236 research outputs found

    Economic development as a way to fight against poverty in a coastal society

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    This research is based on the phenomenon of low construction in coastal village areas, primarily in relation to the economic development sector. This study was conducted in order to determine the low economic level of coastal rural communities and its abundant natural resources (SDA). The government has already issued a public policy related to economic empowerment and coastal zone management. However, the coastal village community’s economy remains very low. The qualitative and phenomenological approach was used to obtain the findings about why society in coastal villages is economically low level. The main cause of the economic problem was the lack of ability of the public to capture the business opportunities that existed. In addition, the constant hereditary lifestyle of the coastal people is one of the triggers of their low economic power. There is a lack of distinct empowerment by the government in order to improve their economy. SDA has not been optimally empowering coastal areas by way of the village communities of the coast and there is a lack of village infrastructure. The concrete participation of the local government is expected in relation to the handling of economic empowerment. One solution that can be undertaken is the revamping of public policy related to the development of coastal villages. The completion of the installation program for paving and street lighting is also a priority. The development and empowerment of the economy should be done immediately. Another thing that can be done by the government is the optimisation of the religious and beach tourism there

    An Alternative for Economic Empowerment of Coastal Village

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    This research is based on the phenomenon of the low development of the tourism sector which occurred in the regions of coastal villages in boosting the economy Therefore this study was conducted to determine the cause of poorly supported coastal tourism is possible when tourism can boost the economy of the coastal village communities The government has issued a public policy related to coastal tourism however implementation is not yet optimal By using qualitative and phenomenological approach obtained findings about yet diberdayakannya this coastal tourism Cause that occur among people less able to capture the business opportunities to manage local community-based tourism Lack of empowerment clear from the government and the maximum promotion of the tourism sector SDA has not been optimally diberdayakannya this coastal region by coastal village communities as well as the lack of infrastructure the village infrastructur


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    Penelitian ini didasari dari fenomena yang masih rendahnya pembangunan yang terjadi didaerah-daerah desa Konservasi pengembangan dibidang ekonomi. Untuk penelitian ini dilakukan guna mempelajari rendahnya investasi masyarakat pesisir Pesisir sumber daya alam (SDA) Pesisir sangat melimpah. Pemerintah sudah mengeluarkan kebijakan publik yang berkaitan dengan pemberdayaan ekonomi dan pengelolaan wilayah pesisir. Namun demikian yang terjadi pada masyarakat desa Pesisir masih sangat rendah. Dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif dan kajian fenomenologi yang diperoleh temuan-temuan tentang rendahnya anggaran masyarakat desa Pesisir ini. Penyebab rendahnya anggaran ini Selain itu, pola hidup masyarakat yang kurang tepat juga menjadi pemicu rendahnya pendapatan mereka. Kurangnya pemberdayaan yang jelas dari pemerintah guna meningkatkan ekonomi mereka. Belum diberdayakannya secara maksimal SDA wilayah Pesisir ini oleh masyarakat Pesisir dan juga sarana prasarana prasarana desa. Diharapkan adanya peran serta pemerintah dalam pengelolaan serta pemberdayaan ekonomi mereka. Salah satu solusi yang daapat diambil adalah pembenahan kebijakan publik yang terkait dengan pembangunan desa Pesisir. Selain itu, program pavingisasi dan penerangan jalan juga menjadi program prioritas. Pembinaan dan pemberdayaan ekonomi harus segera dilakukan

    Peningkatan Kreatifitas Bercerita Bahasa Indonesia Melalui Media Kartu Kata Pada Siswa Kelas 1 SD Negeri Kebonturi Kecamatan Jaken Kabupaten Pati Tahun Pelajaran 2014/2015

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    This study aimed to describe the increase in creativity Indonesian storytelling through the use of media cards word I said in class Elementary School Kebonturi 2014/2015 school year. This research is qualitative research and design research is a class act that consists of 2 cycles. The first cycle through the media card without a picture and said second cycle using the word media card with pictures. This study was conducted in primary school Kebonturi, with first grade students study subjects with the number of 14 students, consisting of 6 girls and 8 boys and the object of this research is telling Indonesian creative and media use the word cards. Data collection techniques by means of interviews, observation (observation), documentation, and field notes. The data analysis technique that is descriptive and percentage kualitatif.dengan pensekoran way. Research shows creativity Indonesian storytelling cycle I gained an average score of 16.8 in both categories and cycle II receives an average score of 20.3 with a very good category. Creativity percentage of students in the first cycle is 67.2% and in the second cycle percentage 81.2%. Data resulting from the use of said media card in the first cycle to obtain an average score of 37 in both categories and cycle II receives an average score of 45 with very good category. Percentage of media use the word cards in the first cycle and 74% in the second cycle percentage is 90%. Cycle I thoroughness percentage 64% or 9 students who completed the second cycle and thoroughness to 86% or 12 students who completed. Based on the study concluded that the creative storytelling Elementary School first grade students of the school year 2014/2015 in Kebonturi Indonesian lessons can be enhanced through the media and media use the word cards word cards can improve both the learning activities of prakegiatan, initial activities, core, and the final activity or so that the cover can be used as an alternative solution to improve learning Indonesian in S

    Economic Empowerment Model of Coastal Communities

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    The research was conducted to determine the level of economic empowerment of coastal communities By using qualitative methods it has been found that the economic level of coastal villages is still low This is because the community has not been able to take advantage of business opportunities from coastal natural resources The unsuitable lifestyle of the people also triggers the low level of their economy The government does not provide them with entrepreneurship education To overcome this problem the role of the government is expected to empower the economic level One solution that can be taken is improving public policies related to the economic development model of coastal village communities In addition an understanding of business is needed to find opportunities that exis

