88 research outputs found

    High redshift AGNs and HI reionisation: limits from the unresolved X-ray background

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    The rapidly declining population of bright quasars at z~3 appears to make an increasingly small contribution to the ionising background at the HI Lyman limit. It is then generally though that massive stars in (pre-)galactic systems may provide the additional ionising flux needed to complete HI reionisation by z>6. A galaxy dominated background, however, may require that the escape fraction of Lyman continuum radiation from high redshift galaxies is as high as 10%, a value somewhat at odds with (admittedly scarce) observational constraints. High escape fractions from dwarf galaxies have been advocated, or, alternatively, a so-far undetected (or barely detected) population of unobscured, high-redshift faint AGNs. Here we question the latter hypothesis, and show that such sources, to be consistent with the measured level of the unresolved X-ray background at z=0, can provide a fraction of the HII filling factor not larger than 13% by z=6. The fraction rises to <27% in the somewhat extreme case of a constant comoving redshift evolution of the AGN emissivity. This still calls for a mean escape fraction of ionising photons from high-z galaxies >10%.Comment: A&A Letter, accepted (4 pages, 2 figures

    Constraints on the Accretion History of Massive Black Holes from Faint X-ray Counts

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    We investigate how hierarchical models for the co-evolution of the massive black hole (MBH) and AGN population can reproduce the observed faint X-ray counts. We find that the main variable influencing the theoretical predictions is the Eddington ratio of accreting sources. We compare three different models proposed for the evolution of AGN Eddington ratio, f_Edd: constant f_Edd=1, f_Edd decreasing with redshift, and f_Edd depending on the AGN luminosity, as suggested by simulations of galactic mergers including BHs and AGN feedback. We follow the full assembly of MBHs and host halos from early times to the present in a LambdaCDM cosmology. AGN activity is triggered by halo major mergers and MBHs accrete mass until they satisfy the observed correlation with velocity dispersion. We find that all three models can reproduce fairly well the total faint X-ray counts. The redshift distribution is however poorly matched in the first two models. The Eddington ratios suggested by merger simulations predicts no turn-off of the faint end of the AGN optical luminosity function at redshifts z>=1 down to very low luminosity.Comment: MNRAS in press, 7 pages, 8 figure

    Ultra-faint high-redshift galaxies in the Frontier Fields

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    By combining cosmological simulations with Frontier Fields project lens models we find that, in the most optimistic case, galaxies as faint as m≈33−34m \approx 33 - 34 (AB magnitude at 1.6μm1.6 \rm \mu m) can be detected in the Frontier Fields. Such faint galaxies are hosted by dark matter halos of mass ∼109M⊙\sim10^9 M_\odot and dominate the ionizing photon budget over currently observed bright galaxies, thus allowing for the first time the investigation of the dominant reionization sources. In addition, the observed number of these galaxies can be used to constrain the role of feedback in suppressing star formation in small halos: for example, if galaxy formation is suppressed in halos with circular velocity vc<50v_c < 50 km s−1^{-1}, galaxies fainter than m=31m=31 should not be detected in the FFs.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS Letter

    Counts of high-redshift GRBs as probe of primordial non-Gaussianities

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    We propose to use high-redshift long γ\gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) as cosmological tools to constrain the amount of primordial non-Gaussianity in the density field. By using numerical, N-body, hydrodynamic, chemistry simulations of different cosmological volumes with various Gaussian and non-Gaussian models, we self-consistently relate the cosmic star formation rate density to the corresponding GRB rate. Assuming that GRBs are fair tracers of cosmic star formation, we find that positive local non-Gaussianities, described in terms of the non-linear parameter, \fnl, might boost significantly the GRB rate at high redshift, z≫6z \gg 6. Deviations with respect to the Gaussian case account for a few orders of magnitude if \fnl∼1000\sim 1000, one order of magnitude for \fnl∼100\sim 100, and a factor of ∼2\sim 2 for \fnl∼50\sim 50. These differences are found only at large redshift, while at later times the rates tend to converge. Furthermore, a comparison between our predictions and the observed GRB data at z>6z > 6 allows to exclude large negative \fnl, consistently with previous works. Future detections of any long GRB at extremely high redshift (z∼15−20z\sim 15-20) could favor non-Gaussian scenarios with positive \fnl. More stringent constraints require much larger high-zz GRB complete samples, currently not available in literature. By distinguishing the contributions to the GRB rate from the metal-poor population III regime, and the metal-enriched population II-I regime, we conclude that the latter is a more solid tracer of the underlying matter distribution, while the former is strongly dominated by feedback mechanisms from the first, massive, short-lived stars, rather than by possible non-Gaussian fluctuations. This holds quite independently of the assumed population III initial mass function.Comment: 12 pages; MNRAS in press. Chi ha paura muore tutti i giorn

