140 research outputs found

    Gestión municipal y satisfacción laboral de los colaboradores de una entidad pública de Salitral, 2022

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    El estudio se desarrolló con el propósito de identificar la relación entre la gestión municipal y la satisfacción laboral de los colaboradores de una entidad pública de Salitral, 2022. La investigación fue de tipo básica, cuantitativa con un diseño no experimental, correlacional; la población y muestra fue de 31 colaboradores de una entidad pública de Salitral. Para la recopilación de datos se emplearon como técnicas la encuesta y como instrumentos dos cuestionarios con escala Likert, referente a las variables de estudio. Según los resultados, existe relación significativa alta (coeficiente de Pearson = 0,662) entre la dimensión planificación de la gestión municipal y la satisfacción laboral; asimismo, existe relación significativa alta (coeficiente de Pearson = 0,619) entre la dimensión organización de la gestión municipal y la satisfacción laboral; así también existe relación significativa moderada (coeficiente de Pearson = 0,518) entre la dimensión dirección de la gestión municipal y la satisfacción laboral y por último, existe relación significativa moderada (coeficiente de Pearson = 0,585) entre la dimensión control de la gestión municipal y la satisfacción laboral. En conclusión, existe relación significativa alta (coeficiente de Pearson = 0,752) entre la gestión municipal y satisfacción laboral de los colaboradores de una entidad pública de Salitral

    Convivencia escolar: fortaleza de la comunidad educativa y protección ante la conflictividad escolar

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    El concepto de convivencia tiene un claro significado positivo y se relaciona con los principios básicos de la educación. Sin embargo, cuando se analiza la convivencia, en muchas ocasiones, se hace en base a los problemas que le afectan más que en los pilares en los se fundamenta, dando así una visión negativa que no siempre se corresponde con la realidad de las escuelas. En este artículo, se presenta un estudio realizado con la intención de comprobar que la calidad de la convivencia es positiva según estudiantes, docentes y familias de alumnos y alumnas, así como indagar sobre las claves, que según estos tres colectivos, definen una excelente convivencia. Entre los resultados encontrados podemos mencionar que, tal y como esperábamos, la convivencia escolar es percibida, por los tres colectivos que la integran, como una dinámica relacional positiva aunque en ella existe cierto grado de conflictividad

    Relationship of the verbal fluency index profile with the variables age, educational level, and sex in a group of schoolchildren

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    This is a quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional, and correlational study, whose purpose was to relate the profile of the verbal fluency index-VFI with the variables of age, sex, and educational level of a schoolchildren group from an official educational institution in the department of Sucre, Colombia. The sample consisted of 390 students distributed in 176 of BPE and 214 of BSE to whom the verbal fluency test reviewed by Ardilla and Rosselli (2007) was administered. The Microsoft Excel 19.0 statistical program was used for data coding and the EZAnalyze version 2.5 add-in was used for processing. The results showed that the phonological verbal fluency, semantic, and general index tests were below the normative mean. The association between the VFI with the variables age and school grade was confirmed with the parametric test of Pearson's coefficient with a high level of significance p=0.000. However, gender had no influence on performance because there was no correlation. It is concluded that the VFI increases with age and school grade, factors that imply that as they increase, it will allow a progressive tendency to access the lexicon, the ability to name words according to phonemic indication, and from a given category

    Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase kinase isoenzymes play an important role in the filling and quality of Arabidopsis thaliana seed

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    Three plant-type phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PPC1 to PPC3) and two phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase kinase (PPCKs: PPCK1 and 2) genes are present in the Arabidopsis thaliana genome. In seeds, all PPC genes were found to be expressed. Examination of individual ppc mutants showed little reduction of PEPC protein and global activity, with the notable exception of PPC2 which represent the most abundant PEPC in dry seeds. Ppc mutants exhibited moderately lower seed parameters (weight, area, yield, germination kinetics) than wild type. In contrast, ppck1-had much altered (decreased) yield. At the molecular level, ppc3-was found to be significantly deficient in global seed nitrogen (nitrate, amino-acids, and soluble protein pools). Also, N-deficiency was much more marked in ppck1-, which exhibited a tremendous loss of 95% and 90% in nitrate and proteins, respectively. The line ppck2-had accumulated amino-acids but lower levels of soluble proteins. Regarding carboxylic acid pools, Krebs cycle intermediates were found to be diminished in all mutants; this was accompanied by a consistent decrease in ATP. Lipids were stable in ppc mutants, however ppck1-seeds accumulated more lipids while ppck2-seeds showed high level of polyunsaturated fatty acid oleic and linolenic (omega 3). Altogether, the results indicate that the complete PEPC and PPCK family are needed for normal C/N metabolism ratio, growth, development, yield and quality of the seed.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad AGL2012-35708, AGL2016-75413-PJunta de Andalucía P12-FQM-48

