12 research outputs found

    Isolasi Bakteri Penghasil Enzim Lipase Alkali Dari Kulit Hewan

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    ABSTRACT Twenty seven bacterial strains isolated an a medium containing 0.50% palm oil as substrate and 0.015% spirit blue as an indicator from several raw hides of chicken, goat and cow showed an extracellular lipase activity. Of these strains, 10 were higher lipase producers. Lipases produced from five of these 10 isolates were stable on alkaline conditions, ranging from pH 8.0 to 11.0. Furthermore, activity of these enzymes was not inhibited by the presence of non-ionic, cationic nor ionic surfactants at concentration of 0.05% or 0.10%. Conversely, some of these surfactans could even activate the enzyme. Kata-kata kunci : bakteri kulit ayam, kulit sapi dan Lint kambing, lipase alkali, aktivitas, surfaktant


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    Objective: The study aimed to formulate standardized polysaccharide fraction of Noni (SPFN) fruit into syrup preparations to fulfill the acceptability requirement of National Agency of Drugs and Food Control [Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan Republik of Indonesia (BPOM RI)] so that it can be used in the community as an immunostimulant. Methods: The optimization of the formula A and B were done using Simplex Lattice Design (SLD) method and its stability tested under extreme temperature change effect using thaw cycling method by evaluating the physical properties, microbial contamination and immunostimulant activity. MTT method was used to determine the immunostimulant activity of syrup against lymphocyte proliferation in vitro. Results: Based on the results of stability tests of formula A using pH (4.45), viscosity (81.03 mPas), taste (good taste), pouring power (2.31 s), amount of bacteria (68 colonies/ml), total yeast and mold (269 colonies/ml) parameters and fulfilled the acceptability requirement of BPOM RI. Formula A could maintain better stability than formula B. Formula A syrup used for immunostimulant activity testing that could increase lymphocyte proliferation at a concentration of 13.33 to 106.64 μg/μl and it’s stable under the influence of extreme temperature changes. Conclusion: Formula A could be used to produce SPFN syrup, which has stable physical properties and immunostimulant activity beside no microbial contamination that fulfill requirements of BPOM RI

    PAT-1 Case report: Metastatic ganglioneuroma in a Sumatran Tiger

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    Neuroblastic tumors, which are uncommon tumors of nerve cell origin, are classified into neuroblastoma, ganglioneuroblastoma, and ganglioneuroma depend-ing on the degree of maturation of neoplastic neuroblasts and development of schwannian stroma [2,4,7].  Ganglioneuroma is a rare neuroectodermal tumor of the peripheral nervous system. Ganglio-neuromas generally are considered to be benign neoplasms composed of both mature ganglion cells and nerve fascicles with axons, Schwann cells, fibroblasts, and other connective tissue elements [1].  The aim of this study is to clarify the pathomor-phological feature of a subcutaneous ganglio-neuroma which occurred in a Sumatran tiger.

    Isolasi Bakteri Penghasil Enzim Lipase Penghasil Alkali dari Kulit Hewan

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    Twenty seven bacterial strains isolated an a medium containing 0.50% palm oil as substrate and 0.015% spirit blue as an indicator from several raw hides of chicken, goat and cow showed an extracellular lipase activity. Of these strains, 10 were higher lipase producers. Lipases produced from five of these 10 isolates were stable on alkaline conditions, ranging from pH 8.0 to 11.0. Furthermore, activity of these enzymes was not inhibited by the presence of non-ionic, cationic nor ionic surfactants at concentration of 0.05% or 0.10%. Conversely, some of these surfactans could even activate the enzyme

    Comparative study of antioxidant effect from extract and fraction of 'Paku Atai Merah' ( Angiopteris ferox Coupel)

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    Paku Atai Merah tubers with the Latin name Angiopteris ferox Coupel have been used by the Dayak people as empirical treatment and have anticancer and antioxidant activity. The purpose of this study was to find out more the movement of extracts and fractions of Paku Atai Merah tubers in reducing free radicals using the total antioxidant capacity (TAC), CUPRAC, and Iron chelating methods. In this study, the sample used was the ethanol extract (EE) of A.ferox Copel and then partitioned using n-hexane (FHP), ethyl acetate (FEAP), and aqueous-ethanol (FEP) solvents. The effectiveness of the sample in reducing free radicals with various antioxidant assay methods. The results obtained from this study indicate that the extract and fraction of Paku Atai Merah tubers have good effectiveness as an antioxidant agent. The total antioxidant capacity (TAC) method showed that EAP had a total antioxidant capacity of 101.60 μM/mg QEAC compared to EE (44.62 μM/mg QEAC), FEAP (89.88 μM/mg QEAC), and FHP (81.21 μM/mg QEAC). In the CUPRAC method using gallic acid as a standard for comparison, the results obtained were EE (4.00 μM/mg GEAC), FHP (1.45 μM/mg GEAC), FEAP (8.66 μM/mg GEAC), and APA (8.72 μM/mg GEAC). The antioxidant activity using the chelating iron method in each sample of EE, HPA, EAP, and APA showed activity with IC50 values of 384 μg/mL, 387.41 μg/mL, 339.23 μg/mL, and 347.3 μg/mL. Based on the results obtained from this study, it can conclude that the extract and fraction of Paku Atai Merah tubers have an excellent antioxidant agent to develop as a food supplement

    Efek Sitotoksik Ekstrak Dan Fraksi Umbi Paku Atai Merah (Angiopteris Ferox Copel) Terhadap Sel Kanker Payudara T47D: Cytotoxic Effects of Paku Atai Merah (Angiopteris Ferox Copel) Tuber Extract and Fractions Against T47D Breast Cancer Cells

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    The use of natural products has been widely used as a resource of new bioactive chemical compounds. One of them is the Paku Atai Merah (Angiopteris ferox Copel) tuber which has long been used empirically by the Dayak tribe of East Kalimantan as an anti-cancer. The purpose of this study was to determine the anticancer cytotoxic activity of the extract and fractions of Paku Atai Merah tuber against T47D breast cancer cells in vitro. Extract of Paku Atai Merah tubers was obtained by maceration method using ethanol solvent until obtained the ethanolic extract then fractionated using various solvents to obtain n-hexane, ethyl acetate, and aqueous-ethanol fractions. The cytotoxic effect was carried out based on the MTT assay. Phytochemical screening tests showed positive results for the presence of flavonoid, phenolic, tannin, saponin and steroid compounds. The results of the cytotoxic activity study showed that the ethyl acetate fraction had moderate cytotoxic activity in T47D cancer cells with an IC50 value  of 84.8 µg/ml. Ethanol extract (513.06 µg/ml) and n-Hexane frsction (881.97 µg/ ml) were also included in the weak category. This study indicates that ethyl acetate fraction can be developed as a supportive therapy for breast cancer treatment. &nbsp