5,955 research outputs found

    Pyroclastic density currents (PDC) of the 16-17 August 2006 eruptions of Tungurahua volcano, Ecuador: Geophysical registry and characteristics

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    Tungurahua, located in the Eastern Cordillera of the Ecuadorian Andes, is a 5023 m-high active volcano, notable for its extreme relief (3200 m), steep sides, and frequent eruptive cycles. From 1999 until 2006 Tungurahua experienced short periods of low to moderate strombolian activity, characterized by fire fountaining, explosions, frequent ash falls and debris flows, and no PDC events. Without warning, Tungurahua initiated PDC activity on 15–16 July 2006, which became more intense on the night of 16–17 August 2006, which is the focus of this study. Continuous monitoring of Tungurahua has employed seismic (both short period and broadband (BB) instruments), SO2 gas emission (COSPEC and DOAS), and geodetic methods (EDM, tilt meters, and GPS), in addition to thermal imagery (airborne and ground-based). Acoustic flow monitors (AFM) installed to monitor lahar activity were important for detecting PDC events. Acoustic signals were monitored at Riobamba, 40 km to the SW, as well as by infrasound sensors at Tungurahua's BB seismic stations. Based on geophysical parameters, visual observations, and PDC deposit characteristics, four phases of distinct eruptive activity are recognized during the 16–17 August episode. Phase I (08H37 to 21H13 of 16 Aug.) (local time) experienced low to moderate strombolian activity with occasional high energy impulsive bursts and small PDC. Phase II (21H13-16 Aug. to 00H12-17 Aug.) was characterized by a number of discrete events with high amplitude seismo-acoustic signals, followed by the generation of larger PDC that overran monitoring stations and had velocities of 30–33 m/s. After midnight, Phase III (00H12 to 01H14) saw an intense period of unrelenting eruptive activity corresponding to the episode's greatest energy release. It was characterized by subplinian activity accompanied by a series of high energy outbursts and constant low frequency jetting that together formed a continuous plume. It was during this phase that the largest PDC were produced, reaching the surrounding river valleys. Phase IV (after 01H14) followed the cessation of the paroxysmal eruption, but witnessed many granular PDC generated by degassed lava spill outs from the crater that developed lobe and channel morphology on the cone's lower flanks. Hours later a blocky lava flow issued from the crater. During these episodes, more than 30 PDC events were detected, the majority being small flows that remained high on the cone. The two largest PDC occurred after midnight, probably generated by fountain collapse. Their descent down the cone's upper steep flanks (~ 28°) and 2.4 km in length favored air entrainment, resulting in PDC with greater fluidity. These flows had volumes of 9 to 17 × 106 m3 and produced widespread, but relatively thin (1–2 m thick) normally-graded deposits at their distal ends. The character and evolution of the PDC activity apparently reflect decreasing volatile contents of the magma and a diminishing magma supply

    Combining Magma Flow and Deformation Modeling to Explain Observed Changes in Tilt

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    The understanding of magma ascent dynamics is essential in forecasting the scale, style and timing of volcanic eruptions. The monitoring of near-field deformation is widely used to gain insight into these dynamics, and has been linked to stress changes in the upper conduit. The ascent of magma through the conduit exerts shear stress on the conduit wall, pulling up the surrounding edifice, whilst overpressure in the upper conduit pushes the surrounding edifice outwards. How much shear stress and pressure is produced during magma ascent, and the relative contribution of each to the deformation, has until now only been explored conceptually. By combining flow and deformation modeling using COMSOL Multiphysics, we for the first time present a quantitative model that links magma ascent to deformation. We quantify how both shear stress and pressure vary spatially within a cylindrical conduit, and show that shear stress generally dominates observed changes in tilt close to the conduit. However, the relative contribution of pressure is not insignificant, and both pressure and shear stress must be considered when interpreting deformation data. We demonstrate that significant changes in tilt can be driven by changes in the driving pressure gradient or volatile content of the magma. The relative contribution of shear stress and pressure to the tilt varies considerably depending on these parameters. Our work provides insight into the range of elastic moduli that should be considered when modeling edifice-scale rock masses, and we show that even where the edifice is modeled as weak, shear stress generally dominates the near field deformation over pressurization of the conduit. While our model addresses cyclic tilt changes observed during activity at Tungurahua volcano, Ecuador, between 2013 and 2014, it is also applicable to silicic volcanoes in general

