874 research outputs found

    Emergence of new industries in peripheral regions: the role of narratives in delegitimation of onshore wind in the Arctic Finnmark region

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    This paper discusses how narratives influence the legitimation of new industries in peripheral regions. We contribute to the literature a discussion of the emergence of green industries in peripheral regions, but particularly to the emerging debate in evolutionary economic geography on the role of legitimation in the emergence of new industries. Based on an empirical investigation of narratives regarding onshore wind in the Finnmark region in northernmost Norway, we caution against the focus in the literature on ‘successful’ legitimation, arguing that to better comprehend how new green industries emerge inregions there is a need also to understand delegitimation of new industrial activities and to investigate unsuccessful path creation processes, not only paths that have come into being and where legitimation has been ‘achieved’. Following from this we argue that our study on how representations (i.e.,narratives) of emerging paths are linked to observable outcomes (e.g., delegitimation) teases out the need for further investigation of power relations, a topic that has received very little interest in research on regional industrial path development.publishedVersio

    Parasitter som biologiske markører på interaktiv segregering mellom stasjonær sympatrisk ørret og røye

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    Allopatrisk ørret og røye i innsjøer er økologisk svært like med hensyn på nærings- og habitatpreferanser. I allopatri foretrekker begge artene å beite bunndyr i de littorale delene av innsjøen. I sympatri observeres ofte en segregering i nærings- og habitatvalg mellom ørret og røye, der røya skifter fra det prefererte habitatet, og går over til å beite mer zooplankton i de pelagiale delene av innsjøen. Denne typen nisjesegregering mellom fiskeartene blir omtalt som interaktiv segregering, og er tidligere beskrevet fra en rekke innsjøer i Skandinavia. Individuell næringsspesialisering kan opptre i tette røyepopulasjoner. En slik spesialisering innebærer at røyepopulasjonen som helhet kan ha bred næringsnisje, mens enkeltindivider over tid spesialiserer seg på en et mindre utvalg av det totale næringstilbudet. Parasitter kan benyttes som biologiske indikatorer på vertens beitevaner og habitatbruk. Det er tidligere funnet en klar sammenheng mellom parasittinfeksjoner og næringsvalg hos flere arter ferskvannsfisk. I nordlige områder er næringsvalg hevdet å være den viktigste faktoren for strukturering av parasittsamfunn hos ferskvannsfisk. Analyser av parasittsamfunnet hos stasjonær sympatrisk ørret og røye fra Buttelvatn i Troms ble brukt til å beskrive næringsvalget hos fiskeartene bakover i tid. Det ble forventet at eventuelle forskjeller i sammensetningen av de respektive parasittsamfunn kunne indikere hvorvidt interaktiv segregering mellom ørret og røye, samt individuell næringsspesialisering hos røya forekommer i Buttelvatn. Det ble funnet klare forskjeller i parasittsamfunnene mellom ørret og røye fra Buttelvatn. Infeksjonene tyder på at bunndyr og fisk har vært dominerende næringsdyr for ørreten, mens copepoder har vært de viktigste byttedyrene for røye bakover i tid. Det ble også funnet forskjeller i parasittsamfunnet mellom røyer fanget pelagialt og littoralt. Disse forskjellene var mindre tydelige, men indikerer til en viss grad at enkelte røyer spesialiserer seg på byttedyr i de littorale områdene av innsjøen. Analyser av de respektive parasittsamfunnene har derfor bidratt til å indikere interaktiv segregering i habitat- og næringsvalg mellom ørret og røye, samt en liten grad av individuell næringsspesialisering hos røye i Buttelvatn

    Hva kjennetegner vår egen tid? Innledning om sosiologiske samtidsdiagnoser

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    Sosiologi i dag nr. 4/2006 handlet om sosiologi som samtidsdiagnose. Bidragsíyterne diskuterte blant annet hva en samtidsdiagnose er eller bør være. I dette temanummeret går vi mer substansielt til verks med artikler som stiller sosiologiske samtidsdiagnoser opp mot hverandre. Samtiden forstås her litt løst som den historiske perioden fra omkring 1970 til i dag. Med diagnose menes helhetlige forsøk på å analysere hva som er egenartet ved denne perioden. Allerede i 1973 hevdet den amerikanske sosiologen Daniel Bell at vi var på vei inn i ââ¬ÂDet postindustrielle samfunnââ¬Â. Siden den gang er det blitt lansert en rekke forsøk på å begrepsfeste samtiden, noen av de mest kjente bidragene er ââ¬ÂDet McDonaldiserte samfunnââ¬Â (Ritzer 1993); ââ¬ÂRisikosamfunnetââ¬Â (Beck 1986); ââ¬ÂDet posttradisjonelle samfunnââ¬Â (Giddens 1994); ââ¬ÂDen flytende modernitetenââ¬Â (Bauman 2000); ââ¬ÂDet individualiserte samfunnââ¬Â (Bauman 2001, Beck & Beck-Gernsheim 2002) og ââ¬ÂNettverkssamfunnetââ¬Â (Castells 1996)

