10 research outputs found

    Detection of leaf structures in close-range hyperspectral images using morphological fusion

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    Close-range hyperspectral images are a promising source of information in plant biology, in particular, for in vivo study of physiological changes. In this study, we investigate how data fusion can improve the detection of leaf elements by combining pixel reflectance and morphological information. The detection of image regions associated to the leaf structures is the first step toward quantitative analysis on the physical effects that genetic manipulation, disease infections, and environmental conditions have in plants. We tested our fusion approach on Musa acuminata (banana) leaf images and compared its discriminant capability to similar techniques used in remote sensing. Experimental results demonstrate the efficiency of our fusion approach, with significant improvements over some conventional methods

    La eficacia del tipo penal de feminicidio como mecanismo de control social en la población de Lima Metropolitana en 2021

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    La investigación realizada tuvo como objeto identificar si el tipo penal de feminicidio fue eficaz como mecanismo de control social en la población de Lima metropolitana en 2021. Con dicha finalidad, esta tesis se diseñó, metodológicamente, bajo el enfoque cualitativo, como investigación de tipo aplicada, con un diseño de estudio de caso, a nivel descriptivo. Asimismo, se recolectaron los datos por medio de entrevistas, a través de las cuales se entrevistaron a diferentes operadores de justica y expertos en la materia para recabar sus respuestas y testimonios en torna a su experiencia con el tipo penal en la realidad. A su vez, se realizó el pertinente análisis jurisprudencial de la Corte Suprema para conocer la forma de aplicación del tipo penal estudiado; y se realizó el exhaustivo análisis documental en torno al objetivo de la investigación. Con dicha información, el resultado y conclusión de esta investigación fue que el tipo penal de feminicidio no fue eficaz como mecanismo de control social en la población de Lima metropolitana en 2021

    Experiences and Future of Using VR in the Construction Sector

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    Living in the era of digitalization shapes more or less all the aspects of one's life. The multitude of available technologies extends the range of tools, established processes, and available affordances in many spheres. Cities of the future will not only impact the living patterns of their inhabitants but also require special conditions and requirements for their planning and design. Virtual reality as an interactive tool for visualization and urban planning is no more tomorrow’s technology, as it can be seen from the appearance of cheaper and portable virtual reality devices. However, we still lack established routine and multidisciplinary best practices for designing VR educational applications. There are also not enough “visionary approaches” attempting to cross-sectoral exploitation of technologies. In this paper we will try to extrapolate and extend learning use cases of construction and mechatronics to the broader areas of construction and planning sector. We will discuss our experiences and use-cases of integrating innovative visualizations tools in the learning context of construction and planning related fields. Based on this, we will discuss potential applications and links to other disciplines and their integration into the construction and planning sector

    Satisfacción laboral de las mujeres ejecutivas

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    En la actualidad la mujer está tomando mayor participación en el ámbito laboral y las empresas vienen incrementando posiciones estratégicas a cargo de mujeres ejecutivas, ante este crecimiento es necesario conocer medir y monitorear la satisfacción laboral de las mujeres ejecutivas que ayuden a garantizar un buen desempeño y logro de resultados, así mismo, que la mujer perciba de forma positiva condiciones y acciones que toman las empresas de acuerdo a las necesidades de las mujeres. La presente investigación se enfoca en mujeres ejecutivas de Lima Metropolitana y comprende la medición de la satisfacción laboral y el análisis de su relación con las variables tales como: a) condición de maternidad y b) condición generacional para la población analizada, asimismo se realiza la medición general del nivel de satisfacción laboral y la comparación entre las variables. La investigación es no experimental, con un alcance descriptivo y enfoque cuantitativo realizado a una muestra de 150 mujeres inferido a la población total 5,874 mujeres. La investigación utiliza como instrumento de medición el cuestionario “escala de opiniones SL-SPC” (Palma, 2005), dividido en siete factores. En relación a los resultados tienen un nivel general de Satisfacción Laboral de las mujeres ejecutivas “regular”, siendo los principales factores positivos el desempeño de tareas y desarrollo personal, es decir las mujeres toman de buena forma el trabajo en equipo y la percepción de crecimiento aportando en los resultado de las empresas, por otro lado, existen grandes retos para los factores condiciones físicas y/o materiales y beneficios laborales y/o remunerativas, finalmente en relación al análisis de la información se plantean recomendaciones a las empresas de Lima Metropolitana para poder mejorar el nivel de satisfacción laboral de las mujeres ejecutivas considerando las variables de la investigaciónAt present, the woman is taking greater participation in the labor market and the companies are increasing strategic positions in charge of women executives, in response to this growth, it is necessary to know to measure and monitor the job satisfaction of executive women to help ensure a good performance and achievement of results, as well, that the women perceive a positive conditions and actions taken by the companies in accordance with the needs of women. The present research focuses on women executives of Metropolitan Lima and includes the measurement of job satisfaction and the analysis of its relationship with variables such as: a) condition of maternity and generational condition (b) for the analyzed population, also is the general measurement of the level of job satisfaction, and the comparison between the variables. The research is not experimental, descriptive and quantitative approach made to a sample of 150 women inferred from the total population 5.874 women. The research used as a measuring instrument the questionnaire "scale of views SL-SPC" (Palma, 2005), divided into seven factors. In relation to the results have a general level of job satisfaction of executive women "regular", being the main positive factors the performance of tasks and personal development, that is to say women take in good shape the teamwork and the perception of growth in order to contribute to the outcome of the companies, on the other hand, there are major challenges for the factors physical conditions and/or materials and labor benefits and/or incomegenerating, finally in relation to the analysis of the information arise recommendations to companies in metropolitan Lima in order to improve the level of job satisfaction of executive women considering the variables of the investigationTesi

