566 research outputs found

    Angola Cameia Development Casing-Settlement Calculations

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    The amount of axial settlement of casings supported by regions of axial elastic foundations is computed. The differential equation of axial equilibrium, including the foundation stiffnesses, is solved by use of cubic axial finite elements. The analysis is applied to 101 m of a vertical 914-mm (36-in.) casing supporting a 559-mm (22-in.) casing running from 3 m above the mudline to near the bottom of the 1201-m hole. The upper casing is supported by a region of layered clay sediments. The lower casing has a long openhole region, followed by a bottom region encased in cement. A series of loading increments is applied, with the connection of the tree/blowout preventer (BOP) as the last. The settlement at the mudline was calculated to be less than 0.1 m. This study shows that for weak upper foundations, a good cement job is needed to support the tree/BOP without large mudline settlements

    Macrozoobenthic Community Structure in Subtidal Soft-bottom Area Along the Coast of Lembeh Island -North Sulawesi

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    The present paper describes the soft-bottom macrozoobenthic community structure inhabiting Lembeh Island's waters (North Sulawesi). Material for the study was collected from 5 stations in October 2013 using a La Motte grab (600 cm2) and subsequently sieved through a 1 mm square mesh sieve. A total of 1147 individuals belonging to 78 species (taxa) of macrozoobenthos and representative of higher taxonomic groups belonging to 12 phyla were recorded and identified. Univariate analysis showed low abundance of individuals and number of species in the Pintu Kota station which has a black sludge of sediment but Shannon index values at this station is the highest. Instead Motto station relatively far from anthropogenic disturbance showed a high abundance of individuals and number of species but Shannon index values at this station is the lowest. The station is dominated by Tanais sp at a density of 9533 individuals m-2. Shannon index is less sensitive to measure the effect of anthropogenic disturbances compared with the abundance of individuals and number of species. The multivariate analysis (Cluster Analysis and Correspondence Analysis) managed to separate the three groups (essemblage) makrozoobethos: Group A (Posokan), Group B (Motto) and Group C (Pancoran, Mawali and Pintu Kota). Abiotic factors such as granulometri, physicochemical, hydrodynamics and anthropogenic factors believed to be the factors controlling the formation of the ecological group

    Size Distribution and Growth of Young Payangka Fish, Ophieleotris Aporos (Bleeker) From Lake Tondano

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    The research was conducted at the location of Lake Tondano, Minahasa District.The young payangka fish, locally known as nike fish by fishermen of the area. This study aims to determine the size distribution, length-weight relationships and to know the captivity growth in the aquarium. The research is expected to be a source of information about the fish of young payangka (Nike) and be able to contribute on the efforts of nike fish management in Lake Tondano for the future. Sampling is done by using a triangular shaped trap (sibusibu) with a length of 4m, width of 1.30m (top), and a mesh size of 0.5mm. The length frequency distribution with the size mode appeared most during the first of observation was in the range of 13.5 to 15.4 class size and changed in size in the third week of the 19.5-21.4 class sizes. Later in the fifth week the mode is in the range of 15.5-17.4 class size and changes in size in the seventh week at the range of 23.5-25.4 class size. The length-weight relationship of the study was showed by allometric growth (b = 2.70; b <3) which means the length increases faster than weight gain. Absolute weight growth of 0.2532g was recorded and absolute length growth of 10.12mm for 12 weeks was observed as well. Growth of a relatively large weight gained with value of 0.067mg occurs between the seventh week and the eighth week

