3,245 research outputs found

    Spectral components at visual and infrared wavelengths in active galactic nuclei

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    Aperture-dependent infrared photometry of active galactic nuclei are presented which illustrate the importance of eliminating starlight of the galaxy in order to obtain the intrinsic spectral distribution of the active nuclei. Separate components of emission are required to explain the infrared emission with a spectral index of alpha approx = 2 and the typical visual-ultraviolet continuum with alpha approx = 0.3 (where F(nu) varies as nu(sup-alpha). Present evidence does not allow unique determination of the appropriate mechanisms, but the characteristics of each are discussed

    Social Sensing of Floods in the UK

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    "Social sensing" is a form of crowd-sourcing that involves systematic analysis of digital communications to detect real-world events. Here we consider the use of social sensing for observing natural hazards. In particular, we present a case study that uses data from a popular social media platform (Twitter) to detect and locate flood events in the UK. In order to improve data quality we apply a number of filters (timezone, simple text filters and a naive Bayes `relevance' filter) to the data. We then use place names in the user profile and message text to infer the location of the tweets. These two steps remove most of the irrelevant tweets and yield orders of magnitude more located tweets than we have by relying on geo-tagged data. We demonstrate that high resolution social sensing of floods is feasible and we can produce high-quality historical and real-time maps of floods using Twitter.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figure

    Kapabilitas Personal dan Pelatihan E-kinerja terhadap Kepuasan Pengguna Sistem E-kinerja pada Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah Dinas Pemerintah di Kota Banda Aceh

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    This research is aimed to verify the influences of personal capability, and e-kinerja training towards the e-kinerja system user satisfaction on SKPD (Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah) Dinas Pemerintah in Banda Aceh, those are Dinas Pengelolaan Keuangan dan Aset Daerah; Dinas Syariat Islam; Dinas Pendidikan Pemuda dan Olahraga; Dinas Kesehatan; Dinas Perhubungan, Komunikasi, dan Informatika; Dinas Pekerjaan Umum; Dinas Sosial dan Tenaga Kerja; Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil; Dinas Perindustrian dan Perdagangan, Koperasi & UKM; Dinas Kelautan, Perikanan, dan Pertanian; Dinas Kebersihan dan Keindahan Kota; and Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata. The populationin this researchare the civil servants who works and uses the e-kinerja system at theSKPD Dinas Pemerintah in Banda Aceh. There are 91 people randomly selected.The collecting of data and information needed in this research was done by field research. The data used is a primary data collected directly from the subjects of research by using questionnaire form. The testing of the influences of independent variables towards dependent variable was done by using multiple regressions model.The result of this research shows that partially, personal capability do not have significant effect towards the e-kinerja system user satisfaction, while e-kinerja training has significant effect towards the e-kinerja system user satisfaction. Meanwhile, simultaneously, personal capability and e-kinerja training have a significant effect towards the e-kinerja system user satisfaction on SKPD Dinas Pemerintah in Banda Aceh

    Perancangan E-scm Pada PT Superpoly Industry

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    Manufacturing companies always strives to improve performance, namely in production of goods in time, management of material supply to prevent out of stock by exchanging information with suppliers, and on time delivery of goods to distributors to meet customer satisfaction on manufactured products. The purpose of this study is to analyse the supply chain management and to design the electronic supply chain management (e-SCM) on Superpoly Industry Company so it able to give accurate and reliable information also support the better supply chain acitivity for the company. The used research methods are preliminary steps (energize the organization, enterprise vision, supply chain value assessment, opportunity identification, and strategy decision) for the analysis and for the design consist of supply chain management strategic, customer and service management, manufacturing and supply chain planning, supplier relationship management, logistics resource management, and architecting. The conclusion is the e-SCM application will make it easier for the distributor to order merchandise from the company because information channel is open, which is website and information flow between supplier, company, and distribution is getting better

    The Marrow of Human Experience

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    Composed over several decades, the essays here are remarkably fresh and relevant. They offer instruction for the student just beginning the study of folklore as well as repeated value for the many established scholars who continue to wrestle with issues that Wilson has addressed. As his work has long offered insight on critical mattersn--nationalism, genre, belief, the relationship of folklore to other disciplines in the humanities and arts, the currency of legend, the significance of humor as a cultural expression, and so forth--so his recent writing, in its reflexive approach to narrative and storytelling, illuminates today's paradigms. Its notable autobiographical dimension, long an element of Wilson's work, employs family and local lore to draw conclusions of more universal significance. Another way to think of it is that newer folklorists are catching up with Wilson and what he has been about for some time.As a body, Wilson's essays develop related topics and connected themes. This collection organizes them in three coherent parts. The first examines the importance of folklore. What it is and its value in various contexts. Part two, drawing especially on the experience of Finland, considers the role of folklore in national identity, including both how it helps define and sustain identity and the less savory ways it may be used for the sake of nationalistic ideology. Part three, based in large part on Wilson's extensive work in Mormon folklore, which is the most important in that area since that of Austin and Alta Fife, looks at religious cultural expressions and outsider perceptions of them and, again, at how identity is shaped, by religious belief, experience, and participation; by the stories about them; and by the many other expressive parts of life encountered daily in a culture. Each essay is introduced by a well-known folklorist who discusses the influence of Wilson's scholarship. These include Richard Bauman, Margaret Brady, Simon Bronner, Elliott Oring, Henry Glassie, David Hufford, Michael Owen Jones, and Beverly Stoeltje.In these essays William Wilson illuminates folklore theory and practice, romantic nationalism, religious folklore, personal narrative, and much else. Each essay is introduced by a notable fellow folklorist, among them Richard Bauman, Margaret K. Brady, Simon J. Bronner, Henry Glassie, David J. Hufford, Michael Owen Jones, Elliott Oring, Steve Siporin, David Stanley, Beverly Stoeltje, and Jacqueline S. Thursby

