14 research outputs found

    Functional Heterogeneity of Breast Fibroblasts Is Defined by a Prostaglandin Secretory Phenotype that Promotes Expansion of Cancer-Stem Like Cells

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    Fibroblasts are important in orchestrating various functions necessary for maintaining normal tissue homeostasis as well as promoting malignant tumor growth. Significant evidence indicates that fibroblasts are functionally heterogeneous with respect to their ability to promote tumor growth, but markers that can be used to distinguish growth promoting from growth suppressing fibroblasts remain ill-defined. Here we show that human breast fibroblasts are functionally heterogeneous with respect to tumor-promoting activity regardless of whether they were isolated from normal or cancerous breast tissues. Rather than significant differences in fibroblast marker expression, we show that fibroblasts secreting abundant levels of prostaglandin (PGE2), when isolated from either reduction mammoplasty or carcinoma tissues, were both capable of enhancing tumor growth in vivo and could increase the number of cancer stem-like cells. PGE2 further enhanced the tumor promoting properties of fibroblasts by increasing secretion of IL-6, which was necessary, but not sufficient, for expansion of breast cancer stem-like cells. These findings identify a population of fibroblasts which both produce and respond to PGE2, and that are functionally distinct from other fibroblasts. Identifying markers of these cells could allow for the targeted ablation of tumor-promoting and inflammatory fibroblasts in human breast cancers.United States. Dept. of Defense. Breast Cancer Research Program (Pre-doctoral Traineeship Award)Raymond and Beverly Sackler FoundationBreast Cancer Research FoundationThe Slomo and Cindy Silvian Foundation, Inc.National Cancer Institute (U.S.) (CA125554)National Cancer Institute (U.S.) (CA092644)Raymond and Beverley Sackler Foundatio

    Mapping the cellular and molecular heterogeneity of normal and malignant breast tissues and cultured cell lines

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    Introduction: Normal and neoplastic breast tissues are comprised of heterogeneous populations of epithelial cells exhibiting various degrees of maturation and differentiation. While cultured cell lines have been derived from both normal and malignant tissues, it remains unclear to what extent they retain similar levels of differentiation and heterogeneity as that found within breast tissues. Methods: We used 12 reduction mammoplasty tissues, 15 primary breast cancer tissues, and 20 human breast epithelial cell lines (16 cancer lines, 4 normal lines) to perform flow cytometry for CD44, CD24, epithelial cell adhesion molecule (EpCAM), and CD49f expression, as well as immunohistochemistry, and in vivo tumor xenograft formation studies to extensively analyze the molecular and cellular characteristics of breast epithelial cell lineages. Results: Human breast tissues contain four distinguishable epithelial differentiation states (two luminal phenotypes and two basal phenotypes) that differ on the basis of CD24, EpCAM and CD49f expression. Primary human breast cancer tissues also contain these four cellular states, but in altered proportions compared to normal tissues. In contrast, cultured cancer cell lines are enriched for rare basal and mesenchymal epithelial phenotypes, which are normally present in small numbers within human tissues. Similarly, cultured normal human mammary epithelial cell lines are enriched for rare basal and mesenchymal phenotypes that represent a minor fraction of cells within reduction mammoplasty tissues. Furthermore, although normal human mammary epithelial cell lines exhibit features of bi-potent progenitor cells they are unable to differentiate into mature luminal breast epithelial cells under standard culture conditions. Conclusions: As a group breast cancer cell lines represent the heterogeneity of human breast tumors, but individually they exhibit increased lineage-restricted profiles that fall short of truly representing the intratumoral heterogeneity of individual breast tumors. Additionally, normal human mammary epithelial cell lines fail to retain much of the cellular diversity found in human breast tissues and are enriched for differentiation states that are a minority in breast tissues, although they do exhibit features of bi-potent basal progenitor cells. These findings suggest that collections of cell lines representing multiple cell types can be used to model the cellular heterogeneity of tissues

    The contribution of dynamic stromal remodeling during mammary development to breast carcinogenesis

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    Breast cancer is a heterogeneous disease whose prognosis varies depending upon the developmental stage of the breast tissue at diagnosis. Notably, breast cancers associated with pregnancy exhibit increased rates of metastasis and poorer long-term survival compared to those diagnosed after menopause. However, postmenopausal breast cancers associated with obesity exhibit a more aggressive behavior and confer decreased overall patient survival compared to those diagnosed in non-obese individuals. Since the mammary gland is a dynamic tissue that undergoes significant changes throughout a woman's lifetime, especially during pregnancy and following menopause, we present evidence to support the notion that changes occurring throughout development within the mammary stromal compartment may account for some of the biological differences in breast cancer subtypes and behaviors

