8 research outputs found

    Desarrollo de un servicio experimental de teledetección en los riegos del Porma (León) para el cálculo ajustado de necesidades hídricas y mejora en la gestión del regadío

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    El proyecto de innovación tecnológica OPTIREG Eficiencia Hídrica, impulsado por el Grupo Tragsa, tiene entre sus objetivos principales introducir el uso de la teledetección, como tecnología de apoyo a la gestión hídrica. Para ello se está desarrollando un servicio web gis experimental que servirá de repositorio único de imágenes y de sus productos derivados y que facilitará, tanto a los regantes, como a los gestores del riego, el seguimiento de los cultivos y de sus necesidades hídricas. Diversos estudios científicos han demostrado la buena relación lineal existente entre el índice de vegetación normalizado (NDVI), derivado de las imágenes de satélite, y el coeficiente de cultivo, Kc (Torres, 2010), utilizado en el cálculo de la evapotranspiración y las necesidades hídricas. Una primera evaluación de los resultados obtenidos en la campaña 2015 para los principales cultivos en regadío en la zona de estudio del Porma (León), indica que el Kc calculado a partir del NDVI, se ajusta mejor que el de FAO. Por ello, se considera un sistema muy válido como referencia para ajustar no sólo la cantidad de agua, sino también para determinar el momento más adecuado de riego, que redundará en una mayor eficiencia hídrica

    Pasados y presente. Estudios para el profesor Ricardo García Cárcel

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    Ricardo García Cárcel (Requena, 1948) estudió Historia en Valencia bajo el magisterio de Joan Reglà, con quien formó parte del primer profesorado de historia moderna en la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. En esta universidad, desde hace prácticamente cincuenta años, ha desarrollado una extraordinaria labor docente y de investigación marcada por un sagaz instinto histórico, que le ha convertido en pionero de casi todo lo que ha estudiado: las Germanías, la historia de la Cataluña moderna, la Inquisición, las culturas del Siglo de Oro, la Leyenda Negra, Felipe II, Felipe V, Austrias y Borbones, la guerra de la Independencia, la historia cultural, los mitos de la historia de España... Muy pocos tienen su capacidad para reflexionar, ordenar, analizar, conceptualizar y proponer una visión amplia y llena de matices sobre el pasado y las interpretaciones historiográficas. A su laboriosidad inimitable se añade una dedicación sin límites en el asesoramiento de alumnos e investigadores e impulsando revistas, dosieres, seminarios o publicaciones colectivas. Una mínima correspondencia a su generosidad lo constituye este volumen a manera de ineludible agradecimiento

    Nurses' perceptions of aids and obstacles to the provision of optimal end of life care in ICU

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    El posible perfil enológico de los vinos de la vid silvestre euroasiática antes de su domesticación y la presencia mas antigua de semillas cultivadas en el área de Tartessos.

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    [ES]: The present paper is focused on five relic wild grapevine populations within Huelva province (SW Europe, Spain) prospected between 2015¿2017. One microvinification was carried out in each population. Data indicate that the ethanol concentration varies between 10.4 and 13.4 v/v. The color intensity is situated between 14.6 and 17.6 and the pH between 3.26¿3.27. These constitute suitable values for red wines under Mediterranean climatology. On the other hand the age of cultivated waterlogged grapevine seeds found in an excavation in the down town of Huelva city, using a radiocarbon procedure, was 2,795 ± 30 years B.P. This antiquity agrees with that calculated according the style of the ceramic rests to contain wine from Sardinian origin accompanying the pips, found in the same archaeological stratum. Tridimensional measures of these pips were compared with other from wild origin in order to establish differences between both groups.[EN]: The present paper is focused on five relic wild grapevine populations within Huelva province (SW Europe, Spain) prospected between 2015–2017. One microvinification was carried out in each population. Data indicate that the ethanol concentration varies between 10.4 and 13.4 v/v. The color intensity is situated between 14.6 and 17.6 and the pH between 3.26–3.27. These constitute suitable values for red wines under Mediterranean climatology. On the other hand the age of cultivated waterlogged grapevine seeds found in an excavation in the down town of Huelva city, using a radiocarbon procedure, was 2,795 ± 30 years B.P. This antiquity agrees with that calculated according the style of the ceramic rests to contain wine from Sardinian origin accompanying the pips, found in the same archaeological stratum. Tridimensional measures of these pips were compared with other from wild origin in order to establish differences between both groups

    An inventory of the relic eurasian wild grapevine populational nuclei in huelva province (andalusia, Spain)