    Otusiders residents and community-based tourism. Reflections from Alájar (Andalusia, Spain)

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    El mundo rural, sobre todo en Occidente, está sujeto a procesos de movilidad y neoruralidad que no pueden obviarse a la hora de estudiar el turismo de base local (TBL). Estos procesos no solo cuestionan la comunidad entendida como una realidad aislada y cerrada, sino que explican el creciente protagonismo de los forasteros residentes en el desarrollo rural. En este artículo analizamos, a través de un estudio de caso etnográfico en Alájar (Andalucía occidental), la participación de forasteros residentes en el TBL, su contribución a la dinamización y desarrollo de la actividad turística, así como a su conexión con el mercado externo. A partir de aquí podemos reflexionar de manera más general sobre la naturaleza del TBL y especialmente en el papel de la influencia externa en su desarrollo.The rural world, especially in the West, is subject to processes of mobility and neorurality that cannot be ignored when studying community-based tourism (CBT). These processes not only question the community understood as an isolated and closed reality, but explain the increasing prominence of outsider residents in rural development. In this article, through an ethnographic case study conducted in Alájar (Western Andalusia), we analyzed the participation of outsider residents in CBT, its contribution to the development of tourist activities as well as its connections with the external market. From here we can reflect more generally on the nature of CBT and the role of external influence in its development in heterogeneous local societies.- Grupo de investigación Antropología y Filosofía (SEJ-126). Universidad de Granada. - Área de Antropología Social. Universidad de Jaén. - Laborarorio de Antropología Social y Cultural (HUM-472). Universidad de Almería. - Departamento de Filosofía II. Universidad de Granada

    In vivo monoubiquitination of anaplerotic phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase occurs at Lys624 in germinating sorghum seeds

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    Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC; EC is an important cytosolic regulatory enzyme that plays a pivotal role in numerous physiological processes in plants, including seed development and germination. Previous studies demonstrated the occurrence of immunoreactive PEPC polypeptides of ~110kDa and 107kDa (p110 and p107, respectively) on immunoblots of clarified extracts of germinating sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) seeds. In order to establish the biochemical basis for this observation, a 460kDa PEPC heterotetramer composed of an equivalent ratio of p110 and p107 subunits was purified to near homogeneity from the germinated seeds. Mass spectrometry established that p110 and p107 are both encoded by the same plant-type PEPC gene (CP21), but that p107 was in vivo monoubiquitinated at Lys624 to form p110. This residue is absolutely conserved in vascular plant PEPCs and is proximal to a PEP-binding/catalytic domain. Anti-ubiquitin IgG immunodetected p110 but not p107, whereas incubation with a deubiquitinating enzyme (USP-2 core) efficiently converted p110 into p107, while relieving the enzyme’s feedback inhibition by l-malate. Partial PEPC monoubiquitination was also detected during sorghum seed development. It is apparent that monoubiquitination at Lys624 is opposed to phosphorylation at Ser7 in terms of regulating the catalytic activity of sorghum seed PEPC. PEPC monoubiquitination is hypothesized to fine-tune anaplerotic carbon flux according to the cell’s immediate physiological requirements for tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediates needed in support of biosynthesis and carbon–nitrogen interactions.España, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad AGL2012-35708España Junta de Andalucía P06-CVI-02186 BIO29

    Influencia de la incorporación del plástico PVC reciclado en las propiedades del ladrillo de concreto en Comas, Lima - 2021

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    La presente Tesis realiza el análisis y evaluación del desempeño de ladrillos de concretos hechos de PVC, el cual se desarrolló en base a la problemática observamos muchas viviendas que presentan problemas en sus estructuras, ladrillos salitrosos o viviendas de tabiquería, ante este requerimiento se plantea crear un tipo de ladrillo ecológico de PVC. La investigación tuvo como objetivo crear un tipo de ladrillo ecológico de PVC, para comprender las propiedades del ladrillo de concreto, garantizando la resistencia a la compresión, porcentajes de vacíos y absorción de agua, dando paso una mejor calidad, donde contribuya con la mejora ambiental de nuestro planeta. Para el desarrollo de la investigación se realizaron búsquedas en bases de datos de revistas científicas reconocidas. Se establecieron los límites de búsqueda desde el año 2015 en adelante. La muestra será conformada por 52 ladrillos de concreto con dimensiones de 13.2cm x 10.2cm x 23.2cm, la cual tendrá en su composición de cemento, agregado fino, agregado grueso y agua, en el cual se añadirá plástico de PVC en porcentajes de 25%, 40% y 80% respectivamente. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que las propiedades de unidades de ladrillo de concreto elaborados con residuos plásticos de PVC tienen resultados óptimos