    Standard classifications as compared with certain state classifcations

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    Thesis (BA)--University of Illinois, 1915TypescriptIncludes bibliographical reference

    Penertiban Juru Parkir Oleh Dinas Perhubungan Komunikasi Dan Informatika Dalam Upaya Peningkatan Pendapatan Asli Daerah Kabupaten Pati

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    Sementara Itu Akibat Dari Parkir Yang Tidak Teratur Di Lingkungan Kabupaten Pati Yaitu Dapat Mengakibatkan Kesemrawutan Dan Bahkan Kemacetan. Terkait Dengan Pelayanan Jasa Oleh Pemerintah Khususnya DISHUBKOMINFO Dan Berdasarkan Kondisi Parkir Liar Di Wilayah Kecamatan Juwana Kabupaten Pati Yang Kurang Kondusif, Maka Penulis Tertarik Untuk Melakukan Penelitian Terhadap Hal Tersebut Dengan Mengangkat Judul PENERTIBAN JURU PARKIR OLEH DINAS PERHUBUNGAN KOMUNIKASI DAN INFORMATIKA DALAM UPAYA PENINGKATAN PENDAPATAN ASLI DAERAH KABUPATEN PATI. Skripsi Ini Bertujuan Untuk Mengetahui Mengetahui Untuk Mengetahui Pelaksanaan Penertiban Parkir Liar Oleh DISHUBKOMINFO Dalam Upaya Peningkatan PAD Kabupaten Pati, Untuk Mengetahui Dampak Penertiban Parkir Oleh DISHUBKOMINFO Dalam Peningkatan PAD Kabupaten Pati, Untuk Mengetahui Kendala-Kendala Apakah Yang Terjadi Pada DISHUBKOMINFO Dalam Pelaksanaan Penertiban Parkir Di Kabupaten Pati. Metode Pendekatan Yang Digunakan Dalam Penelitian Ini Adalah Yuridis Sosiologis. Spesifikasi Penelitian Ini Adalah Penelitian Deskriptif Analitis Sampel Adalah Sebagian Atau Wakil Populasi Yang Diteliti. Metode Pengumpulan Data Yaitu Menggunakan Data Primer Dan Sekunder. Metode Pengolahan Dan Penyajian Data Menggunakan Teknik Pengolahan Data, Dan Teknik Penyajian Data. Metode Analisis Yang Digunakan Adalah Analisis Kualitatif. Dalam Menertibkan Parkir Di Kabupaten Pati Adalah Tugas Dinas Perhubungan Komunikasi Dan Informasi (DISHUBKOMINFO) Kabupaten Pati Yang Selalu Memberikan Pelayan Publik Dalam Hal Kenyamanan Dalam Pelaksanan Parkir, Kepastian Tarif Parkir, Kepastian Keberadaan Juru Parkir, Tingkat Professional Petugas, Sarana Dan Prasarana, Hal Tersebut Sesuai Dengan Tugas Pokok DISHUBKOMINFO Kabupaten Pati. Secara Umum Di Dalam Pasal 43 UU LLAJ No 22 Tahun 2009 Dikatakan Bahwa Fasilitas Parkir Di Dalam Ruang Milik Jalan Hanya Dapat Diselenggarakan Di Tempat Tertentu Pada Jalan Kabupaten, Jalan Desa, Atau Jalan Kota Yang Harus Dinyatakan Dengan Rambu Lalu Lintas, Dan/Atau Marka Jalan. Secara Hukum Dilarang Untuk Parkir Di Tengah Jalan Raya, Namun Parkir Di Sisi Jalan Umumnya Diperbolehkan. Fasilitas Parkir Di Bangun Bersama-Sama Dengan Kebanyakan Gedung. Peraturan Daerah Nomor 5 Tahun 2009 Tentang Retribusi Tempat Parkir Khusus Dalam Bab I Pasal 1 Angka 6 Di Jelaskan Bahwa Retribusi Jasa Usaha Adalah Retribusi Atas Jasa Yang Disediakan Oleh Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Pati Dengan Menganut Prinsip Komersial Karena Pada Dasarnya Dapat Pula. Peraturan Daerah Kabupaten Pati Nomor 5 Tahun 2009 Tentang Retribusi Tempat Khusus Parkir Bab I Pasal 1 Ayat (7) Di Sebutkan Parkir Adalah Keadaan Tidak Bergerak Suatu Kendaraan Yang Bersifat Sementara Karena Ditinggal Pemiliknya

    Perspectives on Protection of Deep Groundwater

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    Most of the groundwater that supports rivers and abstractions in England derive from aquifers lying no more than 400 m below the surface. However, deeper groundwater, including springs that have their sources at depth, may also have value as a resource (for example, the hot springs at Bath) and potentially could be abstracted for other purposes. It is important to develop a better understanding of these waters and the volumes available so that they can be protected, where necessary, from activities that take place at depth such as the exploitation of onshore oil and gas. This project looked at deep subsurface activities and whether we need constraints in order to protect deep groundwaters. These constraints would depend on the value of the groundwater and the risks posed by the activities

    Excited-state normal-modes analysis: the case of porphyrins

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    Excited state normal modes analysis is systematically applied to investigate and compare relaxation and internal conversion dynamics of a free-base porphyrin with a novel functional porphyrin derivative. We discuss strenghts and limitation of the method, and employ it to predict very different dynamical behaviours in the two compounds and to clarify the role of high reorganization energy modes in driving the system towards critical regions of the potential energy landscape. For the functionalized porphyrin, we identify modes of vibrations along which the energy gap between different excited state potential energy surfaces within the Q band manifold may vanish, or be significantly reduced, with respect to the one observed in the bare porphyrin