44 research outputs found

    Multiplet effects in Resonant X-ray Emission

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    After a short discussion of all conventional core level spectroscopies within the single particle model, the effects of the coupling of the core and valence wave function on the x-ray emission spectral shapes is discussed. It will be shown that these so-called multiplet effects strongly affect all x-ray emission spectra taken around the metal 2p resonances. In case of 1s resonances, valence band x-ray emission is not affected, but the spectral shapes of 1s2p and 1s3p x-ray emission can only be sensibly described with the inclusion of multiplets. A special example is the resonant excitation into the pre-edge region, which gives rise to a quadrupole resonance

    Multiplet effects in resonant x-ray emission

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    The Fall of American Soft Diplomacy in Ethiopia: A Victim of its own Success

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    Ethiopia’s soft diplomatic history with the United States goes back to the dawn of the twentieth century when King Menelik in 1905 responded favorably to the overtures by the United States for official relations between the two countries when Ethiopia was the only independent country in Africa. The purpose of this paper is to highlight the benchmarks of a successful engagement that had lasted for over seventy years only to suffer reversals from critical events both internal and external. A brief historical analysis will be rendered to highlight the role of the United States in the modernization of Ethiopia and how that virtuous soft-power diplomacy was destroyed by cold war calculations for détente with the Soviet Union ignoring the geopolitical reality in the Horn that eventually spelled disaster for Ethiopia. One of the friendliest official relations that the U.S. has had with an African country in the twentieth century became a casualty when U.S. foreign policy failed to match the challenges in the Horn of Africa in the early 1970s, giving way to a brutal military regime aided and abated by some highly educated Marxists many of whom went to school in some of the best institutions of higher learning in the U.S. and Europe

    "...to promote sustainable development..."

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    Sammanfattning År 1987, kom Brundtlandkommissionens rapport med titeln Vår gemensamma framtid. Enligt rapporten så kan hållbar utveckling definieras som: En utveckling som tillfredsställer dagens behov utan att äventyra kommande generationers möjligheter att tillfredsställa sina behov. Begreppet hållbar utveckling har ända sen dess varit en central del av alla internationella miljörättsliga dokument. År 1999, blev begreppet hållbar utveckling en del av svensk lagstiftning genom kapitel 1, paragraf 1 i Miljöbalken (SFS 1998:808). Den här uppsatsen presenterar begreppet hållbar utveckling i ett rättsutvecklingsperspektiv: hur det är formulerat i lagtexten och hur såg lagstiftaren på begreppet när lagstiftningen antogs. Rättslig litteratur på området är också betraktad. En undersökning och tolkning av relevant material utförs, och frågeställningen är formulerad på följande sätt: Vilken (eller vilka) miljöetisk teori kan ses som varande återspeglad i lagstiftarens idéer om hållbar utveckling i lagtexten och i förarbetena gällande portalparagrafen i Miljöbalken - och på vilket sätt återspeglas detta? För att besvara denna fråga presenteras olika miljöetiska teorier, både i ett historiskt perspektiv, och enligt systematiseringen gjord av Mikael Stenmark. Resultatet av tolkningen av det undersökta materialet har sedan jämförts med innehållet i de olika miljöetiska teorierna, för att reda ut vilken teori, eller teorier, som kan ses som återspeglad i lagstiftarens idéer om hållbar utveckling. Författaren når slutsatsen att vad som faktiskt återspeglas i kapitel 1, paragraf 1 i Miljöbalken är en blandning av holistisk intergenerationell antropocentrism och svag ekocentrism.Summary In 1987 the Brundtland commission presented its report entitled Our Common Future. According to the report, sustainable development can be defined as: A development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. The term sustainable development has been a central part in all international environmental law documents ever since. In 1999, the term sustainable development was received into the Swedish legislation, in chapter 1, section 1 of the Swedish Environmental Code (SFS 1998:808). This thesis presents the term sustainable development in a legal development perspective: how it is formulated in the legal text, and what were the views of the legislator concerning the term when the legislation was enacted. Also, the legal literature in this field is reviewed. An examination and interpretation of the relevant material is performed, and the research question is formulated as follows: Which theory (or theories) of environmental ethics can be seen as being reflected in the legislator’s ideas of sustainable development in the legal text and in the preparatory works concerning the opening section of the Environmental Code - and reflected in what way? To answer this question, different theories of environmental ethics are presented, both in a historical perspective and according to the systemization by Mikael Stenmark. The result of the interpretation of the examined material is then compared with the essence of the different theories of environmental ethics, in order to find out which theory, or theories, can be seen as reflected in the legislator’s ideas of sustainable development. The author arrives at the conclusion that what actually is reflected in chapter 1, section 1 of the Swedish Environmental Code is a blend of holistic inter-generational anthropocentrism and weak ecocentrism

