441 research outputs found

    Relación entre la sensibilidad a la ansiedad y el miedo a conducir

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    Conducir un vehículo es una tarea compleja que reviste cierto riesgo; ha dejado de ser una actividad esporádica para convertirse en cotidiana, desencadenando en muchos conductores experiencias desfavorables. El objetivo del presente estudio fueinvestigar acerca del valor explicativo y predictivo de la sensibilidad a la ansiedad y sus factores, así como de otras dimensiones de la ansiedad, como son la ansiedad general y la ansiedad fóbica en el desarrollo del miedo a conducir y de la fobia derivada de dicho miedo: la amaxofobia. Para ello se realizó un estudio correlacional, mediante la aplicación online de diversos cuestionarios a una muestra compuesta por 300 conductores. Los resultados mostraron que tanto la sensibilidad a la ansiedad como los rasgos de ansiedad general y fóbica están implicados en el desarrollo de la amaxofobia, sin embargo, ninguno de ellos alcanza un valor determinante por separado, obteniendo valores moderados, tanto explicativos como predictivos.Driving a vehicle is a complex task that carries a certain risk; it has ceased to be a sporadic activity to become daily, causing unfavorable experiences in many drivers. The aim of the present study was to investigate the explanatory and predictive value of sensitivity to anxiety and its factors, as well as other dimensions of anxiety, such as general anxiety and phobic anxiety in the development of fear of driving and the phobia derived from such fear: Amaxophobia. For this, a correlational study was carried out by means of the online application of several questionnaires to a sample composed of 300 drivers. The results showed that both anxiety sensitivity and general and phobic anxiety traits are involved in the development of amaxophobia, however, none of them reach a determinant value separately, obtaining moderate values both explanatory and predictive

    Infección por Neospora Caninum en un perro : descripción de un caso clínico

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    Se describe el caso clínico de un perro Pastor vasco macho, de un año y medio de edad, que comienza con una sintomatología poco definida y acaba derivando en unas semanas en un cuadro de tipo neurológico. La titulación serológica revela infección activa causada por Neospora caninum. Se discute acerca del diagnóstico, pronóstico y tratamiento.It is described the clinical case of a Basque shepherd dog of one and a half years oid, with unspecífíc symptoms, that finally presents a neurological disease a few weeks after. The antibody titre was positive and shows an active infection caused by Neospora caninum. It is discussed about diagnosis, prognosis and treatment

    Influence of meteorological input data on backtrajectory cluster analysis ? a seven-year study for southeastern Spain

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    International audienceBacktrajectory differences and clustering sensitivity to the meteorological input data are studied. Trajectories arriving in Southeast Spain (Elche), at 3000, 1500 and 500 m for the 7-year period 2000?2006 have been computed employing two widely used meteorological data sets: the NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis and the FNL data sets. Differences between trajectories grow linearly at least up to 48 h, showing faster growing after 72 h. A k-means cluster analysis performed on each set of trajectories shows differences in the identified clusters (main flows), partially because the number of clusters of each clustering solution differs for the trajectories arriving at 3000 and 1500 m. Trajectory membership to the identified flows is in general more sensitive to the input meteorological data than to the initial selection of cluster centroids

    Optimization of the sizing of a solar thermal electricity plant: mathematical programming versus genetic algorithms

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    Genetic algorithms (GAs) have been argued to constitute a flexible search thereby enabling to solve difficult problems which classical optimization methodologies may find hard to solve. This paper is intended towards this direction and show a systematic application of a GA and its modification to solve a real-world optimization problem of sizing a solar thermal electricity plant. Despite the existence of only three variables, this problem exhibits a number of other common difficulties-black-box nature of solution evaluation, massive multi-modality, wide and non-uniform range of variable values, and terribly rugged function landscape-which prohibits a classical optimization method to find even a single acceptable solution. Both GA implementations perform well and a local analysis is performed to demonstrate the optimality of obtained solutions. This study considers both classical and genetic optimization on a fairly complex yet typical real-world optimization problems and demonstrates the usefulness and future of GAs in applied optimization activities in practice

