0.077 +- 0.014 mag. When viewed in narrow (0.2 dex) bins of host stellar mass, the data reveal apparent plateaus of Hubble residuals at high and low host masses with a rapid transition over a short mass range (9.8 <= log(M_*/M_Sun) <= 10.4). Although metallicity has been a favored interpretation for the origin of the Hubble residual trend with host mass, we illustrate how dust in star-forming galaxies and mean SN Ia progenitor age both evolve along the galaxy mass sequence, thereby presenting equally viable explanations for some or all of the observed SN Ia host bias.Comment: 20 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    The Low-Energy Fixed Points of Random Quantum Spin Chains

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    The one-dimensional isotropic quantum Heisenberg spin systems with random couplings and random spin sizes are investigated using a real-space renormalization group scheme. It is demonstrated that these systems belong to a universality class of disordered spin systems, characterized by weakly coupled large effective spins. In this large-spin phase the uniform magnetic susceptibility diverges as 1/T with a non-universal Curie constant at low temperatures T, while the specific heat vanishes as T^delta |ln T| for T->0. For broad range of initial distributions of couplings and spin sizes the distribution functions approach a single fixed-point form, where delta \approx 0.44. For some singular initial distributions, however, fixed-point distributions have non-universal values of delta, suggesting that there is a line of fixed points.Comment: 19 pages, REVTeX, 13 figure

    Host Galaxies of Type Ia Supernovae from the Nearby Supernova Factory

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    We present photometric and spectroscopic observations of galaxies hosting Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) observed by the Nearby Supernova Factory (SNfactory). Combining GALEX UV data with optical and near infrared photometry, we employ stellar population synthesis techniques to measure SN Ia host galaxy stellar masses, star-formation rates (SFRs), and reddening due to dust. We reinforce the key role of GALEX UV data in deriving accurate estimates of galaxy SFRs and dust extinction. Optical spectra of SN Ia host galaxies are fitted simultaneously for their stellar continua and emission lines fluxes, from which we derive high precision redshifts, gas-phase metallicities, and Halpha-based SFRs. With these data we show that SN Ia host galaxies present tight agreement with the fiducial galaxy mass-metallicity relation from SDSS for stellar masses log(M_*/M_Sun)>8.5 where the relation is well-defined. The star-formation activity of SN Ia host galaxies is consistent with a sample of comparable SDSS field galaxies, though this comparison is limited by systematic uncertainties in SFR measurements. Our analysis indicates that SN Ia host galaxies are, on average, typical representatives of normal field galaxies.Comment: 25 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in Ap
