57 research outputs found

    Inferences of magma interaction processes from mineral chemistry and geothermobarometry of mingled and mixed rock types in the Ahvenisto complex, SE Finland

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    1.64 Ga Ahveniston anortosiitti-mangeriitti-charnokiitti-graniitti (AMCG) -kompleksi sijaitsee Kaakkois-Suomessa. Aiemmissa tutkimuksissa alueelta on havaittu löytyvän magman vuorovaikutusrakenteita, jotka ovat syntyneet magman sekoittumisen ja sekaantumisen myötä. Nämä rakenteet muodostavat alueita, joissa sekoittuminen esiintyy monzodioriittisten tyynyjen ja graniittisten juonien synnyttäminä verkko-juoni (net-veined) komplekseina. Monzodioriittiset ja graniittiset magmat ovat sekoittuessaan muodostaneet koostumukseltaan keskiasteisia hybridikiviä. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli raportoida monzodioriittisten kivien, sarvivälkegraniitin ja hybridikivien päämineraalien (plagioklaasi, kalimaasälpä, amfiboli, pyrokseeni) pääalkuaineiden mineraalikoostumus sekä testata geotermobarometrien soveltumista magman eri vuorovaikutusrakenteisiin liittyvien kivityyppien kiteytymispaineiden ja -lämpötilojen arvioimiseen. Ahveniston kompleksin magman vuorovaikutusrakenteet voidaan tunnistaa magman sekoittumiseen ja sekkantumiseen liittyvien kivityyppien mineraalikemiassa. Mineraalikemia vahvistaa, että sarvivälkegraniitti on sekoittumissarjan primitiivisin graniittifaasi ja, että sen mineraalikoostumus kehittyy sekoittumisen myötä siirryttäessä sarjassa kohti lopullista hybridikiveä. Monzodioriittien mineraalikemia paljastaa, että Ahveniston monzodioriittisten kivien mineraalikoostumuksessa on alueellisia eroja, joiden perusteella ne voidaan tunnistaa. Sarvivälke-plagioklaasi termobarometrejä ja kahden pyrokseenin termometrejä käytettiin Ahveniston kompleksin paikalleen asettumisen olosuhteiden selvittämiseen ja tuloksia verrattiin aiempiin tutkimuksiin. Sarvivälke-plagioklaasi termobarometrit ehdottivat sekoittumisrakenteisiin liittyvien kivien kiteytymislämpötilaksi ~790–860°C. Lähdeaineiston perusteella todennäköisiksi paineolosuhteiksi valittiin 100 MPa ja 300 MPa. Tulosten perusteella voidaan kuitenkin päätellä, että paineella on ollut vain vähäinen vaikutus kiteytymislämpötiloihin. Kahden pyrokseenin termometrien perusteella voidaan monzodioriittisissä kivissä erotella samankaltainen alueellinen ero myös kiteytymislämpötilojen suhteen, kuten mineraalikoostumuksen suhteen. Kahden pyrokseenin thermometrien lämpötilatuloksissa esiintyy jonkin verran vaihtelua, joka aiheuttaa epävarmuutta tulosten tulkinnassa, Vaihtelu selittyy sillä, että termometrien kalibrointistandardit eivät kata Ahveniston kompleksin mafisten silikaattimineraalien kaltaista, erittäin korkean Fe/Mg suhteen omaavaa mineraaliparageneesiä.The 1.64 Ga Ahvenisto complex in the southeastern Finland, is an anorthosite-mangerite-charnokite-granite (AMCG) suite, which has been discovered to host conspicuous magma interaction structures formed in magma mixing and mingling. These structures form areas where the consequences of mingling are found as monzodioritic pillows and granitic veins forming net-veined complexes. Mixing of monzodioritic and hornblende granitic magmas has produced hybrid rocks with intermediate composition. The main goals of the study were to report the major element mineral chemistry of the main minerals (plagioclase, alkali-feldspar, amphibole, and pyroxene) from the hybrid rocks, hornblende granite, and monzodiorite and to test the suitability of geothermobarometric methods for the rock types related to the different magma interaction structures and to evaluate crystallization pressures and temperatures of the pertinent magmas. The magma interaction structures of the Ahvenisto complex are recognized in the mineral chemistry of the mingling and mixing related rocks. The mineral chemistry confirms that the hornblende-granite represents the most primitive granitic phase in the mixing set and the composition of the minerals change as the mixing proceeds towards the final hybrid rock. The mineral chemistry from the monzodiorites reveals that the monzodiorites from different areas of the Ahvenisto complex have distinguished features and they can be separated by their composition. Hornblende-plagioclase thermobarometers and two-pyroxene thermometers were used, and the results were compared to the previous studies related to the emplacement conditions of the Ahvenisto complex. The hornblende-plagioclase thermobarometers suggest that the crystallization of the mixing related rocks took place at ~790–860°C. For the temperature results, pressures of 100 MPa and 300 MPa were used based on earlier studies and a conclusion is drawn that the pressure has had only minor impact on the temperature. The two-pyroxene thermometers show similar regional difference for the crystallization temperatures of the monzodioritic rocks as recognized in the mineral chemistry. The results from the two-pyroxene thermometers show wider variation in the temperatures, which leaves some uncertainty on the liability of the results. The variation is mainly explained by the mineral chemistry of the mafic silicate minerals in the Ahvenisto complex rocks being very iron-rich and outside the calibration standards of the geothermobarometers

