407 research outputs found

    Analiza uređaja koji osobama s invaliditetom olakšava upravljanje vozilom

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    U radu je analiziran uređaj koji osobama s invaliditetom olakšava upravljanje vozilom, tj. upravljanje pedale kočnice ili spojke. Polazište za uređaj je bila patentna prijava koja se sastojala od dvije izvedbe uređaja, jedna izvedba sa dva hidraulička cilindra i servo uređajem i jedna izvedba sa četiri hidraulička cilindra i servo uređajem. Proračunskim modelom uređaja su utvrđeni početni i krajnji parametri potrebni za izradu uređaja, tlakovi u hidrauličkim cilindarima, veličine sila na ulazu i izlazu iz servo uređaja, te ukupna iskoristivost cijelog uređaja. Obzirom na predloženo rješenje uzeta je shema sa dva hidraulička cilindra prije servo urađaja i sa dva hidraulička cilindra iza servo uređaja, jer je potrebna najmanja ručna sila na ručni aktuator. Sam uređaj može se izvesti kao sklop tri zasebna modula. Moduli su uvedeni zbog pojednostavljenja i kompaktnosti. Svaki zasebni modul predstavlja dio uređaja koji se smješta u različiti dio vozila. Za ispitivanje uređaja je konstruirana mjerna linija. Pomoću senzora na mjernoj liniji potvrđeno je da uređaj u potpunosti ispunjava svoju zadaću, te da je spreman za ugradnju u vozilo i daljne ispitivanje. Uređaj je ugrađen u vozilo FIAT PUNTO modelska godina 2004. s Dieselovim motorom, ali ideja je da ga se može ugraditi u bilo koje drugo osobno vozilo. Ispitivanjem je dokazano da uređaj omogućuje istu funkcije kao kočenje nogom

    Emilie Noulet, l'exégète de la poésie moderne

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    Par l'évocation suc-incte d'une carrière de professeur et de critique, qui prend figure de destin et par la présentation des étapes majeures d'une oeuvre conçue comme un approfondissement infini de la conscience poétique, Jan Rubes montre la nécessité intérieure d'une méthode plus liée à l'originalité d'une personnalité hors du commun et en situation qu'aux modes et débats théoriques et qui explore en solitaire la modernité de la poésie française.With this succinct description of a womans career one could almost say destiny as a professor and literary critic, and by presenting the major stages of a literary work that is conceived of as reaching into the infinite depths of poetic consciousness, Rubes shows the internal necessity of a method more closely related to the originality of an extraordinary personality exploring the modernism of French poetry in solitude than to contemporary theoretical trends and controversie

    Les trois vies d’Émile Chardome, aventurier sans aventures

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    A study of the Merritt Island, Florida sea breeze flow regimes and their effect on surface heat and moisture fluxes

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    Data collected during the Convective and Precipitation/Electrification Experiment were analyzed as part of an investigation of the sea breeze in the vicinity of Merritt Island, Florida. Analysis of near-surface divergence fields shows that the classical 24-hour oscillation in divergence over the island due to the direct sea breeze circulation is frequently disrupted and exhibits two distinct modes: the classical sea breeze pattern and deviations from that pattern. A comparison of clear day surface energy fluxes with fluxes on other days indicates that changes in magnitudes were dominated by the presence or absence of clouds. Non-classical sea breeze days tended to lose more available energy in the morning than classical sea breeze days due to earlier development of small cumulus over the island. A composite storm of surface winds, surface energy fluxes, rainfall, and satellite visible data was constructed. A spectral transmittance over the visible wavelengths for the cloud cover resulting from the composite storm was calculated. It is shown that pre-storm transmittances of 0.8 fall to values near 0.1 as the downdraft moves directly over the site. It is also found that under post-composite storm conditions of continuous clear sky days, 3.5 days are required to evaporate back into the atmosphere the latent heat energy lost to the surface by rainfall

    Frequency of Aneuploidy Related to Age in Porcine Oocytes

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    It is generally accepted that mammalian oocytes are frequently suffering from chromosome segregation errors during meiosis I, which have severe consequences, including pregnancy loss, developmental disorders and mental retardation. In a search for physiologically more relevant model than rodent oocytes to study this phenomenon, we have employed comparative genomic hybridization (CGH), combined with whole genome amplification (WGA), to study the frequency of aneuploidy in porcine oocytes, including rare cells obtained from aged animals. Using this method, we were able to analyze segregation pattern of each individual chromosome during meiosis I. In contrast to the previous reports where conventional methods, such as chromosome spreads or FISH, were used to estimate frequency of aneuploidy, our results presented here show, that the frequency of this phenomenon was overestimated in porcine oocytes. Surprisingly, despite the results from human and mouse showing an increase in the frequency of aneuploidy with advanced maternal age, our results obtained by the most accurate method currently available for scoring the aneuploidy in oocytes indicated no increase in the frequency of aneuploidy even in oocytes from animals, whose age was close to the life expectancy of the breed
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