    Zooplankton Community In Coastal Malalayang Waters Manado

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    The purpose of this study was to identify the zooplankton, to know the relative density of zooplankton, and to analyze their community structure, such as Diversity Index (H') and Dominance Index (C).Sampling was conducted on September 30th, 2016 at the depth of 50 cm-withdrawn slowly along 40 meter (2x20 meter back and forth) in each station. The water left in the cod end (reservoir bottle) put into a sample bottle, with alcohol 95%, and taken to the laboratory for identification.Based on the identification, there were 25 species of zooplankton (19 adults, one final larval stage brachyura, 4 larvae of mollusks and worms, and 1 fish larvae 1 unidentified), namely: Oncaea sp. [1], Oncaea sp. [2], Oncaea sp. [3], Diastylis sp., Monstrilla sp., Euchaetomera sp., Euchaeta sp., Ibacus sp., Oithona sp., Synchaeta sp., Farranula sp., Macrosetella sp., Eurydice sp., Calanus sp., Lucifer sp., Eucalanus sp., Scolecithricella sp., Lucicutia sp., Lepidasthenia sp., megalops brachyura, zoea brachyura, larvae of eulimella, larvae of echinospira, larvae of corethra and larvae of fish. Relative density was the highest in Oncaea sp. (34.21%) and Diversity Index (H') was classified as moderate. The diversity index showed that the zooplankton community was less diverse. Dominance Index (C) was also low indicating no species was dominant in the coastal waters of Malalayang.Keyword : Community, zooplankton, Malalayang DuaAbstrak Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui jenis–jenis zooplankton, mengetahui kepadatan relatif zooplankton, dan menganalisa struktur komunitas zooplankton seperti Indeks Keanekaragaman (H’) dan Indeks Dominasi (C).Pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada 30 September 2016 dengan cara memasukkan plankton net sedalam 50 cm, kemudian ditarik sambil berjalan secara perlahan sepanjang 40 meter (2x20 meter bolak-balik) di tiap stasiun. Air yang tersaring dalam cod end (botol penampungan) dituangkan di dalam botol sampel dan ditambahkan/diawetkan dengan alkohol 95%. Selanjutnya, sampel tersebut dibawa ke Laboratorium untuk diidentifikasi.Berdasarkan hasil identifikasi diperoleh 25 jenis zooplankton (19 dewasa, 1 organisme muda [tahap akhir larva] zooplankton, 4 larva zooplankton dan 1 larva ikan yang tidak teridentifikasi) yaitu: Oncaea sp. [1], Oncaea sp.[2], Oncaea sp.[3], Diastylis sp., Monstrilla sp., Euchaetomera sp., Euchaeta sp., Ibacus sp., Oithona sp., Synchaeta sp., Farranula sp., Macrosetella sp., Eurydice sp., Calanus sp., Lucifer sp., Eucalanus sp., Scolecithricella sp., Lucicutia sp., Lepidasthenia sp., Megalopa Brachyura, Zoea Brachyura, Larva Eulimella, Larva Echinospira, Larva Corethra dan Larva Ikan. Kepadatan Relatif tertinggi terdapat pada Oncaea sp. sebesar 34,21% Nilai Indeks Keanekaragaman (H’) zooplankton di tiga Stasiun tergolong sedang. Nilai tersebut menunjukkan bahwa komunitas organisme dalam kondisi yang kurang beragam. Hasil Indeks Dominasi (C) termasuk kriteria dominasi rendah, menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada spesies yang mendominasi di perairan pantai Malalayang.Kata kunci : Komunitas, zooplankton, Malalayang Du

    Protecting backaction-evading measurements from parametric instability

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    Noiseless measurement of a single quadrature in systems of parametrically coupled oscillators is theoretically possible by pumping at the sum and difference frequencies of the two oscillators, realizing a backaction-evading (BAE) scheme. Although this would hold true in the simplest scenario for a system with pure three-wave mixing, implementations of this scheme are hindered by unwanted higher-order parametric processes that destabilize the system and add noise. We show analytically that detuning the two pumps from the sum and difference frequencies can stabilize the system and fully recover the BAE performance, enabling operation at otherwise inaccessible cooperativities. We also show that the acceleration demonstrated in a weak signal detection experiment [PRX QUANTUM 4, 020302 (2023)] was only achievable because of this detuning technique.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Economic Value of Tourism in Bunaken Island based on Travel Cost Method

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    The objective of the study was to obtain the economic value of tourism in Bunaken Island. It employed Travel Cost Method (TCM), the expenses spent by the visitors from their house to Bunaken Island and during their stay on the island. Questioneers were used as a data collection tool. There were 100 respodents selected using accidental sampling and purposssive sampling. Data analysis applied travel costs of the visitors to Bunaken Island. Results revealed that total economic value based on the total travel costs of IDR. 147.875.000 with an average of IDR. 1.478.750/pers. was IDR. 257.262.425.875. This value is expected to be able to give significant contribution to the social-economic development to Bunaken Island communities, Manado, North Sulawesi.Keywords:  Tourism; expense; economic contribution; community. AbstrakTujuan penelitian adalah untuk mendapatkan nilai ekonomi wisata di Pulau Bunaken. Penelitian ini menggunakan Travel Cost Method (TCM), yaitu biaya yang dikeluarkan oleh pengunjung dari tempat tinggal dan selama berada di Pulau Buanken. Kuesioner digunakan sebagai alat pengumpul. Data 100 orang responden yang dipilih menggunakan accidental sampling dan purpossive sampling. Pengolahan data menggunakan biaya perjalanan responden ke Pulau Bunaken. Hasil menujukkan bahwa total nilai ekonomi berdasarkan total biaya perjalanan sebesar Rp. 147.875.000 dengan rata-rata biaya perjalanan sebesar Rp. 1.478.750/orang, sehingga total nilai ekonomi Pulau Bunaken adalah sebesar Rp. 257.262.425.875. Nilai ini diharapkan akan memberikan efek yang signifikan bagi pertumbuhan sosial ekonomi khususnya masyarakat Pulau Bunaken, masyarakat Kota Manado dan provinsi Sulawesi Utara.Kata kunci: Pariwisata; biaya; kontribusi ekonomi; masyarakat

