298 research outputs found

    One-dimensional self-similar solution of the dynamics of axisymmetric slender liquid bridges

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    In this paper the dynamics of axisymmetric, slender, viscous liquid bridges having volume close to the cylindrical one, and subjected to a small gravitational field parallel to the axis of the liquid bridge, is considered within the context of one-dimensional theories. Although the dynamics of liquid bridges has been treated through a numerical analysis in the inviscid case, numerical methods become inappropriate to study configurations close to the static stability limit because the evolution time, and thence the computing time, increases excessively. To avoid this difficulty, the problem of the evolution of these liquid bridges has been attacked through a nonlinear analysis based on the singular perturbation method and, whenever possible, the results obtained are compared with the numerical ones

    Influence of the intensity of the forest fire and the effects on the properties of the soil, the case of Sierra Mijas (Málaga).

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    Fire is the main destroyer of forest areas in Mediterranean ecosystems, in this work we are going to focus on the specific case of Sierra Mijas. The most remarkable thing about it is the climate, since there is a great irregularity in rainfall, with mild temperatures, exchanging dry seasons with warm ones. This makes it one of the municipalities, together with the rest of the corners of the Mediterranean, susceptible to forest fires, due to the dry vegetation in summer, together with its pyrophilic nature, and the appearance of torrential rains from the dry season, eroding large amounts of soil, soils that are more fragile if they have been subjected to combustion, as well as nutrient washing. The short-term effects on the properties of the soil after the forest fire of July 2022 in Sierra Mijas, it has been possible to reach different conclusions, such as that these results have been differentiated by different factors such as lithology, topography, vegetation, land use, intensity and severity of the fire. For this reason, an analysis and knowledge of the affected area is needed, since it is essential to understand the effectiveness of post-fire management treatments and identify the most positive practices in each area. Fire radically transforms the visual aspect of the landscape and the different aspects that make up the eco-geomorphological system. The elimination of the vegetal cover leads it to a rexistatic state, which is also exacerbated by the post-fire management of the burned area, without taking into account, not only aspects related to the hydro-geomorphological dynamics and its direct consequences, but with the visual quality of the landscape and its recovery in the post-fire situation, which could also be a determining factor in the local economic scale. Regarding the most outstanding parameters are the stability of aggregates that has decreased in the samples analyzed, causing a considerable fragility of the soil against erosion.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Algunas afecciones del cambio climático en áreas turísticas insulares. Cuba como caso de estudio

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    Tourist areas may be especially sensitive to consequences raised in different climate change scenarios analyzed by the IPCC. This article outlines some of these problems and challenges in an area whose main economic activity is derived from tourism, linked to climatic and environmental conditions, the Caribbean. To check if the changes in the pluviometric variable are determined by Climate Change and how these processes are affecting tourism in a Caribbean destination in particular, the island of Cuba.Las áreas turísticas pueden ser especialmente sensibles a las consecuencias planteadas en los distintos escenarios de cambio climático analizados por el IPCC. Este artículo esboza algunos de estos problemas y desafíos en un área cuya principal actividad económica se deriva del turismo, el Caribe, vinculado a condiciones climáticas y ambientales. Se va a comprobar si los cambios en la variable pluviométrica vienen determinados por el cambio climático y de qué forma dichos procesos están afectando a la actividad turística en un destino caribeño en concreto, la isla de Cuba

    Nature-based solutions to address water threats in the Mediterranean region. A characterisation of the GIAHS area of Axarquia (Málaga, Spain)

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    The research has focused on a traditionally agricultural territory that is highly fragile to these processes, namely GIAHS dedicated to the raisin production in the Axarquia. The objective has been to (i) assess the impact of the most important water risks and (ii )identify the main NbS implemented as adaptive mechanisms that have been implemented to ensure food security and the sustainability of these areas. To achieve these objectives, the rainfall dynamics have been statistically analysed with the data downloaded from nine meteorological stations located in the region. In addition, a total of 60 soil samples have been collected and analysed for the estimation of soil water erosion rates, based on the RUSLE model, and for the evaluation of its hydrological dynamics in recent decades. Finally, the NbS identified in the study area have been qualitatively assessed and analysed from an ecosystemic and agricultural approach. The results show an increased water stress in this area according to the projections published by the latest IPCC report for this region. A slight tendency to concentration and increased rainfall erosivity is detected, as well as a lower water availability in soil for crop phenology. Soil erosion rates show very high values. However, agricultural practices and the different structures identified have been determinant in the control of these natural risks, being considered as sustainable adaptation strategies and conforming as NbS.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Experiencias y propuestas para nuevos modelos de producción, difusión y comercialización de la Edición Contemporánea de Arte / Experiences and proposals for new models of production, diffusion and commercialization of the Contemporary Art Edition.

