3,520 research outputs found

    Proceso de transición al mercado de trabajo de los egresados de la Licenciatura en Economía. caso de Estudio de la UAEMEX, 2000-2010

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    El aporte principal de la tesis radica en el análisis del proceso de transición de los egresados de la licenciatura en economía de la UAEMEX, durante el período 2000-2010.El objetivo de esta tesis es el análisis del proceso de transición de los egresados de la licenciatura en economía de la UAEMEX, durante el período 2000-2010. Los resultados arrojan las condiciones laborales a las que se enfrentan los egresados, estableciendo un deterioro de las mismas

    Las librerías de la Compañía de Jesús en Nueva Granada: un análisis descriptivo a través de sus inventarios

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    By means of inventories of two bibliographical archives of the Society of Jesus which were expropriated in Nueva Granada due to its expulsion in 1767 (the inventories of the Library of Colegio de la Compañia de Jesús de Santa Fe de Antioquia, and Colegio de Santa Fe de Bogotá) a descriptive analysis of those libraries is carried out, paying special attention to: the uses of books with pedagogical and spiritual issues, to their decorations, conceived by the Jesuits themselves within a strong counter-reformist thought; and the classification systems that were adopted in their inventories according to their performance in humanist and religious education

    The complexity of environmental education: teaching ideas and strategies from teachers

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    Ponencia de 7th International Conference on Intercultural Education “Education, Health and ICT for a Transcultural World”, EDUHEM 2016The research presented tries to understand and analyze the conceptions that the teachers keep from different levels of education (primary, secondary, and higher education), about the paradigm in which are placed in the treatment of Environmental Education (EE ), as well as methodological strategies used and / or designed for practice. This work argues with the intention of detecting possible reductionism, determinism and fragmentation, in the conceptions of teachers. To do this quantitative techniques have been combined, by using a questionnaire, with qualitative techniques, through the interview in depth; which has allowed us to know and analyze the current situation of the participating teachers in their conceptions of EE, as well as methodological aspects used in its treatment. For this, it conducted an investigation of descriptive-interpretative type with 58 teaching participants, of different educational levels and they teach different subjects and / or disciplines. The results make visible that there is interest in a reflective view closer to the complex thought in the treatment of EE, howev er we check reductionism associated with the difficulties of their practic

    Los tratados de práctica notarial en las bibliotecas de escribanos neogranadinos del siglo XVIII

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    Among the personal libraries of numerary and cabildo scribes during the XVIII c. in the New Kingdom of Granada, we find the presence of forms, treatises or practical manuals inscribed in the tradition of european juridicial “ars notariae” literature, which exercised a fundamental function in the social and economic development of American cities, this task that has been scarcely studied by Colombian historiography. This study analyzes the Post Mortem Inventaries of the scribes Jacobo Facio Lince, Mariano Bueno, Juan Andrés Sandoval and Joaquín Sánchez de la Flor, who exercized their practice in the cities of Medellín, Cartago and Popayán. After a characterization of the personal library archives of these scribes, this study focuses on the individual description of the notarial treatises found, and their circulation in the Indies.Entre las bibliotecas particulares de escribanos numerarios y de cabildo que ejercieron durante el siglo XVIII en el Nuevo Reino de Granda, constatamos la presencia de formularios, tratados o manuales prácticos que se inscribieron en la tradición europea de la literatura jurídica de los “ars notariae” y sirvieron para ejercer un oficio fundamental para el desarrollo social y económico de las ciudades americanas, un oficio escasamente estudiado por la historiografía colombiana. Para ello analizamos los Inventarios Post Mortem de Jacobo Facio Lince, Mariano Bueno, Juan Andrés Sandoval y Joaquín Sánchez de la Flor, escribanos que ejercieron su oficio en las ciudades de Medellín, Cartago y Popayán. Los registros de sus bibliotecas particulares nos permiten caracterizarlas para centrarnos luego en la descripción individual de los tratados notariales identificados y su circulación en Indias

    Shared brands. The relational branding as the basis of consumers’ mobilization.

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    El público ha abandonado su papel pasivo tradicional con respecto a los medios y ello se manifiesta en diversos ámbitos, como la comunicación persuasiva, en la que se centra el presente artículo. Las marcas, conscientes del nuevo rol desempeñado por consumidores cada vez más activos y de los beneficios que ello reporta, diseñan estrategias y acciones de comunicación encaminadas a incentivar su participación y se afanan en construir relaciones duraderas, cimentadas en historias compartidas. Las formas de promoción se materializan en acciones que cuentan con las redes sociales y comunidades online como principales aliados, ya que sirven como plataformas para la colaboración colectiva y la creación de experiencias comunes entre los usuarios de un determinado producto. En este artículo se hace un breve repaso de las últimas teorías en comunicación que explican el éxito de la cultura participativa como forma de promoción aplicada no solo a productos y servicios, sino a otros ámbitos como la política, el turismo o las series de televisión. Asimismo, dichas teorías se ilustran a partir de casos reales que se han desarrollado en los últimos años, con el fin de evidenciar la eficacia de las mismas y su creciente importancia en la gestión de marcas.The fact that the public has abandoned its traditional passive role concerning the media is evident in several areas, such as the focus of the present article: persuasive communication. Brands managers, who are aware of this new part played by increasing active consumers and the benefits that it implies, design communication strategies meant to encourage their participation, as well as trying to build long-lasting relationships, based on shared stories. The promotion actions relay on the social media and online communities as their main allies, since they function as platforms for collective collaboration and the creation of common experiences among the users of a certain product. This article briefly reviews the latest communication theories which explain the success of the participatory culture as a way of promotion, not only applied to products and services, but to other fields such as politics, tourism or television shows. Furthermore, those theories are explained through real cases that have been developed in the last years, with the aim of demonstrating their efficiency and their growing importance in brand management

