1,475 research outputs found

    Neutrino oscillations within the induced gravitational collapse paradigm of long gamma-ray bursts

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    FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOThe induced gravitational collapse paradigm of long gamma-ray bursts associated with supernovae (SNe) predicts a copious neutrino-antineutrino (nu(nu) over bar) emission owing to the hypercritical accretion process of SN ejecta onto a neutron star (NS) binary companion. The neutrino emission can reach luminosities of up to 10(57) MeV. s(-1), mean neutrino energies of 20 MeV, and neutrino densities of 10(31) cm(-3). Along their path from the vicinity of the NS surface outward, such neutrinos experience flavor transformations dictated by the neutrino-to-electron-density ratio. We determine the neutrino and electron on the accretion zone and use them to compute the neutrino flavor evolution. For normal and inverted neutrino mass hierarchies and within the two-flavor formalism (nu(e)nu(x)), we estimate the final electronic and nonelectronic neutrino content after two oscillation processes: (1) neutrino collective effects due to neutrino self-interactions where the neutrino density dominates, and (2) the Mikheyev-Smirnov-Wolfenstein effect, where the electron density dominates. We find that the final neutrino content is composed by similar to 55% (similar to 62%) of electronic neutrinos, i.e., nu(e) + (nu) over bar (e), for the normal (inverted) neutrino mass hierarchy. The results of this work are the first step toward the characterization of a novel source of astrophysical MeV neutrinos in addition to core-collapse SNe and, as such, deserve further attention.8522119FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOFAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO2016/00799-7AgĂȘncias de fomento estrangeiras apoiaram essa pesquisa, mais informaçÔes acesse artig

    Parametric Evaluation of Different ANN Architectures: Forecasting Wind Power Across Different Time Horizons

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    The participation of volatile wind energy resources in the generation mix of power systems is increasing. It is therefore becoming more and more crucial for system operators to accurately predict the wind power generation across different short term horizons (5 to 60 minutes ahead) in order to adequately balance the system and maintain system security. This paper presents a comprehensive assessment of the influence of different parameters in artificial neural networks, such as the amount of historic data, batch size, number of hidden layers, number of neurons per hidden layer, and the amount of training data on the short term forecast accuracy. In order to identify the parameters which are most influential with respect to forecast accuracy, a sensitivity study isolating the various factors on a one-At-A-Time basis has been performed. To minimize the forecast error across the investigated forecast horizons, the developed neural networks use the feed forward back propagation algorithm. From the investigated cases it is concluded that a neural network with two hidden layers is most suitable for wind forecasting on the timeframes considered. Furthermore, with increasing forecast horizons (from 5 to 60 minutes ahead), better performance is achieved when neural networks contain increased neurons in the hidden layers and have enlarged training data sets.Intelligent Electrical Power Grid


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    LectureTest results are presented and compared for the following annular pump seal geometries: (a) a smooth-rotor/circumferentially-grooved stator (SR/GS) and (b) a smooth-stator/circumferentially-grooved rotor (GR/SS). The GR/SS seal’s geometry and operating conditions are representative of electrical submersible pumps (ESPs) as used for oil recovery. The SR/GS seals’ nominal dimensions are identical with the GR/SS seal except for the reversed groove locations. Test results include static and rotordynamic data at speeds ω of 2, 4, 6 krpm for the SR/GS and 2, 4, 6, 8 krpm for the GR/SS seal. Both seals have axial pressure drops Δ of 2.1, 4.1, 6.2, 8.3 bars, a length-to-diameter ratio / of 0.5, and a minimum radial clearance of 203 ÎŒm. They employ 15 circumferential grooves with a length , and depth of 1.52 mm, which are equally spaced with a land length of 1.52 mm. Results are presented for centered conditions. Three different inlet-fluid pre-rotation inserts are used upstream of the test seals to create a range of inlet preswirl ratios. A Pitot tube is used to measure the circumferential velocity at one location immediately upstream of the test seals. The test fluid is ISOVG2 oil @ 46 °C.The GR/SS seal leaks about 10% more than the SR/GS seal. Generally, direct stiffness (Kxx, Kyy) values for both designs have low magnitudes that drop with increasing ω. The GR/SS seals’ Kxx, Kyy values dropped more rapidly and were negative at 6 krpm. For the SR/GS seals, Kyy was negative at 6 krpm, but Kxx was still positive. With either design, instability issues are as likely to arise because of negative direct stiffness that pulls down a pump’s critical speed versus directly destabilizing Kxy, Kyx coefficients. In the same operating conditions, the Kxy, Kyx coefficients’ magnitudes are ~2.5 times larger for GR/SS seals than for SR/GS seals --- significantly more destabilizing. Under the same conditions, the SR/GS seal has slightly more direct damping than the GR/SS seal. Direct virtual mass coefficients are about 20% larger for the SR/GS seals, inducing a lower critical speed.Whirl frequency ratio (WFR) combines the effects of the cross-coupled stiffness, direct damping, and cross-coupled mass terms and provides the best measure for comparing the two seal designs’ stability characteristics. Overall, the GR/SS seal WFR values are about three times higher than the comparable values for SR/GS seals --- much less stable. Effective swirl brakes that could sharply drop the seals’ inlet preswirl would be helpful for the GR/SS seal out to 4 krpm and helpful for the SR/GS seal out to 6 krpm