    Mealiness assessment in apples using MRI techniques

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    Small samples of Top Red apples stored 6 months under controlled atmosphere (expected to be non-mealy) and 2°C (expected to be mealy) have been used for MRI imaging. Multi-slice-multi-echo magnetic resonance images (64*64 pixels) have been recorded with a 8 ms echo time. Three out of four apples corresponding to the sample maintained under controlled atmosphere did not developed mealiness while three out of four fruits corresponding to the sample stored at 2°C became mealy after 6 months of storage. The minimum T2 values obtained for the mealy apples show to be significantly lower (F = 13.21) when compared with non-mealy apples pointing that a more desegregated structure and a lower juiciness content leads to lower T2 signal. Also, there is a significant linear correlation (r = −0.76) between the number of pixels with a T2 value below 35 ms within a fruit image and the deformation parameter registered during the Magness–Taylor firmness test. Finally, all T2 maps of mealy apples show a regional variation of contrast which is not shown for non-mealy apples. Significant differences (F = 19.43) between mealy and non-mealy apples are found in the histograms of the T2 maps as mealy apples show a skew histogram combined with a “tail” in their high T2 extreme which is not shown in the histograms of non-mealy apples. These histogram features are also shown for an apple showing internal breakdown indicating that in mealy apples there is a differential water movement that may precede internal breakdown

    On-line identification of seeds in mandarins with magnetic resonance imaging

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    Mandarins have been inspected using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in order to detect the presence of seeds. To enhance contrast between seeds and pulp, effective transverse relaxation time-weighted fast low angle shot images (703 ms acquisition time) were acquired. Stationary fruits were imaged and then the images were segmented to extract several features. The maximum radius of the region containing the seeds and the central axis rmax, and the perimeter of this region P were the most powerful features for discrimination between seedless and seed-containing fruits. Such features were the most robust since they showed the lowest noise-to-signal ratios (N/S). The proportions of correct classification were 88.9% and 86.7% for seedless and seed-containing fruits, respectively, under MRI stationary conditions. The performance under on-line conditions was evaluated by imaging the fruits while conveyed at 54 mm/s. An analysis of variance with the features extracted from the static images and the motion-corrected dynamic images showed that there were statistically indistinguishable. The proportions of correct classification were 92.5% and 79.5% for the seedless and seed-containing category, respectively, under MRI dynamic conditions. Reduction in the distance between categories for rmax was addressed as the main cause for the decrease in discrimination performance. The robustness of the motion correction procedure was highlighted by the low differences in the N/S ratio and the noise-to-measured range ratios between static and dynamic features

    Alonso Vázquez y el retablo mayor del Hospital de San Hermenegildo: nuevos documentos, nuevo interrogantes

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    La localización del documento que recoge las condiciones concertadas entre el pintor Alonso Vázquez y el administrador del hospital sevillano de San Hermenegildo o del Cardenal, Bemardino de Escalante, para la realización del retablo mayor de la iglesia de dicho hospital, con fecha de 21 de febrero de 1603, así como la carta de obligación ante el escribano público Francisco Díaz de Vergara, firmadas también por los citados pintor (25-11-1603) y administrador (28-11-1603), supone una nueva fuente para el conocimiento de esta importante pieza de la historia de la pintura sevillana'. Los datos que aportan estos documentos vienen a confirmar, unas veces, y a desmentir, otras, algunas de las suposiciones emitidas sobre dicho retablo y su pintura principal: El Tránsito de San Hermenegildo., pero, quizás, y sobre todo, amén de resolver algunas incógnitas que hasta hoy surgían de esta obra, dichos aportes documentales lo que hacen es abrir otra serie de nuevas cuestiones que, hoy por hoy, tan sólo desde lo hipotético pueden tener respuest

    Mealiness assessment in apples and peaches using MRI techniques

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    Mealiness (woolliness in peaches) is a negative attribute of sensory texture that combines the sensation of a desegregated tissue with the sensation of lack of juiciness. In this study, 24 apples cv. Top Red and 8 peaches cv. Maycrest, submitted to 3 and 2 different storage conditions respectively have been tested by mechanical and MRI techniques to assess mealiness. With this study, the results obtained on apples in a previous work have been validated using mathematical features from the histograms of the T2 maps: more skewed and the presence of a tail in mealy apples, similar to internal breakdown. In peaches, MRI techniques can also be used to identify woolly fruits. Not all the changes found in the histograms of woolly peaches are similar from those observed in mealy apples pointing to a different underlying physiological change in both disorder