87 research outputs found

    La traduction intersémiotique et l’hybridité dans la Nueva coronica y buen gobierno de Felipe Guamán Poma de Ayala : analyse des rapports de pouvoir ethniques

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    La fin du XVe siècle marque le début d’une nouvelle ère dans les Amériques. L’arrivée des explorateurs, des conquistadores et des colonisateurs espagnols au nouveau continent signe l’introduction des Amériques dans l’histoire. Dans les écrits rédigés durant les premières décennies de la colonisation, les Autochtones endossent majoritairement le rôle d’objet. À la suite de l’endoctrinement d’une partie de la population autochtone, ce rôle passif se transforme en rôle davantage actif alors que certains Autochtones décident de prendre la parole et la plume. Voilà ce que Felipe Guamán Poma de Ayala décide de faire par l’entremise de sa chronique Nueva coronica y buen gobierno, rédigé en 1615 et adressé au roi Philippe III d’Espagne. Ce mémoire étudie une sélection d’images de la chronique comme traductions culturelles intersémiotiques de la société coloniale dans la mesure où elles traduisent le vécu colonial, y compris les rapports de pouvoir ethniques au sein de la hiérarchie sociale, à l’aide d’unités sémiotiques provenant de divers codes culturels (espagnol, catholique et andin). L’objectif de ce projet de recherche consiste à démontrer la façon dont l’hybridité du système sémiotique du texte cible expose la nature aliénante de la traduction ainsi que la relation antagonique qu’elle entretient avec l’idéologie coloniale officielle.The end of the 15th century introduces a new era in America. The arrival of Spanish explorers, conquistadors and colonists on the New Continent marks the beginning of American History. In works written during the first decades of colonization, most Natives merely take on the role of objects. Following the indoctrination of part of the Native population, this passive role becomes more active when some Natives decide to make their voices heard by the means of writing. This is exactly what Felipe Guamán Poma de Ayala decides to do in his 1615 Nueva coronica y buen gobierno, written to King Phillip III of Spain. This project studies a selection of pictures from the chronicle as intersemiotic cultural translations of colonial society that translate colonial events, including the ethnic power struggles within the social hierarchy, using semiotic units belonging to various culture codes (Spanish, Catholic, Andean). Our goal is to show that the hybridity that shapes the semiotic system used in the target text reveals the foreignizing nature of the translation, and in turn, the antagonistic relations with the official colonial ideology

    Caught in the act: how the U.S. lacey act can hamper the fight against cyanide fishing in tropical coral reefs

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    Cyanide fishing is one of the most destructive techniques employed to\ncollect live reef fish. While national laws of most source countries ban\nthis practice, cyanide is still widely employed to capture live reef\nfish for human consumption and marine aquariums. The United States is\none of the largest importers of live reef fish, and the implementation\nof new approaches to screen for fish caught with cyanide is urgently\nneeded. A fast and reliable noninvasive and nondestructive approach to\nscreen live reef fish for cyanide poisoning was recently developed, yet\ndeployment of this test may be obstructed by U.S. law. The Lacey Act\nprohibits the import, export, transport, and acquisition in interstate\nor international commerce of fish taken in violation of any foreign law.\nTherefore, if a fish tests positive for cyanide poisoning, the testers\ncould expose themselves to liability for potential Lacey Act violations,\nas they are knowingly engaging in an illegal act. To eliminate this\ndisincentive, the U.S. government should help conservationists develop\nprotocols on how to test for cyanide poisoning without violating the\nLacey Act

    Информационная система для моделирования и оценивания финансовых операционных рисков с помощью байесовской сети

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    Розглянуто задачу оцінювання фінансового операційного ризику за допомогою ймовірнісної байєсівської мережі. Досліджено причини виникнення фінансових операційних ризиків у фінансових організаціях. Показано, що актуальною задачею для таких організацій є створення систем менеджменту фінансових ризиків на основі сучасних математичних моделей, зокрема моделей, побудованих за методами інтелектуального аналізу даних. Запропоновано методику побудови моделей у формі БМ з використанням взаємної інформації змінних мережі та критерію якості структури на основі опису мережі мінімальної довжини. Створено інформаційну систему для математичного моделювання та оцінювання фінансових ризиків, яка надає можливість використовувати статистичні дані та експертні оцінки у ході побудови математичних моделей.The problem of financial operational risks using Bayesian network was considered. The causes for operational risks in financial institutions were studied. It was shown that an urgent task for such an organization was development and implementation of financial risks management systems on the basis of modern models constructed with data mining techniques. A methodology was provided for constructing models in the form of Bayesian network using mutual information for the variables involved and the structure quality criterion based on the description of a minimum length network. Also, the information processing system has been developed for mathematical modeling and estimation of financial risks that uses statistical data and expert estimates as inputs for model building.Рассмотрена задача оценивания финансового операционного риска с помощью вероятностной байесовской сети. Исследованы причины возникновения финансовых операционных рисков в финансовых организациях. Показано, что актуальной задачей для таких организаций есть создание систем менеджмента финансовых рисков на основе современных математических моделей, в частности, построенных с помощью методов интеллектуального анализа данных. Предложена методика построения моделей в форме БС с использованием взаимной информации переменных сети и критерия качества структуры на основе описания сети минимальной длины. Создана информационная система для математического моделирования и оценивания финансовых рисков, которая дает возможность использовать статистические данные и экспертные оценки при построении математических моделей

