139 research outputs found

    Cybersecurity Index for undergraduate computer science courses in the UK

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    The paper proposes a novel index to classify how well UK Computer Science courses articulate cybersecurity-related content through their course/module pages. The aim of this work is to raise awareness among British Universities to pay more attention to include and standardize cybersecurity content in computer science courses. Our results show that 80% of analyzed courses scored 1 or 2-stars on a 5-Stars scale. The results also suggest the need for a formal delivery of cybersecurity content from the first year of the courses and possibly in a collaborative manner with the British Computer Society (BCS). To emphasize cybersecurity education in mitigating security lapses, the analogy is: it is better if most people know how to use a match than to train many fire-fighters

    Novel approaches to applied cybersecurity in privacy, encryption, security systems, web credentials, and education

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    Applied Cybersecurity is a domain that interconnects people, processes, technologies, usage environment and vulnerabilities in a complex manner. As a cybersecurity expert at CTI Renato Archer- a research institute from Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovations, author developed novel approaches to help solve practical and practice-based problems in applied cybersecurity over the last ten years. The needs of the government, industry, customers, and real-life problems in five categories: Privacy, Encryption, Web Credentials, Security Systems and Education, were the research stimuli. Based on prior outputs, this thesis presents a cohesive narrative of the novel approaches in the mentioned categories consolidating fifteen research publications. The customers and society, in general, expect that companies, universities, and the government will protect them from any cyber threats. Fifteen research papers that compose this thesis elucidate a broader context of cyber threats, errors in security software and gaps in cybersecurity education. This thesis's research points out that a large number of organisations are vulnerable to cyber threats and procedures and practices around cybersecurity are questionable. Therefore, society expects a periodic reassessment of cybersecurity systems, practices and policies. Privacy has been extensively debated in many countries due to personal implications and civil liberties with citizenship at stake. Since 2018, GDPR has been in force in the EU and has been a milestone for people and institutions' privacy. The novel work in privacy, supported by four research papers, discusses the private mode navigation in several browsers and shows how privacy is a fragile feeling. The secrets of different companies, countries and armed forces are entrusted to encryption technologies. Three research papers support the encryption element discussed in this thesis. It explores vulnerabilities in the most used encryption software. It provides data exposure scenarios showing how companies, government and universities are vulnerable and proposes best practices. Credentials are data that give someone the right to access a location or a system. They usually involve a login, a username, email, access code and a password. It is customary to have a rigorous demand for security credentials a sensitive system of information. The work on web credentials in this thesis, supported by one research paper, examines a novel experiment that permits the intruder to extract user credentials in home banking and e-commerce websites, revealing common cyber flaws and vulnerabilities. Antimalware systems are complex software engineering systems purposely designed to be safe and reliable despite numerous operational idiosyncrasies. Antimalware systems have been deployed for protecting information systems for decades. The novel work on security systems presented in the thesis, supported by five research papers, explores antimalware attacks and software engineering structure problems. Cybersecurity's primary awareness is expected through school and University education, but the academic discourse is often dissociated from practice. The discussion-based on two research papers presents a new insight into cybersecurity education and proposes an IRCS Index of Relevance in Cybersecurity (IRCS) to classify the computer science courses offered in UK Universities relevance of cybersecurity in their curricula. In a nutshell, the thesis presents a coherent and novel narrative to applied cybersecurity in five categories spanning software, systems, and education

    Against the grain: Rodin's experiments with paper

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    The ties that bind past and present: Tony Robert-Fleury, Philippe Pinel and the Salpêtrière

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    Pinel Freeing the Insane from Their Chains (1876, Hôpital de la Salpêtrière, Paris) by Tony Robert-Fleury is one of the most famous depictions of the treatment of those suffering with a mental illness. The background of this life-size painting and the reasons for its commission are less well-known. Through the lenses of art history and forensic psychiatry, this article examines the creation of Robert-Fleury's painting in relation to the medical and political context of late nineteenth-century France, including its indebtedness to Jean-Martin Charcot's studies of hysteria. The article also highlights the enduring significance of the artwork and its continued relevance to the modern practices of forensic psychiatry

    Method and tool for generating table of relevance in literature review (MTTR)

