712 research outputs found

    Victims’ experiences of learner challenging behaviour in primary schools in Phoenix, South Africa

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    Victims’ experiences of learner challenging behaviour in South African primary schools are an ongoing problem that is cause for concern, where additionally, the parents of the perpetrators are unapologetic, and defending their wrongdoing. In this scenario, there is little teachers can do to address ill-disciplined learners. In effect, teacher helplessness has further intensified the problem in primary schools. To establish the way in which the victims experience challenging behaviour, face-to-face semi-structured interviews were conducted with a sample of six learners (N = 6). Results indicate that the victims continuously suffer at the hands, and indeed the feet, of violent learners. Furthermore, as their cries go unheard, the problem remains persistent. Since schools have been failing to respond effectively to learner challenging behaviour, this article recommends immediate intervention by the Department of Basic Education (DBE) to offer a more constructive solution to this problem, one that will effect change and offer relief and protection to the victims. The article concludes that victims continue to suffer, with little or no safeguarding from teachers. Future research ought to include the role of teachers in safeguarding learners against learner victimisation and challenging behaviour in primary schools.Keywords: behaviour; experiences; fear; impact; learner wellbeing; primary schools; victim

    Pancreatic cancer patient survival correlates with DNA methylation of pancreas development genes.

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    DNA methylation is an epigenetic mark associated with regulation of transcription and genome structure. These markers have been investigated in a variety of cancer settings for their utility in differentiating normal tissue from tumor tissue. Here, we examine the direct correlation between DNA methylation and patient survival. We find that changes in the DNA methylation of key pancreatic developmental genes are strongly associated with patient survival

    Tingkat Kesulitan dan Daya Beda Butir Soal Ujian Akhir Semester Matakuliah Penelitian Pendidikan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk tingkat kesulitan dan daya beda butir soal ujian akhir semester mata kuliah Penelitian Pendidikan. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Penelitian dilakukan pada mahasiswa PJKR IKIP Budi Utomo angkatan 2020 sebanyak 40 mahasiswa. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan berupa tes dengan bentuk soal tes pilihan ganda sebanyak 50 butir soal. Penelitian yang telah dilakukan, menunjukkan sebanyak 29 butir soal atau sebanyak 58% butir soal dinyatakan valid dan sebanyak 21 butir soal atau sebanyak 42% butir soal dinyatakan tidak valid dengan kriteria sangat reliabel. Tingkat kesulitan butir soal termasuk dalam kategori kurang baik karena komposisi soal tidak berimbang yang dimana butir soal yang masuk kategori mudah sebanyak 24%, kategori sedang sebanyak 52% dan kategori sulit sebanyak 0%. Daya beda butir soal 46% masuk kategori sangat baik, 18% masuk dalam kategori baik, 2% masuk kategori sedang, dan 34% masuk kategori tidak baik

    Pengaruh Olahraga Elektronik terhadap Prestasi Belajar Siswa

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    The emergence of electronic sports provides opportunities for all levels of society to participate in competitive sports. Apart from that, electronic sports also have a negative impact on children's growth and development which, if not properly handled, will have an impact on students' learning achievements. The aim of this research is to determine the effect of electronic sports on student learning outcomes. The research method is comparative research with a quantitative approach. The research sample was 20 class VII students and 20 class VIII students. The instruments used in this research were questionnaires and documents. Data analysis was carried out using a simple regression test. The research results found that electronic sports had a negative influence on student learning outcomes. The research conclusion is that electronic sports have a negative impact on children's development if done excessively, especially learning outcomes

    Penyuluhan Kenakalan Remaja Pada Siswa Mts Islamiyah Sukopuro Jabung Sebagai Bentuk Kepedulian Terhadap Masa Depan Generasi Bangsa