    Chitin synthases are critical for reproduction, molting, and digestion in the salmon louse (Lepeophtheirus salmonis)

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    Chitin synthase (CHS) is a large transmembrane enzyme that polymerizes Uridine diphosphate N-acetylglucosamine into chitin. The genomes of insects often encode two chitin synthases, CHS1 and CHS2. Their functional roles have been investigated in several insects: CHS1 is mainly responsible for synthesizing chitin in the cuticle and CHS2 in the midgut. Lepeophtheirus salmonis is an ectoparasitic copepod on salmonid fish, which causes significant economic losses in aquaculture. In the present study, the tissue-specific localization, expression, and functional role of L. salmonis chitin synthases, LsCHS1 and LsCHS2, were investigated. The expressions of LsCHS1 and LsCHS2 were found in oocytes, ovaries, intestine, and integument. Wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) chitin staining signals were detected in ovaries, oocytes, intestine, cuticle, and intestine in adult female L. salmonis. The functional roles of the LsCHSs were investigated using RNA interference (RNAi) to silence the expression of LsCHS1 and LsCHS2. Knockdown of LsCHS1 in pre-adult I lice resulted in lethal phenotypes with cuticle deformation and deformation of ovaries and oocytes in adult lice. RNAi knockdown of LsCHS2 in adult female L. salmonis affected digestion, damaged the gut microvilli, reduced muscular tissues around the gut, and affected offspring. The results demonstrate that both LsCHS1 and LsCHS2 are important for the survival and reproduction in L. salmonis.publishedVersio

    Effects of chitin synthesis inhibitor treatment on Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Copepoda, Caligidae) larvae

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    The salmon louse (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) is an ectoparasite infecting Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), which causes substantial problems to the salmon aquaculture and threatens wild salmon. Chitin synthesis inhibitors (CSIs) are used to control L. salmonis in aquaculture. CSIs act by interfering with chitin formation and molting. In the present study, we investigated the action of four CSIs: diflubenzuron (DFB), hexaflumuron (HX), lufenuron (LF), and teflubenzuron (TFB) on larval molt. As the mode of action of CSIs remains unknown, we selected key enzymes in chitin metabolism and investigated if CSI treatment influenced the transcriptional level of these genes. All four CSIs interfered with the nauplius II molt to copepodids in a dose-dependent manner. The EC50 values were 93.2 nM for diflubenzuron, 1.2 nM for hexaflumuron, 22.4 nM for lufenuron, and 11.7 nM for teflubenzuron. Of the investigated genes, only the transcriptional level of L. salmonis chitin synthase 1 decreased significantly in hexaflumuron and diflubenzuron-treated larvae. All the tested CSIs affected the molt of nauplius II L. salmonis larvae but at different concentrations. The larvae were most sensitive to hexaflumuron and less sensitive to diflubenzuron. None of the CSIs applied had a strong impact on the transcriptional level of chitin synthesis or chitinases genes in L. salmonis. Further research is necessary to get more knowledge of the nature of the inhibition of CSI and may require methods such as studies of protein structure and enzymological studies.publishedVersio

    Two apolipoproteins in salmon louse (Lepeophtheirus salmonis), apolipoprotein 1 knock down reduces reproductive capacity

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    The salmon louse, Lepeophtheirus salmonis is an ectoparasite of salmonid fish in the Northern Hemisphere, causing large economical losses in the aquaculture industry and represent a threat to wild populations of salmonids. Like other oviparous animals, it is likely that female lice use lipoproteins for lipid transport to maturing oocytes and other organs of the body. As an important component of lipoproteins, apolipoproteins play a vital role in the transport of lipids through biosynthesis of lipoproteins. Apolipoproteins have been studied in detail in different organisms, but no studies have been done in salmon lice. Two apolipoprotein encoding genes (LsLp1 and LsLp2) were identified in the salmon lice genome. Transcriptional analysis revealed both genes to be expressed at all stages from larvae to adult with some variation, LsLp1 generally higher than LsLp2 and both at their highest levels in adult stages of the louse. In adult female louse, the LsLp1 and LsLp2 transcripts were found in the sub-epidermal tissue and the intestine. RNA interference-mediated knockdown of LsLp1 and LsLp2 in female lice resulted in reduced expression of both transcripts. LsLp1 knockdown female lice produced significantly less offspring than control lice, while knockdown of LsLp2 in female lice caused no reduction in the number of offspring. These results suggest that LsLp1 has an important role in reproduction in female salmon lice.publishedVersio

