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    [EN] During the months of May and June of 2011, electricity for pumping sector D (644 irrigated ha) of the Pisuerga Channel Irrigation Area (hereinafter ZR), in Palencia and Burgos, Spain, was supplied with generators (hereinafter GE) due to theft of the pumping station transformers. During the operation with GE, readings of energy consumed by pumps, energy consumed by the auxiliary circuits, pumped water, hours of operation and refueling volumes for each GE, and surfaces, volumes supplied and crops for hydrants operated, were taken during the period. With these data, total consumption, specific consumption and GE performance were determined; consumption per pumped cubic meter and per watered hectare; fixed and variable costs of operation with GE; and fixed and variable costs of operation with utility power. The main problem during the operation was limited autonomy of GE. The final cost of irrigation water for the analyzed period was 0.165 € m-3, compared with 0.026 € m-3 with utility power for that campaign.[ES] Durante los meses de mayo y junio de 2011, la energía eléctrica para el bombeo del sector D (644 ha regadas) de la Zona Regable del Canal del Pisuerga (en adelante, ZR), en Palencia y Burgos, fue suministrada con grupos electrógenos (en adelante GE) debido al robo de los transformadores de la estación. Durante el período de operación con GE se tomaron lecturas de energía consumida por las bombas, energía consumida por los circuitos auxiliares, agua bombeada, horas de funcionamiento y volúmenes de repostaje de cada uno de los GE, y superficies, volúmenes suministrados y cultivos para los hidrantes operados durante el período. Con estos datos, se determinaron los consumos totales, consumos específicos y rendimientos de los grupos; consumos por m3 bombeado y por ha regada; costes fijos y variables de operación con GE; y costes fijos y variables de operación con energía de la red. El principal problema durante la operación fue la limitada autonomía de los equipos. El coste final del agua de riego, para el período analizado, fue de 0,165 € m-3, frente a los 0,026 € m-3 con suministro de la red eléctrica para esa campaña.Ruiz Padín, A.; Medina Martínez, J. (2015). OPERACIÓN DE UNA ESTACIÓN DE BOMBEO CON GRUPOS ELECTRÓGENOS. En XXXIII CONGRESO NACIONAL DE RIEGOS. Valencia 16-18 junio de 2015. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/CNRiegos.2015.1466OC

    Net sea-air CO2 flux uncertainties in the Bay of Biscay based on the choice of wind speed products and gas transfer parameterizations

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    25 páginas, 4 figuras, 1 tablaThe estimation of sea-air CO2 fluxes are largely dependent on wind speed through the gas transfer velocity parameterization. In this paper, we quantify uncertainties in the estimation of the CO2 uptake in the Bay of Biscay resulting from using different sources of wind speed such as three different global reanalysis meteorological models (NCEP/NCAR 1, NCEP/DOE 2 and ERA-Interim), one regional high-resolution forecast model (HIRLAM-AEMet) and QuikSCAT winds, in combination with some of the most widely used gas transfer velocity parameterizations. Results show that net CO2 flux estimations during an entire seasonal cycle may differ up to 240% depending on the wind speed product and the gas exchange parameterization. The comparison of satellite and model derived winds with observations at buoys advises against the systematic overestimation of NCEP-2 and the underestimation of NCEP-1. In this region, QuikSCAT has the best performing, although ERA-Interim becomes the best choice in areas near the coastline or when the time resolution is the constraint.This work was developed and funded by the ECO project (MCyT REN2002-00503/MAR) and EU FP7 project CARBOCHANGE “Changes 5 in carbon uptake and emissions by oceans in a changing climate” under agreement no. 264879Peer reviewe