    Coral Fishes the Famili Chaetodontidae in Coral Reef Waters of Para Island Sub District Tatoareng, Sangihe Kepulauan Regency

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    This study aims to determine the distribution and abundance of reef fish families chaetodontidae in coral reef waters of Para Island Sub District Tatoareng. This study was conducted at 4 stations. Data collected was done using visual census on the 50-meter transect line at 5 meters depth. In addition to revealing the number of species and abundance of individuals chaetodontidae, data analysis aimed to determine number of species, individual abundance, and the community index. Based on the identification, obtained 27 species from 3 genera and 217 number of individuals. The highest number of species found at station Para 1. 7 species are always found in all observation stations, Chaetodon kleinii, C. punctatofasciatus, C. lunulatus, C. trifascialis, C. vagabundus, Heniochus varius, H. chrysostomus. The species with the largest number of individuals that is Chaetodon kleinii (45 individuals). Chaetodontidae fish species diversity index ranged between 2.207-2.866. Dominance Index are categorized low in the range of 0.078-0.122. Similarity index are categorized high in the range of 0.922-0.971

    Detection of rifampicin and izoniazid resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains from Samara Region (Central Russia)

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    Recently high rates of tuberculosis incidence and prevalence are observed in civilian and prisons sectors in Russia. One of the main reasons for high morbidity levels and ineffectiveness of treatment is wide spreading of drug resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains, but accurate and comprehensive information on levels of drug resistance among strains circulating in Central Russia is unavailable. Rifampicin and izoniazid resistance detection in TB isolates from Samara (Central Russia) civilian and prison TB hospitals and dispensaries in 2000–2002 by revealing mutations in rpoB, katG and inhA genes using Macroarray technique. Methods: A total of 342 M. tuberculosis isolates were tested using Macroarray method. It is based on multiplex amplification of rpoB, katG and inhA genes fragments (with three pairs of biotin labeled primers) following by dothybridization with normal and mutant oligonucleotide probes (fragments of rpoB, katG and inhA genes in which mutations occur) immobilized on nylon membrane strips. Mycobacterial DNA was extracted by heating of cell suspensions following by chloroform extraction. Streptavidin-alkaline phosphatase color development system was used for visualization of results

    Microorganismos eficientes en la descontaminación de agua subterránea y su implicancia en la producción y calidad de lechuga hidropónica

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    El agua es un recurso indispensable para todos los seres vivos; sin embargo, su contaminación está afectando el equilibrio del planeta. Los microorganismos benéficos de origen natural están siendo utilizados para restaurar los sistemas acuáticos contaminados. En un primer ensayo se estudiaron dos concentraciones de EM (0,05 y 0,1%) y un testigo (sin EM) aplicadas al agua subterránea extraída mediante pozo tubular, analizándose los parámetros físicos, químicos y microbiológicos. En el segundo ensayo se evaluó el efecto de esta agua tratada con EM en la producción y calidad de lechugas cultivadas en hidroponía, determinándose las características morfo-productivos y microbiológicos. Los resultados mostraron diferencias no significativas del pH, incremento de la CE, disminución de la demanda química y biológica de oxígeno, menor concentración de cationes y aniones y una remoción total de coliformes totales y fecales con la concentración 0,1%. Asimismo, el agua tratada con EM mejoró las características morfológicas, rendimiento y la calidad sanitaria de las plantas de lechuga. Los EM resultan una gran alternativa para la descontaminación de agua y la obtención de productos agrícolas inocuos, debido a su bajo costo y generación de una agricultura más sostenible

    Proteogenomic analysis of Epibacterium mobile BBCC367, a relevant marine bacterium isolated from the South Pacific Ocean

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    Epibacterium mobile BBCC367 is a marine bacterium that is common in coastal areas. It belongs to the Roseobacter clade, a widespread group in pelagic marine ecosystems. Species of the Roseobacter clade are regularly used as models to understand the evolution and physiological adaptability of generalist bacteria. E. mobile BBCC367 comprises two chromosomes and two plasmids. We used gel-free shotgun proteomics to assess its protein expression under 16 different conditions, including stress factors such as elevated temperature, nutrient limitation, high metal concentration, and UVB exposure. Comparison of the different conditions allowed us not only to retrieve almost 70% of the predicted proteins, but also to define three main protein assemblages: 584 essential core proteins, 2,144 facultative accessory proteins and 355 specific unique proteins. While the core proteome mainly exhibited proteins involved in essential functions to sustain life such as DNA, amino acids, carbohydrates, cofactors, vitamins and lipids metabolisms, the accessory and unique proteomes revealed a more specific adaptation with the expression of stress-related proteins, such as DNA repair proteins (accessory proteome), transcription regulators and a significant predominance of transporters (unique proteome). Our study provides insights into how E. mobile BBCC367 adapts to environmental changes and copes with diverse stresses