    Annual report on health monitoring of wild anadromous salmonids in Norway 2021 - Screening of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) postsmolts for viral infections

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    Havforskningsinstituttet har undersøkt utbredelsen av infeksiøs lakseanemi virus (ILAV) og salmonid alfavirus (SAV, PD-virus) infeksjoner i utvandrende vill atlantisk postsmolt fanget i 2020 i tre fjordsystemer lokalisert i tre akvakultur produksjonsområder (PO3, 5, 12). Fisken ble samlet inn som en del av NALO-programmet i de ytre delene av fjordene; Hardangerfjorden (N = 100), Romsdalsfjorden (N = 100) og Altafjorden (N = 100) ved tråling i perioden mai-juni. SAV ble påvist i én postsmolt fra Hardangerfjorden og ILAV i én smolt fra Altafjorden. Høy Ct-verdi (37,6) i den SAV-positive fisken kan imidlertid tyde på et falskt positivt resultat. ILAV påvisningen var sannsynligvis av den apatogene HPR0-varianten av viruset. Funnene fra den nåværende rapporten indikerer en svært lav forekomst av disse virusene i vill migrerende postsmolt av laks. Disse funnene utfyller og støtter våre tidligere rapporterte data, og kan antyde at utbredelsen av ILAV- eller SAV-infeksjoner i villaks postsmolt ikke er signifikant påvirket av forekomsten av disse infeksjonene i fiskeoppdrett.publishedVersio

    Annual report on health monitoring of wild anadromous salmonids in Norway 2020 - Screening of wild Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) postsmolts for viral infections

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    The Institute of Marine Research has investigated the prevalence of infectious salmon anaemia virus (ISAV) and salmonid alphavirus (SAV, PD-virus) infections in migrating wild Atlantic salmon postsmolts captured in 2019 in three fjord systems located in three aquaculture production areas (PO2-4). These areas have had a sporadic case of ISA and a stable high incidence rate of PD, as well as a very high aquaculture intensity. The fish were collected as part of the national salmon lice monitoring program in the outer parts of the Bokna (N=132), Hardanger (N=110) and Sogne (N=110) fjords by trawling during the period May-June. ISAV was detected in two postsmolts from Hardanger fjord and SAV in one smolt from Sogne fjord. The Ct-value of SAV-positive fish was very high (38.9) which may suggest a false positive result. The findings from the current report indicate a very low prevalence of these viruses in wild migrating postsmolts. These findings complement and corroborate our previously reported data and may suggest that prevalence of ISAV or SAV infections in wild salmon postsmolts are not significantly influenced by the occurrence of these infections in fish farming.publishedVersio

    Annual report on health monitoring of wild anadromous salmonids in Norway 2022 - Screening of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) postsmolts from Boknafjorden, Hardangerfjorden and Romsdalsfjorden for viral infections

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    The Institute of Marine Research has investigated the prevalence of infectious salmon anaemia virus (ISAV), salmonid alphavirus (SAV, PD-virus), piscine orthoreovirus 1 (PRV-1), piscine myocarditis virus (PMCV) and infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV) infections in migrating wild Atlantic salmon postsmolts captured in 2021 in three fjord systems located in three aquaculture production areas (PO2, 3 and 5). The fish were collected as part of the national salmon lice monitoring program in the outer parts of Boknafjord (N = 50), Hardangerfjord (N = 57) and Romsdalsfjord (N = 73) by trawling during the period May-June. SAV was detected in 2 postsmolts from Romsdalsfjord. PRV-1 was detected in 11 (6%) of postsmolts (8 from Boknafjord, 1 from Hardangerfjord and 2 from Romsdalsfjord). Low concentrations of PMCV-RNA were detected in 19 (11 %) of postsmolts (13 from Boknafjord and 6 from Romsdalsfjord). ISAV and IPNV were not detected in any of the test fish. Generally, the virus-positive fish had high Ct-values which may indicate very low virus concentrations. The results in the current report showed that migrating postsmolts from fjords had a very low occurrence of virus infections common in Norwegian aquaculture. These findings complement and corroborate our previously reported data and may suggest that prevalence virus infections in wild salmon postsmolts is not significantly influenced by the occurrence of these infections in fish farming.Annual report on health monitoring of wild anadromous salmonids in Norway 2022 - Screening of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) postsmolts from Boknafjorden, Hardangerfjorden and Romsdalsfjorden for viral infectionspublishedVersio