    Parasites of the reintroduced Iberian Lynx (Lynx pardinus) and Sympatric Mesocarnivores in Extremadura, Spain

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    Research Areas: MicrobiologyABSTRACT - The Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus) is one of the most endangered felid species in the world. Conservation efforts have increased its population size and distribution and reinforced their genetic diversity through captive breeding and reintroduction programmes. Among several threats that the Iberian lynx faces, infectious and parasitic diseases have underlined effects on the health of their newly reintroduced populations, being essential to identify the primary sources of these agents and assess populations health status. To achieve this, 79 fresh faecal samples from Iberian lynx and sympatric mesocarnivores were collected in the reintroduction area of Extremadura, Spain. Samples were submitted to copromicroscopic analyses to assess parasite diversity, prevalence, and mean intensity of parasite burden. Overall, 19 (24.1%, ±15.1–35.0) samples were positive for at least one enteric parasite species. Parasite diversity and prevalence were higher in the Iberian lynx (43.8%) compared with the others mesocarnivores under study (e.g., the red fox Vulpes vulpes and the Egyptian mongoose Herpestes ichneumon). Ancylostomatidae and Toxocara cati were the most prevalent (15.6%) parasites. Obtained results revealed that Iberian lynx role as predator control might have reduced parasite cross-transmission between this felid and mesocarnivores due to their decreasing abundances. Surveillance programs must include regular monitoring of this endangered felid, comprising mesocarnivores, but also domestic/feral and wild cat communities.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The potential for quality assurance systems to save costs and lives:the case of early infant diagnosis of HIV

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    OBJECTIVES: Scaling up of point-of-care testing (POCT) for early infant diagnosis of HIV (EID) could reduce the large gap in infant testing. However, suboptimal POCT EID could have limited impact and potentially high avoidable costs. This study models the cost-effectiveness of a quality assurance system to address testing performance and screening interruptions, due to, for example, supply stockouts, in Kenya, Senegal, South Africa, Uganda and Zimbabwe, with varying HIV epidemics and different health systems. METHODS: We modelled a quality assurance system-raised EID quality from suboptimal levels: that is, from misdiagnosis rates of 5%, 10% and 20% and EID testing interruptions in months, to uninterrupted optimal performance (98.5% sensitivity, 99.9% specificity). For each country, we estimated the 1-year impact and cost-effectiveness (US/DALYaverted)ofimprovedscenariosinavertingmissedHIVinfectionsandunneededHIVtreatmentcostsforfalse−positivediagnoses.RESULTS:Themodelled1−yearcostsofanationalPOCTqualityassurancesystemrangefromUS/DALY averted) of improved scenarios in averting missed HIV infections and unneeded HIV treatment costs for false-positive diagnoses. RESULTS: The modelled 1-year costs of a national POCT quality assurance system range from US 69 359 in South Africa to US334 341inZimbabwe.Atthecountrylevel,qualityassurancesystemscouldpotentiallyavertbetween36and711missedinfections(i.e.falsenegatives)peryearandunneededtreatmentcostsbetweenUS 334 341 in Zimbabwe. At the country level, quality assurance systems could potentially avert between 36 and 711 missed infections (i.e. false negatives) per year and unneeded treatment costs between US 5808 and US$ 739 030. CONCLUSIONS: The model estimates adding effective quality assurance systems are cost-saving in four of the five countries within the first year. Starting EQA requires an initial investment but will provide a positive return on investment within five years by averting the costs of misdiagnoses and would be even more efficient if implemented across multiple applications of POCT

    Parasites of the Reintroduced Iberian Lynx (Lynx pardinus) and Sympatric Mesocarnivores in Extremadura, Spain.