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    Este artículo está diseñado para transferir la información necesaria que permita la transformación de la redlibrodeartista.info en una herramienta eficiente que pueda ser gestionada de manera colaborativa. Es un documento abierto, sujeto a las aportaciones de terceros, tanto en la evaluación de las actividades realizadas, como en el diseño y planificación de los flujos de trabajo futuros.Parte del supuesto que considera a la edición de arte contemporánea como como una industria cultural, propone analizarla como a cualquier sector productivo en el que intervienen múltiples especialistas con una alta cualificación y que puede, si implementa unas estrategias adecuadas de formación, producción, difusión y comercialización, revitalizar un mercado, a través de los recursos que nos ofrecen las tecnologías digitales.Experiences and proposals for new models of production, diffusion and commercialization of the Contemporary Art Edition.This article is designed to transfer the required information that allows the transformation of redlibrodeartista.info in an efficient tool that can be managed in a collaborative way. It’s an open document, subject to third party contributions, in the evaluation of conducted activities as well as the design and planning of workflows. Part of the assumption which considers contemporary art edition a cultural industry, suggests analyzing it as any productive sector in which many specialists with high qualification take action and which may, if the right educational, production, propagation and marketing strategies are applied, revive a market, through the resources that digital technologies can offer

    Effects of the Sierra Bermeja wildfire of 2021 on soil properties and vegetation cover.

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    Sierra Bermeja is one of the most environmentally diverse Mediterranean mountains and one of the most important ultramafic outcrops in the world. Thus, the aim of this work is to analyse the short-term evolution of the area affected by the Sierra Bermeja forest fire (province of Malaga), in order to demonstrate how the regeneration and recovery of this ecosystem, which is key to the management of its territory, is progressing. The fire burned 8,401 hectares, making it one of the most devastating fires in the province in decades. It affected approximately 28% of the area of Sierra Bermeja. Spatial remote sensing techniques, field work, sampling and a search for the main eco-geomorphological characteristics (vegetation and soils) of the study area have been used. The results show that: i) moderate-high and high severity occupies about 57% of the burned area, which has caused serious environmental problems in core sectors ii) however, certain areas have experienced remarkable recoveries, especially in scrubland environments, and iii) the fire caused significant changes in certain soil properties, e.g. structural stability and organic matter.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Décimo aniversario de Nude 2011. Presentación y promoción de jóvenes diseñadores de la EPS

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    The recent edition of Nude 2011, in parallel to the Habitat Fair in Valencia, is once again the occasion for the presentation and international promotion of the young designers, on their own initiative or supported by the different educational centres that take part in this consolidated event. Proof of this is the stand of the Higher Polytechnic School of Malaga, sponsored by the College of Technical Engineers of this city, which was presented for the first time with a selection of projects by J. Abel Romero and J. del Hombre Bueno, as well as supporting the Leblume Design stand, by Damián López, also a graduate of this centre.En la reciente edición de Nude 2011, en paralelo a la Feria Hábitat de Valencia, es un año más la ocasión de la presentación y promoción internacional de los jóvenes diseñadores, por iniciativa personal o apoyados por las diferentes centros de enseñanza, que se dan cita en este consolidado evento. Muestra de ello es el propio stand de la Escuela Politécnica Superior de Málaga, patrocinado por el Colegio de Ingenieros Técnicos de esta ciudad, que se presentaba, por primera vez, con una selección de proyectos de J. Abel Romero y de J. del Hombre Bueno, además de apoyar el stand Leblume Design, de Damián López, egresado también de este centro

    El complemento de Schur

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    Land use changes and spatial susceptibility in small Mediterranean basins

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    Soil erosion is one of the most recurrent environmental problems of public interest today. The western Mediterranean is an area sensitive to the effects of Climate Change, according to the latest IPCC Sixth Assessment Report, due to the proven increase in extreme events such as heat waves, extreme rainfall and droughts. Within this, the importance of competition in the territory between tourism and agriculture will be the result of radical changes in land use that are affecting the ecomorphological system to the point of making it even more susceptible due to the emergence and increase of high risks in the Mediterranean basins. Therefore, it will be essential to determine the levels of susceptibility of the basins under study with respect to erosive processes in order to create new mitigation measures to improve soil management and reduce these risks. Through this study we intend to analyze changes in land use and territorial susceptibility in several basins in southern Spain, in Malaga. The main objective is to determine the incidence and susceptibility of these basins and to analyse how they have been affected by land use changes through an observation of land use changes and the application of the RUSLE model. This project will look at the differences between two contrasting basins. One basin with steep slopes and the emergence of more sensitive crops, such as vineyards, which will increase the fragility of Mediterranean basins after torrential events, causing the appearance of a higher risk of erosion, while the other basin will be differentiated with the appearance of clearings that decrease the steep slopes together with changes to more competitive crops, such as subtropical crops. The results demonstrate the correlation between land use and torrential events in Mediterranean basins with respect to their susceptibility in their ecogeomorphological system.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Cervantes en el Centenario de Calderón de la Barca

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    Copia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 2009-201
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