25 research outputs found

    Evidenzbasierte Psychotherapie der Panikstörung mit und ohne Agoraphobie : ein Überblick zur S1-Leitlinie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie

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    Alpers GW, Gerlach AL, Heinrichs N. Evidence-based psychotherapy of panic disorder with or without agoraphobia. Psychotherapeut. 2011;56(6):535-548.From the evidence reported in the recent guidelines [Heinrichs et al. (2009) Evidenzbasierte Leitlinie zur Psychotherapie der Panikstorung mit und ohne Agoraphobie. Hogrefe, Gottingen] the following conclusions can be drawn with respect to the treatment of panic disorder with or without agoraphobia, as well as for agoraphobia without panic disorder: Every psychotherapy should be preceded by suitable diagnostics and a case formulation. The effectiveness of every psychotherapy should be evaluated with well established measures. For the treatment of panic disorder without agoraphobia, cognitive behavioral treatment (CBT) and applied relaxation have been shown to be effective (evidence grade 1). For panic disorder with agoraphobia, CBT, combination treatment (CBT plus medication), as well as panic-focused psychodynamic psychotherapy in the outpatient setting have shown short-term effectiveness (evidence grade 1). Longer lasting effects have been documented for CBT (evidence grade 1). For agoraphobia without panic disorder, CBT with a focus on situational exposure can be recommended (evidence grade 1)

    Effective but Not Feasible—What Support Staff in All-Day Primary Schools Think of Pedagogical Interventions with Regard to Children with ADHD

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    Children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are faced with multiple challenges both in the classroom and in the homework situation. While there are many studies on pedagogical interventions by teachers in the classroom, this is hardly the case when it comes to support staff in after-school homework supervision. In this study, 196 support staff with different qualifications were asked not only about their knowledge of ADHD, their subjective level of stress, and whether they felt trained enough to work with children with ADHD, but also to assess the effectiveness and feasibility of 25 interventions in homework supervision. Overall, the respondents rated effectiveness higher than feasibility. Higher qualifications, greater knowledge, and better preparation went hand in hand with higher ratings of effectiveness. The more stressed the support staff feel themselves to be, the less feasible they rate the measures. The results underline the necessity of employing well-trained pedagogical staff to supervise children with ADHD. A number of interventions can be identified that the support staff deem to be both effective and feasible, and that promise a high level of implementation in practice. At the same time, more attention should be given to potential obstacles to using recommended measures in training and further education

    Sleep enhances exposure therapy

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    Background: Sleep benefits memory consolidation. Here, we tested the beneficial effect of sleep on memory consolidation following exposure psychotherapy of phobic anxiety. Method: A total of 40 individuals afflicted with spider phobia according to DSM-IV underwent a one-session virtual reality exposure treatment and either slept for 90 min or stayed awake afterwards. Results: Sleep following exposure therapy compared with wakefulness led to better reductions in self-reported fear (p = 0.045, d = 0.47) and catastrophic spider-related cognitions (p = 0.026, d = 0.53) during approaching a live spider, both tested after 1 week. Both reductions were associated with greater percentages of stage 2 sleep. Conclusions: Our results indicate that sleep following successful psychotherapy, such as exposure therapy, improves therapeutic effectiveness, possibly by strengthening new non-fearful memory traces established during therapy. These findings offer an important non-invasive alternative to recent attempts to facilitate therapeutic memory extinction and consolidation processes with pharmacological or behavioral interventions

    GEOMAR TV: Folge 5

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    Die fünfte Folge des Magazins GEOMAR.tv stellt das Technik- und Logistikzentrum des GEOMAR vor. Der wissenschaftliche Leiter Dr. Olaf Pfannkuche nimmt Moderatorin Annika de Buhr mit auf einen Rundgang, der technische Leiter Ralf Schwarz entwickelt mit Ingenieuren und Forschern ein neues Messgerät und Dr. Friedrich Abegg stellt die Tauchroboter ROV KIEL 6000 und ROV PHOCA vor. Weitere Beiträge berichten über Sauerstoffminimumzonen in der Ostsee und die ARENA -- ein Planetarium für die Tiefsee. Als News: Der Helmholtz-Tag der Schülerlabore, Exponate des GEOMAR im Deutschen Museum München und ABYSS auf der Suche nach einem neuen Hydrothermalfeld