3,210 research outputs found

    Feasibility and reliability of a Physical Fitness test battery in individuals with Down Syndrome

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    Background: Down syndrome (DS) is a genetic disorder that occurs because of an abnormal division between cells that results in an extra copy of chromosome 21. Some studies show that physical exercise in people with DS increases some cognitive capacities, such as memory, and improves the quality of life. Aim: The main aim of this study was to perform an analysis of the reliability and feasibility of the SAMU-Disability Fitness (DISFIT) battery in adults with DS. Methods: A cross-sectional study with a test–retest design was performed in a maximum interval of 2 weeks in 37 subjects (11 women and 26 men) aged between 21 and 58 years old with DS. Eight field-based fitness tests were proposed to assess the physical fitness (PF) of adults with DS: Body Mass Index (BMI), Waist Circumference (WC), the Timed Up and Go test (TUG), the Deep Trunk Flexibility test (DTF), the Hand Grip test (HG), the Timed Stand Test (TST), the 30-s Sit-Up (SUP) and the 6-Min Walk Test (6MWT). Results: The intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) in all the tests was good and high (>0.80), except for the 6MWT, whose reliability was fair. Conclusion: The SAMU-DISFIT battery is a reliable and feasible physical fitness battery which has been created with the purpose of establishing tests which measure the four basic components of PF (flexibility, cardiorespiratory fitness, musculoskeletal fitness and motor fitness) in adults with D

    Existence and nonexistence of traveling waves for the Gross-Pitaevskii equation in tori

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    We would like to thank the anonymous referee for their careful reading of the paper and the useful suggestions, which have improved the presentation of this work. D. R. has been supported by the FEDER-MINECO Grant PGC2018-096422-B-I00 and by J. Andalucia (FQM-116). He also acknowledges financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN), through the IMAG-Maria de Maeztu Excellence Grant CEX2020-001105-M/AEI/10.13039/501100011033.In this paper we consider traveling waves for the Gross-Pitaevskii equation which are T-periodic in each variable. We prove that if T is large enough, there exists a solution as a global minimizer of the corresponding action functional. In the subsonic case, we can use variational methods to prove the existence of a mountain-pass solution. Moreover, we show that for small T the problem admits only constant solutions.FEDER-MINECO Grant PGC2018-096422-B-I00Andalucia (FQM-116)Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN), through the IMAG-Maria de Maeztu Excellence Grant CEX2020-001105-M/AEI/10.13039/50110001103

    Sistemas de información ambiental (bases de datos georreferenciadas y aplicaciones SIG): herramientas para la gestión y control de plagas de importancia en salud pública. Mapas de riesgo potencial

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    El desarrollo tecnológico combinado en los ámbitos de las ciencias naturales y la informática, además de la fuerte demanda de cartografía digital ambiental en los últimos 50-60 años, han conducido al desarrollo de diversas herramientas de gestión espacial de la información medioambiental. De esta manera, todo tipo de variables ambientales pueden ser cartografiadas y sus elementos por lo tanto tenerlos localizados, lo que permite que a través de estas aplicaciones de gestión de la información puedan ser relacionados entre sí y con otras variables del medio

    Sexual harassment among peers and adolescent dating violence

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    El presente estudio ha analizado la presencia de violencia sexual entre compañeros y en las parejas adolescentes y jóvenes. Específicamente se han estudiado las diferencias por sexo, edad y estadio de la relación sentimental tanto en violencia sexual entre iguales como en las parejas, en una muestra de 490 adolescentes (55,7% chicos, 44,3% chicas, edad media 16.08 años). Los resultados descriptivos mostraron la misma incidencia de violencia sexual entre iguales y en las parejas. Respecto al sexo, los chicos presentaron mayor implicación como agresores de sus iguales y de sus parejas, pero no se encontraron diferencias con relación a los índices de victimización. Se encontró un efecto importante del estadio de la relación: la violencia sexual entre iguales fue más frecuente entre los que se encontraban en “relaciones casuales” y “grupos mixtos” mientras que la violencia sexual entre parejas fue más frecuente entre los que se encontraban en “relaciones serias”. Para la edad, solo se encontraron diferencias en la violencia sexual entre parejas, siendo que los chicos y chicas más mayores resultaron más implicados que los más pequeños.This paper presents a study about peer and dating sexual harassment among adolescents. Specifically, differences by sex, age and the developmental stage of the romantic relationships were analyzed in both, peer and dating sexual harassment in a sample of 490 adolescents (55,7% boys and 44,3% girls, mean age 16.08). Descriptive data showed that the presence of peer and dating sexual harassment was similar. Boys were more perpetrators in both, peer and dating contexts but no differences by sex were found for victimization indexes. An important effect of the developmental-stage of the relationships was found: peer sexual harassment were more frequent in “casual” and “mixed gender” stage whereas dating sexual harassment was more frequent in “serious relationship”. For age, just differences in dating sexual harassment were found: older adolescents were more involved than younger ones

    A qualitative approach for aggregating people's perceptions

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    The concept of perceptual map is introduced in this paper to capture the semantics of linguistic assessments of an individual in a qualitative reasoning scenario, concretely in hesitant fuzzy linguistic term sets. In addition, the projected perceptual map is considered to provide a space to aggregate different perceptual maps. Qualitative distances and measures of centrality and agreement or consensus are revised based on this projected perceptual map.This research has been partially supported by the PERCEPTIONS R. P. (PID2020-114247GB-I00), funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Information Technology.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Why continue sharing: determinants of behavior in collaborative economy services