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    The Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus) is one of the most endangered felid species in the world. Conservation efforts have increased its population size and distribution and reinforced their genetic diversity through captive breeding and reintroduction programmes. Among several threats that the Iberian lynx faces, infectious and parasitic diseases have underlined effects on the health of their newly reintroduced populations, being essential to identify the primary sources of these agents and assess populations health status. To achieve this, 79 fresh faecal samples from Iberian lynx and sympatric mesocarnivores were collected in the reintroduction area of Extremadura, Spain. Samples were submitted to copromicroscopic analyses to assess parasite diversity, prevalence, and mean intensity of parasite burden. Overall, 19 (24.1%, ±15.1-35.0) samples were positive for at least one enteric parasite species. Parasite diversity and prevalence were higher in the Iberian lynx (43.8%) compared with the others mesocarnivores under study (e.g., the red fox Vulpes vulpes and the Egyptian mongoose Herpestes ichneumon). Ancylostomatidae and Toxocara cati were the most prevalent (15.6%) parasites. Obtained results revealed that Iberian lynx role as predator control might have reduced parasite cross-transmission between this felid and mesocarnivores due to their decreasing abundances. Surveillance programs must include regular monitoring of this endangered felid, comprising mesocarnivores, but also domestic/feral and wild cat communities.This research was funded by the European Union through its LIFE project Life + IBERLINCE (LIFE + 10NAT/ES/570) “RecuperaciĂłn de la distribuciĂłn histĂłrica del lince ibĂ©rico (Lynx pardinus) en España y Portugal”. R. T. Torres is funded by national funds (OE), through FCT—Fundação para a CiĂȘncia e a Tecnologia, I.P., in the scope of the framework contract foreseen in the numbers 4, 5, and 6 of the article 23, of the Decree-Law 57/2016, of 29 August, changed by Law 57/2017, of 19 July. Thanks are due to FCT/MCTES for the financial support to CESAM (UIDP/50017/2020 + UIDB/50017/2020) and CIISA Project UIDB/00276/2020 through national funds.S

    Cost and Cost-Effectiveness of a Demand Creation Intervention to Increase Uptake of Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision in Tanzania: Spending More to Spend Less.

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    BACKGROUND: Although voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) reduces the risk of HIV acquisition, demand for services is lower among men in most at-risk age groups (ages 20-34 years). A randomized controlled trial was conducted to assess the effectiveness of locally-tailored demand creation activities (including mass media, community mobilization, and targeted service delivery) in increasing uptake of campaign-delivered VMMC among men aged 20-34 years. We conducted an economic evaluation to understand the intervention's cost and cost-effectiveness. SETTING: Tanzania (Njombe and Tabora regions). METHODS: Cost data were collected on surgery, demand creation activities, and monitoring and supervision related to VMMC implementation across clusters in both trial arms, as well as start-up activities for the intervention arms. The Decision Makers' Program Planning Tool was used to estimate the number of HIV infections averted and related cost savings, given the total VMMCs per cluster. Disability-adjusted life years were calculated and used to estimate incremental cost-effectiveness ratios. RESULTS: Client load was higher in the intervention arms than in the control arms: 4394 vs. 2901 in Tabora and 1797 vs. 1025 in Njombe, respectively. Despite additional costs of tailored demand creation, demand increased more than proportionally: mean costs per VMMC in the intervention arms were 62inTaboraand62 in Tabora and 130 in Njombe, and in the control arms 70and70 and 191, respectively. More infections were averted in the intervention arm than in the control arm in Tabora (123 vs. 67, respectively) and in Njombe (164 vs. 102, respectively). The intervention dominated the control because it was both less costly and more effective. Cost savings were observed in both regions stemming from the antiretroviral treatment costs averted as a result of the VMMCs performed. CONCLUSIONS: Spending more to address local preferences as a way to increase uptake of VMMC can be cost-saving

    Use of Lotteries for the Promotion of Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision Service: A Discrete-Choice Experiment among Adult Men in Tanzania.

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    Voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) is effective in reducing the risk of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). However, countries like Tanzania have high HIV prevalence but low uptake of VMMC. We conducted a discrete-choice experiment to evaluate the preferences for VMMC service attributes in a random sample of 325 men aged 18 years or older from the general population in 2 Tanzanian districts, Njombe and Tabora. We examined the preference for financial incentives in the form of a lottery ticket or receiving a guaranteed transport voucher for attendance at a VMMC service. We created a random-parameters logit model to account for individual preference heterogeneity and a latent class analysis model for identifying groups of men with similar preferences to test the hypothesis that men who reported sexually risky behaviors (i.e., multiple partners and any condomless sex in the past 12 months) may have a preference for participation in a lottery-based incentive. Most men preferred a transport voucher (84%) over a lottery ticket. We also found that offering a lottery-based financial incentive may not differentially attract those with greater sexual risk. Our study highlights the importance of gathering local data to understand preference heterogeneity, particularly regarding assumptions around risk behaviors