    The brief era of direct collapse black hole formation

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    It has been proposed that the first, intermediate-mass (≈105−6 M⊙\approx 10^{5-6}~M_\odot) black holes might form through direct collapse of unpolluted gas in atomic-cooling halos exposed to a strong Lyman-Werner (LW) or near-infrared (NIR) radiation. As these systems are expected to be Compton-thick, photons above 13.6 eV are largely absorbed and re-processed into lower energy bands. It follows that direct collapse black holes (DCBHs) are very bright in the LW/NIR bands, typically outshining small high-redshift galaxies by more than 10 times. Once the first DCBHs form, they then trigger a runaway process of further DCBH formation, producing a sudden rise in their cosmic mass density. The universe enters the "DCBH era" at z≈20z \approx 20 when a large fraction of atomic-cooling halos are experiencing DCBH formation. By combining the clustering properties of the radiation sources with Monte Carlo simulations we show that in this scenario the DCBH mass density rises from ∼5\sim 5~M⊙M_\odot Mpc−3^{-3} at z∼30z\sim 30 to the peak value ∼5×105M⊙\sim5\times10^5 M_\odot Mpc−3^{-3} at z∼14z \sim 14 in our fiducial model. However, the abundance of \textit{active} (accreting) DCBHs drops after z∼14z \sim 14, as gas in the potential formation sites (unpolluted halos with virial temperature slightly above 10410^4~K) is photoevaporated. This effect almost completely suppresses DCBH formation after z∼13z\sim 13. The DCBH formation era lasts only ≈150\approx 150 Myr, but it might crucially provide the seeds of the supermassive black holes (SMBHs) powering z∼6z\sim6 quasars.Comment: 26 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Infrared background signatures of the first black holes

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    Angular fluctuations of the Near InfraRed Background (NIRB) intensity are observed up to scales \simlt 1^{\ensuremath{^{\circ}}}. Their interpretation is challenging as even after removing the contribution from detected sources, the residual signal is >10>10 times higher than expected from distant galaxies below the detection limit and first stars. We propose here a novel interpretation in which early, intermediate mass, accreting direct collapse black holes (DCBH), which are too faint to be detected individually in current surveys, could explain the observed fluctuations. We find that a population of highly obscured (N_{\rm H}\simgt 10^{25} \rm cm^{-2}) DCBHs formed in metal-free halos with virial temperature 10410^4 K at z\simgt 12, can explain the observed level ≈10−3\approx 10^{-3} (nW m−2^{-2} sr−1)2^{-1})^2 of the 3.6 and 4.5 μ\mum fluctuations on scales >100′′>100''. The signal on smaller scales is instead produced by undetected galaxies at low and intermediate redshifts. Albeit Compton-thick, at scales θ>100′′\theta> 100'' DCBHs produce a CXB (0.5-2 keV)-NIRB (4.5μm4.5 \rm \mu m) cross-correlation signal of ≃10−11\simeq 10^{-11} erg s−1^{-1} cm−2^{-2} nW m−2^{-2} sr−1^{-1} slightly dependent on the specific value of the absorbing gas column (NH≈1025cm−2N_{\rm H} \approx 10^{25} \rm cm^{-2}) adopted and in agreement with the recent measurements by \cite{2012arXiv1210.5302C}. At smaller scales the cross-correlation is dominated by the emission of high-mass X-ray binaries (HMXB) hosted by the same low-zz, undetected galaxies accounting for small scale NIRB fluctuations. These results outline the great potential of the NIRB as a tool to investigate the nature of the first galaxies and black holes.Comment: 27 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    High redshift Gamma-Ray Bursts