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    La economía colaborativa está revolucionando la forma en que los consumidores utilizan los bienes y servicios. En nuestro estudio modificamos y ampliamos el modelo de confirmación de expectativas para determinar los factores motivacionales que impulsan la satisfacción y la intención de continuar usando los servicios de viajes colaborativos. Más importante aún, agregamos el valor social como un factor adicional. En este estudio fueron encuestados usuarios españoles experimentados de BlaBlaCar. La calidad del servicio, la utilidad percibida, la confianza y el valor social son determinantes de la satisfacción de los usuarios experimentados y, a través de ella, de la intención de continuar usando; mientras que no es el caso para el impacto ambiental ni para los beneficios económicos. Además, la confianza afecta directamente a la intención de continuar. Estos resultados tienen implicaciones gerenciales relevantes, mostrando que los usuarios de algunos servicios colaborativos están motivados por otros factores además de los económicos.The sharing economy is revolutionizing the way consumers use goods and services. In our study we modify and extend the expectation confirmation model to determine the motivational factors which drive the satisfaction and continue intention to use ridesharing services. Most importantly, we add social value as an additional factor to those previously studied in the literature. We apply our model in a survey among experienced Spanish users of BlaBlaCar. Service quality, perceived usefulness, trust and social value are determinants of satisfaction of experienced users and through it, of intention to continuance; while it is the case neither for environmental impact nor for economic benefits. Additionally, trust affects directly continuance. These results have relevant managerial implications, showing that users of some sharing services are motivated by other factors than purely economic

    Evaluation templates and fulfillment of the university formative objectives: diversification and transverselity of criteria in subjects of Spanish Language and Theory of Literature

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    In the different projects boarded in these last years by our group from educational innovation, attention to two lines of work has been lent that, applied to subjects integrated in the scopes of the study of the Spanish language and of the theory of Literature, were in our opinion essential to approach the new educative space in which we were immersed. In one first stage, it was fundamental the elaboration of educational materials and the use of heterogenous tools that allowed the student to make a pursuit of the subject in which the knowledge was acquired progressively. The space of the Virtual Campus thus becomes a valid platform for the development and design of different types from activities and exercises by means of which complementary tasks to actual teaching are approached. However, this development raises in one second phase –in which we were now– and almost simultaneously, the necessity to analyze the evaluation methods. Once established the continuous evaluation like fundamental criterion in the development of the subject, it is precise to establish general frames that allow at the same time student’s precise pursuit and transverselity between criteria of evaluation shared by several subjects. From these budgets, our work is centered in the creation of templates or model-cards model that identifie so much the evaluation criteria as the aptitudes that the students must surpass, to the object of which can serve as guide in their application to different disciplines. Therefore, on starting from the exercises designed in the first stage of the project, evaluative models are developed that allow to value the degree of assimilation and execution of the different objectives and contents.Example: Work in group and later exposition and discussions by the students: - Consisting of the putting in common of the results derived from the work in group or other individual derivatives of the theoretical and literary text commentary. - Cooperative learning: works in equipment, inside and outside the classroom. Objectives: to favor the doubt and exchange of information on the subjects debate object, besides to foment initiatives and the critical attitude of the students. - Justification: this type of exercises favors the formation of the student in two-way traffic. First, in as much it must construct his own speech, organize it, structure it and argue it for his putting in common before his companions. It facilitates the personal learning and the development of skills related to the construction, elaboration and written expression of different types from speech. The second, the exposition helps to develop skills and comunicative strategies, contributing to improve the oral expression. Finally, the coordination of the work of group causes a greater implication of the students in the process of elaboration and the final results, as much of the work written as of the oral presentation, without forgetting that the use of other resources (presentations, videos... etc.) by the students facilitates his familiarisation with educational and expositive techniques nearer the present contextInted2009 Proceedings C

    Prediction of the lifetime of droplets emitted from mechanical cooling towers by numerical investigation

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    A numerical modelling capable to simulate the drift and the evaporation of water droplets emitted by a mechanical cooling tower in an urban area is presented. The model is based on a real mechanical draft cooling tower situated in the surroundings of the Miguel Hernández University (Elche, Spain). An experimental study of the deposition of droplets from the cooling tower is done in order to validate the numerical modelling. This study is performed by means of the water sensitive papers technique. A biharmonic interpolation is used for obtaining the total deposition on the floor. A total of 14 cases, everyone with different atmospheric conditions, have been simulated and experimentally validated. An analytical model for the droplets lifetime prediction is validated with the results obtained from the numerical modelling. The present study shows the influence of the atmospheric and droplets conditions in the droplets lifetime, providing useful information to analyse the spread of contaminants or bacteria inside the droplets released from the cooling tower.This research is sponsored by the Spanish Government, through the Projects No. ENE2013-48696-C2-2-R and ENE2013-48696-C2-1-R, including FEDER (European Union

    Micromammal biostratigraphy of the Alcoi Basin (eastern Spain) : remarks on the Pliocene record of the Iberian Peninsula

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    The study of 13 micromammal localities in the southern section of the Gormaget ravine (Alcoi Basin, SE Spain) and another 4 localities in the northern section has allowed us to define four local biozones in the dawn of the Pliocene, possibly recording the Mio-Pliocene boundary. The great density of localities close to the Mio-Pliocene boundary has enabled us to achieve a great resolution in the biozonation of the earliest Pliocene, only comparable in the Iberian Peninsula to the record of the Teruel Basin (NE Spain). We interpret these biozones in the light of the Neogene Mammal units and the European Land Mammal Ages, and correlate them with other local biozones defined for the same time span in the Iberian Peninsula