    Autophagy in stromal fibroblasts promotes tumor desmoplasia and mammary tumorigenesis

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    Autophagy inhibitors are currently being evaluated in clinical trials for the treatment of diverse cancers, largely due to their ability to impede tumor cell survival and metabolic adaptation. More recently, there is growing interest in whether and how modulating autophagy in the host stroma influences tumorigenesis. Fibroblasts play prominent roles in cancer initiation and progression, including depositing type 1 collagen and other extracellular matrix (ECM) components, thereby stiffening the surrounding tissue to enhance tumor cell proliferation and survival, as well as secreting cytokines that modulate angiogenesis and the immune microenvironment. This constellation of phenotypes, pathologically termed desmoplasia, heralds poor prognosis and reduces patient survival. Using mouse mammary cancer models and syngeneic transplantation assays, we demonstrate that genetic ablation of stromal fibroblast autophagy significantly impedes fundamental elements of the stromal desmoplastic response, including collagen and proinflammatory cytokine secretion, extracellular matrix stiffening, and neoangiogenesis. As a result, autophagy in stromal fibroblasts is required for mammary tumor growth in vivo, even when the cancer cells themselves remain autophagy-competent . We propose the efficacy of autophagy inhibition is shaped by this ability of host stromal fibroblast autophagy to support tumor desmoplasia

    High resolution digital autoradiographic and dosimetric analysis of heterogeneous radioactivity distribution in xenografted prostate tumors

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    Purpose: The frst main aim of this study was to illustrate the absorbed dose rate distribution from 177Lu in sections of xenografted prostate cancer (PCa) tumors using high resolution digital autoradiography (DAR) and compare it with hypothetical identical radioactivity distributions of 90Y or 7 MeV alpha-particles. Three dosimetry models based on either dose point kernels or Monte Carlo simulations were used and evaluated. The second and overlapping aim, was to perform DAR imaging and dosimetric analysis of the distribution of radioactivity, and hence the absorbed dose rate, in tumor sections at an early time point after injection during radioimmunotherapy using 177Lu-h11B6, directed against the human kallikrein 2 antigen. Methods: Male immunodefcient BALB/c nude mice, aged 6-8 w, were inoculated by subcutaneous injection of ∼107 LNCaP cells in a 200 μl suspension of a 1:1 mixture of medium and Matrigel. The antibody h11B6 was conjugated with the chelator CHX-A''-DTPA after which conjugated h11B6 was mixed with 177LuCl3. The incubation was performed at room temperature for 2 h, after which the labeling was terminated and the solution was purifed on a NAP-5 column. About 20 MBq 177Lu-h11B6 was injected intravenously in the tail vein. At approximately 10 h postinjection (hpi), the mice were sacrifced and one tumor was collected from each of the fve animals and cryosectioned into 10 μ m thick slices. The tumor slices were measured and imaged using the DAR MicroImager system and the M3Vision software. Then the absorbed dose rate was calculated using a dose point kernel generated with the Monte Carlo code Gate v7.0. Results: The DAR system produced high resolution images of the radioactivity distribution, close to the resolution of single PCa cells. The DAR images revealed a pronounced heterogeneous radioactivity distribution, i.e., count rate per area, in the tumors, indicated by the normalized intensity variations along cross sections as mean ± SD: 0.15±0.15, 0.20±0.18, 0.12±0.17, 0.15±0.16, and 0.23±0.22, for each tumor section, respectively. The absorbed dose rate distribution for 177Lu at the time of dissection 10 hpi showed a maximum value of 2.9±0.4 Gy/h (mean ± SD), compared to 6.0±0.9 and 159±25 Gy/h for the hypothetical 90Y and 7 MeV alpha-particle cases assuming the same count rate densities. Mean absorbed dose rate values were 0.13, 0.53, and 6.43 Gy/h for 177Lu, 90Y, and alpha-particles, respectively. Conclusions: The initial uptake of 177Lu-h11B6 produces a high absorbed dose rate, which is important for a successful therapeutic outcome. The hypothetical 90Y case indicates a less heterogeneous absorbed dose rate distribution and a higher mean absorbed dose rate compared to 177Lu, although with a potentially increased irradiation of surrounding healthy tissue. The hypothetical alpha-particle case indicates the possibility of a higher maximum absorbed dose rate, although with a more heterogeneous absorbed dose rate distribution