107 research outputs found

    Torsion nonminimally coupled to the electromagnetic field and birefringence

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    In conventional Maxwell--Lorentz electrodynamics, the propagation of light is influenced by the metric, not, however, by the possible presence of a torsion T. Still the light can feel torsion if the latter is coupled nonminimally to the electromagnetic field F by means of a supplementary Lagrangian of the type l^2 T^2 F^2 (l = coupling constant). Recently Preuss suggested a specific nonminimal term of this nature. We evaluate the spacetime relation of Preuss in the background of a general O(3)-symmetric torsion field and prove by specifying the optical metric of spacetime that this can yield birefringence in vacuum. Moreover, we show that the nonminimally coupled homogeneous and isotropic torsion field in a Friedmann cosmos affects the speed of light.Comment: Revtex, 12 pages, no figure

    Combined microbiological test to assess changes in an organic matrix used to avoid agricultural soil contamination, exposed to an insecticide

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    Combined microbiological test (Biolog Ecoplate, denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and Real Time PCR (qPCR)) were developed to evaluate the impact of repeated diazinon (DZN) applications at high concentration (40 mg kg-1) on microbial communities in a microcosm simulating the organic matrix (straw (50%): peat (25%): soil (25%) vv-1) of an pesticide biopurification system (PBS). Moreover, pesticide dissipation was also evaluated. After three successive exposition of DZN, dissipation efficiency was high; achieved 87%, 93% and 96% after each application, respectively showing a clear accelerated dissipation of this pesticide in the organic matrix. The results obtained with Biolog Ecoplate showed that community level physiological profiles were no affected by the addition of DZN. On the other hand, molecular assays (DGGE and QPCR) demonstrated that the microbial structure (bacteria and fungi) remained relatively stable over time with high DZN doses compared to control. Therefore, the results of the present study, clearly, demonstrate the high dissipation capacity of this biomixture and highlight the microbiological robustness of this biological system.Fil: Tortella, G. R.. Universidad de la Frontera. Nucleo Cientifico y Tecnologico En Recursos Naturales (bioren-ufro). Departamento de Ciencias Quimicas y Recursos Naturales; ChileFil: Salgado, E.. Universidad de la Frontera. Nucleo Cientifico y Tecnológico En Recursos Naturales; ChileFil: Cuozzo, Sergio Antonio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Tucumán. Planta Piloto de Procesos Industriales Microbiológicos (i); ArgentinaFil: Mella Herrera, R. A.. Universidad de la Frontera. Nucleo Cientifico y Tecnológico En Recursos Naturales; ChileFil: Parra, L.. Universidad de la Frontera. Núcleo Científico y Tecnológico en Recursos Naturales; ChileFil: Diez, M. C.. Universidad de la Frontera. Nucleo Cientifico y Tecnológico En Recursos Naturales; ChileFil: Rubilar, O.. Universidad de la Frontera. Nucleo Cientifico y Tecnológico En Recursos Naturales; Chil

    A new locality with ctenochasmatid pterosaurs (Pterosauria: Pterodactyloidea) in the Atacama Desert, Northern Chile