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    Penyuluhan kenakalan remaja pada siswa MTs Islamiyah Sukopuro Jabung Kabupaten Malang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup siswa yang menginjak usia remaja. Usia remaja merupakan usia yang paling rentan terhadap dampak buruk pergaulan disekitar mereka, diantaranya penyalahgunaan narkotika, hubungan seks di luar nikah, pembulian dan tawuran. Metode pengabdian masyarakat berupa penyuluhan secara langsung ke sekolah target dan bekerja sama dengan beberapa instansi, yaitu Pemerintah Desa jabung, MTs Islamiyah Sukopuro Jabung dan Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat (PKM) kecamatan Tirtoyudo. Beberapa materi yang disampaikan pada kegiatan penyuluhan adalah macam-macam kenakalan remaja, efek buruk yang akan di rasakan ketika masuk kedalam kenakalan remaja dan cara menghindari kenakalan remaja. Setelah mengikuti kegiatan penyuluhan, siswa MTs Islamiyah Sukopuro Jabung diharapkan mampu menyikapi imbas kemajuan era globalisasi yang membawa dampak buruk bagi mereka yang tidak mampu memilah hal yang baik. Mereka diharapkan mampu mengaplikasikan hasil penyuluhan dalam diri mereka agar menjadi generasi penerus yang berkualitas unggul

    Effect of Push-Up And Pull-Up on Shot Put In Men's Athletics Extracurricular Member of Mts Darul Ulum Purwodadi

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the difference in the effect of push-ups and pull-ups exercises on the increase in shot put. This type of research using experimental research with the population is a member of the son ektrakuriler athletics MTs. Darul Ulum Purwodadi totaling 30 children. While the sample of this study was taken as a whole or can be said to be the total sampling, and the way of sampling or division of the sample by way of dividing the first two students based on the serial number absent for absent one to fifteen push-ups and sixteen to thirty pull-ups. Data analysis using SPSS V.26 which of the results of push-up and Pull-up exercises can have a positive effect on the ability of the bullet with a significance value less than 0.05 so that Ho (null hypothesis) is rejected and Ha is accepted and the provision of push-up and pull-up exercises in the ability of the bullet can have a positive effect on the ability of the bullet because the significance value is greater than 0.005 , so Ho (null hypothesis) is accepted and Ha is rejected. based on t-test data both exercises are push-ups 0.064 while pull-Ups 0.065, so there is no difference between the effect of pull-ups and push-ups.The purpose of this study was to determine the difference in the effect of push-ups and pull-ups exercises on the increase in shot put. This type of research using experimental research with the population is a member of the son ektrakuriler athletics MTs. Darul Ulum Purwodadi totaling 30 children. While the sample of this study was taken as a whole or can be said to be the total sampling, and the way of sampling or division of the sample by way of dividing the first two students based on the serial number absent for absent one to fifteen push-ups and sixteen to thirty pull-ups. Data analysis using SPSS V.26 which of the results of push-up and Pull-up exercises can have a positive effect on the ability of the bullet with a significance value less than 0.05 so that Ho (null hypothesis) is rejected and Ha is accepted and the provision of push-up and pull-up exercises in the ability of the bullet can have a positive effect on the ability of the bullet because the significance value is greater than 0.005 , so Ho (null hypothesis) is accepted and Ha is rejected. based on t-test data both exercises are push-ups 0.064 while pull-Ups 0.065, so there is no difference between the effect of pull-ups and push-ups

    Kelayakan Buku Ajar Mata Kuliah Belajar dan Pembelajaran Berbantuan Modular Object Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment (MOODLE))

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    The purpose of this research is to determine the feasibility of textbooks based on the Modular Object Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment (MOODLE) at the virtual personal server (VPS) address: The research method used is descriptive quantitative research methods. The data collection instruments used questionnaires and observations. Furthermore, descriptive data analysis was carried out. Success is measured using a content activity design standard. Feasibility is reviewed from technical standards, content standards and visual content standards. The technical standard scored 82.5% in the very feasible category. Content and content standards scored 82% in the very feasible category and visual design standards scored 77.32% with the feasible category

    Relationship of Physical Fitness Level to Student Achievement Junior High School PGRI 08 Malang