    The new X-ray transient SAX J1711.6-3808: decoupling between its 3-20 keV luminosity and its state transitions

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    We present a study of the correlated spectral and timing behavior of the new X-ray transient SAX J1711.6-3808 during its 2001 outburst using data obtained with the RXTE. We also investigate the correlations between those source properties and the 3-20 keV X-ray luminosity. The behavior of the source during the observations can be divided into two distinct state types. During the hard state, the energy spectra are relatively hard and can be described by only a power-law component, and the characteristic frequencies (i.e., the frequency of the 1-7 Hz QPOs observed for the first time in this source) in the power spectra are low. However, during the ``soft'' state, the spectra are considerably softer (in addition to the power-law component, a soft component is necessary to fit the spectra) and the frequencies are the highest observed. Remarkably, this distinction into two separate states cannot be extrapolated to also include the 3-20 keV X-ray luminosity. Except for one observation, this luminosity steadily decreased but the hard state was observed both at the highest and lowest observed luminosities. In contrast, the soft state occurred only at intermediate luminosities. This clearly demonstrates that the state behavior of SAX J1711.6-3808 is decoupled from its X-ray luminosity and that if the X-ray luminosity traces the accretion rate in SAX J1711.6-3808, then the state transitions are not good accretion rate indicators, or vice versa. The data of SAX J1711.6-3808 does not allow us to conclusively determine its exact nature. The source resembles both neutron star and black hole systems when they have low luminosities. We discuss our results with respect to the correlated timing and spectral behavior observed in other LMXBs and the implications of our results on the modeling of the outburst light curves of X-ray transients.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ Main Journal, 13 September 200

    Using a Video Project to Enhance Students’ Speaking Ability

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    Speaking is a skill often considered the benchmark of student’s success in learning English. Many studies have been conducted to examine the approaches, methods, and media that work best in improving the students’ speaking ability. One of the methods that can be used in teaching speaking is making a video project. This paper aims to find out how using a video project enhances the students’ speaking ability. This study was conducted using a descriptive method, taking the students at senior high schools in Medan as the participants. The data were collected using an observation method. The data were analyzed to show how a video project was used in teaching speaking and how it enhances the students’ speaking ability. The results indicate that using a video project in teaching speaking motivates the students to show their best speaking performance, eliminates their shyness and inhibition in speaking, and improves the students’ speaking fluency in English. Thus, the results recommend the use of a video project as a good method in teaching speaking English to senior high school students


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    Speaking is the basic as well as the most important skill that needs to be acquired by English language learners. It is advisable that learning speaking English should begin as early as possible; however, to teach speaking skill to young learners is not an easy task since their age is the age of playing. Teaching speaking to young learners requires a teacher to find the technique best work with children, one of which is through games. One of the games that is corresponding to the age of young learners is a snake and ladder game. This paper aims at describing how a snake and ladder game is used in teaching speaking to young learners. Based on the discussion on applying a snake and ladder game, it is concluded that this game is the right game to apply in teaching speaking to young learners. People during early ages like playing and dislikes studying, especially in a formal education. By using this game, the children (learners) do not realize that they learn to speak English because they enjoy playing the game. In addition, this game supports the issue of student-centered learning because the students are the ones who actively practice speaking, while the teacher acts as the learning facilitator who provides assistance if needed

    Karakteristik Perdarahan Antepartum Dan Perdarahan Postpartum

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    : The most important cause of hemorrhage in pregnancy and parturition are antepartum hemorrhage and postpartum hemorrhage. The purpose of this research is to investigate the characteristics of antepartum hemorrhage and postpartum hemorrhage at Prof DR. R.D Kandou General Hospital Manado in 2011. This research used a retrospective descriptive through medical records at BLU RSUP Prof dr R.D Kandou Manado in January 2011 to December 2011. From 4155 parturition case in 2011, there were 60 cases (1,44%) of antepartum hemorrhage and 36 case (0,86%) of postpartum hemorrhage. The highest sociodemographic distribution found : in mother's age between 35-39 years old, in highschool students, and housewives . The highest medico obstetric distribution found: 17 cases (28,3%) of first parity and 17 cases (28,3%) second parity of antepartum hemorrhage and 18 cases (50%) of first parity in postpartum hemorrhage, in gestational age between 37-42 week, 32 cases (53,3%) of antepartum hemorrhage and 30 cases (83,3%) of postpartum hemorrhage. The perabdominal parturition (caesarean section), there were 55 cases (91,7%) of antepartum hemorrhage and 22 case (61,1%) of pervaginam in postpartum hemorrhage. The causes of antepartum hemorrhage were placenta previa in 59 cases (98,3%) and retained placenta in 10 cases (27,8%). The most number of antenatal care check ups were ≥4x check ups on antepartum hemorrhage cases and <4x on postpartum hemorrhage cases. These high incidents needs to be noted by all parties. Pregnant women who are in risk for antepartum hemorrhage and postpartum hemorrhage need to be routinety and checked up and carefulle for their pregnancy
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