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    We describe a new locality with ctenochasmatid pterosaurs found in a tidal estuarine paleoenvironment of the Quebrada Monardes Formation (Lower Cretaceous). The new locality, which is named “Cerro Tormento”, is in Cerros Bravos in the northeast Atacama region, Northern Chile. Here, we describe four cervical vertebrae, one of them belonging to a small individual, the impression of a right scapulocoracoid, a left coracoid, an impression of a left humerus, an incomplete left humerus, a distal fragment of the right humerus, and impressions of a left femur and tibiotarsus. The presence of three humeri and a cervical vertebra belonging to a small pterosaur indicate that these materials represent more than one individual. The cervical vertebrae present diagnostic traits shared with ctenochasmatid pterosaurs, such as elongated vertebral centra, with integrated neural arch, low neural spines, and dorsally located neural canal. It is currently not possible to determine if there are one or more species represented. This finding is the second geographic occurrence of pterosaurs of the clade Ctenochasmatidae in the Atacama region, although it is currently uncertain if ctenochasmatids from both locations were contemporaneous. This suggests that the clade Ctenochasmatidae was widespread in what is now northern Chile. In addition, the presence of bones belonging to more than one individual preserved in Cerro Tormento suggest that pterosaur colonies were present at the southwestern margin of Gondwana during the Early Cretaceous.Fil: Alarcón Muñoz, Jhonatan Andrés. Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas. Departamento de Geología; Chile. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Codorniú, Laura. Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Facultad de Ciencias Físico Matemáticas y Naturales. Departamento de Geología; ArgentinaFil: González, Edwin. Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería; ChileFil: Suárez, Mario E.. Atacama Fosil Research; ChileFil: Suárez, Manuel. Universidad Andrés Bello; ChileFil: Vicencio Campos, Omar. Atacama Fosil Research; ChileFil: Soto Acuña, Sergio. Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas. Departamento de Geología; ChileFil: Kaluza, Jonatan Ezequiel. Fundación de Historia Natural Félix de Azara; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Vargas, Alexander O.. Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas. Departamento de Geología; ChileFil: Rubilar Rogers, David. Museo Nacional de Historia Natural de Chile; Chil

    What is limiting near-infrared astrometry in the Galactic Center?

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    We systematically investigate the error sources for high-precision astrometry from adaptive optics based near-infrared imaging data. We focus on the application in the crowded stellar field in the Galactic Center. We show that at the level of <=100 micro-arcseconds a number of effects are limiting the accuracy. Most important are the imperfectly subtracted seeing halos of neighboring stars, residual image distortions and unrecognized confusion of the target source with fainter sources in the background. Further contributors to the error budget are the uncertainty in estimating the point spread function, the signal-to-noise ratio induced statistical uncertainty, coordinate transformation errors, the chromaticity of refraction in Earth's atmosphere, the post adaptive optics differential tilt jitter and anisoplanatism. For stars as bright as mK=14, residual image distortions limit the astrometry, for fainter stars the limitation is set by the seeing halos of the surrounding stars. In order to improve the astrometry substantially at the current generation of telescopes, an adaptive optics system with high performance and weak seeing halos over a relatively small field (r<=3") is suited best. Furthermore, techniques to estimate or reconstruct the seeing halo could be promising.Comment: accepted by MNRAS, 13 pages, 14 figure

    Immobilization of the white-rot fungus Anthracophyllum discolor to degrade the herbicide atrazine

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    Herbicides cause environmental concerns because they are toxic and accumulate in the environment, food products and water supplies. There is a need to develop safe, efficient and economical methods to remove them from the environment, often by biodegradation. Atrazine is such herbicide. White-rot fungi have the ability to degrade herbicides of potential utility. This study formulated a novel pelletized support to immobilize the white-rot fungus Anthracophyllum discolor to improve its capability to degrade the atrazine using a biopurification system (BS). Different proportions of sawdust, starch, corn meal and flaxseed were used to generate three pelletized supports (F1, F2 and F3). In addition, immobilization with coated and uncoated pelletized supports (CPS and UPS, respectively) was assessed. UPS-F1 was determined as the most effective system as it provided high level of manganese peroxidase activity and fungal viability. The half-life (t1/2) of atrazine decreased from 14 to 6 days for the control and inoculated samples respectively. Inoculation with immobilized A. discolor produced an increase in the fungal taxa assessed by DGGE and on phenoloxidase activity determined. The treatment improves atrazine degradation and reduces migration to surface and groundwater.Grant CONICYT/FONDAP/15130015Grant FONDECYT 112096

    Relict duck-billed dinosaurs survived into the last age of the dinosaurs in subantarctic Chile

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    In the dusk of the Mesozoic, advanced duck-billed dinosaurs (Hadrosauridae) were so successful that they likely outcompeted other herbivores, contributing to declines in dinosaur diversity. From Laurasia, hadrosaurids dispersed widely, colonizing Africa, South America, and, allegedly, Antarctica. Here, we present the first species of a duck-billed dinosaur from a subantarctic region, Gonkoken nanoi, of early Maastrichtian age in Magallanes, Chile. Unlike duckbills further north in Patagonia, Gonkoken descends from North American forms diverging shortly before the origin of Hadrosauridae. However, at the time, non-hadrosaurids in North America had become replaced by hadrosaurids. We propose that the ancestors of Gonkoken arrived earlier in South America and reached further south, into regions where hadrosaurids never arrived: All alleged subantarctic and Antarctic remains of hadrosaurids could belong to non-hadrosaurid duckbills like Gonkoken. Dinosaur faunas of the world underwent qualitatively different changes before the Cretaceous-Paleogene asteroid impact, which should be considered when discussing their possible vulnerability