    Разработка рекламной кампании промышленного предприятия и оценка ее эффективности (на примере ОАО «Коминтерн»)

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    Spectra of triply charged carbon disulphide have been obtained by measuring, in coincidence, all three electrons ejected in its formation by photoionization. Measurements of the CS23+ ion in coincidence with the three electrons identify the energy range where stable trications are formed. A sharp peak in this energy range is identified as the 2Π ground state at 53.1±0.1 eV, which is the lowest electronic state according to ab initio molecular orbital calculations. Triple ionization by the double Auger effect is provisionally divided, on the basis of the pattern of energy sharing between the two Auger electrons into contributions from direct and cascade Auger processes. The spectra from the direct double Auger effect via S 2p, S 2s, and C 1s hole states contain several resolved features and show selectivity based on the initial charge localization and on the identity of the initial state. Triple ionization spectra from single Auger decay of S 2p -based core-valence states CS22+ show retention of the valence holes in this Auger process. Related ion-electron coincidence measurements give the triple ionization yields and the breakdown patterns in triple photoionization at selected photon energies from 90 eV to above the inner shell edges

    Localized inverse factorization

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    We propose a localized divide and conquer algorithm for inverse factorization S-1 = ZZ* of Hermitian positive definite matrices S with localized structure, e.g. exponential decay with respect to some given distance function on the index set of S. The algorithm is a reformulation of recursive inverse factorization (Rubensson et al. (2008) Recursive inverse factorization. J. Chem. Phys., 128, 104105) but makes use of localized operations only. At each level of the recursion, the problem is cut into two subproblems and their solutions are combined using iterative refinement (Niklasson (2004) Iterative refinement method for the approximate factorization of a matrix inverse. Phys. Rev. B, 70, 193102) to give a solution to the original problem. The two subproblems can be solved in parallel without any communication and, using the localized formulation, the cost of combining their results is negligible compared to the overall cost for sufficiently large systems and appropriate partitions of the problem. We also present an alternative derivation of iterative refinement based on a sign matrix formulation, analyze the stability and propose a parameterless stopping criterion. We present bounds for the initial factorization error and the number of iterations in terms of the condition number of S when the starting guess is given by the solution of the two subproblems in the binary recursion. These bounds are used in theoretical results for the decay properties of the involved matrices. We demonstrate the localization properties of our algorithm for matrices corresponding to nearest neighbor overlap on one-, two- and three-dimensional lattices, as well as basis set overlap matrices generated using the Hartree-Fock and Kohn-Sham density functional theory electronic structure program Ergo (Rudberg et al. (2018) Ergo: an open-source program for linear-scaling electronic structure. SoftwareX, 7, 107). We evaluate the parallel performance of our implementation based on the chunks and tasks programming model, showing that the proposed localization of the algorithm results in a dramatic reduction of communication costs.eSSENC

    Integral properties of channel interference in resonant X-ray scattering

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    The integral properties of channel interference in resonant X-ray scattering (RXS) are formally investigated. The qualitative difference between vibrational and electronic state lifetime interference is elucidated. It is shown that the integral interference term in the RXS cross section summed over all intermediate and final states is exactly equal to zero. A few experimental cases are given as illustration. As a result of numerical simulations it is found that the integral interference term is also close to zero if only certain finite sets of intermediate and final states are taken into account