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    Every day, researchers in computing and IT are challenged with several articles that they need to rate, classify and separate quickly and effectively to contextualize and further advance their research effectively. It is considered that literature review is the most important step of discovery. Notably, a literature review is a part that allows the researcher to adjust the perspectives and limitations of an area of study. However, there is a lack of effective methods and tools for this activity. Often, traditional knowledge management techniques result in the “Gordian Knot” slowing down the process of literature review considerably. In this article, we present a Method and Tool for Generating Table of Relevance in Literature Review (MTTR). The MTTR is an innovative organizing method supported by software tools that make the literature review activity more efficient, faster and cheaper. An interesting feature of MTTR is data visualization using the Heat Map technique, Word Cloud and statistical techniques in designating and comparing each scientific article with the other relevant articles. The productivity gains in MTTR occur due to the automation in structuring and sorting scientific articles. In addition to efficiency, the lowest cost has the potential to place the MTTR as a preferred tool for the researcher. The anecdotal evidence reported in this article suggests that it is possible to carry out a literature review in a much shorter time with MTTR than in the traditional manner

    The T-381C SNP in BNP gene may be modestly associated with type 2 diabetes: an updated meta-analysis in 49 279 subjects

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    A recent study reported an association between the brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) promoter T-381C polymorphism (rs198389) and protection against type 2 diabetes (T2D). As replication in several studies is mandatory to confirm genetic results, we analyzed the T-381C polymorphism in seven independent case-control cohorts and in 291 T2D-enriched pedigrees totalling 39 557 subjects of European origin. A meta-analysis of the seven case-control studies (n = 39 040) showed a nominal protective effect [odds ratio (OR) = 0.86 (0.79-0.94), P = 0.0006] of the CC genotype on T2D risk, consistent with the previous study. By combining all available data (n = 49 279), we further confirmed a modest contribution of the BNP T-381C polymorphism for protection against T2D [OR = 0.86 (0.80-0.92), P = 1.4 × 10−5]. Potential confounders such as gender, age, obesity status or family history were tested in 4335 T2D and 4179 normoglycemic subjects and they had no influence on T2D risk. This study provides further evidence of a modest contribution of the BNP T-381C polymorphism in protection against T2D and illustrates the difficulty of unambiguously proving modest-sized associations even with large sample size

    Sequential Isotopic Signature Along Gladius Highlights Contrasted Individual Foraging Strategies of Jumbo Squid (Dosidicus gigas)

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    International audienceBackground: Cephalopods play a major role in marine ecosystems, but knowledge of their feeding ecology is limited. In particular, intra- and inter-individual variations in their use of resources has not been adequatly explored, although there is growing evidence that individual organisms can vary considerably in the way they use their habitats and resources. Methodology/Principal Findings: Using d13C and d15N values of serially sampled gladius (an archival tissue), we examined high resolution variations in the trophic niche of five large (.60 cm mantle length) jumbo squids (Dosidicus gigas) that were collected off the coast of Peru. We report the first evidence of large inter-individual differences in jumbo squid foraging strategies with no systematic increase of trophic level with size. Overall, gladius d13C values indicated one or several migrations through the squid's lifetime (,8-9 months), during which d15N values also fluctuated (range: 1 to 5%). One individual showed an unexpected terminal 4.6% d15N decrease (more than one trophic level), thus indicating a shift from higher- to lower-trophic level prey at that time. The data illustrate the high diversity of prey types and foraging histories of this species at the individual level. Conclusions/Significance: The isotopic signature of gladii proved to be a powerful tool to depict high resolution and ontogenic variations in individual foraging strategies of squids, thus complementing traditional information offered by stomach content analysis and stable isotopes on metabolically active tissues. The observed differences in life history strategies highlight the high degree of plasticity of the jumbo squid and its high potential to adapt to environmental changes


