26 research outputs found

    Removing Barriers, Integrating Research, Spreading Excellence: The European Satellite Communications Network of Excellence "SatNEx"

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    Within the recently launched 6th Research Framework Programme of the European Commission, 21 major players in satellite communications research have joined forces to implement the European Satellite Communications Network of Excellence (SatNEx). The primary goal of SatNEx is to achieve long-lasting integration of the European research in satellite communication and to develop a common base of knowledge, thus contributing to the realization of the European Research Area. This paper discusses the background and motivation for implementation of the network and highlights the SatNEx mission and key objectives. A top-level overview is then provided including a description of the consortium, the Joint Programme of Activities (JPA) and the time schedule with deliverables and milestones. Finally, an update of ongoing work is presented

    Using Satellite-based Videoconferencing to Integrate the SatNEx Research Community

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    The SatNEx Project provides a pan-European multimedia network that may be used to rectify fragmentation in satellite communications research, by bringing together Europe’s leading academic institutions and research organisations in a cohesive and durable way. The resultant network provides a collective grouping of expertise and state-of-the-art laboratory facilities that would otherwise remain dispersed throughout Europe. This paper describes the Platform developed by the SatNEx community for use by the community to provide high-quality videoconferencing facilities, based on a satellite connectivity

    Removing Barriers, Integrating Research, Spreading Excellence: The European Satellite Communications Network of Excellence "SatNEx"

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    Within the broad field of communications, satellites are successfully used for broadcast, mobile, and broadband communication. They play an important role for the competitiveness of the European Union (EU) in the field of communication technologies and support the autonomy of Europe in space matters. Beside the players in the US and Asia, European space industry, satellite operators and space-related organizations constitute a world leading force. Europe has always retained a major presence in both manufacturing satellites (Alcatel, EADS/Astrium, Alenia Aerospazio, . . . ) as well as launching and operating satellites (Arianespace, . . . ) and providing satellite services (SES Global, Eutelsat, Inmarsat, . . . ). Satellite communications has been an area in the satellite field that has been commercially successful so far and this has been helped and pump primed by the research and development (R&D) programs of the European Space Agency (ESA) and by the EU framework programmes. European research carried out a large number of successful activities in satellite communications (ESA and EU projects, European co-operation in the field of scientific and technical research (COST) actions1, the task force on advanced satellite mobile systems (ASMS-TF), etc.). Their efforts have made it possible to create a solid industrial base and to give Europe recognized capabilities and capacities. However, these actions show only limited collaboration and lack of critical mass. Compared to the leading power in space, the United States, where the use of space systems is not only a technological instrument, but a strategic, political and economic instrument guaranteeing the American leadership, Europe in the past has shown only limited interest in developing a common European approach to put its resources together and cooperate intensively even without the support from ESA. In latter years, satellite communications has been viewed as a mature area that is more the responsibility of industry and commerce and less that of the R&D agencies. This has resulted in reduced staff support for R&D in the area in preference to the science and navigation/positioning areas. At the same time we have seen a rationalization of the industrial business due to economic pressures manifested in mergers of the large industrial companies both within Europe and globally. The growth has been in the smaller and medium size companies that have sprung up in abundance in the applications and services area

    On the De-embedding of Small Value Millimeter-wave CMOS Inductor Measurements

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    pp. 194-197In radio frequency integrated circuits using a low resistivity silicon substrate, spiral inductors show advantages in performance and size with respect to transmission lines, even at frequencies as high as 60 GHz. In order to verify simulation results and build accurate models, test inductors need to be fabricated and characterized very accurately. This implies the precise determination of the effective quality factor Qeff and the measurement of the inductance L within a few pico-Henrys. This paper reviews suitable on-chip calibration and deembedding techniques and proposes a technique that uses distributed and lumped elements to model the error two-ports. These elements also take into account the contact impedance. The results obtained by this novel de-embedding approach are compared to results of the other discussed methods and to simulation results. The obtained agreement proves the suitability of the proposed method for characterization of millimeter-wave inductors

    Fabrication and Characterization of RF-MEMS Switch in V-Band

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    International audienceThis paper presents a complete study from design to fabrication and characterization of a RF-MEMS switch implemented in Si-BCB technology. The topology of the switch is a cantilever which will be integrated into tunable filters for applications from W-frequency band to V-frequency band. Along the whole process, attention has been paid to correlate simulations (electromagnetic and mechanical) and technology parameters in order to ensure a reliable switch model. The measured RF performances of this component exhibit isolation around 15 dB at 60GHz in the up-state position and an insertion loss less than 2dB in the down-state

    SatNEx, the European Satellite Communications Network of Excellence: Air Interface Activities

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    The SatNEx project has brought together twenty-two partners from European research organisations and academia to form a pan-European research network. A major objective of SatNEx is to rectify the fragmentation in satellite communications research by bringing together leading European academic research organisations in a durable way. Furthermore, the Network aims to establish critical mass and allow access to a range of expertise currently distributed across Europe. In this respect, mobility is an important aspect of SatNEx’s work, with academic staff and research students being encouraged to move between institutions to allow access to specialised research equipment and to facilitate research integration. Training represents an important part of SatNEx’s remit and is supported through a number of initiatives including the hosting of internship projects, the establishment of summer schools and the dissemination of papers of a tutorial nature This paper discusses the background and motivation for implementation of the network and highlights the SatNEx mission and key objectives. A top-level overview is provided including a description of the consortium and the Joint Programme of Activities (JPA). Details of the activities carried out under the Work Package 2400 “Access”, dealing with the Air Interface system components (physical and access layers) are provided

    Fabrication and Characterization of RF-MEMS Switch in V-Band

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    International audienceThis paper presents a complete study from design to fabrication and characterization of a RF-MEMS switch implemented in Si-BCB technology. The topology of the switch is a cantilever which will be integrated into tunable filters for applications from W-frequency band to V-frequency band. Along the whole process, attention has been paid to correlate simulations (electromagnetic and mechanical) and technology parameters in order to ensure a reliable switch model. The measured RF performances of this component exhibit isolation around 15 dB at 60GHz in the up-state position and an insertion loss less than 2dB in the down-state

    Integration of Satellite and Terrestrial Systems in Future Multimedia Communications

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    In this article we examine the role of satellite communications in future telecommunication networks and service provision. Lessons from the past indicate that satellites are successful as a result of their wide area coverage or speed to market for new services. Niche areas such as coverage of air and sea will persist, but for land masses convergence of fixed, mobile, and broadcasting will dictate that the only way forward for satellites is in an integrated format with terrestrial systems. We outline future ways forward for satellites, and discuss the research challenges and technology advances needed to facilitate this integrated approach.</p