    Political fandom on Twitter: La Cueva and the Alberto Garzón supporters in the Spanish general elections of 2015 and 2016

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    La estrategia de comunicación desarrollada en Twitter por el equipo de comunicación de Izquierda Unida, La Cueva, durante las elecciones generales de 2015 y 2016, consiguió notoriedad por el lenguaje utilizado y la alta participación de los seguidores y simpatizantes. El artículo analiza los tweets generados desde la cuenta del partido y la del candidato Alberto Garzón durante ambas campañas electorales, combinando el análisis de frecuencias, como técnica cuantitativa, y la etnografía digital, como técnica cualitativa. La confluencia de factores como la visualización de la vida privada del candidato o la admiración profesada por los garzoners (partidarios de Garzón), ambas promovidas por La Cueva, permiten considerar la figura de Alberto Garzón como un caso de politician celebrity.The communication strategy developed on Twitter by the communication team La Cueva, of the political party Izquierda Unida, during the general elections of 2015 and 2016, achieved notoriety because of the language used and the followers and sympathizer’s participation. This article analyzes the tweets generated by the accounts of the party and the candidate Alberto Garzón during the two electoral campaigns, by combining frequency analysis, as a quantitative technique, and digital ethnography, as a qualitative technique. A confluence of factors, such as the visualization of the candidate’s private life and the admiration professed by the “garzoners” (Garzón’s supporters), both promoted by La Cueva, allows us to consider Alberto Garzón as an example of politician celebrity

    Marcas compartidas. El branding relacional como base para la movilización de los consumidores

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    El público ha abandonado su papel pasivo tradicional con respecto a los medios y ello se manifiesta en diversos ámbitos, como la comunicación persuasiva, en la que se centra el presente artículo. Las marcas, conscientes del nuevo rol desempeñado por consumidores cada vez más activos y de los beneficios que ello reporta, diseñan estrategias y acciones de comunicación encaminadas a incentivar su participación y se afanan en construir relaciones duraderas, cimentadas en historias compartidas. Las formas de promoción se materializan en acciones que cuentan con las redes sociales y comunidades online como principales aliados, ya que sirven como plataformas para la colaboración colectiva y la creación de experiencias comunes entre los usuarios de un determinado producto. En este artículo se hace un breve repaso de las últimas teorías en comunicación que explican el éxito de la cultura participativa como forma de promoción aplicada no solo a productos y servicios, sino a otros ámbitos como la política, el turismo o las series de televisión. Asimismo, dichas teorías se ilustran a partir de casos reales que se han desarrollado en los últimos años, con el fin de evidenciar la eficacia de las mismas y su creciente importancia en la gestión de marcas.The fact that the public has abandoned its traditional passive role concerning the media is evident in several areas, such as the focus of the present article: persuasive communication. Brands managers, who are aware of this new part played by increasing active consumers and the benefits that it implies, design communication strategies meant to encourage their participation, as well as trying to build long-lasting relationships, based on shared stories. The promotion actions relay on the social media and online communities as their main allies, since they function as platforms for collective collaboration and the creation of common experiences among the users of a certain product. This article briefly reviews the latest communication theories which explain the success of the participatory culture as a way of promotion, not only applied to products and services, but to other fields such as politics, tourism or television shows. Furthermore, those theories are explained through real cases that have been developed in the last years, with the aim of demonstrating their efficiency and their growing importance in brand management

    Methodology to analyze the effectiveness of ESD in a higher degree in education: a case study

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    This paper presents a methodology to evaluate (1) to what extent students of a higher degree in the field of education acquire sustainability competencies, and (2) to determine whether the subjects that develop Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) achieve their learning objectives. The methodology is applied to a case study. The instruments used are the sustainability survey and the sustainability presence map developed by the EDINSOST project. The survey consists of 18 questions, and has been answered by 104 first-year students and 86 fourth-year students belonging to the Bachelor Degree in Primary Education Teaching at the University of Seville. The Mann-Whitney U test has been used to compare the results of the two students groups, and Cohen’s D has been used to measure the effect size. Students only obtain significant improvements, with 95% confidence, in three questions: Q4 (I know procedures and resources to integrate sustainability in the subjects), Q5 (I analyze the opportunities presented in the subjects to plan educational projects to integrate sustainability) and Q6 (I design educational projects from the perspective of sustainability), all concerning critical thinking and creativity. An improvement is also detected in question Q11 (I know how to develop myself satisfactorily in community educational projects, encouraging participation), with a confidence of 90%. Surprisingly, no subject in the curriculum develops the learning outcomes concerning questions Q4, Q5 and Q6, and only one subject develops the learning outcomes regarding question Q11. However, up to five subjects declare development of the learning outcomes regarding questions in which there is no improvement in student learning. These results suggest that the subjects are failing to reach their ESD learning objectives, and that the students are either trained in sustainability outside the university or the subject learning guides do not reflect the work done by the students throughout their studies.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version