    Effects of compost, biochar and ash mixed in till soil cover of mine tailings on plant growth and bioaccumulation of elements : A growing test in a greenhouse

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    Mine closures necessitate vegetation restoration to cover tailings fields and reduce environmental risks. Sole use of forest soil as growth medium provides only low fertility and slow plant growth especially in the harsh boreal climate conditions. This preliminary study examines the feasibility of recyclable waste materials added to forest till soil for improving vegetation success on reclaimed mine tailings. One compost type, three biochar types (Bc1-3) and two ash types (Ash1-2) were studied for physical and chemical properties as well as their effects on the growth and element accumulation of timothy (Phleum pratense L.), white clover (Trifolium repens L.) and Scot spine (Pinus sylvestris L.) during one growing period in a greenhouse. Oxidized surface tailings soil and Ash2 were the finest media components while compost and Ash1 were the coarsest. Tailings soil also had the highest salt contents and electrical conductivity, while in till soil they were at the lowest levels. Timothy and white clover germinated well in moist pure tailings soil but grew poorest in it. White clover grew poorly also in pure till soil. Best biomass growth was in the mixture of till, compost and Bc2 (from sewage sludge and woodchips). Planted pine seedlings grew relatively well in all media during the first growing season but Ash1 (from wood and peat) tended to promote height growth and pure till soil root biomass. In media containing Ash1, pine tissues accumulated B, Ca, Mg, K, Na and S. Elevated As content in tailings soil accumulated in plant shoot tissues slightly; only in the old needles of pine were As levels elevated. The results suggest that till and tailings media with compost added as a nitrogen source can promote adequate plant growth during initial growing seasons. Suitable types of biochar and ash amendments can further expedite plant establishment.Peer reviewe

    Hepatic lipid metabolism in cardiometabolic diseases : protective and adverse effects of genetic variants