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    Physical fitness and learning achievement is something that can not be separated, so it is necessary to do research to find out how far the relationship between the level of physical freshness to learning achievement. The test instrument uses the Indonesian physical fitness test which consists of five Tests, including the 50m running test, pull up test, sit up test, upright jump test, 1000m running test for men and 800m for women, while achievement data is taken from student Report Card values. The selected research subjects were seventh grade students of SMP PGRI 08 Malang as many as 15 people. The results showed that there is a significant relationship between the level of physical freshness with learning achievement with a coefficient (r2) obtained at 0.418 which means that physical freshness contributes 41.8% to student achievement, and the remaining 58.2% is influenced by other factors

    El socio equivocado: el realismo periférico y la Política Exterior de Defensa Argentina hacia China y Estados Unidos entre 2005 y 2015

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    Nos enfrentamos a un contexto internacional inestable, condicionado por un declive relativo del poder norteamericano, sobre todo en el ĂĄmbito econĂłmico. Este escenario de creciente multipolaridad genera tensiones e incertidumbre en los paĂ­ses perifĂ©ricos a la hora de diseñar su polĂ­tica exterior. En este trabajo se presenta un anĂĄlisis de las relaciones bilaterales en el ĂĄmbito de la defensa que la Argentina tuvo con Estados Unidos y con China en el periodo 2005-2015, para identificar las consecuencias empĂ­ricas de las acciones argentinas en ambos casos. A partir del marco conceptual del realismo perifĂ©rico, se analizan aspectos relacionados con el comercio de armas, los prĂ©stamos para la defensa, los ejercicios conjuntos y la capacitaciĂłn de personal. Las conclusiones indican que, en un mundo donde la unipolaridad norteamericana en tĂ©rminos militares es aĂșn indiscutible, la polĂ­tica argentina de alineamiento con China y de confrontaciĂłn con los Estados Unidos en materia de Seguridad Internacional trajo pocos beneficios y mĂșltiples consecuencias para el paĂ­s en materia de Defensa.We live in an unstable international context, characterized by a relative decline of American power, primarily in the economic sphere. This scenario of growing multi-polarity produces tensions and uncertainty in peripheral countries at the time of developing their foreign policy. This work presents an analysis of the bilateral relationships in the defense sphere that Argentina had with the United States and with China in the period 2005 - 2015, to identify the empirical consequences of Argentinian actions in each case. Based on the conceptual framework of peripheral realism, we analyze aspects related to arms trades, loans on defense, joint exercises and training of personnel. The conclusions indicate that, in a world where US unipolarity in military terms is still indisputable, Argentina’s policy of alignment with China and confrontation with the United States in matters of international security represented few benefits and multiple consequences for the country in terms of its defense agenda.Fil: Álvarez Magañini, Victoria. Universidad Argentina de la Empresa; ArgentinaFil: Rubbi, Lautaro Nahuel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas; Argentina. Universidad Argentina de la Empresa. Secretaria Academica y de Investigacion. Instituto de Ciencias Sociales y Disciplinas Proyectuales.; Argentin

    Violenza domestica: quali competenze e conoscenze dell’infermiere in emergenza?