    Spectra of supernovae in the nebular phase

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    When supernovae enter the nebular phase after a few months, they reveal spectral fingerprints of their deep interiors, glowing by radioactivity produced in the explosion. We are given a unique opportunity to see what an exploded star looks like inside. The line profiles and luminosities encode information about physical conditions, explosive and hydrostatic nucleosynthesis, and ejecta morphology, which link to the progenitor properties and the explosion mechanism. Here, the fundamental properties of spectral formation of supernovae in the nebular phase are reviewed. The formalism between ejecta morphology and line profile shapes is derived, including effects of scattering and absorption. Line luminosity expressions are derived in various physical limits, with examples of applications from the literature. The physical processes at work in the supernova ejecta, including gamma-ray deposition, non-thermal electron degradation, ionization and excitation, and radiative transfer are described and linked to the computation and application of advanced spectral models. Some of the results derived so far from nebular-phase supernova analysis are discussed.Comment: Book chapter for 'Handbook of Supernovae,' edited by Alsabti and Murdin, Springer. 51 pages, 14 figure

    Heavy metal anomalies in lagoon sediments related to intensive agriculture in Altata-Ensenada del PabellĂłn coastal system

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    Abstract Heavy metal concentrations were examined in surface sediments from 79 sites within the Altata-Ensenada del Pabello Ân lagoon system. Data were normalized to separate natural from anthropogenic factors using aluminum and lithium as conservative elements and following two different discriminating criteria. For the normalization process, the natural metal concentrations were assumed to vary consistently with aluminum and lithium, unless the metal contents were of human origin. Strong linear correlations ( P < .001) were observed between the conservative elements and the metals measured. According to Szefer's normalizing criteria, about 90% of the polluted sites, for at least one metal, occurred near agricultural discharge drains. In accordance with the Mu Èller [Umschau 79 (1979) 778.] scale, this lagoon system is subject to pollutant effects only with regard to Pb (moderately to strongly polluted). It was concluded that either Al and Li could be useful to normalize granulometric variability in heavy metal studies of these lagoon sediments, and that Summers' normalization criterion proved more rigorous than Szefer's for these types of sediments.

    Tycho Brahe's 1572 supernova as a standard type Ia explosion revealed from its light echo spectrum

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    Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) are thermonuclear explosions of white dwarf stars in close binary systems. They play an important role as cosmological distance indicators and have led to the discovery of the accelerated expansion of the Universe. Among the most important unsolved questions are how the explosion actually proceeds and whether accretion occurs from a companion or via the merging of two white dwarfs. Tycho Brahe's supernova of 1572 (SN 1572) is thought to be one of the best candidates for a SN Ia in the Milky Way. The proximity of the SN 1572 remnant has allowed detailed studies, such as the possible identification of the binary companion, and provides a unique opportunity to test theories of the explosion mechanism and the nature of the progenitor. The determination of the yet unknown exact spectroscopic type of SN 1572 is crucial to relate these results to the diverse population of SNe Ia. Here we report an optical spectrum of Tycho Brahe's supernova near maximum brightness, obtained from a scattered-light echo more than four centuries after the direct light of the explosion swept past Earth. We find that SN 1572 belongs to the majority class of normal SNe Ia. The presence of a strong Ca II IR feature at velocities exceeding 20,000 km/s, which is similar to the previously observed polarized features in other SNe Ia, suggests asphericity in SN 1572.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures - accepted for publication in Natur

    Beta-glucan reflects liver injury after preservation and transplantation in dogs.