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    Cardiometabolic diseases such as metabolic syndrome and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) are risk factors for cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. NAFLD can be seen as the hepatic manifestation of the metabolic syndrome and obesity increases the disease risk, but also a genetic component plays a role in the development of NAFLD. The I148M variant of PNPLA3 (PNPLA3-I148M) and E167K variant of TM6SF2 (TM6SF2-E167K) have been strongly associated with NAFLD. However, these variants cause a fatty liver without systemic metabolic complications, and TM6SF2-E167K has even been shown to protect from myocardial infarction. New treatment possibilities for cardiovascular diseases have risen from studies of loss-of-function (LOF) variants of ANGPTL3. Subjects lacking ANGPTL3 have increased activity of lipoprotein lipase (LPL), low plasma levels of VLDL, LDL and HDL as well as increased insulin sensitivity. In this thesis study we aimed to elucidate the function of PNPLA3 and TM6SF2 in lipid metabolism of human hepatocytes, and to clarify the mechanism underlying the association between the variants of these genes and increased hepatic lipid accumulation. We also investigated the function of ANGPTL3 in human hepatocytes and characterized the plasma lipoprotein lipidomes of subjects homozygous for ANGPTL3 LOF variants. In these studies, we utilized different lipidomics approaches as well as complementary methods such as microscopy and transcriptomics. We found using labelled lipid precursors that overexpression of PNPLA3-I148M in hepatocytes leads to a net accumulation of unlabelled triacylglycerols (TAGs) when compared to PNPLA3 wild type (PNPLA3-WT) overexpressing or control cells, but the level of newly synthesized TAGs did not change. Closer examination of the lipid species profiles and further experiments led us to the conclusion that PNPLA3 is a remodelling protein that transfers fatty acids from TAG to phosphatidylcholine (PC) and that PNPLA3-I148M performs this function less efficiently, which may lead to increased hepatic TAG levels. The noticed lipid accumulation could also be related to a more extensive association of PNPLA3-I148M to lipid droplets compared to PNPLA3-WT, which was also observed in our study. We mimicked the effect of TM6SF2-E167K by knocking down TM6SF2 in hepatocytes. TM6SF2 depletion increased the level of TAGs and cholesterol esters (CEs) and changed the membrane lipid composition of the cells by reducing the amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) and increasing the levels of saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids in the lipids. The size of the lipoprotein-like particles secreted by the TM6SF2 deficient cells was reduced, as was β-oxidation of fatty acids. Both of these observations could explain the increased lipid accumulation caused by TM6SF2 depletion. In addition, TM6SF2 knock-down increased lipid turnover and the amount of late endosomes/lysosomes in the cells. Depletion of ANGPTL3 in hepatocytes lead to PUFA enrichment in major membrane phospholipids and CEs, and the production of PUFA-derived lipid mediators was also increased. In addition, the total level of CEs as well as their synthesis was reduced in ANGPTL3 depleted cells. An examination of the lipidome of lipoproteins derived from ANGPTL3 deficient or control subjects revealed that, in addition to reducing the total levels of all lipid classes, ANGPTL3 deficiency modifies the species composition of the core and surface lipids of lipoproteins, which likely reflects the increased activity of LPL. These findings increase the knowledge on how genetic NAFDL caused by PNPLA3-I148M or TM6SF2-E167K variant develops and how ANGPTL3 depletion affects the liver and the secreted lipoproteins. This information provides tools for creating future prevention and treatment strategies for cardiometabolic diseases.Kardiometabolisiksi luonnehditut aineenvaihduntahäiriöt, kuten metabolinen oireyhtymä ja alkoholista riippumaton rasvamaksa, lisäävät riskiä sairastua sydän- ja verisuonitauteihin ja tyypin 2 diabetekseen. Alkoholista riippumatonta rasvamaksaa voidaan pitää metabolisen oireyhtymän ilmentymänä maksassa, ja lihavuus on sen suurin yksittäinen riskitekijä, mutta myös geneettiset seikat vaikuttavat maksan rasvoittumiseen. PNPLA3-geenin I148M-variantti (PNPLA3-I148M) sekä TM6SF2-geenin E167K-variantti (TM6SF2-E167K) lisäävät rasvamaksaan sairastumisen riskiä, mutta niiden aiheuttamiin aineenvaihduntahäiriöihin ei liity insuliiniresistenssiä, ja TM6SF2-E167K jopa suojaa sydäninfarktilta. Myös henkilöillä, joilta puuttuu toiminnallinen ANGPTL3-geeni, on vähäisempi riski sairastua sydän- ja verisuonitauteihin, ja siksi ANGPTL3-proteiinin toiminnan estäminen verenkierrossa tai sen tuotannon estäminen maksassa ovat jo edenneet kliinisiin kokeisiin uusina sydän- ja verisuonitautien hoitomuotoina. Tässä väitöskirjatyössä selvitettiin PNPLA3- ja TM6SF2-proteiinien toimintaa maksasolujen rasva-aineenvaihdunnassa (lipidimetaboliassa) sekä mekanismeja, joilla PNPLA3-I148M ja TM6SF2-E167K aiheuttavat maksan rasvoittumista. Lisäksi tutkittiin ANGPTL3:n puutteen vaikutusta maksasolujen lipidimetaboliaan ja maksasta eritettyjen lipoproteiinien lipidikoostumukseen. Työssä hyödynnettiin etenkin erilaisia lipidomiikan menetelmiä. Havaitsimme, että PNPLA3 osallistuu glyserolipidien glyserolirunkoon kiinnittyneiden rasvahappojen vaihdantaan. PNPLA3-I148M sai tämän lipidien välisen rasvahappojen siirron häiriintymään, ja lisäksi PNPLA3-I148M hakeutui suuremmissa määrin maksasolujen varastorasvapisaroiden yhteyteen kuin normaali PNPLA3. Nämä tekijät voivat vaikuttaa maksasolujen rasvoittumiseen. Myös TM6SF2:n määrän vähentäminen maksasoluissa, mikä vastaa TM6SF2-E167K:n vaikutusta, muutti solujen lipidimetaboliaa ja johti solujen rasvoittumiseen. Havaituista muutoksista etenkin eritettyjen lipoproteiinin kaltaisten partikkelien koon pieneneminen sekä rasvahappojen β-oksidaation väheneminen selittäisivät maksasolujen rasvoittumista. ANGPLT3:n puute kasvatti maksasolujen monityydyttymättömien rasvahappojen suhteellista osuutta solun kalvolipideissä sekä rasvapisaroiden kolesteroliestereissä, ja lisäksi näistä rasvahapoista valmistettujen lipidimediaattorien tuotanto tehostui. ANGPTL3:n puutos vähensi maksasta eritettyjen lipoproteiinien lipidimääriä sekä vaikutti myös lipoproteiinien pintakalvon ja ytimen lipidien koostumukseen, mikä todennäköisimmin johtui lipoproteiinilipaasin aktiivisuuden suurenemisesta. Tämän väitöskirjatyön tulokset tarjoavat mekanistista perustietoa erityyppisten kardiometabolisten sairauksien ennaltaehkäisyn ja hoidon kehittämiseen