    Chilean sport sciences scientific production indexed in the Web of Science (1981-2016)

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    9 p.Objetivo: realizar un análisis bibliométrico de la producción científica chilena de Ciencias del deporte indexada en la Web of Science hasta 2016. Métodos: se analizaron los artículos y revisiones de Ciencias del deporte de Chile incluidos en los índices de la Colección principal de Web of Science hasta 2016. Los datos se recopilaron y filtraron en el programa Endnote X6 y luego se exportaron a Excel 2013, Bibexcel e Histcite para su análisis. La bibliometría se centró en la productividad, los sujetos y los patrones de colaboración. Resultados: Se encontraron un total de 152 documentos publicados desde 1981 hasta 2016. Las ciencias de la vida fueron el área de investigación principal (104), mientras que la fisiología (36) y la teoría del entrenamiento deportivo (30) fueron los sujetos más representados. La media de autores por artículo fue de 5,26 y el porcentaje de colaboración estuvo principalmente entre el 94% y el 100%. Ramírez-Campillo fue el autor más prolífico (24) y Caniuqueo logró el mayor índice de colaboración (10.83). Se descubrieron dos redes, con 20 y 10 académicos respectivamente y que representan 19 instituciones diferentes. Un grupo de 53 revistas diferentes ha difundido publicaciones de Ciencias del Deporte de Chile, pero 12 de ellas recolectaron el 60.53% de la producción total. Conclusión: la producción científica chilena de Ciencias del Deporte indexada en la Web of Science muestra el desarrollo progresivo y el fortalecimiento de este campo del conocimiento, claramente orientado a las Ciencias de la Vida, el trabajo en equipo y la colaboración internacional. También se debe destacar el establecimiento de una red que incluye académicos de Australia, Brasil, Canadá, Chile y España, que está impulsando la investigación de Ciencias del Deporte en este paísS

    Star Formation and Dynamics in the Galactic Centre

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    The centre of our Galaxy is one of the most studied and yet enigmatic places in the Universe. At a distance of about 8 kpc from our Sun, the Galactic centre (GC) is the ideal environment to study the extreme processes that take place in the vicinity of a supermassive black hole (SMBH). Despite the hostile environment, several tens of early-type stars populate the central parsec of our Galaxy. A fraction of them lie in a thin ring with mild eccentricity and inner radius ~0.04 pc, while the S-stars, i.e. the ~30 stars closest to the SMBH (<0.04 pc), have randomly oriented and highly eccentric orbits. The formation of such early-type stars has been a puzzle for a long time: molecular clouds should be tidally disrupted by the SMBH before they can fragment into stars. We review the main scenarios proposed to explain the formation and the dynamical evolution of the early-type stars in the GC. In particular, we discuss the most popular in situ scenarios (accretion disc fragmentation and molecular cloud disruption) and migration scenarios (star cluster inspiral and Hills mechanism). We focus on the most pressing challenges that must be faced to shed light on the process of star formation in the vicinity of a SMBH.Comment: 68 pages, 35 figures; invited review chapter, to be published in expanded form in Haardt, F., Gorini, V., Moschella, U. and Treves, A., 'Astrophysical Black Holes'. Lecture Notes in Physics. Springer 201

    On the energy transported by exact plane gravitational-wave solutions

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    The energy and momentum transported by exact plane gravitational-wave solutions of Einstein equations are computed using the teleparallel equivalent formulation of Einstein's theory. It is shown that these waves transport neither energy nor momentum. A comparison with the usual linear plane gravitational-waves solution of the linearized Einstein equation is presented.Comment: 15 pages, Revtex, no figures, to appear in Class. Quantum Gra