    Harnessing mtDNA variation to resolve ambiguity in 'Redfish' sold in Europe

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    Morphology-based identification of North Atlantic Sebastes has long been controversial and misidentification may produce misleading data, with cascading consequences that negatively affect fisheries management and seafood labelling. North Atlantic Sebastes comprises of four species, commonly known as ‘redfish’, but little is known about the number, identity and labelling accuracy of redfish species sold across Europe. We used a molecular approach to identify redfish species from ‘blind’ specimens to evaluate the performance of the Barcode of Life (BOLD) and Genbank databases, as well as carrying out a market product accuracy survey from retailers across Europe. The conventional BOLD approach proved ambiguous, and phylogenetic analysis based on mtDNA control region sequences provided a higher resolution for species identification. By sampling market products from four countries, we found the presence of two species of redfish (S. norvegicus and S. mentella) and one unidentified Pacific rockfish marketed in Europe. Furthermore, public databases revealed the existence of inaccurate reference sequences, likely stemming from species misidentification from previous studies, which currently hinders the efficacy of DNA methods for the identification of Sebastes market samples

    Excreted thiocyanate detects live reef fishes illegally collected using cyanide: a non-invasive and non-destructive testing approach

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    Cyanide fishing is a method employed to capture marine fish alive on coral reefs. They are shipped to markets for human consumption in Southeast Asia, as well as to supply the marine aquarium trade worldwide. Although several techniques can be used to detect cyanide in reef fish, there is still no testing method that can be used to survey the whole supply chain. Most methods for cyanide detection are time-consuming and require the sacrifice of the sampled fish. Thiocyanate anion (SCN(-)) is a metabolite produced by the main metabolic pathway for cyanide anion (CN(-)) detoxification. Our study employed an optical fiber (OF) methodology (analytical time 3.16 µg L(-1)) of SCN(-) in seawater. Given that marine fish exposed to cyanide excrete SCN(-) in the urine, elevated levels of SCN(-) present in the seawater holding live reef fish indicate that the surveyed specimens were likely exposed to cyanide. In our study, captive-bred clownfish (Amphiprion clarkii) pulse exposed for 60 s to either 12.5 or 25 mg L(-1) of CN(-) excreted up to 6.96±0.03 and 9.84±0.03 µg L(-1) of SCN(-), respectively, during the 28 days following exposure. No detectable levels of SCN(-) were recorded in the water holding control organisms not exposed to CN(-), or in synthetic seawater lacking fish. While further research is necessary, our methodology can allow a rapid detection of SCN(-) in the holding water and can be used as a screening tool to indicate if live reef fish were collected with cyanide.publishe

    Effect of pheromones on behavior of ictalurid catfish

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    Vita.The behavioral responses of channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) and black (I. melas), brown (I. nebulosus) and yellow bullhead (I. natalis) to pheromones were monitored. Channel catfish were significantly attracted to the water-borne oder on an immature female con-specific and exhibited a significant interaction between the donor's odor, sex of test fish and water flow. The odor was also efficiently localized without a differential in water flow by both channel catfish and brown bullhead. The above species were significantly attracted to their own substrate marks. The attraction of channel catfish to PVC tubes within species indicated preferences for their own residence tubes, plus attraction to the tube of conspecific. Male channel catfish, following exposure to conspecifics, recognized and avoided their substrate marks on tubes. Channel catfish exhibited a greater attraction to tubes of black bullheads than to the respective tubes of yellow and brown bullheads. Sexually mature black bullheads showed a strong immature fish of either sex. These data indicate recognition of different substrate marks according to sex, species and state of sexual maturity of the donors. The chemical cues may allow home site recognition and territorial marking. ..

    Seasonal population variation of ectoparasites and endohelminths of channel catfish in the Little Brazos River, Texas

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    Due to the character of the original source materials and the nature of batch digitization, quality control issues may be present in this document. Please report any quality issues you encounter to [email protected], referencing the URI of the item.Bibliography: leaves 82-90.Not availabl

    Adoption of cyanide fishing practice in Indonesia

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