331 research outputs found

    Torsion-free crystallographic groups with indecomposable holonomy group II.

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    Let K be a principal ideal domain, G a finite group, and M a KG-module which is a free K-module of finite rank on which G acts faithfully. A generalized crystallographic group is a non-split extension C of M by G such that conjugation in C induces the G-module structure on M. ( When K = Z, these are just the classical crystallographic groups.) The dimension of C is the K-rank of M, the holonomy group of C is G, and C is indecomposable if M is an indecomposable KG-module. We study indecomposable torsion-free generalized crystallographic groups with holonomy group G when K is Z, or its localization Z((p)) at the prime p, or the ring Z(p) of p-adic integers. We prove that the dimensions of such groups with G non-cyclic of order p(2) are unbounded. For K = Z, we show that there are infinitely many non-isomorphic such groups with G the alternating group of degree 4 and we study the dimensions of such groups with G cyclic of certain orders

    An evaluation of habitat models for the common loon (Gavia immer)

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    The Loon Preservation Committee (LPC) has been collecting field data for the common loon (Gavia immer) in New Hampshire for thirty-six years. A habitat model for lakes throughout New Hampshire was created by Dr. Mark Brennan for the time period 1980--2002. This project re-evaluates Brennan\u27s habitat model using new data from 2003--2008. Two additional models, one with all lakes and another with the three largest lakes excluded, were created and compared to Brennan\u27s model to see if the overall accuracy improved. These models show which lakes have high and low potential for loon habitat. The results of the re-evaluation of Brennan\u27s model show that his model fits well using the new data. The first new model has similar overall accuracy to Brennan\u27s model. The second new model has higher overall accuracy than Brennan\u27s model

    Searching for Remedial Paradigms: Human Rights in the Age of Terrorism

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    Nine years after the unprecedented terrorist attacks on September 11, judicial response to various governmental and individual methods of combating terrorism remains deferential and restrained. The courts have heard at least three types of cases brought by advocates for three distinct groups: the alleged perpetrators of terrorism; the victims of terrorist attacks; and third party humanitarian groups. Implicit in the practical question of how to deal effectively with terrorism is the broader consideration which Congress, the President and others must also address: how to respond to the terrorists’ extreme human rights violations without violating international human rights norms and international humanitarian law

    Quantitative Susceptibility Imaging of Tissue Microstructure Using Ultra-High Field MRI

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    This thesis has used ultra-high field (UHF) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to investigate the fundamental relationships between tissue microstructure and such susceptibility-based contrast parameters as the apparent transverse relaxation rate (R2*), the local Larmor frequency shift (LFS) and quantitative volume magnetic susceptibility (QS). The interaction of magnetic fields with biological tissues results in shifts in the LFS which can be used to distinguish underlying cellular architecture. The LFS is also linked to the relaxation properties of tissues in a gradient echo MRI sequence. Equally relevant, histological analysis has identified iron and myelin as two major sources of the LFS. As a result, computation of LFS and the associated volume magnetic susceptibility from MRI phase data may serve as a significant method for in vivo monitoring of changes in iron and myelin associated with normal, healthy aging, as well as neurological disease processes. In this research, the cellular level underpinnings of the R2* and LFS signals were examined in a model rat brain system using 9.4 T MRI. The study was carried out using biophysical modeling and correlation with quantitative histology. For the first time, multiple biophysical modeling schemes were compared in both gray and white matter of excised rat brain tissue. Suprisingly, R2* dependence on tissue orientation has not been fully understood. Accordingly, scaling relations were derived for calculating the reversible, mesoscopic magnetic field component, R2\u27, of the apparent transverse relaxation rate from the orientation dependence in gray and white matter. Our results demonstrate that the orientation dependence of R2* and LFS in both white and cortical gray matter has a sinusoidal dependence on tissue orientation and a linear dependence on the volume fraction of myelin in the tissue. A susceptibility processing pipeline was also developed and applied to the calculation of phase-combined LFS and QS maps. The processing pipeline was subsequently used to monitor myelin and iron changes in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients compared to healthy, age and gender-matched controls. With the use of QS and R2* mapping, evidence of statistically significant increases in iron deposition in sub-cortical gray matter, as well as myelin degeneration along the white matter skeleton, were identified in MS patients. The magnetic susceptibility-based MRI methods were then employed as potential clinical biomarkers for disease severity monitoring of MS. It was demonstrated that the combined use of R2* and QS, obtained from multi-echo gradient echo MRI, could serve as an improved metric for monitoring both gray and white matter changes in early MS

    The Cy Pres Doctrine in the United States: From Extreme Reluctance to Affirmative Action

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    Perhaps no legal principle illustrates the use of Fourteenth Amendment equal protection jurisprudence more poignantly than the relatively obscure cy pres doctrine. The ancient doctrine which allowed both courts and the Crown in England to change trust purposes when the original trust purposes proved no longer viable was adopted belatedly, sporadically and partially by jurisdictions in the United States. In Part I, the author illustrates how the United States jurisdictions differ from England in the requirement for charitable intent. Earlier cases reveal the United States, unlike England, has resisted relaxation of the requirement. In Part II, the author uses the Restatement of Trusts to demonstrate further how the jurisdictions had developed differently at the mid-twentieth century point. In Part III, the author reports on the significant reforms in England and the corresponding, though halting, movement toward reform in the United States jurisdictions. In Part IV, the author describes the specific reform proposals in the United States proliferating since 1943. Finally, the author concludes that relaxation of cy pres doctrinal requirements is realized best by modest legislation and effective drafting

    Постать М. П. Василенка в публікаціях української діаспори (The Figure of Mykola Vasylenko in Publications of Ukrainian Diaspora)

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    Автором досліджено інтелектуальну спадщину української діаспори, яка присвячена вивченню постаті відомого вченого та громадського діяча М.П. Василенка. У своїх працях увагу йому приділяли історики, публіцисти та інші дослідники. Їх науковий доробок про вченого представлений дослідженнями загального плану, статтями про його наукову та політичну діяльність на сторінках різних діаспорних видань, зокрема в «Українському історику». Окремо розглянуто публікації мемуарного характеру, як важливі джерела до вивчення особи М. Василенка. До них відносяться спогади його дружини Н. Полонської-Василенко, істориків Л. Окиншевича, Д. Дорошенка, гетьмана П. Скоропадського. (The author studies the intellectual heritage of the Ukrainian diaspora, which represented by the study of famous scholar and public figure Mykola Vasylenko. Many historians, journalists and other researchers paid attention to him in their studies. Their academic works about Vasylenko are mainly presented in forms of articles about his scholarly and political activities in various diaspora`s publications, particularly in Ukrainian Historian. The memoirs, considered as important sources in the study of Vasylenko heritage, are published separately. These are the memories of his wife N. Polonska-Vasylenko and historians L. Okynshevych, D. Doroshenko, and Hetman P. Skoropadskyi.