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    6 páginas.- 2 figuras.- 3 tablas.- 28 referenciasThis paper is focused on 21 relic wild grapevine populations within Huelva province (SW Europe, Spain) prospected between 2015-2017. Position of each popu lation along river-bank forests, types of flower of this dioecious subspecies and morphology of the pollen grains were described. Analyses of five microvinifications were carried out, which indicate that the color intensity of the wines is between 14.6 and 17.6 and the pH between 3.26-3.27, which are suitable values for red wines under Mediterranean climatology. A list of the accompanying vegetation and the cultivated varieties in the "Condado de Huelva" Registered Appellation Origin Mark were also included. Moreover, the genetic diversity of 23 vines was characterized using 25 nuclear SSR loci, the results showed a slightly higher diversity than the one found in Iberian cultivars. However, the observed heterozygosity was significantly lower than the expected one for wild populations in the Huelva province. The inbreeding depression in these wild grape populations is suggested by the positive F values. Therefore, the conservation of this unique germplasm collection should be part of the process of maintaining the genetic diversity in this gene pool, especially, taking into account that no particular legal figure of preservation exists in Spain. © The author(s).Peer reviewe

    La vid silvestre euroasiática, un recurso fitogenético amenazado ligado a la historia de la humanidad

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    16 páginas.-- 20 figuras.-- 64 referencias[EN]: The present article, focused on the Eurasian wild grapevine, the dioecious parental of the present cultivars, shows the ancient uses of this vine in the past and its importance as a plant genetic resource in the genetic improvement of existing varieties and to reduce the loss of agrodiversity in the vineyard. It also includes its main natural habitats, its main ampelographic features and the parasites that affect it. Finally, it remarks the main taxon, lacking a legal figure of preservation in Spain, at both the state and autonomic levels[ES]: El presente artículo centrado en la vid silvestre euroasiática, el parental dioico de las actuales variedades de cultivo, recoge los antiguos aprovechamientos que tuvo esta liana en el pasado y su importancia como recurso fitogenético para la mejora de variedades existentes y frenar la pérdida de agrodiversidad en el viñedo. Asimismo, señala sus principales hábitats naturales, sus principales características ampelográficas y los parásitos que la afectan. Finalmente, señala los principales impactos de carácter antrópico que han reducido drásticamente sus poblaciones, convirtiéndolo en un taxón amenazado, carente de una figura legal de protección en España, tanto a nivel estatal como autonómicoN

    Viral infections of the central nervous system in Spain: a prospective study.

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    The aim of the study was to determine the incidence of viruses causing aseptic meningitis, meningoencephalitis, and encephalitis in Spain. This was a prospective study, in collaboration with 17 Spanish hospitals, including 581 cases (CSF from all and sera from 280): meningitis (340), meningoencephalitis (91), encephalitis (76), febrile syndrome (7), other neurological disorders (32), and 35 cases without clinical information. CSF were assayed by PCR for enterovirus (EV), herpesvirus (herpes simplex [HSV], varicella-zoster [VZV], cytomegalovirus [CMV], Epstein-Barr [EBV], and human herpes virus-6 [HHV-6]), mumps (MV), Toscana virus (TOSV), adenovirus (HAdV), lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV), West Nile virus (WNV), and rabies. Serology was undertaken when methodology was available. Amongst meningitis cases, 57.1% were characterized; EV was the most frequent (76.8%), followed by VZV (10.3%) and HSV (3.1%; HSV-1: 1.6%; HSV-2: 1.0%, HSV non-typed: 0.5%). Cases due to CMV, EBV, HHV-6, MV, TOSV, HAdV, and LCMV were also detected. For meningoencephalitis, 40.7% of cases were diagnosed, HSV-1 (43.2%) and VZV (27.0%) being the most frequent agents, while cases associated with HSV-2, EV, CMV, MV, and LCMV were also detected. For encephalitis, 27.6% of cases were caused by HSV-1 (71.4%), VZV (19.1%), or EV (9.5%). Other positive neurological syndromes included cerebellitis (EV and HAdV), seizures (HSV), demyelinating disease (HSV-1 and HHV-6), myelopathy (VZV), and polyradiculoneuritis (HSV). No rabies or WNV cases were identified. EVs are the most frequent cause of meningitis, as is HSV for meningoencephalitis and encephalitis. A significant number of cases (42.9% meningitis, 59.3% meningoencephalitis, 72.4% encephalitis) still have no etiological diagnosis.Grant sponsor: Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness; Grant number: PI07/90154S