    The JWST Galactic Center Survey -- A White Paper

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    The inner hundred parsecs of the Milky Way hosts the nearest supermassive black hole, largest reservoir of dense gas, greatest stellar density, hundreds of massive main and post main sequence stars, and the highest volume density of supernovae in the Galaxy. As the nearest environment in which it is possible to simultaneously observe many of the extreme processes shaping the Universe, it is one of the most well-studied regions in astrophysics. Due to its proximity, we can study the center of our Galaxy on scales down to a few hundred AU, a hundred times better than in similar Local Group galaxies and thousands of times better than in the nearest active galaxies. The Galactic Center (GC) is therefore of outstanding astrophysical interest. However, in spite of intense observational work over the past decades, there are still fundamental things unknown about the GC. JWST has the unique capability to provide us with the necessary, game-changing data. In this White Paper, we advocate for a JWST NIRCam survey that aims at solving central questions, that we have identified as a community: i) the 3D structure and kinematics of gas and stars; ii) ancient star formation and its relation with the overall history of the Milky Way, as well as recent star formation and its implications for the overall energetics of our galaxy's nucleus; and iii) the (non-)universality of star formation and the stellar initial mass function. We advocate for a large-area, multi-epoch, multi-wavelength NIRCam survey of the inner 100\,pc of the Galaxy in the form of a Treasury GO JWST Large Program that is open to the community. We describe how this survey will derive the physical and kinematic properties of ~10,000,000 stars, how this will solve the key unknowns and provide a valuable resource for the community with long-lasting legacy value.Comment: This White Paper will be updated when required (e.g. new authors joining, editing of content). Most recent update: 24 Oct 202

    Optimización del proceso logístico y de transporte del producto abono líquido agrícola en la empresa Alieko Cía. Ltda.

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    El uso de métodos logísticos y de transporte adecuados, teóricamente puede garantizar una minimización de costos en esta actividad empresarial. La logística externa referida a la transportación de materiales, suministros, insumos y bienes finales, pone a disposición de los gerentes y administradores, modelos matemáticos confiables que pueden ser de gran utilidad para la planificación de la cadena de valor que añade valor al producto y/o servicio que se ofrece al agro. Esto significa que la aplicación de un modelo matemático adecuado, con base en el método de aproximación de Vogel o ya sea la aplicación de cualquier otro modelo matemático, puede ser una solución eficiente al problema que atraviesa la empresa Alieko Cía. Ltda., para minimizar los costos de transporte y distribución de productos a los clientes, así como para satisfacer en mayor medida las necesidades de los agricultores y empresas del ramo que requieren de abonos agrícolas líquidos que comercializa la compañía.// Using logistic methods and adequate transport, can theoretically ensure minimization of costs in this business. External logistics referred to the transportation of materials, supplies, materials and finished goods, offers managers and administrators, reliable mathematical models that can be useful for planning the value chain that adds value to the product and / or service provided to agriculture. This means that the application of an appropriate mathematical model based on approximation method Vogel or whether the application of any mathematical model can be an efficient solution to the problem confronting the company Alieko Cia. Ltda., To minimize transportation costs and distribution of products to customers and to better meet the needs of farmers and companies in the industry that require liquid agricultural fertilizers sold by the company

    Digital vocational training in construction : backgrounds – practical examples – transfer

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    Gedruckt erschienen im Universitätsverlag der TU Berlin, ISBN 978-3-7983-3100-6Der Sammelband „Berufsbildung am Bau digital“ gibt eine Orientierung zum beruflich-betrieblichen Lernen mit digitalen Medien und zum vielfältigen und zunehmenden Einsatz digitaler Arbeitsmittel in der Bauausführung. Bewertungskriterien für digitale Medien in der Berufsbildung im Bauwesen runden den analytischen Teil des Bandes ab. Erprobte Beispiele aus der Berufsbildungspraxis im Bausektor und in angrenzenden Gewerken nehmen breiten Raum in dem Buch ein. Dabei geht es sowohl um digitale Unterstützung beruflicher Lern- und Lehrprozesse als auch sekundärer Prozesse der Berufsbildung. Abschließende Beiträge widmen sich der Verbreitung und dem Transfer von Ergebnissen und Erkenntnissen aus Digitalisierungs-Projekten der Bau-Berufsbildung und der Vernetzung von Akteurinnen, Akteuren auf der personellen und der institutionellen Ebene. Das Buch ist entstanden im Rahmen des durch das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung und den Europäischen Sozialfonds geförderten Projektes MELINDA (Medienunterstütztes Lernen und Innovation in der handwerklichen Arbeit).The anthology "Berufsbildung am Bau digital" (Vocational Education and Training in Construction - Digital) provides orientation on vocational learning with digital media and on the diverse and increasing use of digital work equipment in construction. Evaluation criteria for digital media in VET in the construction industry round off the analytical part of the volume. Tried and tested examples from vocational training practice in the construction sector and related trades occupy a large space in the book. This involves both digital support for vocational learning and teaching processes and secondary processes in vocational education and training. Concluding articles are devoted to the dissemination and transfer of results and findings from digitisation projects in construction VET and the networking of actors at the personnel and institutional levels. The book is part of the MELINDA project (Media-supported Learning and Innovation in Crafts) funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the European Social Fund.BMBF, FKZ 01PD15015E, Medienunterstütztes Lernen und Innovation in der handwerklichen Arbeit/MELIND