    Addition of recyclable biochar, compost and fibre clay to the growth medium layer for the cover system of mine tailings : a bioassay in a greenhouse

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    Mine closures require landscape reclamation to reduce the environmental risks of tailings fields. However, information about the feasibility of recyclable waste materials as a growth medium layer for the cover systems of mine tailings and their effects on vegetation restoration and reforestation success is scant especially in the boreal climate. This study examines the use of various recyclable by-products in improving vegetation success on reclaimed mine tailings. The physical and chemical properties of two wood biochar types, fibre clay, compost, tailings soil and forest till soil as well as their effects as growth media on the growth of several plant species during one growing period in a greenhouse were examined. Marked differences in the properties (e.g. pH, element concentrations, water retention) as well as in plant growth among the growth media were found. Fresh non-oxidized tailings soil showed high salt contents and electrical conductivity which together with fine soil texture provided the poorest or nonexistent plant growth. Fibre clay was the coarsest and driest material and also showed poor plant growth. Root and shoot growth was greatest in pure compost. All media without compost additive showed relatively poor growth which indicates the lack of nitrogen. The results suggest that forest till soil and biochar are the most suitable growth media for the cover systems of mine tailings when added with compost or another nitrogen source. Scots pine container seedlings, willow cuttings and sown red clover showed to be the most feasible plant species to be grown on boreal tailings covers.Peer reviewe

    Angiopoietin-like protein 3, an emerging cardiometabolic therapy target with systemic and cell-autonomous functions

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    Angiopoietin like protein 3 (ANGPTL3) is best known for its function as an inhibitor of lipoprotein and endothelial lipases. Due to the capacity of genetic or pharmacologic ANGPTL3 suppression to markedly reduce circulating lipoproteins, and the documented cardioprotection upon such suppression, ANGPTL3 has become an emerging therapy target for which both antibody and antisense oligonucleotide (ASO) therapeutics are being clinically tested. While the antibody is relatively selective for circulating ANGPTL3, the ASO also depletes the intra-hepatocellular protein, and there is emerging evidence for cell-autonomous functions of ANGPTL3 in the liver. These include regulation of hepatocyte glucose and fatty acid uptake, insulin sensitivity, LDL/VLDL remnant uptake, VLDL assembly/secretion, polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) and PUFA-derived lipid mediator content, and gene expression. In this review we elaborate on (i) why ANGPTL3 is considered one of the most promising new cardiometabolic therapy targets, and (ii) the present evidences for its intra-hepatocellular or cell-autonomous functions.Peer reviewe

    Depletion of TM6SF2 disturbs membrane lipid composition and dynamics in HuH7 hepatoma cells.

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    A polymorphism of TM6SF2 associates with hepatic lipid accumulation and reduction of triacylglycerol (TAG) secretion, but the function of the encoded protein has remained enigmatic. We studied the effect of stable TM6SF2 knock-down on the lipid content and composition, mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation and organelle structure of HuH7 hepatoma cells. Knock-down of TM6SF2 resulted in intracellular accumulation of TAGs, cholesterol esters, phosphatidylcholine (PC) and phosphatidylethanolamine. In all of these lipid classes, polyunsaturated lipid species were significantly reduced while saturated and monounsaturated species increased their proportions. The PCs encountered relative and absolute arachidonic acid (AA, 20:4n-6) depletion, and AA was also reduced in the total cellular fatty acid pool. Synthesis and turnover of the hepatocellular glycerolipids was enhanced. The TM6SF2 knock-down cells secreted lipoprotein-like particles with a smaller diameter than in the controls, and more lysosome/endosome structures appeared in the knock-down cells. The mitochondrial capacity for palmitate oxidation was significantly reduced. These observations provide novel clues to TM6SF2 function and raise altered mebrane lipid composition and dynamics among the mechanism(s) by which the protein deficiency disturbs hepatic TAG secretion.Peer reviewe