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    Il fenomeno della violenza domestica e le condotte di approccio a questo problema assumono una particolare rilevanza sia sociale che sanitaria. Lo scopo della ricerca Ăš quello di misurare le conoscenze e le competenze degli infermieri che prestano servizio nelle realtĂ  operative di ED (Emergenza Dipartimento) rispetto alla gestione in urgenza della donna che ha subito violenza domestica. E’ stato effettuato uno studio osservazionale trasversale che ha coinvolto gli infermieri del servizio di emergenza intraospedaliera (EDI) e Extraospedaliera (EDE) in tre ambiti territoriali afferenti ad una Azienda Sanitaria del nord Italia. Il campione Ăš di tipo non probabilistico. Il questionario scelto Ăš stato Help– Knowledge and Attitudes of Gender – Based Violence. Si evidenzia un risultato con un range di risposte corrette che vanno dal 72,6% al 99%. La comparazione fra gli infermieri dell’EDE e quelli dell’EDI ha evidenziato una maggiore comprensione del fenomeno dell’IPV (Intimate Partner Violence) da parte di questi ultimi; ciĂČ con molta probabilitĂ  puĂČ essere dovuto, da un lato, al fatto che i secondi possiedono piĂč strumenti e tempo per riconoscere i segni di maltrattamento, mentre la donna, dall’altro, ha la possibilitĂ  di ricercare maggiore empatia, un sostegno psicologico e una guida ai servizi che possano aiutare la propria famiglia. Le correlazioni provano, inoltre, una notevole sensibilitĂ  che il personale di ED ha sulle diverse tipologie di maltrattamenti, non solo fisiche, ma anche psicologiche, economiche e sessuali. Con molta probabilitĂ  tali conoscenze sono legate all’esperienza sul campo in quanto il 56,6% (n=56) del campione ha un’anzianitĂ  di servizio che va dagli 11 ai 30 anni. Le phĂ©nomĂšne de la violence conjugale et les diffĂ©rentes approches Ă  ce problĂšme sont particuliĂšrement importants sur les plans social et sanitaire. Le but de cette recherche est d’évaluer les compĂ©tences et les connaissances des infirmiers travaillant aux services d’urgence (ED) et qui assurent la prise en charge des femmes victimes de violence conjugale. Une Ă©tude par observation a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e impliquant les infirmiers des services d’urgence intrahospitaliers (EDI) et extrahospitaliers (EDE) de trois territoires liĂ©s Ă  une unitĂ© de soins du nord de l’Italie. Il s’agissait d’un Ă©chantillon non probabiliste et le questionnaire choisi Ă©tait le Help–Knowledge and Attitudes of Gender–Based Violence. Le rĂ©sultat a Ă©tĂ© globalement positif et les rĂ©ponses correctes allait de 72,6 % Ă  99 % selon les questions. La comparaison entre infirmiers de l’EDE et de l’EDI a montrĂ© que ces derniers ont une meilleure connaissance du phĂ©nomĂšne de la violence d’un partenaire intime (IPV – Intimate Partner Violence) par rapport aux premiers. Cela est peut-ĂȘtre dĂ» au fait que, d’un cĂŽtĂ©, les infirmiers EDI ont davantage d’outils et de temps pour reconnaĂźtre les signes d’abus, tandis que la femme, de l’autre, a la possibilitĂ© de recevoir davantage d’empathie, un soutien psychologique et un guide aux services du territoire pour aider sa famille. En outre, les corrĂ©lations dĂ©montrent que le personnel ED est trĂšs conscient des diffĂ©rentes formes de maltraitance, qui ne concernent pas seulement le cadre physique, mais aussi les domaines psychologiques, Ă©conomiques et sexuels. Il est fort probable que ces connaissances soient liĂ©es Ă  leur expĂ©rience car 56,6 % des personnes interrogĂ©es travaillent dans ce secteur depuis au moins 11 ans. The phenomenon of domestic violence and the different approaches to this are especially important both from a social and health point of view. The aim of the survey is to measure the skills and knowledge of the nurses who work in Emergency Departments providing medical care to women who are victims of domestic violence. An observational study was implemented involving the nurses of the Intra-hospital Emergency Services (EDI) and of the Extra-hospital Emergency Services (EDE) of three territories linked to a Northern Italian healthcare unit. The sample is a non-probabilistic one. The title of the administered questionnaire is Help-Knowledge and Attitudes of Gender–Based Violence. There was a positive result overall with a range of correct answers ranging from 72.6% to 99% depending on the question. The comparison between EDE and EDI nurses showed a better understanding of the IPV phenomenon (Intimate Partner Violence) amongst the latter. This may be due to the fact, on the one hand, that EDI nurses have more tools and time in order to recognize the signs of abuse, while women, using the other services, have the possibility to get more empathy and psychological support along with information about assistance provided by territorial services available for families. Correlations demonstrate, moreover, that EDI staff have a strong awareness of the various kinds of abuse, not only physical but also psychological, economical and sexual ones. This particular knowledge is most likely linked to their experience because 56.6% of respondents have been working in this field for 11 to 30 years