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    Graft failure and extrahepatic organ complications, which frequently develop after transplantation, may be related to inflammatory mediators stimulated by endotoxin (ET). The role of endotoxemia after liver transplantation is controversial and may depend upon differences in the ET assay method used in the various contradicting studies. While the standard Limulus amebocyte lysate (LAL) is reactive for ET and beta-glucan, a novel turbidimetric assay method enables separate determinations of ET and beta-glucan. Beagle dogs undergoing orthotopic liver transplantation were divided into two groups. In Group I (n = 6) the grafts were transplanted immediately and in Group II (n = 6) grafts were preserved for 48 h in University of Wisconsin (UW) solution. Animals received cyclosporine immunosuppression and were followed for 14 days. Daily measurements of aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) were performed. Samples for ET and beta-glucan measurement were collected serially and processed using the turbidimetric assay method. While no graft failure was seen in Group I, three of six Group II animals died from graft failure within 1 day after transplantation. Preservation and reperfusion injury was much more severe in the Group II grafts than in Group I grafts. While endotoxemia could not be detected, postoperative beta-glucan levels (undetectable pretransplant) were seen in both groups. Beta-glucan levels were much higher in Group II grafts than in Group I grafts, and correlated with the severity of liver damage. In conclusion, this study shows that beta-glucan, instead of ET, appears during the early posttransplant period. We believe that posttransplant elevation of beta-glucan is related to liver damage, especially endothelial damage by preservation and reperfusion

    Structural Performance of Reinforced Concrete Flat Plate Buildings Subjected to Fire

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    El siguiente artĂ­culo se propone estudiar la poesĂ­a de Luis HernĂĄndez a partir de los problemas que surgen al intentar estudiar su obra reunida. Antes que ser valorada como una poesĂ­a “inacabada”, la deliberada asistematicidad de su poĂ©tica debe ser entendida como el resultado de un calculado y consciente ejercicio artĂ­stico, cuyas fuentes filosĂłficas tradicionalmente han pugnado por una ontologĂ­a del movimiento frente a una metafĂ­sica de la permanencia. Bajo esta perspectiva, la obra de HernĂĄndez se revela como un “plano de inmanencia”, desde el cual acontece el sentido de su poesĂ­a en el quehacer de la escritura.The article aims to study Luis HernĂĄndez’ poetry from the point of view of the problems that emerge when trying to analyze his Complete Works. Rather than being assessed as “unfinished”, the deliberate and unsystematic appearance of his poetic, should rather be understood as the result of a calculated and conscious artistic practice that stems from philosophical trends which traditionally have fostered an ontology of movement against a metaphysics of permanence. Under this view, HernĂĄndez work shows up as “plane of immanence” from where sense becomes an event for the creative writing process.El segĂŒent article es proposa estudiar la poesia de Luis HernĂĄndez a partir dels problemes que sorgeixen al tractar d’estudiar la seva obra reunida. Abans de ser valorada com una poesia “incabada”, la deliberada asistematicitat de la seva poĂštica deu ser entesa com el resultat d’un calculat i conscient exercici artĂ­stic, fonts filosĂČfiques de les quals han pugnat tradicionalment per una ontologia del moviment davant una metafĂ­sica de la permanĂšncia. Sota aquesta perspectiva, l’obra d’HernĂ ndez es revela com un “pla d’inmanĂšncia”, des del qual esdevĂ© el sentit de la seva poesia en el afer de l’escriptura

    Effects of food-borne nanomaterials on gastrointestinal tissues and microbiota

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    Ingestion of engineered nanomaterials is inevitable due to their addition to food and prevalence in food packaging and domestic products such as toothpaste and sun cream. In the absence of robust dosimetry and particokinetic data, it is currently challenging to accurately assess the potential toxicity of food-borne nanomaterials. Herein, we review current understanding of gastrointestinal uptake mechanisms, consider some data on the potential for toxicity of the most commonly encountered classes of food-borne nanomaterials (including TiO2 , SiO2 , ZnO, and Ag nanoparticles), and discuss the potential impact of the luminal environment on nanoparticle properties and toxicity. Much of our current understanding of gastrointestinal nanotoxicology is derived from increasingly sophisticated epithelial models that augment in vivo studies. In addition to considering the direct effects of food-borne nanomaterials on gastrointestinal tissues, including the potential role of chronic nanoparticle exposure in development of inflammatory diseases, we also discuss the potential for food-borne nanomaterials to disturb the normal balance of microbiota within the gastrointestinal tract. The latter possibility warrants close attention given the increasing awareness of the critical role of microbiota in human health and the known impact of some food-borne nanomaterials on bacterial viability. For further resources related to this article, please visit the WIREs website.</p