    Mesenchymal Stromal Cells and Their Extracellular Vesicles Enhance the Anti-Inflammatory Phenotype of Regulatory Macrophages by Downregulating the Production of Interleukin (IL)-23 and IL-22

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    Resolution-phase macrophage population orchestrates active dampening of the inflammation by secreting anti-inflammatory and proresolving products including interleukin (IL)-10 and lipid mediators (LMs). We investigated the effects of both human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) and MSC-derived extracellular vesicles (MSC-EVs) on mature human regulatory macrophages (Mregs). The cytokines and LMs were determined from cell culture media of Mregs cultivated with MSCs and MSC-EVs. In addition, the alterations in the expression of cell surface markers and the phagocytic ability of Mregs were investigated. Our novel findings indicate that both MSC coculture and MSC-EVs downregulated the production of IL-23 and IL-22 enhancing the anti-inflammatory phenotype of Mregs and amplifying proresolving properties. The levels of prostaglandin E-2 (PGE(2)) were substantially upregulated in MSC coculture media, which may endorse proresolving LM class switching. In addition, our results manifest, for the first time, that MSC-EVs mediate the Mreg phenotype change via PGE(2). These data suggest that both human MSC and MSC-EVs may potentiate tolerance-promoting proresolving phenotype of human Mregs.Peer reviewe

    Coordinated control of adiposity and growth by anti-anabolic kinase ERK7

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    Energy storage and growth are coordinated in response to nutrient status of animals. How nutrient-regulated signaling pathways control these processes in vivo remains insufficiently understood. Here, we establish an atypical MAP kinase, ERK7, as an inhibitor of adiposity and growth in Drosophila. ERK7 mutant larvae display elevated triacylglycerol (TAG) stores and accelerated growth rate, while overexpressed ERK7 is sufficient to inhibit lipid storage and growth. ERK7 expression is elevated upon fasting and ERK7 mutant larvae display impaired survival during nutrient deprivation. ERK7 acts in the fat body, the insect counterpart of liver and adipose tissue, where it controls the subcellular localization of chromatin-binding protein PWP1, a growth-promoting downstream effector of mTOR. PWP1 maintains the expression of sugarbabe, encoding a lipogenic Gli-similar family transcription factor. Both PWP1 and Sugarbabe are necessary for the increased growth and adiposity phenotypes of ERK7 loss-of-function animals. In conclusion, ERK7 is an anti-anabolic kinase that inhibits lipid storage and growth while promoting survival on fasting conditions.Peer reviewe

    Do all chlorophyll fluorescence emission wavelengths capture the spring recovery of photosynthesis in boreal evergreen foliage?

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    Chlorophyll a fluorescence (ChlF) is closely related to photosynthesis and can be measured remotely using multiple spectral features as solar-induced fluorescence (SIF). In boreal regions, SIF shows particular promise as an indicator of photosynthesis, in part because of the limited variation of seasonal light absorption in these ecosystems. Seasonal spectral changes in ChlF could yield new information on processes such as sustained nonphotochemical quenching (NPQ(S)) but also disrupt the relationship between SIF and photosynthesis. We followed ChlF and functional and biochemical properties of Pinus sylvestris needles during the photosynthetic spring recovery period to answer the following: (a) How ChlF spectra change over seasonal timescales? (b) How pigments, NPQ(S), and total photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) absorption drive changes of ChlF spectra? (c) Do all ChlF wavelengths track photosynthetic seasonality? We found seasonal ChlF variation in the red and far-red wavelengths, which was strongly correlated with NPQ(S), carotenoid content, and photosynthesis (enhanced in the red), but not with PAR absorption. Furthermore, a rapid decrease in red/far-red ChlF ratio occurred in response to a cold spell, potentially relating to the structural reorganization of the photosystems. We conclude that all current SIF retrieval features can track seasonal photosynthetic dynamics in boreal evergreens, but the full SIF spectra provides additional insight.Peer reviewe