    The meaning of the recovery process and its stages for people attending a mental health day hospital: A qualitative study

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    Introduction: This study sought to explore the meaning of the recovery process and its stages from the perspective of people attending a mental health day hospital. Methods: A descriptive exploratory qualitative study was carried out. Semi‐ structured interviews were conducted with people attending a mental health day hospital. The data were analysed deductively by means of content analysis. Results: The participants described the recovery process as a process based on three pillars; the attitude towards recovery, hardship, and the effort required throughout the process. Regarding the stages of recovery, for the participants in the first stage of the process (Moratorium), the search for hope was the most important element. In the second stage (Awareness), the reestablishment of their identity, through the acceptance of the consequences derived from the mental health problem, together with being able to feel full and fulfilled, were the most outstanding elements. In the third stage (Preparation), participants highlighted the search for meaning in life, facing their fears and the process with an open mind. Finally, the last two stages (Rebuilding and Growth) were related to taking responsibility and empowerment for recovery. Conclusions: The results of this study provide insight into the perception of the recovery process and its stages in people attending a mental health day hospital. These findings may contribute to aligning the nurse–patient perspective, helping nurses to understand the key elements of patients according to their stage of recovery, and thus be able to subsequently individualise interventions. Patient and Public Contribution: This study was based on interviews with 15 patients receiving treatment at an adult mental health day hospital. This study would not have been possible without their participation

    Desarrollo de materiales superabsorbentes biodegradables procesados a partir de subproductos agroindustriales

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    Actualmente se admite la necesidad cada vez más apremiante de desarrollar nuevos materiales con mayor sostenibilidad. Los materiales superabsorbentes constituyen un claro ejemplo, lo cual implica que estén basados en materias primas renovables, de menor coste e impacto ambiental. A pesar de ello, la comercialización de productos superabsorbentes basados en materias primas de origen natural, que sean biocompatibles y biodegradables se encuentra aún bastante limitada, existiendo una evidente necesidad de impulsar la investigación en el sector. El trabajo pretende contribuir a satisfacer esa necesidad, estableciéndose como objetivo principal desarrrollar nuevos materiales que presenten gran capacidad de absorción de agua (absorbentes y superabsobentes), que puedan ser procesados mediante técnicas de eficacia contrastada en la industria de fabricación de plásticos. Todo ello a partir de fuentes naturales renovables tales como proteínas procedentes de subproductos de la industria agroalimentaria. Además de su capacidad absorbente estos materiales deben presentar propiedades mecánicas y biodegradabilidad apropiadas para que puedan suponer una alternativa a los fabricados con polímeros sintéticos. Como resultado del trabajo se pretende adquirir el conocimiento científico y establecer las bases tecnológicas necesarias para conseguir matrices absorbentes y superabsorbentes biodegradables. Asimismo, se evaluará su potencial en productos SAB para higiene personal y para horticultura.There is an increasing need to shift towards the development of sustainable and environmentally friendly materials in the world market nowadays. Superabsorbents polymers (SAP) are a good example of this new type of materials, being based on renewable natural components with a lower cost. Notwithstanding, the productionand commercialization of biocompatible and biodegradable SAP are still very limited, which makes the need of research on this field pretty clear. This work pretends to cover that need establishing as its main objective the development of new materials that display a great water absorption capacity (absorbents and superabsorbents). These materials will be produced from natural renewable sources (proteins obtained as agro-food industry byproducts) through techniques commonly used in the plastic industry. These materials not only should possess a great water absorption capacity but they should present proper mechanical properties and biodegradability, so they could represent an attractive choice to those obtained from synthetic polymers. Eventually, the acquisition of scientific knowledge and the establishment of the technological base needed for the success in the development of those biodegradable SAP matrixes will be pursued with the different activities. Moreover, the potential of SAP materials produced for hygienic and horticulture applications will be studied.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (España) proyecto “Desarrrollo de Materiales superabsorbentes biodegradables procesados a partir de subproductos agroindustriales (SABio)” CTQ2015-71164-