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    A Fibromialgia(FM) é uma patologia crônica, multifatorial e não progressiva diretamente relacionada à percepção da dor descrita pelo paciente ao longo do atendimento clínico, já que a realização e análise de exames físicos, laboratoriais e de imagem, na maioria das vezes, não apresentam alterações ou indicativos de patologias, como inflamações e lesões ou degenerações teciduais, dificultando a conclusão e compreensão do seu diagnóstico. O termo fibromialgia foi cunhado pela primeira vez por uma revisão de Hench em 1976, mas seu reconhecimento como síndrome ocorreu após publicação do trabalho de Yunus et al. em 1981. (HENCH, 1976; YUNUS et al., 1981).  O Colégio Americano de Reumatologia (ACR), no ano de 1990, elaborou critérios de classificação e justificativas para o manejo da FM que foram aceitos pelo meio científico. Tal fato contribuiu muito para a um padronização do diagnóstico fibromiálgico e impulsionou de forma imensamente engajadora os estudos sobre essa doença. (WOLFE et al., 1990) A caracterização da FM é descrita normalmente por dores exacerbadas e difusas em variadas regiões do corpo, ou seja, uma hipersensibilidade dolorosa, até mesmo ao leve toque, classificada, também, como queixas álgicas, que se manifestam em momentos após traumas ou estresses, como brigas familiares, práticas de atitudes não desejadas pelo paciente, sensações e emoções consideradas prejudiciais à saúde mental e ao bem-estar deste, sendo, muitas vezes, sua expressividade emocional relacionada à recaptação dos neurotransmissores serotonina e a noradrenalina pelo sistema nervoso. (RIBEIRO E PATO, 2004) Nesse contexto, também observa-se que existe correlação entre outros sinais e sintomas que interferem intensificando o quadro das dores transmitidas pelos neurotransmissores no paciente, como a depressão, a ansiedade, cefaleia, náuseas, distúrbios intestinais, fadigas musculares, insônia e as manias. (HOEFLER E DIAS, 2010) Um fator bastante relevante para atuar de forma eficiente com a demanda de tratamento para essa síndrome de hipersensibilidade é a empatia e escuta ativa do paciente, já que a ausência de provas para a sua comprovação, é o principal fator que, na maioria das vezes, gera descaso e desvalorização do quadro do paciente, o fazendo retornar em inúmeros momentos a consultas médicas para a busca do diagnóstico e da compreensão do que este realmente sofre. No contexto atual, existem exames que possibilitam a análise do cérebro em tempo real, observando as interações e o comportamento desse sistema, diante de possíveis fatores de influência, tais medidas, que ainda são inovadoras no âmbito da medicina, e estão corroborando para o auxílio de pacientes com Fibromialgia, ratificando e investigando os sinais neurais que geram a dor relatada pelos pacientes.  Tal dor, em consenso científico, já tem a sua existência associada a situações e emoções que provocam piora das dores da FM e está pode desencadear entraves além dos sintomatológicos, como afastamento social, alteração do sono, cansaço, distúrbios emocionais e instabilidades urinárias e intestinais. &nbsp

    Levantamentos rápidos como ferramenta-chave para o inventário da fauna de morcegos do Brasil: novos registros na restinga costeira

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    The restingas present a considerable variation in the floristic structure and composition along their latitudinal and morphoclimatic gradients. This variation may have a direct influence on the set of conditions and resources available for their biological communities, including mammals. The present study is the first to assess the bat fauna of a coastal restinga habitat in northeastern Brazil. The study site was the RPPN Caju in the municipality of Itaporanga D’Ajuda, Sergipe. We collected data on 10 consecutive days in 2014, using mist nets set at ground level, sampling a different point on each day. We captured 191 bats (16 species, 14 genera and 5 families), including the first records of Saccopteryx leptura, Molossops temminckii and Eptesicus brasiliensis for the coastal restinga. The latter two species were recorded for Sergipe for the first time. The recorded species richness is one of the highest yet recorded for Brazilian restinga. We increased the number of records of bat species in the Brazilian restinga from 38 to 41, and the number of species known to occur in Sergipe from 48 to 50. We recommend the “wandering” placement of mist nets as an effective strategy for the rapid assessment of bat communities.Keywords: Chiroptera, Eptesicus brasiliensis, Molossops temminckii, Saccopteryx leptura, Sergipe.As restingas apresentam considerável variação na composição e estrutura florística ao longo do seu gradiente latitudinal e morfoclimático. Essa variação pode ter influência direta no conjunto de condições e recursos disponíveis para suas comunidades biológicas, incluindo os mamíferos. O presente estudo é o primeiro a avaliar a quiropterofauna da restinga do nordeste brasileiro. O local de estudo foi a RPPN Caju, no município de Itaporanga D’Ajuda, Sergipe. Foram realizados 10 dias consecutivos de amostragem, em 2014, usando redes de neblina no nível do solo. Em cada dia, foram amostrados pontos diferentes. Foram capturados 191 morcegos (16 espécies, 14 gêneros e 5 famílias), com destaque para os primeiros registros de Saccopteryx leptura, Molossops temminckii e Eptesicus brasiliensis para a restinga. As duas últimas espécies são registradas pela primeira vez para Sergipe. A riqueza registrada na RPPN representa uma das mais altas registradas na literatura para a restinga. Ampliamos o número de registros de espécies de morcegos para a restinga de 38 para 41, e o número de espécies conhecidas para Sergipe de 48 para 50. Recomenda-se a instalação errante de redes de neblina para avaliações rápidas das comunidades de morcegos.Palavras-chave: Chiroptera, Eptesicus brasiliensis, Molossops temminckii, Saccopteryx leptura, Sergipe