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    Ten years of operations of the Swift satellite have allowed us to collect a small sample of long Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) at redshift larger than 6. I will review here the present status of this research field and discuss the possible use of GRBs as a fundamental new tool to explore the early Universe, complementary to quasar and galaxy surveys. <P /

    XMM-Newton and INTEGRAL observations of the bright GRB 230307A : vanishing of the local absorption and limits on the dust in the Magellanic Bridge

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    230307A is the second brightest gamma ray burst detected in more than 50 years of observations and is located in the direction of the Magellanic Bridge. Despite its long duration, it is most likely the result of the compact merger of a binary ejected from a galaxy in the local universe (redshift z=0.065). Our XMM-Newton observation of its afterglow at 4.5 days shows a power-law spectrum with photon index Γ=1.73±0.10\Gamma =1.73 \pm0.10, unabsorbed flux F0.3−10 keV=(8.8±0.5)×10−14F_{0.3-10\,\rm keV}=(8.8\pm0.5)\times 10^{-14} erg cm−2^{-2} s−1^{-1} and no absorption in excess of that produced in our Galaxy and in the Magellanic Bridge. We derive a limit of NHHOST<5×1020N_{\rm H}^{\rm HOST} < 5\times 10^{20} cm−2^{-2} on the absorption at the GRB redshift, which is a factor ∼ \sim\,5 below the value measured during the prompt phase. We searched for the presence of dust scattering rings with negative results and set an upper limit of the order of AV<0.05A_V<0.05 on the absorption from dust in the Magellanic Bridge.Comment: Version accepted for publication on The Astrophysical Journal (a few changes and more figures

    The first orbital period of a very bright and fast Nova in M31: M31N 2013-01b

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    We present the first X-ray and UV/optical observations of a very bright and fast nova in the disc of M31, M31N 2013-01b. The nova reached a peak magnitude R∼R\sim15 mag and decayed by 2 magnitudes in only 3 days, making it one of the brightest and fastest novae ever detected in Andromeda. From archival multi-band data we have been able to trace its fast evolution down to U>21U>21 mag in less than two weeks and to uncover for the first time the Super-Soft X-ray phase, whose onset occurred 10-30 days from the optical maximum. The X-ray spectrum is consistent with a blackbody with a temperature of ∼\sim50 eV and emitting radius of ∼\sim4×109\times 10^{9} cm, larger than a white dwarf radius, indicating an expanded region. Its peak X-ray luminosity, 3.5×1037\times 10^{37} erg s−1^{-1}, locates M31N 2013-01b among the most luminous novae in M31. We also unambiguously detect a short 1.28±\pm0.02 h X-ray periodicity that we ascribe to the binary orbital period, possibly due to partial eclipses. This makes M31N 2013-01b the first nova in M31 with an orbital period determined. The short period also makes this nova one of the few known below the 2-3 h orbital period gap. All the observed characteristics strongly indicate that M31N 2013-01b harbours a massive white dwarf and a very low-mass companion, consistent with being a nova belonging to the disc population of the Andromeda Galaxy.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables; accepted by the Astrophysical Journa

    Probing intergalactic radiation fields during cosmic reionization through gamma-ray absorption

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    We discuss expectations for the absorption of high-energy gamma-rays by gamma-gamma pair production with intergalactic radiation fields (IRFs) at very high redshifts (z~5-20), and the prospects thereof for probing the cosmic reionization era. For the evolving IRF, a semi-analytical model incorporating both Population II and Population III stars is employed, which is consistent with a wide variety of existing high-z observations including QSO spectral measurements, WMAP Thomson depth constraints, near-IR source count limits, etc. We find that the UV IRF below the Lyman edge energy with intensities in the range of a few times 10^{-19} erg cm^{-2} s^{-1} Hz^{-1} sr^{-1} can cause appreciable attenuation above ~12 GeV at z~5, down to ~6-8 GeV at z>~8-10. This may be observable in the spectra of blazars or gamma-ray bursts by the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope or next generation facilities such as the Cherenkov Telescope Array, Advanced Gamma-ray Imaging System or 5@5, providing invaluable insight into early star formation and cosmic reionization.Comment: MNRAS in press with minor revisions, 5 pages, 5 figures. Numerical data of the model results will be available at http://www-tap.scphys.kyoto-u.ac.jp/~inoue/hizabs
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